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May 13th, 2017, 20:47
I would be interested to hear about posters' experience with Bi-Sexual Thai boys.
I have been with a few in my time but I usually got the impression that they wanted to be somewhere else, not that I blame them for that.
With gays I feel more at ease (unless they're the queenie type) and I have no problem at all with straight guys because I know the outcome (and in-put) in advance.
Can bi-boys be keepers?

May 14th, 2017, 03:28
I can't recall meeting or hooking up with a bi-boy. Always gay or straight.
Since straight boys can be a keeper than don't see why a bi-boy would not be.

May 14th, 2017, 05:19
I would be interested to hear about posters' experience with Bi-Sexual Thai boys.
I have been with a few in my time but I usually got the impression that they wanted to be somewhere else, not that I blame them for that.
With gays I feel more at ease (unless they're the queenie type) and I have no problem at all with straight guys because I know the outcome (and in-put) in advance.
Can bi-boys be keepers?

It mostly depends on the chemistry between you and the boy, gay boy may wants to be somewhere else if he doesn't like you . I never took a straight boy it seems odd to me to be with someone that clearly feels uncomfortable with whole situation.

May 14th, 2017, 07:25
in the vast majority of cases in Thailand a keeper is only a keeper as long as you pay enough...but if he's straight then occasionally he's gonna want pussy and I mean the real stuff nit your flabby old man one....so if u can live with that I guess its a go.
I've had the pleasure of enjoying gay and supposedly straight (guess if he has a wife and several kids that should make him at a minimum bi oif not straight) guys...sex has been good with both...but I do prefer straight guys as I dont enjoy queenie girly behaviour...and straight guys are in it for the cash..its a job.....willing to accomodate my requests...

May 14th, 2017, 07:30
...and boy69...what has like got to do with it...dont u know that as long as cash comes out of atm...then mb straight or not will love atm???

May 14th, 2017, 08:10
Boy69: You are quite quite wrong about straight boys feeling uncomfortable with the situation. They are extremely relaxed and happily chat about this and that while having a coffee or beer between bouts of sexual activity. Much more so than gay boys who are often hissy, prissy, prancing and annoying. Straight boys understand that none of it is real and virtually all of them are looking to have a pleasant time with you.

May 14th, 2017, 21:40
I will feel very uncomfortable to have sex with stright boys ,it's simply discussing me to have sex with someone that clearly doesn't want it .maybe I am old-fashioned ☺

May 14th, 2017, 22:09
Boy69, even straight boyz like sex ! My straight Boyfriend loves me to take care of him and release his pent up emotions. :mocking_mini:

May 14th, 2017, 22:47
I'm with BOY69 on this. I'd never knowingly have sex with a straight guy....a traditionally English tendency towards embarrassment demands that my partners may not find me personallyattractive but at least they don't find my practices disgusting or comic in themselves. As far as "bisexual" guys are concerned, I'm not convinced that such a description is very helpful. If the guy enjoys sex with a male, then he is gay , even if he sometimes (sadly) chooses not to be.

May 14th, 2017, 22:47
Eros and Nice Boys are good places to start if you would like to sample a straight boy. Most of the boys in those bars are straight and I can't remember the last time I had a disappointing off from either. In fact both will usually have an excellent selection of rather handsome boys who will take very good care of you. This, of course is dependent on you treating them nicely and paying the going rate. So don't take any notice of ANYTHING Latin tells you because everything he says is crap with regards to straight boys in Pattaya.

May 15th, 2017, 02:19
arseTroll u must have a really elastic definition of straight if u classify most of the boys in eros as being straight....

May 15th, 2017, 05:44
This is my experience also with straight boys who are "in the trade".
I know many who are married to wives who know what they do and sometimes it's obvious that they enjoy the chance to get some beer, have a chat and earns some money away from them even it's with an old farang.
I'm rarely on edge with straights unless they get drunk or have taken crazy medicine.

May 15th, 2017, 09:23
I have never been attracted to a gay guy in L.O.S. as most seem to think they must appear femine. I love straight guys as an alternative and am surprised how many happily will bottom, they also are less inclined to like drama.

