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View Full Version : Reubbing off on younger Thais / Laos?

May 12th, 2017, 04:32
Not sure how to begin this... Have you guys noticed your simple presence, personality, and attitude has changed youngers Thais? I've been with my BF 9 months now. For example, when we first met he never swore, and now every third word out of his mouth is "fuck" -- "fuck him", "fucken idiot", "what the fuck?", and so on.

That's not good. Geez dude, I'm an idiot, so please quit listening to me, kind of thing. Fucken hell, quit copying what I do, because I don't really know what the hell I'm doing. I guess I rubbed off on him in good ways too though, because he knows to give good tips now. You take care of them, they'll remeber it, and will always take good care of us when they see us, kind of thing.

Anyway, any experices you want to share, regarding how you inadvertently changed someone's mindset and persona

May 12th, 2017, 07:00
Anyway, any experices you want to share, regarding how you inadvertently changed someone's mindset and personaFrankly I can't recall fucking your current boyfriend and it's a matter of public record that your previous boyfriend fucked you over

May 12th, 2017, 07:03
The bf blames/credits me or his drinking habits! He never drank wine before knowing me and now he can't stop. Likewise he has developed a fondness for Western style food, the more expensive the better.

Luckily he never uses the f word simply because I never use it.

May 12th, 2017, 08:41
all i can say on the matter, i had a 750 euro parrot
all he diod was swear like a tooper
he even went futher than swearing
my parrot PACO, would cuaes a roit in na empty house.
so i dont think the problem is with them rather than you

May 12th, 2017, 09:37
all i can say on the matter, i had a 750 euro parrot
all he diod was swear like a tooper
he even went futher than swearing
my parrot PACO, would cuaes a roit in na empty house.
so i dont think the problem is with them rather than youLong term members may recall Hedda's pet budgie Monica

May 12th, 2017, 09:50
geez...matty boy...the thread title is really misleading...actually its 110% click bait....the lurid thoughts that crossed my mind as I eagerly clicked n it....

May 12th, 2017, 17:47
The bf blames/credits me or his drinking habits! He never drank wine before knowing me and now he can't stop. Likewise he has developed a fondness for Western style food, the more expensive the better.

Luckily he never uses the f word simply because I never use it.

Yeah, thankfully my guy doesn't even drink Coke or Pepsi, let alone alcohol. Once in a while at a restaurant he'll splurge and have an orange juice, but aside from that, he's happy with just water. Gotta admit, he's a good influence on me, because I drink more than enough for both of us.

He's started eating pasta, but I think that's mainly because I got pissed off at him enough times. :) If you want the shrimp or chicken in the pasta, then eat everything. Don't just pick out the shrump, and leave the pasta sitting in the fridge, as that's rude. Go cook your own shrump then, kind of thing. :)

May 12th, 2017, 18:17
The Thais swear a lot without us, but then usually in Thai. I understand, and it puts me off. What ugly words can come out of a cute boy's mouth! Sometimes it's so bad, I wouldn't put my dick in (a mouth that speaks so coarse).

I guess I rubbed off on him in good ways too though, because he knows to give good tips now. You take care of them, they'll remeber it, and will always take good care of us when they see us, kind of thing.

You mean tips in restaurants? Disregarding the question how a blind man pays, he would probably know better where and how much to tip.

As for who changes whom, I notice on myself that I adapt some Thai traits (and that's not meant in a positive way). I would say most Thais are resistant to advice and education and reasoning.

May 12th, 2017, 19:42
There is one reverse ruboff that's very common ie foreigners picking up pigeon English from Thais and then using it in conversation not alone with Thais but also with fellow foreigners.
I overheard a conversation between 2 native English speakers at a yaa dong bar recently.
It included phrases like this;
"She want to go to nightclub but I not go there because her friend that I offed already go there many time" and so on. These conversations are painful on the ears.
I have to admit though that I often speak like this to my Thai friends without realising it.

