View Full Version : Will Alex Salmond go for a third stint?

May 9th, 2017, 09:34
With a reported disagreement at the very top of the SNP the very real possibility exists of Alex Salmond becoming leader for the third time. Especially if, as expected the party loses potentially 9 seats to the Tories.


May 9th, 2017, 14:31
This is the same pish you tried to get me to read on the last thread.

Personally I prefer AS to NS as I prefer his straight-talking bravado-laden rhetoric to her more cautious let's-please-everybody tippy-toe approach but I realise I'm in the minority in that and that AS does not play well to the female vote especially.

Plus AS needs to win his own Consituency first and foremost - that whole area is natural Tory/Lib territory and the SNP have played a blinder over the years to keep the likes of Moray, Gordon, and Banff & Buchan in their hands, firstly through Winnie Ewing and latterly AS and Angus Robertson.

I suspect that AS will be returned (interesting fact is that AS as a candidate has NEVER lost an election and that's across multiple constituencies and two Parliaments) but I'm a little nervous about Angus Robertson. His consituency returned the highest NO vote in 2014 and IF the Tories can scoop that up rather than it being dissipated amongst 3 parties then he could be in difficulty.

But the idea that by winning 50 of the 59 Scottish consiruencies, NS would be under pressure is just so ludicrous that I'd advise you to quit smoking/drinking/injecting whatever substances youre clearly abusing.

Sheer mischief-making by Arsenal, but of course that's why he posted it


May 10th, 2017, 10:14
Bump. Because the voters must know the truth.

May 10th, 2017, 14:28
Except you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the arse

June 17th, 2017, 07:48
To answer my own question. Now that the voters have seen through him...NO, he won't.

June 18th, 2017, 14:44
What happened in Alex Salmond's seat was that 15,000 Liberal voters directly prostituted themselves to the Tories in order to scupper the SNP

Of course the Liberals have form in such shenanigans - they would boil their grannies down for glue if they thought there was something in it for them. Political whores of the highest order.

You have not heard the last of AS, of that you may be sure.

June 18th, 2017, 16:37
But the idea that by winning 50 of the 59 Scottish consiruencies, NS would be under pressure is just so ludicrous that I'd advise you to quit smoking/drinking/injecting whatever substances youre clearly abusing.Since we're quoting statistics:
The Conservatives were/are the largest party before/after the 2017 election and lost 13 seats or ~4% of their seats
The SNP were/are the third-largest party before/after the 2017 election and lost 21 seats or ~18% of their seats

Imagine the fallout if the Conservatives had lost 18% of their seats! Clearly a triumph for La Sturgeon (not) :crazy_mini:

15,000 Liberal voters directly prostituted themselves to the Tories in order to scupper the SNPBecause?

June 18th, 2017, 19:10
....Because the entire Unionist focus in Gordon was on ousting AS.

The Lib Dems colluded with the Tories by putting up a paper candidate in Gordon and doing no campaigning. Add to that the bizarre spectacle of the Labour Party leader in Scotland urging Labour voters to vote Tory where it would unseat SNP MPs.

It clearly worked and the people of Gordon now have a useless inexperienced 3 job part-time nobody of a Tory MP "representing" them.

That's their choice and hell mend them for it. Likewise in Moray where the Tories will (as part of the Brexit negotiations) proceed to fuck the fishing communities over yet again. These short-sighted bampots have made their beds and can lie in them as far as I'm concerned.

The only mystery is why it interests you so much - and (more so) why it interests Arsenal so much that he is posting on it in FIVE threads concurrently.

June 18th, 2017, 19:52
Yes Scottish. They did all that and perhaps plenty more in other parts of Scotland. Why? Because they don't want another referendum, that's why. Fact.

I agree with you about Alex Salmond. He'll be back.

June 19th, 2017, 10:13
It was, of course, nearly 40% of seats the Nats lost, not 18% (I must have been studying SNP Mathematics at the time I wrote that)

June 19th, 2017, 13:36
I'd rather concentrate on the 60% of seats they won.

