View Full Version : 2 Bombs explode in Shopping Centre in Southern Thailand, 40 injured.

Nirish guy
May 9th, 2017, 16:59
This seems to be taken quite a while to be being reported / picked up by Western press for some reason.....

Except the daily star of course who are leading with "bomb in UK tourist hotspot" - which of course Southern Thailand is most certainly not.


May 9th, 2017, 17:06
The Daily Star is usually preoccupied with huge and mostly artificial tits - so I'm surprised there's no mention of LatinPoxxx

May 9th, 2017, 17:20
I've just seen it in today's Indy and noted that that journal's resident band of loony racist posters has labelled it a "Muslim" insurgency. Their ignorance of Thailand is no hindrance to their mouth-frothing and blood-curdling abuse. Trying to explain to them the difference between a national dispute and a religious one is beyond my meagre ability.

May 9th, 2017, 20:55
The line between nation and religion has always been blurry Oliver. From the Jews in Egypt to Ireland to IS and many many bits inbetween.

May 9th, 2017, 22:53
If a dispute is confined to one specific area- the Malaysian border- and is not replicated in any sense amongst the huge numbers of Muslims in other parts of the country, then you can safely judge it to be territorial, rather than religious.The separatists have (to my knowledge) neither sought nor received support from their Thai co-religionists.
I find a similar situation when I'm in Palestine, where the landowners consist of both Christians and Muslims. It makes no difference; they still have their lands taken....and not by "Jews" but by political Zionists who are Jews (though encouraged by others, usually non-Jews, in the US and Europe.)

May 10th, 2017, 01:42
...oliver..u mean they got annoyed when the Jews presented them with a bill for 2000 years of rent in arrears....freeloaders moved into a home that wasnt theirs....jews were there long before that lot showed up....not called JEWrusalem for nothing.

May 10th, 2017, 01:55
On that basis the Red Indians should be sending Trump a massive bill any day now.

May 10th, 2017, 04:11
On that basis the Red Indians should be sending Trump a massive bill any day now.

Red Indians you say? Are they like "Sheep-shaggers"?


Nirish guy
May 10th, 2017, 04:26
And there I thought the R word was very un PC now ? In the words of Father Dougal "Careful now" or you'll be having Latin accuse you of NOT being a liberal tree hugger after all !


May 10th, 2017, 05:38
Oh I wouldn't want to be called a racist.


May 10th, 2017, 07:46
Quite correct, the way the red indians have been treated in the US leave much to be desired, same goes for the abos in OZ...simply horrible treatment. But back to the Holy land...am so tired of hearing about poor victim palestinians in " refugee" camps for the last 50 years...damn half of europe got shifted after ww2 but u dont find refugee camps in germany full of germans waiting to move back to their homes in poland..

May 10th, 2017, 08:40
These ancient peoples in the Americas were warring and killing each other way before Europeans got there and showed them how to commit genocide far more efficiently using guns and horrible diseases.

May 10th, 2017, 10:48
true...very true...OMG Im agreeing with arseTroll....
But the US government did sign an agreement with the tribes and then promptly broke it...
and I dont recall the Jews ever signing their country away 2000 years ago...

May 10th, 2017, 11:32
Well I'm glad to say The British always acted as gentlemen in such matters.

May 10th, 2017, 14:08
Poxxxy - this concern for "the Jews" is all very well and some might even say shows a new, compassionate, haimisher mensch side of you rather than the self-centred faygala fershtinkener that we all know that you actually are.

So my question is very simple - were you born Jewish or did you convert?

Also, if you could slip a few words of Yiddish into your posts (see above) it might make them more interesting.

I've hit the nail on the head here haven't I ?

Mazel Tov

May 10th, 2017, 14:22
Latin's fascination with the Israel occupation of Palestine is entirely predictable. He has probably been reading about the levels of sexual abuse and sexual torture perpetrated by Shin Bet' on the young Palestinians whom the army drag from their homes in the the middle of the night. The masks, the blindfolds, the shackles...all very exciting for people of a certain mentality. And best of all...the victims are poor and have dark skins.It sounds like a porn movie for sexual predators..

May 10th, 2017, 14:40
He's a Bostik Glue and that's all there is to it


May 10th, 2017, 14:55
These ancient peoples in the Americas were warring and killing each other way before Europeans got there and showed them how to commit genocide far more efficiently using guns and horrible diseases.

Well, I think you Europeans were warring and killing each other the same us us, perhaps more...and the Chinese just happened to invent gunpowder and slipped it to you, just before you and the spics sailed across the sea to rape our women and infect us with all your diseases. I don't expect you to know much about North American history growing up on the other side of the pond, but I can tell you you're quite a bit off track.