May 12th, 2017, 20:33
FarangRuMak, Almost sounds like Yoda Speak.(Farangrumak, like yoda speak almost sounds. )

For some fun use this "translator".


May 13th, 2017, 00:21
Chai-like yoda speak almost sounds because farang ru maaak mai dee.

May 13th, 2017, 02:22
You mean tips in restaurants? Disregarding the question how a blind man pays, he would probably know better where and how much to tip.

How does a blind guy pay? It's a pretty complicated process, but I'll do my best to step you through it.

1.) Hand wallet to boyfriend, tell him to pay.

End of steps. I know, very complicated. And no, if I left it up to him, he'd leave 20 baht tips here and there, if any tip at all. I tip well, because it helps, especially up somewhere like Khon Kean, because it's always the same people taking care of you. Whether it's a waitress, tuk-tuk driver, hairdresser, or whater, it's always the same people. If you tip generously, they will remember it, and take good care of you next time around.

As for who changes whom, I notice on myself that I adapt some Thai traits (and that's not meant in a positive way). I would say most Thais are resistant to advice and education and reasoning.

Quit being such a German. You Germans have this superiority complex to you that's bordering on insanity. I guess no real surprise though, considering you guys did start both world wars.

My father has 100% German blood, and I barely talk to him anymore, because having a rational discussion with him is impossible. The owners of this house are a Thai-German couple, they were recently here from Germany, and had the roof fixed due to a leak. A few days later after a couple rainstorms, he came by to check in on the roof. He said right to my face, "I don't care about you, I only care about the house". Real classy, eh?

Then again, he is German, and I'm blind and gay. If this was 74 years ago in Germany, I would have been shoved in the gas chambers twice just for that, so no real surprise.

Nirish guy
May 13th, 2017, 03:03
So, the moral of the story is that if you're a less than honest Thai / Laos boy find yourself a rich blind farang who believes and no in fact INSISTS on you tipping well. So the conversation in the bar goes something like this "hey XXX, be sure to leave a good tip, I want them to remember us, maybe say 500 baht" and there reply "OK sure Matt, I've just left that and the waiter is VERY happy' ( as the waiter goes away with his 100 baht tip and the boy pockets the difference - x multiplied by the 10 times a day x 7 days a week this then happens. nice little earner for the boy for sure ! :-)

May 13th, 2017, 03:18
So, the moral of the story is that if you're a less than honest Thai / Laos boy find yourself a rich blind farang who believes and no in fact INSISTS on you tipping well. So the conversation in the bar goes something like this "hey XXX, be sure to leave a good tip, I want them to remember us, maybe say 500 baht" and there reply "OK sure Matt, I've just left that and the waiter is VERY happy' ( as the waiter goes away with his 100 baht tip and the boy pockets the difference - x multiplied by the 10 times a day x 7 days a week this then happens. nice little earner for the boy for sure ! :-)

Oh, for fuck sakes.... Thanks for reminding me why I rarely post here anymore.

You do realize you just deeply insulted the person who saved my life, and has been taking care of me every single day since I went blind, right?

Whatever, fuck it... believe whatever you want.

May 13th, 2017, 05:22
matty boy...u dont deserve any sympathy...just because u r blind doesnt mean people gotta be nice to u...just deal with it......lotsa blind people out there living full lives....so move on...and after the way u attacked christian/germans u deserve even less sympathy...u may not be able to do anything about being blind...but u can do something about being a cunt...

Nirish guy
May 13th, 2017, 06:33
Ohhhhh a little touchy there perhaps Matt as I wasn't even talking or thinking about "your" guy particularly, just as I believe I said "any" Thai / Lao boy who happened to want to make a few quick bucks off a rich farang. But hey if you feel that's a little to close to home and fits your situation then there's nothing I can say about that.

May 13th, 2017, 08:08
Ohhhhh a little touchy there perhaps Matt as I wasn't even talking or thinking about "your" guy particularly, just as I believe I said "any" Thai / Lao boy who happened to want to make a few quick bucks off a rich farang. But hey if you feel that's a little to close to home and fits your situation then there's nothing I can say about that.

