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May 10th, 2017, 06:49
No real shock I guess, and I'm sure we all kneow why he was fired. Getting a little too close to Trump and Russian collusion, so out the window he goes. Typical Trump.

I'm pretty sure I know how this will play out. Trump will appoint some scrooge like Rudy Gulliani (sp) as FBI director, who will then try to close down the Russia investigation, and request all data be deleted. Then a few FBI investigators will think to themselves, "fuck that", leak the information before it's deleted, and it will be the end of Trump.

Just watch.... :)

May 21st, 2017, 10:49
So how does everyone see this playing out? I think it's pretty obvious now, one way or another Trump is gone. I'm guessing if he's forced out of office, it will be 3 - 6 months. However, I wouldn't be surprised to wake up one morning and find out he resigned. If recent reports are true, the pressure and isolation of the Whitehouse is getting to him, and he's becoming increasingly irritated, irrational, and detached from reality.

That means we'll end up with President Pence, and he's quite crazy himeself. This is a guy who would probably love to make homosexuality illegal again, and have us all rounded up and thrown in prison simply for being gay. However, I believe he's at least sane enough not to start a nuclear holocaust, whereas I can't say the same about Trump.

Plus I think the Republicans have already exhausted all their political capital on absolutely nothing really, and doubt they'll be able to get any major legislation passed before 2018 mid-terms. I doubt the health care bill will even make it to the President's desk, once the Senate gets done with it, and sends it back to Congress. Let alone tax reform, immigration reform, infrastructure, etc.

Then 2018 mid-terms, and I'm pretty confident Democrats will at the very least take back Congress, if not the Senate as well. That means for the 2 years afterwards, almost nothing will get done. Democrats won't allow the Republicans agenda to be enacted, and Pence I'm sure will be more than happy to use his veto powers as he deems fit.

Then 2020 general election, and assuming he runs, there's no chance Pence would win re-election, as he simply doesn't have the charisma or leadership skills to do so. So my guess is come 2020, we'll be looking at President Elizabeth Warren, which is totally fine with me. She seems like one hell of a fighter, and her heart seems to be in the right place.

Time will tell I guess. Let's just get the old, crazy, delusional man out of the Oval Office, please.

May 21st, 2017, 13:52
From the very beginning I don't think he really wanted to be President. I think he assumed he'd be knocked out at some stage but his competitive nature meant he had to be beaten, he wasn't going to quit.

May 22nd, 2017, 11:42
...dunno he seems to have the luck of the devil and some...just signed a gazzilion dollar deal with the saudis..refloat the entire US economy...,

May 22nd, 2017, 12:03
...dunno he seems to have the luck of the devil and some...just signed a gazzilion dollar deal with the saudis..refloat the entire US economy...,

Well, that's every US president, Democrat or Republican. In one year (2012, I think?), Obama sold about $110 billion USD in arms to the Saudis. That little relationship goes back to the 60s.

The one concerning thing about this sale is they sold Saudi Arabia that radar | patriot missile defense system that is used to shoot ballistic missiles out of the sky. It's called FADS or FUDS, or something? I don't know, but that one may come back to bite us in the future.

June 1st, 2017, 06:52
I'll bet 5000 baht that Trump resigns within one week, before James Comey (sp) testifies in public to the Senate intelligence commitee. Any takers? :)

What a total disaster this asshole has been. He's made for some good late night comedy shows though.


June 1st, 2017, 14:27
That is very wishful thinking....

If you watched Fox News and or read any of the "alt-right" news sources on a regular basis you would realize that Comey can testify and it will make the public that supports Trump support him even more.

His public support has always hovered at about 30% and it will always hover at 30% no matter what. The Republican establishment, the ones that held their nose while voting for him, cannot do anything about him because that 30% is a majority of their own supporters.

Just take Senator Lindsay Graham for example. Immediately after the election he established himself as a anti-Trump conservative and he was one of the leaders of the pack that was watching Trump and his Russian connections. Now all of the sudden he is supporting Trump: He now claims he finds the story of the son-in-law and the secret lines of communications with the Russians "fishy" and he is now claiming that Comey lied to Congress.

As more and more dirt is dug up on Trump and the Russians more and more Republicans will grow silent. They cannot speak up because then they will be attacked by the 30% of the population that will support Trump no matter what and with gerrymandering being what it is they derive no benefit by speaking up.

This will be a four year long nightmare at the minimum.

June 1st, 2017, 15:05
Trump will appoint some scrooge like Rudy Gulliani (sp) as FBI directorMore likely to be a stooge than a scrooge
I'll bet 5000 baht that Trump resigns within one week, before James Comey (sp) testifies in public to the Senate intelligence commitee. Any takers?Sure, why not

June 1st, 2017, 20:19
frequent, when you collect your money from cdnmatt you will be able to confirm his true persona although he will be unable to identify you. :devilsh:

June 1st, 2017, 20:34
frequent, when you collect your money from cdnmatt you will be able to confirm his true persona although he will be unable to identify you. :devilsh:

For one, that wasn't a serious bet. Second, I'd be able to identify him even better, because he'd have to give me some personal identifying info to send him the money, whether that's a Thai bank account#, details for Western Union, or whatever.

The funds coming from me would just be sent via one of my contacts on https://localbitcoin.com/ or just some random stranger from that site. :)

June 2nd, 2017, 00:57
@Tara, I don't know, I guess time will tell. New poll just out showing 43% approval for impeachment. Plus what I've heard from the town halls, lots of Republicans are already poised to lose their jobs in 2018 due to the health care bill. That means if / when evidence comes out that can't be ignored or refuted, they will have no choice but to impeach him, or even more Republicans will lose their job next year.