May 10th, 2017, 15:24
History can be used to prove anything you choose Surfcrest. "Our women." Without knowing your ancestry (or caring) that phrase has no meaning. Oh and by the way, it's generally accepted that it was the Vikings who were the first Europeans to arrive in north America. And supposing we hadn't come. What, you're all still sitting about in beaver fur talking about the coming harvest and hoping the god of fish will smile happily on you this year. I don't think so.

This doesn't sit happily with the beatniks tree huggers and apologists but that's just unfortunate.


May 10th, 2017, 15:28
The latest rant from our resident anti-semite, who likes to disguise himself as being anti-Zionist, serves only to show that..... he's an anti-semite! I'm still trying to figure out which Oxford College he attended. Wouldn't be The House, not his politics, but Pot Hall perhaps? Teddy Hall wouldn't be his thing, he'd have been debagged there, so maybe Keble, which looks like a Victorian public lavatory?

May 10th, 2017, 16:26
Oh look - another one


May 10th, 2017, 17:10
I'm not even slightly jewish...even have a foreskin big enough to turn into a handbag to prove it....however I do so admire them...plucky and fucking clever and sexy....whereas I'm so over the whole palestinian professional victim /refugee scam...breed like vermin...and they get the stooopid EU to pay them huge subsidies too.....

May 10th, 2017, 22:50
The last time the plucky Israeli army faced men with modern weapons- Hezbollah during the Lebanon invasion- they bravely ran away , back to their comfortable life-style in Tel Aviv..
Admittedly, they show enormous bravery when facing little boys with stones, armed only with machine-guns and protected only by body armour. I also must applaud those soldiers who sit in their offices and control the drones that target kids playing football in Gaza, hospitals and school and hospitals. That shows real courage.
But, of course, for Israeli/ Jewish heroism-the real stuff- look no further than those brave Israelis who help the Palestinian farmers harvest their olives, facing assault from potty fundamentalist settlers, as well as their army. Or Rabbis for Human Rights, one of whom was attacked by a fundamentalist Zionist recently for daring to stand shoulder to shoulder with the indigenous people of Palestine.
Obviously "anti-semitic" Jews, all of them.

May 10th, 2017, 23:58
Oliver: I think you're on rather weak ground describing the present people as indigenous. In fact it's a weak claim almost anywhere but particularly in the middle east. And even if one group of people arrived somewhere first. that doesn't mean they own it in perpetuity. Otherwise Norway owns the South Pole, Denmark owns Scotland (probably) and the USA owns The Moon.

May 11th, 2017, 00:12
History can be used to prove anything you choose Surfcrest. "Our women." Without knowing your ancestry (or caring) that phrase has no meaning. Oh and by the way, it's generally accepted that it was the Vikings who were the first Europeans to arrive in north America. And supposing we hadn't come. What, you're all still sitting about in beaver fur talking about the coming harvest and hoping the god of fish will smile happily on you this year. I don't think so.

This doesn't sit happily with the beatniks tree huggers and apologists but that's just unfortunate

I'm not sure what the tree huggers have invested in this, or is this a Trump like statement where you've labeled anyone who might be the least bit offended by your statement? Let's not forget that most of you were heading toward starvation and that if it wasn't for circumstance and this later "timely" discovery of the America's, history would have turned out very different for each of your respective countries and your individual DNA. Let's not forget where potatoes were discovered.

You're quite right, the Vikings may have been the first across the Atlantic...or more appropriately the Arctic, at that time.


Just as settlers used to live on the southern tip of Greenland tending crops, until climate change put an end to that. Just as the first people of the Americas walked across a land bridge at the Bering Sea, caused by another window of climate change.

Your link, proving again that Native Americans were warring with each other does not validate anything else you've suggested. People who use "generally accepted" most often don't have an educated opinion of their own and are only relying on what they don't know, or what quick link they are able to Google.

I know because you are talking about my people, about my DNA and like you....I learned the correct version of history about my own people in school and by traveling extensively throughout the Americas, from tip to tipand living among the few of us, who are left after colonization..


May 11th, 2017, 00:47
Surfcrest: Nice to see you followed the trend of chucking "Trump" at anyone who doesn't agree with what you say. Some things are 'generally accepted' although in such cases there is always room for academic dissent. For example it is 'generally accepted' that Marco Polo traveled to China and wrote about his travels but there is zero categorical proof. Again, I have no idea of your ancestry so I don't know who you are talking about with the phrase "my people" and this puts you at an advantage over me. But then you know that which is why you've done it twice. Europe has faced starvation many times as well as diseases, wars and myriad other threats throughout it's history. This has not stopped Europe dominating the world in terms of art, culture, language, technology, food, music, trade and politics. Until I know exactly who your people are I cannot assess the good things they have given the world and the evils they have committed.