Don't pull a "Trump", and own up to your words. You insuinated my current BF is a low-life thief, and you know that.

Fuck off.... I would be literally dead right now if it wasn't for him. He's stuck by my side though. Trust me, taking care of a blind guy isn't easy.

May 13th, 2017, 09:01
I've always found Germans to be rather pleasant whenever I've met them. And without German money (and lots and lots and lots of it) Greece would be the new Ethiopia.

May 13th, 2017, 10:27
and Italy..and spain..and ireland...and portugal....and scotland...

Nirish guy
May 13th, 2017, 16:31
Don't pull a "Trump", and own up to your words. You insuinated my current BF is a low-life thief, and you know that.

Fuck off.... I would be literally dead right now if it wasn't for him. He's stuck by my side though. Trust me, taking care of a blind guy isn't easy.

No, I said EXACTLY what I said, don't try to put words in my mouth, I said "if you're a less than honest Thai / Laos boy" - that could be ANY boy and was intended to mean ANY boy - just like I said - same as I said "the boy pockets the difference" THE boy - not YOUR boy - If I meant to say YOUR boy is a a theiving cunt who's there stealing your tips that's EXACTLY what I'd of said and I'd of had no problem with that.

And my point remains - that as you say you're blind then how would / could you know if you were being robbed blind ( no pun intended) by A boy and that boy ( whoever he was) COULD be making a nice little earner out of hooking up with a blind farang it seems - I doubt that's actually true but from what you've said it certainly sounds like a distinct possibility.

Oh and PS ( and now I AM talking about your boy) if you blindly ( again no pun intended) trust some Lao farm boy with your entire worldly goods then good luck to you, you're not as smart then perhaps as you would like us to believe, mind you with your past record of how Asian guys roll you perhaps I shouldn't be too surprised about that's being blind how do you know you're NOT getting screwed, or is it that you're partially slighted now and not fully blind so you can see notes etc and see what's going on around you - I'm confused, which is it ?

May 13th, 2017, 21:30
You Germans have this superiority complex to you that's bordering on insanity. I guess no real surprise though, considering you guys did start both world wars.
Not replying could be misinterpreted as agreement, hence:
both world wars were the result of complex social, political and economical situations, and Germany as the looser was pronounced the culprit by the winners.

Germany suffered from the plague, was the playground for the Thirty Years' War, and thoroughly lost both world wars, and bounced back to world-class every time. What else than superiority can you feel?

May 13th, 2017, 21:52
I wouldn't take this theme any further Christian.

May 13th, 2017, 23:54
Germany suffered from the plague, was the playground for the Thirty Years' War, and thoroughly lost both world wars, and bounced back to world-class every time. What else than superiority can you feel?

Sounds something like the how the auto industry was kept alive in 2009 and 2010 when the world didn't see it in their best interest to keep that machine unplugged. In this new world, where it's America first and...How big is your military?...this may be problematic for a neutered Germany that has enjoyed prosperous times under the protection from the..."winners". Take it from our pals in the Korean Peninsula right now who've started to sweat...and remember how close the Ukraine is away from you.

I think it's amazing what cdnmatt is talking about with the positive changes he's made and no doubt Thai boys have helped us improve ourselves and our lives. Once upon a time I used to drink quite a bit more than I do today and some of that was influenced by a young man I traveled around the country with a dozen years ago or so...I started feeling so much better I've given drinking up completely (I may have a few beers each year now).

My earlier attempts to help Thais was to buy them things and each and every time was a complete failure.


May 14th, 2017, 08:16
No, I said EXACTLY what I said, don't try to put words in my mouth, I said "if you're a less than honest Thai / Laos boy" - that could be ANY boy and was intended to mean ANY boy - just like I said - same as I said "the boy pockets the difference" THE boy - not YOUR boy - If I meant to say YOUR boy is a a theiving cunt who's there stealing your tips that's EXACTLY what I'd of said and I'd of had no problem with that.

