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View Full Version : Haha. Brilliant UK.

April 27th, 2017, 19:58

Nirish guy
April 28th, 2017, 00:19
Whilst I admire the fact that my British Government are assisting gay couples to marry all the way on the other side of the world from us I'm also sad that they can't seem muster the same energy to use whatever influence they have to ensure that I am giving those same rights here in Northern Ireland, you know a mere 1 hour flight and a quick hop on the Heathrow Express away from Westminster itself. And yes I'm fully aware that it's all down to devolution but THAT still shouldn't stop them trying !

April 28th, 2017, 07:29
Whilst I admire the fact that my British Government are assisting gay couples to marry all the way on the other side of the world from us I'm also sad that they can't seem muster the same energy to use whatever influence they have to ensure that I am giving those same rights here in Northern Ireland, you know a mere 1 hour flight and a quick hop on the Heathrow Express away from Westminster itself. And yes I'm fully aware that it's all down to devolution but THAT still shouldn't stop them trying !

Northern Ireland's so central. You can just hop on a plane and within a few hours be somewhere really interesting

April 28th, 2017, 09:39
Although why any gay person would want to get married is beyond me.

April 29th, 2017, 04:08
Why any gay or straight male would want to get married is beyond me.

I see some of the females doing very well out of divorce, often after short marriages, so see why they might want the protection of marriage.

The only logical reason I can see a gay or straight male wanting to get married is to assist with a visa/passport for a foreign spouse.

April 29th, 2017, 07:20
The only logical reason I can see a gay or straight male wanting to get married is to assist with a visa/passport for a foreign spouse.The only jurisdiction of which I'm aware that insists on a marriage certificate to assist with a visa for a foreign spouse is the good ol' US of A. Every other jurisdiction that allows same-sex relationships for immigration has long recognised for visa purposes that a marriage certificate is merely a piece of paper that can be bought and sold. What they look to is the quality of the relationship, something more difficult to prove - although I'm personally aware of a gay male being paid $25K by a straight male to sponsor his visa application, and they have set up house together to that very end (the application is about to be finally decided)

Perhaps goji is unaware that, increasingly, the courts and some legal jurisdictions are applying a rule of thumb to "living together but not married" arrangements where the relationship breaks down and there is property to be disposed or children to considered. That rule of thumb is that if the couple have cohabited for a period (in some cases as short as two years) then the same rules apply to them as apply to those who have a marriage certificate

Marriage is so last millenium

April 29th, 2017, 07:26
The reason given in the injunction in the Celebrity Threesome case to support the suppression of names is that, as the applicant and his lover have two children, despite their public acknowledgement of an "open" marriage it would "be bad for the children" if the names were published. This is pretty much an admission that the argument advanced by traditionalists that children in homosexual relationships are disadvantaged has at least some merit

Nirish guy
May 10th, 2017, 06:21
Northern Ireland's so central. You can just hop on a plane and within a few hours be somewhere really interesting

"Actually" I'll have you know that N.ireland's Titanic Visitor Centre recently won the WORLDS BEST TOURIST ATTRACTION ! And Lonely Planet regular quote N.I as one of it's top ten "must visit" places and tourist numbers here are rocketing - so THERE Mr smarty pants you're talking keek as usual :-p


May 10th, 2017, 14:36
Unless the NIrish accent is coming into play here, the word is Keech with the "ch" pronounced with a good old guttural chhhhhhh as in loch.

On the subject of the accent I saw a photo of the arm of some NIrish "staunch" loyalist who had clearly verbally instructed the tattooist exactly what to draw on his arm.

As a result the had a large NIrish crest complete with red hand and the banner "Respect Are Province"


Nirish guy
May 11th, 2017, 02:11
Oh well at least they get points for trying as normally either one would have bottled it long before they got to that point and just went for a plain old "Respect R province" - closely followed by the knuckles being finished with Love / Hat - and not not hate as he lost a finger playing cards with Johnny Adair when visiting him in Troon for the weekend.