You know, a landslide - the kind of mandate that May expected and got nowhere near?

June 19th, 2017, 13:42
I'd rather concentrate on the 60% of seats they won.I expect no less of someone with only one eye

June 19th, 2017, 14:36
Scottish: The irony is that due to the Tories cataclysmic election and the collapse of the SNPs vote we'll probably get the much much softer Brexit that we both want. The remainers in Parliament are keeping quiet for now but they outnumber the Brexiteers by a huge number.

June 19th, 2017, 20:27
I expect no less of someone with only one eye

Nothing to do with having one eye and all to do with recognising that winning 60% of the seats constitutes a WIN and not a LOSS as you and the MSM portray it.

June 19th, 2017, 20:40
MSM? A Scottish form of slightly kinky sex perhaps?

June 20th, 2017, 13:51
Nothing to do with having one eye and all to do with recognising that winning 60% of the seats constitutes a WIN and not a LOSS as you and the MSM portray it.That's right - losing nearly half your seats is indeed a terrific win and La Sturgeon has been out kicking up her heels and promising IndyRef2 with her ears pinned back

Which reminds me of that old joke - a favourite of Dame Edna's: What does Joan Collins put behind her ears that makes her so popular with men? Her ankles

June 20th, 2017, 23:08
Since when was 35 "nearly half" of 56?

Next you'll be telling us your 5 inch pecker is "nearly" a foot long

June 21st, 2017, 05:00
Since when was 35 "nearly half" of 56?60% is only one decile (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decile) away from 50%. It seems that percentages matter to you when you think you're making a "winning" point but the raw numbers look much more impressive in other situations

June 21st, 2017, 05:56
God almighty - you're just a Poundland version of Arsenal


June 21st, 2017, 10:20
I like to think of myself as Selfridges. Just a touch classier than Harrods with fewer tourists. If freak's Poundland what does that make The Rabbi Poxxy?

June 21st, 2017, 12:09
God almighty - you're just a Poundland version of ArsenalAs I don't follow football I haven't a clue what you're talking about

June 21st, 2017, 15:04
I like to think of myself as Selfridges. Just a touch classier than Harrods with fewer tourists. If freak's Poundland what does that make The Rabbi Poxxy?

Some Jewish version of Oxfam


June 27th, 2017, 15:50
I know this will give scottish-guy conniptions as he thinks of me as a Tory, but to show the catholic nature of my reading, I offer up for discussion an op-ed from the left-wing New Statesman magazine - genuine dissent in Scottish Nationalist ranks (http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/scotland/2017/06/first-time-decades-there-genuine-dissent-scottish-nationalist-ranks). I for one didn't realise how incestuous the SNP is. La Sturgeon's hubby is the Chief Executive of the SNP and, in a politically rational world, would have resigned after the dismal showing of the SNP in the election, just as May's two principal (unelected) lieutenants did. Nepotism clearly has its virtues in the Sturgeon household

June 27th, 2017, 17:09
The fact you didn't know that the husband of NS is the CEO of the SNP further exposes your total lack of knowledge and insight into Scottish politics.

Just as you apparently don't know his surname isn't Sturgeon either!

Do us a favour and just shut up on anything to do with Scotland - your ill-informed and poorly thought out attacks are about as penetrating as I hear your penis is.

June 27th, 2017, 21:49
Two incompetent politicians for the price of, well two actually. Good value for their 'noses in the trough' fat tax payers paid for salaries I'm sure. The SNPs not a political party, It's a fucking family firm.

June 28th, 2017, 13:55
The fact you didn't know that the husband of NS is the CEO of the SNP further exposes your total lack of knowledge and insight into Scottish politics.I don't even know the name of that ratty little man with glasses who follows Mother Theresa everywhere - I assume he's the husband. Who's fucking who isn't really a level of politics that interests me all that much. It's difficult enough working out the schedule of Thai hosties being rostered through Munich

June 28th, 2017, 16:04
Surely even Arsepiece (one half of SGT's BritNat Rottweiler Attack Squad) realises that the CEO of the SNP is not paid from public funds?