And my point remains - that as you say you're blind then how would / could you know if you were being robbed blind ( no pun intended) by A boy and that boy ( whoever he was) COULD be making a nice little earner out of hooking up with a blind farang it seems - I doubt that's actually true but from what you've said it certainly sounds like a distinct possibility.

Oh and PS ( and now I AM talking about your boy) if you blindly ( again no pun intended) trust some Lao farm boy with your entire worldly goods then good luck to you, you're not as smart then perhaps as you would like us to believe, mind you with your past record of how Asian guys roll you perhaps I shouldn't be too surprised about that's being blind how do you know you're NOT getting screwed, or is it that you're partially slighted now and not fully blind so you can see notes etc and see what's going on around you - I'm confused, which is it ?

You know, I woke up feeling a little bad, because I thought I was a little too harsh. I was going to apologize, because it's not the mistakes you make in this life, but how you handle them afterwards, and I'm more than big enough of a man to apologize for my mistakes.

Then I read that reply. Fuck me...

You know full well what you said. Instead of backing up, and pologizing for insuitating my BF is some low-life thief, you pulled another Trump and doubled down on it. Stay class there, big guy.

You do realize I will defend him thooth and nail, right? I owe him my life, and I'm not joking when I say that. No, he doesn't steal. Why would he? I take excellent care of him, and has improved his life 10 fold from what it previously was. He's not going to fuck that up over a few thousand baht.

May 14th, 2017, 08:32
You do realize I will defend him thooth and nail, right?Yes we learnt that from your posts about the last one, right up until turned to shit

May 14th, 2017, 08:40
Yeah, this one is different though. Third time lucky I guess, eh? Had my farang husband, then Kim, and now Leo. I'm pretty confident this one will last.

May 14th, 2017, 08:44
Matt wrote:
" I'm pretty confident this one will last."

I imagine Captain Edward Smith said something similar.

May 14th, 2017, 16:22
I cannot believe that there are still people on this board who believe that cdnmatt is blind. That must be the most nonsensical sob story I've ever read on any board. But his imaginary boyfriend comes across as a nice guy. Maybe I can borrow him for a day to rub off on him.

May 14th, 2017, 16:23
It's not just Thais.

In the office, I notice people start copying each other's behaviour. Including older people copying younger people.

May 14th, 2017, 16:48
I'm not going to bother getting into another bullshit internet fight over some recent replies, so back to the OP.

Another way I've realized I've rubbed off on him is he now uses reusable shopping bags all the time. Awesome! Thais love their plastic bags WAY too much. :)

Nirish guy
May 14th, 2017, 17:02
Yeah, this one is different though. Third time lucky I guess, eh? Had my farang husband, then Kim, and now Leo. I'm pretty confident this one will last.

Well, lets hope youre right about that as we all deserve happiness - the fact however that that very phrase ( "this one is different though") is usually the start of every "how I've been totally fucked over by my Asian partner conversation that we all hear from some guy crying into his beer in a beer bar after his been stripped of all his worldly goods is I would have thought enough of a warning to you to take care re that - but hey as you say perhaps it'll be third time lucky eh as lets face it history isn't known for ever repeating itself of anything thankfully ......has it ?

But hey as you trust your guy so empathically ( which is great) I suggest if you haven't already done so ) you just go ahead and give him the pin numbers to all your bank accounts and let him take care of ALL your daily finances just as by your own admission you don't ever have to worry about anything like with him "as he's different". If you chose NOT to do that of course then we ARE it seems having the same conversation after all except now we're just disagreeing about the amount of money you might trust him with perhaps, so yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out, good luck with that and be sure to let us all know how that all ends up once he realises he no longer has to protect the golden goose as he's already got full access to the golden gooses bank accounts anyway........but hey, this one's different so I'm SURE it'll all work out fine - won't it ?

Hmmm what was that old saying again about "There are none so blind than those who cannot see". How apt.