May 15th, 2017, 11:54
I have never been with a straight in L.O.S. ,I found quite a few young lovely gays with no femine look at all whom usually stayed with me most of my vacation there on long term basis, short time with stright is really looks very odd experience to me.

May 15th, 2017, 13:53
How often do you see a guy who is unmistakably gay in Babylon? Most of the gay guys I've known in Thailand- and particularly my boyfriend- pass for straight. The femme guys are restricted to a small number of bars. In fact , as far as I can recall because I don't often visit the bars nowadays-only Cupidol and perhaps Dream Boys have more than a couple. I'd guess that there are more in the host bars.

May 15th, 2017, 20:10
How often do you see a guy who is unmistakably gay in Babylon? Most of the gay guys I've known in Thailand- and particularly my boyfriend- pass for straight. The femme guys are restricted to a small number of bars. In fact , as far as I can recall because I don't often visit the bars nowadays-only Cupidol and perhaps Dream Boys have more than a couple. I'd guess that there are more in the host bars. Unfortunately for that thesis I was in Isaan over the weekend, principally to visit the Yasothon Rocket Festival. However on Saturday night we went to a village where one of the more popular Isaan music gigs was on. There were scores - possibly well over a hundred or two - Isaan gay boys and lady boys from the surrounding district having a great time - and their sexuality was evident to all

May 15th, 2017, 20:38
Unfortunately for that thesis I was in Isaan over the weekend, principally to visit the Yasothon Rocket Festival. However on Saturday night we went to a village where one of the more popular Isaan music gigs was on. There were scores - possibly well over a hundred or two - Isaan gay boys and lady boys from the surrounding district having a great time - and their sexuality was evident to all

The point here maybe we only notice the fem boys as gay as the others blend into the crowd.

May 16th, 2017, 07:11
I have never been attracted to a gay guy in L.O.S. as most seem to think they must appear femine. I love straight guys as an alternative and am surprised how many happily will bottom, they also are less inclined to like drama.
I agree with MFAS on the (surprising) willingness of many straight guys to bottom.
But there's a simple explanation;
They must provide a service to the customer who's often not alone male... but old, fat and male.
In this circumstance they simply cannot get it UP so their only option is to lie DOWN.

May 16th, 2017, 08:23
...or another reason is cash!!! They make more in a few days then they would in a 7-11/construction site. I love the way most straight guys are very matter of fact about it...its a job...

May 16th, 2017, 09:02
Sexual Deviant Latin wrote:
"arseTroll u must have a really elastic definition of straight if u classify most of the boys in eros as being straight...."

How would you know, you don't off boys from boys but only use apps. Apparently!

And he also wrote:
"...or another reason is cash!!! They make more in a few days then they would in a 7-11/construction site. I love the way most straight guys are very matter of fact about it...its a job... "

That is absolutely correct although this point has been mentioned many times so let's not ascribe any great insight on the part of old SDL.

May 16th, 2017, 11:30
arseTroll just because I rarely off boys from a bar doesnt mean I cant walk into one...take a seat...order a beer...peruse the goods on offer....goods that are doing their best to display their goods...select one...and then proceed to explore his every nook and cranny while I enjoy my beer....naturally I gotta buy him a drink and naturally I gotta tip him for his time...and yes I know that all u genius mathematicians will crow..." but for a little more one could order one off grindr"....but thats not the point...I enjoy the public nature of the whole evening...boy is there on public display for my pleasure...and for others to observe me sticking half my hand up there...while he maintains a smile...
Now try harder next time...

May 16th, 2017, 11:44
Sexual Devian wrote:
Look at me...LOOK at me...LOOK AT ME.

May 16th, 2017, 16:26
...good boy...nice u r paying attention...

May 16th, 2017, 16:39
Ah yes. Attention. Something you recently accused a447 of being desperate for. And yet......