The more snarling comments I read from Arsenal & Frequent, the more I'm reminded of the Bitch Board. So 'fess up lads - its safe to tell us which BB members you were in those days

June 28th, 2017, 22:39
Well I never joined but I would have used the same handle. ARSENAL.

Association of Royal Scottish and English Nations and Affiliated Londoners.. The only true victors in the recent elections. So, with Nicola Sturgeon now irrelevant and Scottish nationalism all but defeated this is my final post on the subject.

June 29th, 2017, 00:23

June 29th, 2017, 13:38
The more snarling comments I read from Arsenal & Frequent ...Snarling!!? I don't take much in life seriously enough to snarl. Snigger I'll own up to. Tease - definitely. But snarl - you're taking yourself far too seriously

July 1st, 2017, 08:35
Scottish wrote:
"Surely even Arsepiece (one half of SGT's BritNat Rottweiler Attack Squad)"

Rottweiler? Perleeeaaase.

A British Bullmastiff if you don't mind.

July 1st, 2017, 18:06
The assumption that the SNP are finished presupposes that Sturgeon's tack to delay a Scottish independence referendum until after the Brexit process is finished will mark the end of the idea of Scottish independence for a while.

But it all depends on how the Brexit process works out.

A disastrous Brexit (not guaranteed, but unfortunately very likely in my opinion) could be just the boost a pro-independence referendum needs.

So, we will have to wait and see about that. Sturgeon might have her way after all.

The Bagehot columnist in the Economist starts his most recent column with a rather funny story from Evelyn Waugh that makes it clear what Bagehot thinks of Brexit...

"A British commando unit offered to blow up an old tree-stump on Lord Glasgow's estate promising him that they could dynamite the tree so that it “falls on a sixpence”. After a boozy lunch they all went down to witness the explosion. But instead of falling on a sixpence the tree-stump rose 50 feet in the air, taking with it half an acre of soil and a beloved plantation of young trees. A tearful Lord Glasgow fled to his castle only to discover that every pane of glass had been shattered. He then ran to his lavatory to hide his emotions, but when he pulled the plug out of his washbasin the entire ceiling, loosened by the explosion, fell on his head.

A year on from the Brexit referendum Britain feels like Lord Glasgow’s castle."

You can read the full article here:


July 4th, 2017, 22:35
Roman, the assumption you refer to at the start of your post is frankly ludicrous - the SNP have just won an absolute majority of Scottish seats in Westminster.

The Tories have NO majority and are relying on crackpot terrorist sympathisers to keep them in power. Labour failed miserably to even get close to Government and the Lib Dems totally flopped!

Yet (quite rightly) nobody is suggesting that any of those parties is "finished".

July 16th, 2017, 14:55
SGT's gruesome twosome - the Ultra Brit Nats known as Arsenal and Frequent - will no doubt be delighted to read the following:



Naturally, in relation to item 2, I'm already all signed up and may even post a NewAlanna type review if I can develop enough pomposity over the next month or so.

July 16th, 2017, 17:07
SGT's gruesome twosome - the Ultra Brit Nats known as Arsenal and Frequent - will no doubt be delighted to read the followingWhile I can't speak for arsenal (who can?) I am indeed delighted by this news. Politicians exist to keep us entertained and it looks as though there's months if not years of high quality entertainment ahead

July 16th, 2017, 18:14
Indeed - since, as Paul Begala said:

Politics is just showbusiness for ugly people


July 16th, 2017, 21:05
I agree with the sentiments above. Alex Salmond is above all else, a showman. He's the PT Barnum of British politics and I say that with the highest compliment. What he achieved with a small, sidelined largely irellavant party was nothing short of political genius. I genuinely have nothing but respect for the guy.

Scottish wrote:
"Naturally, in relation to item 2, I'm already all signed up and may even post a NewAlanna type review if I can develop enough pomposity over the next month or so."

No development needed. Haha.