May 11th, 2017, 01:03
Again, I have no idea of your ancestry so I don't know who you are talking about with the phrase "my people" and this puts you at an advantage over me. But then you know that which is why you've done it twice.

I mention it my friend because clearly you have no idea what you are talking about and this bubbles out of every post you make on the topic like ground water in Spring time. Focus on something you know a tiny weenie about and leave the academics...to academics.


May 11th, 2017, 01:33
I don't know what's up with you today but clearly something is, that's OK. Many members come here to relieve themselves of anger related to other matters so why shouldn't you do the same? Still no desire to reveal what your ancestry is and I would hazard a guess that that's because they're not whiter than white. Just like mine. You clearly have a deep rooted resentment of 'colonial powers' and perhaps you're right to do so. But I bet your forebears did some pretty unpleasant things in their journey through history. Oh and by the way....I am an academic as it happens. Humanities if you're interested.

May 11th, 2017, 03:47
....I am an academic as it happens...

Most of those are batshit crazy too.......


May 11th, 2017, 04:40
Many members come here to relieve themselves of anger related to other matters so why shouldn't you do the same? Still no desire to reveal what your ancestry is and I would hazard a guess that that's because they're not whiter than white. Just like mine. You clearly have a deep rooted resentment of 'colonial powers' and perhaps you're right to do so. But I bet your forebears did some pretty unpleasant things in their journey through history. Oh and by the way....I am an academic as it happens.

I think what you need to know arsenal, is that I am not angry nor am I reliving myself of anger.I waded into this discussion when someone mentioned "red indians" and someone else wrote something stupid like "ancient people in the Americas", which when used by someone claiming to be an academic is about as silly as taking anything that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth as educated...or even an educated guess. A true academic would have picked up on, even a few, of the not so subtle comments that answered your question as clearly as answers come.


Sawatdee Network is a forum that allows free speech on many / most topics but does not support or allow hate propaganda or discrimination, based on the prohibited grounds that most developed countries (including Canada, where this site is hosted from) recognize. These prohibited grounds include race / ethnic origin / colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability / medical conditions and a conviction for which a pardon has been granted or a record suspended.

Any post that puts down any one or any group, based on these prohibited grounds may be deleted or moderated and the poster warned about the content of their post(s).


While we allow members to freely discuss so many topics and say, write or post so much....in a country where that isn't always possible, during military rule especially...there are limits by virtue of us being hosted in the civilized country of Canada where making inappropriate comments about people's ethnic background, including referring to them in a derogatory way or discriminating against anyone based on the prohibited grounds (race, religion, sexual orientation, physical handicap etc) borders on hate.

Let's stick to what we know and leave the discussion on Jews and Red Indians to the inbred folks running around in white cloaks, burning crosses in backwater USA.


May 11th, 2017, 08:20
Well you certainly sound angry to me. I did not use the phrase Red Indian. I used the phrase ancient peoples to make clear the different nations that existed and continue to do so. It's a little late in the day to be chucking the rules about race about now just because what is written suddenly applies to you. Although as there were thousands of different nations populating the Americas it is actually impossible to guess which one you decend from. But hey, it's your nursery and you can throw your toys about if you want to.

May 11th, 2017, 10:49
rather immaterial where he's from...in reality we are all have differing opinions...when its comes to the Israel/palesterrorist issue my feelings are very clear.....I kinda admire the Indians..they got rid of the British but freely admit that the Brits united them with a common language and railways and legal system/form of government...our African brothers on the other hand are a totally ungrateful bunch...and I have absolutely no sympathy for them or their droughts/civil wars....
Abos in OZ..what a sad history...the whites there certainly have a lot to answer for...
Maoris in NZ...work in progress...fairly good relations with the whites...no poverty to speak of..
Guess one could go on..and on..and we will never agree..
Love the way a topic can career so off topic...we not even in the same library let alone on the same page..

May 11th, 2017, 13:40
Well you certainly sound angry to me.

I could never be angry at you arsenal, just at the opinions some people still hang on to and the inappropriate comments they make from not knowing any better.


May 11th, 2017, 14:02
Surfcrest wrote:
"I could never be angry at you arsenal."

Big sloppy kisses all round and if I'm ever in Canada I'll buy you a Moosehead beer.

May 11th, 2017, 16:17
...oh do stick your upper and lower dentures back n...will avoid the sloppiness...

May 12th, 2017, 18:47
I think this is the word you were looking for:

adjective: autochthonous
(of an inhabitant of a place) indigenous rather than descended from migrants or colonists.

May 13th, 2017, 05:25
how far back does one go??? who really was 1st??