May 16th, 2017, 16:57
...oh sincere apologies Troll...maybe I should have been clearer...look at me as in " look at me toying with a mb"....
...anyway enuf of this silly to & fro...gets tiring after a while...came across this article..rather pertinent... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/straight-men-who-receive-anal-sex-your-anus-doesnt_us_59160285e4b0bd90f8e6a4dd

May 16th, 2017, 17:58
Sexual Deviant lives up to his name by writing.
"...look at me as in " look at me toying with a mb"...."

Oh yes. Doing it in front of the Eros crowd. You are absolutely fabulous and to be admired.

May 16th, 2017, 18:51
I cant walk into one...take a seat...order a beer...peruse the goods on offer....goods that are doing their best to display their goods...select one...and then proceed to explore his every nook and cranny while I enjoy my beer....naturally I gotta buy him a drink and naturally I gotta tip him for his time...and

Given that you have failed on many occasions to accurately describe the guys or the layout of Eros, I'm guessing you took a seat and then immediately got up and walked out again. Obviously no time for any of those antics.

Had you stayed longer, you'd know that there are no screens in Eros where you can take a guy behind for some fun. Also, the guys don't wear shorts, nor do they need encouragement to get down and dirty with customers. Certainly no need to slap them on the arse to get them going, as you once told us.

Remember? I can post the links again if you want.

May 17th, 2017, 02:37
nice...a447 has crept out from under his rock....

May 19th, 2017, 00:45
How many actually ask if the latest off is gay or straight ? If he's cute, friendly, can hold a conversation & is willing to do as asked, that's enough for me.

May 19th, 2017, 02:52
oh..I do like to ask/check. Adds to the fun, but agree that its not vital info.

May 19th, 2017, 20:18
Of course it's not vital information anyway you don't care much about the boys.

May 20th, 2017, 08:44
thats the sort of flippant comment that gets me totally annoyed...u should know by now that I dont want to marry the MB, Im not interested in an emotional connection...I dont care about his life story, or whether he's supporting a whole village with the aid of his butt... all I wanna do is rent his body for a hour or two and use it.....once I've emptied my balls he must go...bit like a rental car...once I'm at the destination its like return to owner...not interested in the long term maintenance...

May 20th, 2017, 15:43
I suppose that there are also some MBs who don't give a damn about providing a good service; who, if they see a few hundred baht lying about when the falang takes a shower, will put it in their pocket. Or perhaps, if hotel/apartment security is lax, take a chance on that i-phone, or lap-top. Or won't bother to shower properly before sex or refrain from working when afflicted by anal warts etc.
If one party in the transaction is totally devoid of respect for the other, I hope he accepts that the other has every right to screw him (figuratively) for everything he can get. Fair's fair. Of course, my twenty years experience in this game suggests that this sort of behaviour from Thai MBs is astonishingly rare....in fact, nothing like that has ever happened to me. I have a suspicion that encounters that are characterised by human warmth and respect are a good deal more enjoyable than those that are blighted by selfishness and contempt.

May 20th, 2017, 16:54
oh yay...mother theresa isnt dead after all....oliver if i wanted to care I'd marry the silly fucker...

May 20th, 2017, 16:59
...and respect really.....they aren't your friends or your lover or your partner...they sell themselves by the hour..get with the program....respect really...standing on a stage in underwear jiggling their assets...giggle...

May 20th, 2017, 23:25
I'm sure that, had you been born in rural Thailand, the sixth of a family of seven, and had wanted to make some money to enjoy the things in life that twenty year-olds enjoy (not to mention obeying the sacred duty to support Mama and Papa), you'd have proved yourself a successful entrepreneur and made millions of baht by using your undoubted (and huge) intelligence. Not for you a life bent double ten hours a day in a paddy field, or "plooming" (thanks for that word, Arsenal) on a podium in Sunee. No, you'd have arrived in Pattaya (like my boyfriend did with, 200 bht in his pocket) and made a mint without having to lower yourself to the level of a sex-worker.
Genetic superiority over these poor Thai yokels? Intelligence? or personally blessed by the Lord Buddha? Who knows?
By the way, my hairdresser isn't my lover either, nor my friend. But I pay him, trip him appropriately and treat him with respect.