Oh and PS I'm doing the exact OPPOSITE of a Trump as I've struck to exactly what I said and mean throughout my entire posts - at the start I WAS and said I was referring to any boy - but now as you seem intent to keep referring back to YOUR boy then I AM now addressing that and saying if you think "this one if different" etc, just because you're "rescued him" and made his life 10 times better than before ( how arrogant of you by the way to think so) then as I said you're not half as smart as you would like to have us believe you are !

May 14th, 2017, 18:05
Not replying could be misinterpreted as agreement, hence:
both world wars were the result of complex social, political and economical situations, and Germany as the looser was pronounced the culprit by the winners.

Germany suffered from the plague, was the playground for the Thirty Years' War, and thoroughly lost both world wars, and bounced back to world-class every time. What else than superiority can you feel?

the second time was wholly self inflicted of course. This is what happens if stupid people vote for a populist. Hopefully people have learned that valuable lesson.

I personally think they quite clearly have not, if idiots such as Trump can actually be elected as president, there is ample evidence to suggest people still are lead by emotions instead of their brains. Brexit might be another classic example. What those brits were thinking I don't know, but that has to be one of the most stupid decisions ever coming from an electorate. Utterly stupid, and then to think some people apparently didn't even know exactly what they voted for. It's not like this is the dark age, there was ample opportunety to educate oneself. But hence people can't be bothered and rather remain ignorant.

I am glad I'm not a Brit, because they will pay through the nose the next few decades..

May 14th, 2017, 19:44
Justaguy wrote:
"I am glad I'm not a Brit, because they will pay through the nose the next few decades."

Perhaps although if the EU won't trade with us then we won't trade with them. So presumably all the money that is currently spent on EU goods will be spent on UK goods (or with a country where we have a trade deal) and we do spend way more with them than they do with us. But we've been capitalists for millenia and are actually rather good at it. Can't buy one of the 300 French Cheeses then try one of the 800 British ones. Can't get hold of a BMW roadster then buy one of the 27 sports cars made by a British manufacturer. We've been an independent and uninvaded nation for over 800 years so we'll probably be OK. But thanks for your concern.

May 14th, 2017, 20:22
You older folks really need to realize this is now a globalized world, and there's not turning back from it. We're all connected, which is a good thing, because it helps prevents things like war.

Like it or not, we're all in this together. It's 2017, so having an isolationist stance is just stupid in this day and age.

May 14th, 2017, 20:32
Justaguy wrote:
"I am glad I'm not a Brit, because they will pay through the nose the next few decades."

Perhaps although if the EU won't trade with us then we won't trade with them. So presumably all the money that is currently spent on EU goods will be spent on UK goods (or with a country where we have a trade deal) and we do spend way more with them than they do with us. But we've been capitalists for millenia and are actually rather good at it. Can't buy one of the 300 French Cheeses then try one of the 800 British ones. Can't get hold of a BMW roadster then buy one of the 27 sports cars made by a British manufacturer. We've been an independent and uninvaded nation for over 800 years so we'll probably be OK. But thanks for your concern.

Realism is something you quite clearly lack. The uk is a tiny little insignificant island. The UK is royally fucked, everyone claiming otherwise need to get their head examined...

I have to laugh at so much ignorance. When do you guys start to use your brains ? That fatso even hinted at continued access to Europe's internal market, and you guys believe that idiot ? Of course there will be no access to that internal market without a contribution that is at the very least equal to the current contribution to the EU.

It begs belief how a tiny little country with a few million inhabitants think they can arrange the same export contracts as the whole of the EU. When something is too good to be true, it always is. But alas, realism seems to be absent in the UK. Good luck.

May 14th, 2017, 20:48
Justaguy wrote:
Blah blah blah. and "It begs belief how a tiny little country with a few million inhabitants think they can arrange the same export contracts as the whole of the EU."

A glance at the history books for you my friend. It 'begs' belief how a tiny little country can become the world's fifth largest economy. And yet...Come back when you've got up to speed.