Now whether or not Trump actually gets removed from office is another story, and more diffucult. However, my point was he can not allow himself to "lose", so he will resign before this gets to a serious impeachment phase, which I'm sure will eventurally happen. That could be as soon as next week when James Comey testifies.

I still think Trump will resign shortly, then hold one last press conference, throw one of his typical childish tantrums, blame everyone else for his self inflicted wounds, then go back to his pussy grabbing private life.

Again, I guess time will tell...

June 2nd, 2017, 05:34
Cdnmatt...if polls were all that mattered then Hillary Clinton would be President right now....

June 2nd, 2017, 06:48
Cdnmatt...if polls were all that mattered then Hillary Clinton would be President right now....

Yeah, true enough. Would also be awesome if the US adopted the weird policy of awarding the presidency to the person with the most votes. :)

I'll still say Trump is going to resign. One way or another he's at the very least going to be impeached, if not removed from office via the Senate. My one week prediction may be wrong, and it may take until 2019 when Democrats control the house and senate again, but there's no chance he's going to fill his full 4 year term. My guess is he's such an egotistical, childish asshole that he will resign well before any serious impeachment proceedings begin, which could happen as early as next week.

Again, time will tell...

June 2nd, 2017, 17:38
Well, alright then, I guess the US is out of the leadership role now, and we're now looking towards Germany and China as world leaders.

Geez Trump, that only took you about 4 months, and without passing any major legislation. That's quite impressive to be this big of a fuck up. This guy seems to be under the impression that we're still living in the 1950s. He's going in the total opposite direction of where he should be moving, and is probably going to ruin the US economy.

June 3rd, 2017, 06:27
For one, that wasn't a serious bet.Is this on the basis that we can never believe a single word you say? If you'd left your "bet" statement as "I bet 5000 baht ..." then I would have taken it to be the usual bullshit hyperbole that is common on this Forum. You, however, added the words "Any takers?" which can only mean that you intended to make a serious bet with "any taker". I have taken you up on your offer and expect you to honour it

June 3rd, 2017, 14:09
For the few who give a shit.
I just a few moments ago I gave the first 'LIKE' I've ever given to cndmatt. :yahoo_mini: (We do not give out 'likes' willy nilly).
And that's even realizing how difficult it must be to type out the semi-word "geez" when one is certifiedly blind.

(Brace yourselves for the inevitable "go fuck yourself Smiles, you cocksucker".)

June 3rd, 2017, 15:02
First, if you haven't noticed, these days I rarely talk about either, being blind or Leo. Sure, I do mention them sometimes, because both are pretty important parts of my life now. However, I I try my best next to concentrate on either.

It's only when someone such as yourself gets all confused about something retarded like my ability to type "Geez", implying that I'm a liar. It's difficult enough going through this life in the dark without having to put up with that shit, thanks.

Again, I don't use a speech-to-text program. I can't, because I need a screen reader to navigate the computer which a) reads out loud what's on the screen, and b) for every keystroke says out loud which key it is. If I used a speech-to-text program, it would probably write out everything the screen reader said as well as my own voice.

June 7th, 2017, 12:52
Is this on the basis that we can never believe a single word you say? If you'd left your "bet" statement as "I bet 5000 baht ..." then I would have taken it to be the usual bullshit hyperbole that is common on this Forum. You, however, added the words "Any takers?" which can only mean that you intended to make a serious bet with "any taker". I have taken you up on your offer and expect you to honour itComey testifies Thursday (US time). I fully expect to win this bet and shall be sending Matt the bank account details into which he can deposit the 5,000 baht

June 7th, 2017, 22:06
Well, if the media reports are true, Jeff Sessions tried to resign, but Trump wouldn't accept his resignation. Does that count for anything?

June 16th, 2017, 10:11
Well, if the media reports are true, Jeff Sessions tried to resign, but Trump wouldn't accept his resignation. Does that count for anything?
You cannot "try" to resign ... you just do it. There is no such thing as "not accepting" a resignation ... resigning is specific to the individual alone and there is no need to be concerned about a higher person "not accepting".
Stating that another person has "not accepted" the resignation is a simply an obvious red herring: the guy didn't want to resign in the first place. Another bullshit piece of Sessions/Trump fluff.

June 16th, 2017, 11:29
What incoherent ramblings are you babbling about now?

If reports are true, Trump is off his rocker, wandering around yelling at everyone, including even TVs when there's a news report he doesn't like. So Sessions and Trump got into a spat, Sessions said, "fuck it, if you don't like the job I'm doing, I'll quit and you have my resignation tomorrow". Then Trump rethinks, says "no, I need you, can you stay on as the AG?"

That's 100% totally believable, because Trump has quite obviously shown that temperament about 15,000 times already in public.

June 16th, 2017, 12:10
What incoherent ramblings are you babbling about now?

Obviously you did not understand my premise (and I'm not repeating it). Too bad ... but typical.

June 16th, 2017, 17:16
You said it's "fluff", whereas I'm calling it what it is... a systemic problem within this US administration. The Whitehouse, DoJ and various other agencies are currently woefully understaffed, because they can't find people who want to work for the Trump administration. If the media reports are true, many Whitehouse staffers are currently living in fear, because Trump is so volatile that they don't know who he's going to throw an emotional outburst on next, or if they're going to have a job the next day.