May 21st, 2017, 03:06
oliver looks like we are on the same page...your words..."lower yourself to the level of a sex worker"........
...oh and please do keep religion out of it too....

May 21st, 2017, 14:26
Serves me right for a clumsy attempt at sarcasm.

May 21st, 2017, 18:01
no..u were just being frank and honest...rather refreshing.....a whore is a whore no matter how u dress it up...

May 21st, 2017, 22:09
If even 10% of the ridiculous fantasies and behaviour Poxxxy has posted about over the years was true he'd have ended up on the receiving end of a good stabbing long before now

May 22nd, 2017, 02:34
oh what a wasted life u lead scottyboy....constrained by fear and modesty...to date I have very few regrets..and have had the immense pleasure of playing out my sexual fantasies...oh what a confused skirt wearing yokel...believing that a mb is an equal, as in your lover/partner/friend...mb is there to be used to give you the paying customer satisfaction...mow remember 1+1=2...and not 11

May 22nd, 2017, 03:00
....but we've had this animated discussion in the past...and the so called definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...clearly my viewpoint concerning a mb differs from yours and thats what makes life interesting...imagine if we were all like u and liked beige...no reds, blues, lilacs...

May 22nd, 2017, 16:03
It's not a matter of whether I like beige or screaming crimson, it's a matter of treating people you meet with respect irrespective of their occupation or social standing.

That's something that you (like most right-wing reactionaries) have no conception of.

Your entire (imaginary) life seems to be an homage to money and power - of which I suspect you actually have neither.

May 22nd, 2017, 16:13
Considering Sexual Deviant Latin doesn't give a fuck if a few hundred Palestinian children are gunned down by his beloved Israeli army it's a bit of an ask to expect him to care about money boys.

May 22nd, 2017, 16:22
...oh fdear Lord...not the flipping paleterrorists again....those professional victims...

May 22nd, 2017, 17:28
Seventy years practice of being victimised makes them professionals..1948 to 2017.

May 22nd, 2017, 19:44
The idea of a Zionist like Poxxxy (who insists he's not actually a Jew) accusing any other group of being "professional victims" is taking irony to a whole new level.

May 23rd, 2017, 02:39
seventy years...only?!?!...try 2000...see its easy to be a victim...only diff is the jews pick themselves up and turn a crappy piece of desert into an economic powehouse and gay oasis....whilst their oil soaked neighbours throw queers off buildings...oh what friends u lot have

May 23rd, 2017, 05:28
How much of an "economic powerhouse" would Israel be were it not for the fact it's bankrolled by America

May 23rd, 2017, 07:59
arab countries also get major economic help...like egypt...and they are still a shit hole (no offense intended towards shit)...and they still throw queers off buildings...u r so one eyed u refuse to see whats on front of u until they take over your country and make u bend to their rules....sleep walkers...

May 23rd, 2017, 08:02
..just noticed...comment was from scotty...the alabama of the UK...the greece of the UK...oxymoron...scotland and financial advice...oh what a laugh...suggest u go visit paleterrorist and see how accepting they are of pillow biters...dumbass...

May 23rd, 2017, 09:46
Latin porn.


May 23rd, 2017, 13:36
fake news...alternative facts....
Always have a good laugh...poor innocent paleterrorist children shot...meanwhile they are running around like feral dogs throwing rocks at soldiers...where r the parents..like what response do they expect...

May 23rd, 2017, 14:06
A child with a rock verses a soldier with a Kalashnikov. Who wins? Impossible to call, such an even match.

May 23rd, 2017, 14:35
The Israeli soldiers I meet at the checkpoints are callow youths, forever on the phone to Mummy. It's true that I see sometimes acts of conspicuous courage (sic) when they attack locals....but they usually choose the under fourteen year-olds or over sixties.
In Hebron, the troops aren't conscripts but the professional Golani Brigade; religious fundamentalists. They are a bunch of thugs. They can be seen in all their glory on Youtube.The Israelis occupying the centre of Hebron (US immigrants) are noted for their slogan when attacking Christians; "We killed Jesus and we'll kill you." Watch them on Youtube too. Palpably insane.