May 14th, 2017, 21:32
Justaguy wrote:
Blah blah blah. and "It begs belief how a tiny little country with a few million inhabitants think they can arrange the same export contracts as the whole of the EU."

A glance at the history books for you my friend. It 'begs' belief how a tiny little country can become the world's fifth largest economy. And yet...Come back when you've got up to speed.

I agree we should look at the history books to draw APPROPRIATE lessons.
England became a great nation by looking beyond its borders. It became an world economic power because it controlled an empire. It no longer controls an empire and if the UK (maybe only England and Wales - if Scotland exits the UK) wants to maintain its economic power it needs to continue to be integrated into the rest of the world.

As an example, London is currently one of the financial centers of the world. Many of those financial jobs are expected to migrate to the European continent post Brexit. Clearly there will be substantial economic harm to London if that happens. Some reality deniers will manufacture some other reality explanation to convince themselves that Brexit will not lessen London as a world financial center. It will.

You are a student of history? You need a much more complex understanding of the subject to draw the appropriate lessens.

May 14th, 2017, 21:56
I'm a student of many things Kittyboy. As we speak (this very minute) bods and mandarins are currently discussing trade deals with countries around the world. Plus in purely trade terms (and I don't particularly like this but it's true) Britain is getting ever closer to China and all that that will bring. However, this is an argument that can run and run and the subject matter is huge and covers a century or more so I shall just say that as a Brit who voted against leaving my belief is that the country will be perferctly OK. Others are free to disagree. Time will tell.

May 14th, 2017, 23:37
I'm a student of many things Kittyboy. As we speak (this very minute) bods and mandarins are currently discussing trade deals with countries around the world. Plus in purely trade terms (and I don't particularly like this but it's true) Britain is getting ever closer to China and all that that will bring. However, this is an argument that can run and run and the subject matter is huge and covers a century or more so I shall just say that as a Brit who voted against leaving my belief is that the country will be perferctly OK. Others are free to disagree. Time will tell.

I am from the USA..the people of the UK obviously make their own decisions.
I think the UK will be a diminished union post Brexit. But you are correct time will tell.
I was in Newcastle this past summer when the Brexit vote was taken. I recall reading about the NIssan car factory in Sunderland which produces 450K+ cars a year mostly for export to Europe. Depending on the trade agreements negotiated by the UK for post Brexit those cars may or may not be economical to continue to manufacture in the UK. If they are not economical then that production will move to the continent and Sunderland will lose 10K+ jobs. The Sunderland region voted for Brexit. That logic of voting against ones (possible) self interest seems to me to be the heart of Brexit and the long term consequences for the UK I suspect will be negative.


May 14th, 2017, 23:46
Well, lets hope youre right about that as we all deserve happiness - the fact however that that very phrase ( "this one is different though") is usually the start of every "how I've been totally fucked over by my Asian partner conversation that we all hear from some guy crying into his beer in a beer bar after his been stripped of all his worldly goods is I would have thought enough of a warning to you to take care re that - but hey as you say perhaps it'll be third time lucky eh as lets face it history isn't known for ever repeating itself of anything thankfully ......has it ?

But hey as you trust your guy so empathically ( which is great) I suggest if you haven't already done so ) you just go ahead and give him the pin numbers to all your bank accounts and let him take care of ALL your daily finances just as by your own admission you don't ever have to worry about anything like with him "as he's different". If you chose NOT to do that of course then we ARE it seems having the same conversation after all except now we're just disagreeing about the amount of money you might trust him with perhaps, so yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out, good luck with that and be sure to let us all know how that all ends up once he realises he no longer has to protect the golden goose as he's already got full access to the golden gooses bank accounts anyway........but hey, this one's different so I'm SURE it'll all work out fine - won't it ?

Hmmm what was that old saying again about "There are none so blind than those who cannot see". How apt.