There are other regular troops in the iDF. These were the ones that attempted to defeat Hezbollah when they invaded Lebanon a few years ago. Unfortunately for them, Hezbollah had modern weapons, rather than the stones the Palestinian kids have....and they ran away.

May 23rd, 2017, 14:53
..ok arsetroll...so if it was a fairer fight like during the 6 day war u would be happy...like even it up...a gazzilion arabs against 2 jews...get a few jews killed too...so it annoys u...that the jews r too clever ...
..oliver u r a fool...wait until that lot take over your country and throw u off a building...unless u r one of them so u will just self throw off a building...

May 23rd, 2017, 15:01
congrats....the future is here....


May 23rd, 2017, 15:01
If Poxxxy would just come clean instead of persisting in this utterly transparent charade of being some kind of "neutral" who (as can be seen from his penultimate post) is clearly almost frothing at the mouth about something that he's allegedly a disinterested party in.................

"Rabbi Poxxx" even has a certain ring to it.

Come out the closet Poxxxy, be a mensch, you know you want to.

May 23rd, 2017, 15:16
...scotty now u expose your anti-semitism...nice....love it...no effort needed from my side.....

May 23rd, 2017, 15:17
...and i never pretended to be neutral...i certainly have no sympathy for professional victims....vagina mutilating ones too...

May 23rd, 2017, 16:29
Yet, as I've said before, being against "professional victims" really doesn't square with supporting the side you do.

You have illustrated that perfectly by accusing me of "anti-semitism" for merely questioning your motives.

If Surfcrest can see anything remotely anti-Semitic in my questioning your motives in espousing the position you do, then undoubtedly he'll remove my post - but I rather suspect it's all in your "professional victim" mind.

May 23rd, 2017, 17:48
...fool wait until they throw u off a building...

May 23rd, 2017, 17:58
"They"? Over my thirteen years of going back and forth to Palestine- every major town from Jenin to Jericho often travelling in busses with the locals, often alone - my sexuality has been accepted by my hosts without question.I wouldn't trust the fundamentalist Israeli settlers, nor the poorly brought-up soldiers who protect them..
It's very sad that people who rely on The Daily Express for their information are fed such nonsense, believe it....and then call others "fools".


May 23rd, 2017, 18:26
..fake news...dont believe u...bare faced lies...complete and utter crap...

May 23rd, 2017, 18:35

.......they would rather live in israel with the jews...imagine that...

May 23rd, 2017, 19:44
Froth Froth Snarl Snarl Gnash Gnash

For fuck sake man get a grip on yourself

May 23rd, 2017, 20:33
Scottish wrote:
"Rabbi Poxxx"

Now that is laugh out loud funny wordiness.

It seems to me that Rabbi Poxxx likes to treat his boys in exactly the same way the Israelis treat the Palestinians. IE: Psychotically. Perhaps his beloved Israeli army is made up of similar people to him.

May 23rd, 2017, 20:39
Scottish wrote:
Perhaps his beloved Israeli army is made up of similar people to him.

Oh purleez, now you're exaggerating. If that were true, the IDF would be the fattest and weakest army in the world and the Palestinians would walk over them.

May 23rd, 2017, 20:54
Seriously, I've seen quite a few of them IDF soldiers (fresh from their National Service?) holidaying in CM (I think they all stay at the same hotel?) and they are total hunks.

May 24th, 2017, 08:52
nah..scotty..u get a grip..its because loonies like oliver have swung so far to the crazy left that complete nutters like trump get voted in...hell even I'd vote for trump faced with an oiliver alternative.

May 24th, 2017, 14:11
Sorry, was it meant to surprise us that you'd vote for Trump?

May 24th, 2017, 15:33
no need to apologise..now u sound english with all the sorries...

May 24th, 2017, 15:52
Sorry, was it meant to surprise us that you'd vote for Trump?I'm not sure that I'd vote for Trump but I'd certainly fuck the son-in-law

May 24th, 2017, 17:43
u do know he's jewish :)