Oh and PS I'm doing the exact OPPOSITE of a Trump as I've struck to exactly what I said and mean throughout my entire posts - at the start I WAS and said I was referring to any boy - but now as you seem intent to keep referring back to YOUR boy then I AM now addressing that and saying if you think "this one if different" etc, just because you're "rescued him" and made his life 10 times better than before ( how arrogant of you by the way to think so) then as I said you're not half as smart as you would like to have us believe you are !

I am stating the obvious but not all thai guys are thieving whores. I have met quite a few of the thieving whore variety over the many years I have been travelling to thailand. I have also me a few very nice guys (some bar boys some off gayromeo or silverdaddies). I am not particularly romantic or sentimental so I assume any guy I meet in thailand is only after my money. Over time I am willing to adjust my estimation of the motivations of a guy.

Good luck Matt...I hope you have a keeper.
I ended up marrying a Chinese guy I met online and moved back to the USA so he could get a visa. We have been together 5 years.

Nirish guy
May 15th, 2017, 00:34
I am stating the obvious but not all thai guys are thieving whores.

And on that we can all agree. I of course never implied Matt's guy was, just merely that ANY guy could be in the position that Matt apparently currently finds himself in, Matt's staunch defence of his guy is admirable and as it's so strong as I said before it's great and so I invite him to pass over all his bank account pin numbers etc to ease his daily hassles that way too, but if the answer to that would be "no, I wouldn't do that" then basically we're having the same conversation - all as I'd already said above, But yes, totally agree with you that not ALL guys are robbing whores and after Matt's apparent past history and judgement capabilities I genuinely hope for him that he's correct that "this one's different" and "is the one" and I wish him the genuine very best luck in finding out if that's so, time I guess will tell.

May 15th, 2017, 00:52
And on that we can all agree. I of course never implied Matt's guy was, just merely that ANY guy could be in the position that Matt apparently currently finds himself in, Matt's staunch defence of his guy is admirable and as it's so strong as I said before it's great and so I invite him to pass over all his bank account pin numbers etc to ease his daily hassles that way too, but if the answer to that would be "no, I wouldn't do that" then basically we're having the same conversation - all as I'd already said above, But yes, totally agree with you that not ALL guys are robbing whores and after Matt's apparent past history and judgement capabilities I genuinely hope for him that he's correct that "this one's different" and "is the one" and I wish him the genuine very best luck in finding out if that's so, time I guess will tell.

I agree with your comments.
I hope for the best for Matt.

May 15th, 2017, 02:25
matt is like trump..fake news

May 15th, 2017, 03:38
He doesn't steal. I didn't exactly pick him out of a go-go bar line up. To give some background, he lived as a novice monk for 7 years starting at age 13. His parents separated, they could no longer take care of him, so off to the temple he went. Take a guess as how that formed his mindset and world view. He's had my life in his hands like silly putty for the last 9 months, and has done nothing but prove himself to be a man of integrity, honesty, and compassion.a

Anyway, back to bitching about trade deals...

And of course I have to bring up Trump. This dumb muppet recently went and started a trade war with Canada. If I remember correctly, in 2015 there was $862 billion USD of goods traded between the US and Canada, which is massive. Only someone as inept as Trump could damage one of the world's largest and strongest trading partnership, but he did it.

He slapped a 20% tariff on all Canadian softwood lumber, which naturally is going to totally devestate Canada's lumber industry. They even had the gall to make it retroactive, charging Canada for the previous 90 days before the tariff even took effect. Canada is naturally pissed off about this, and if the reports are true, Canada is about to ban all coal exports from the US.

Trump campaigned on putting coal miners back to work, and he may have just devastated the US coal industry with this little stunt. He better be careful to not let this escalate, because the US gets a decent portion of its energy from Canada.

May 15th, 2017, 06:33
To Matt's original point, I observe the vulgarisation of most youth the world over. I think it's a phenomenon of the mass media

The one social change I have noticed among the younger Thai males is their attitude to nudity. Parading around the bedroom naked is much more acceptable/common now, whereas one of my regulars 10 years ago would never get his kit off unless it was in total darkness. I think every guy I have had over the past few years has preferred at least some lights on during sex

May 15th, 2017, 06:36
Where are the Aussies to spruik the advantages of their multiple free trade agreements?

May 15th, 2017, 07:23
The one social change I have noticed among the younger Thai males is their attitude to nudity. Parading around the bedroom naked is much more acceptable/common now,.....

Don't you just love it; I do.

May 15th, 2017, 12:07
Justaguy wrote:
Blah blah blah. and "It begs belief how a tiny little country with a few million inhabitants think they can arrange the same export contracts as the whole of the EU."

A glance at the history books for you my friend. It 'begs' belief how a tiny little country can become the world's fifth largest economy. And yet...Come back when you've got up to speed.

I think it is you who isn't really up to speed. You can't really deny logic. The UK as a country does NOT have the same bargaining power as the EU. Denying that is futile.

May 15th, 2017, 12:50
Justaguy. It depends on what you're buying/selling and who you're buying/selling it from. Only very recently the entire EU trade deal with Canada nearly collapsed because of some small Belgian province. I think I've made two points clear but just for you I'll try again. Listen carefully. One. I voted against leaving the EU. Two. Still listening? Good. The UK will be fine. It's possible that nowadays the EU is such a huge, cumbersome organisation with so many vested interests that trade for an individual nation may well turn out to be considerably easier. And besides, one of the constant disagreements that The UK has had with our 'European friends and partners' is their desire to impose tariffs on other countries whereas we prefer to trade more squarely.

UK figures.
EU imports for March 2017. were 24.3 billion pounds.
EU exports for March 2017 were 15,3 billion pounds.

Just out of curiosity...where are you from?

May 15th, 2017, 13:39
The Netherlands.

Yes the UK will be fine (providing Scotland doesn't leave), and yes it will cost you guys a great deal of money, that much is already absolutely certain.

By the way the Canadian trade deal went through, and it wasn't a small province in Belgium that was blocking it, it was the whole of Wallonia (half of the country) that was blocking it :)

May 15th, 2017, 13:42
Does he run around with his eyes perpetually closed when with you or without?
In my opinion that would be the n'th degree of influence.

May 15th, 2017, 13:53
Don't you just love it; I do.
Francois ... .myself and mr Suphot have been together 17 years now and it's hardly my weirdnesses which he copies.
For instance: he's got no compunction at all with running around the home naked ~ and yes, I like that.
But when it comes to putting on his underwear, he always wraps himself in a bathtowel first then slyly pulls them on. Every single time.
Go figure. It's quite charming really.

May 15th, 2017, 13:55
Justaguy. OK. Wallonia has a population of 3.5 million and they were able to block an entire deal between 29 nation states. That sort of proves my point. So far we've heard lots of grandstanding by various European leaders and virtually nothing from Theresa May. That sits just fine with me. The Netherlands might not be that far behind The UK in deciding to leave.

Scottish Guy and I will disagree on this but I think Scottish nationalism is on the retreat, for quite a few different reasons. I don't know how mugged up you are on The UK constitution but leaving is not Scotland's decision to take by themselves. They need the permission of Westminster to hold yet another referendum and that won't happen for a long time, if ever.

May 15th, 2017, 15:29
Actually I doubt the Netherlands would leave the EU, that would be even more stupid. Apart from one party (the Populist party of our resident xenophobe) none of the other political parties are in favour of such a move, hence there won't be any referendum anytime soon either.

Sometimes the electorate needs to be protected from their own stupidity. Leaving the EU would be disastrous for a country such as the Netherlands.

May 15th, 2017, 23:42
Seems this thread is wandering off the track with discussion on EU, Brexit, etc.
I do believe it was cdnmatt who switched his own post onto a different track some time back.

May 16th, 2017, 21:09
matt is like trump..fake news

True, but Trump is president and "Matt" will always be the butt of jokes on sex tourist forums. Comparing them is a tiny little bit unfair.