View Full Version : BKK brief observations...

April 23rd, 2017, 09:30
landed on friday evening after dreadful China Southern flight....why are the seats sooo small and hard...
Amount of willing and able MB on Grindr undiminished...3 down...lots more to go...averaged cost BHT 960
Love what they've done to the Malaysia hotel's alfresco dining area...as well as the cosmetic upgrade to the rest of the hotel...

April 23rd, 2017, 10:38
I will be in BKK 22 May and was thinking of booking a few nights at the Malaysia. More out of habit. I have not been in BKK for 2 years. What are the changes made to the hotel? As an aside some 25+ years ago when I first ventured to Thailand the Malaysia was so much fun. Mostly because of the MB who congregated in the cafe. That is long gone and I guess they are trying to upgrade the hotel and its image. Ah..fond memories.

April 23rd, 2017, 14:05
I loved the little outdoor eating area with the fish pond to watch. Hope that is still there.

April 23rd, 2017, 14:08
Small cosmetic upgrades. Outdoor dining area enlarged by removing most of the fish pond and garden that took up most of one wall. Corridors leading to rooms repainted, new faster elevator, my room has new floor.
And yes not a single mb to be seen loitering. But don't despair, Grindr and Babylon more than compensate.

Nirish guy
April 23rd, 2017, 17:17
What about BKK itself in terms of busy or not ?

My fairing mate went for songkran and after the main partying was over said Bkk emptied and died ( as is usual of course but he said way more than is usual) and likewise he's in Pattaya just now and is saying exactly the same thing re there with bar owners etc saying it's the worst they seen it in 16 years ( Strangely they put that exact number on it too apparently ?? He sent me a pic of himself sitting outside one of the bars in Boystown at 1am on this Friday evening past there and he was about the only customer and the boys that where dotted around the shot were all sitting looking bored out of their minds and half of them on their phones ( no doubt on Grindr trying to FIND a customer). He did say that grindr was busy and he'd no problems sitting laid but in terms of entertainment and having a bit of fun and enjoyment out at night etc he said it was dead ?

Oh by the way as seems to be the norm now on the board you will of course have to produce a pic, let say with a bar menu from Soi 4, complete with a used money boy looking angry that he's just been used and underpaid and hmmmm lets see oh yes, the bridle reins for a small pony, others may require you to add to that list just to be sure to be sure but personally I think that would be sufficient for now..... :-)

April 23rd, 2017, 19:24
Thank you NIrish. Currently to be found somewhere in Europe salivating at his planned (solo) trip to Thailand and the ready and eager boys that await him there.

April 23rd, 2017, 20:17
yeah...telephone bar / balcony car real busy, packed in fact. Babylon was also really busy. Soi twilight was quiet. Think the high prices and crappy shows are putting people off...maybe the news has finally filtered through that its a bit of a rip off.
Staying at the sukothai (really nice place...pool is as big as the ocean) and its soooo quiet...dont know how they turn a profit....vast dining /bar areas and all empty.

Brad the Impala
April 23rd, 2017, 20:27
First the details of the "upgrade" to the Malaysia Hotel, including the floor of your room there.

Small cosmetic upgrades. Outdoor dining area enlarged by removing most of the fish pond and garden that took up most of one wall. Corridors leading to rooms repainted, new faster elevator, my room has new floor.
And yes not a single mb to be seen loitering. But don't despair, Grindr and Babylon more than compensate.

Followed 12 hours later by:

Staying at the sukothai (really nice place...pool is as big as the ocean) and its soooo quiet...dont know how they turn a profit....vast dining /bar areas and all empty.

April 23rd, 2017, 23:39
Small cosmetic upgrades. Outdoor dining area enlarged by removing most of the fish pond and garden that took up most of one wall.

They had some monster fish / serpent (or two) living in this pond. I wonder what happened to them? Did they die? Did they release them into the waters around Lumpini Park? These things were frightening, when they would feed them...I never got a good look at them, but they were big and had probably been in there for years.


April 24th, 2017, 00:05
They had some monster fish / serpent (or two) living in this pond. I wonder what happened to them? Did they die? Did they release them into the waters around Lumpini Park? These things were frightening, when they would feed them...I never got a good look at them, but they were big and had probably been in there for years.


Long gone to the next life.

April 24th, 2017, 00:06
Surfcrest wrote:
"They had some monster fish / serpent (or two) living in this pond. I wonder what happened to them?"

Eaten by Chinese tourists.

April 24th, 2017, 01:09
landed on friday evening after dreadful China Southern flight....why are the seats sooo small and hard...
You're smart enough to know the answer; they are made for CHINESE!

April 24th, 2017, 01:33
Whenever I'm looking for flights I see that China Southern are the cheapest airline flying from Europe to Asia - often just over £300 - they're the long haul Ryanair.

It seems Poxxxy chooses his airline on the same basis he chooses his prostitutes


April 24th, 2017, 06:52
Brad...quite right...I was at the Malaysia initially as it was the weekend and I was PAYING...then moved into the Sukhothai on sunday morning work is now picking up the tab. This is not new, in the past I've broadcast the fact that cheap and cheerfull is my preferred option when I'm paying.

Surf....fishpond is real small now, there is ony 1 turtle left and some really small fish. In my opinion the alresco area has been improved, looks cleaner and lighter. One of the " improvements" that Im not so hot on is a huge hideous bronze horse in the entrance driveway....

Scotty...quite correct...price rules...why should your nation be the only tightwads....whether its a ride on a plane or a MB's arse I need to get the lowest cost for the longest ride....at least I'm consistent.

April 24th, 2017, 07:13
Spent most of sunday at Babylon...very pleasant...had 2 very satisfactory anal encounters. Retired to my room at 6 and napped until 8...woke up feeling reenergised and to several " invites" on grindr.
Engaged a massage boy....20/gym fit/ I do everything....couodnt have asked for more...he was as advertised...certainly did everything...beautiful flawless smooth milky coloured skin...amazing bubble butt and pecs with prominent nipples....total cost including an above average massage BHT 1100....
Love this place....

April 24th, 2017, 11:53
Sexual Deviant wrote:
"landed on friday evening after dreadful China Southern flight....why are the seats sooo small and hard..."

Then he wrote:
".I was at the Malaysia initially as it was the weekend and I was PAYING...then moved into the Sukhothai on sunday morning work is now picking up the tab."

The seats in CS business class are neither small nor hard. As apparently you're there for work I am curious why they stuffed you into cattle class? No need to bother us with a convoluted 'explanation." I think we can work it out.

April 24th, 2017, 12:19
arsehole ..not fair that you do a trump on me...throw out an accusation/insinuation and then flounce away ladyboy like.....answer is simple...for this particular job (am auditing 2 separate companies) I received a travel allowance....so I kept the difference ...it was worth almost USD1500......not to be sneezed at. Hell for USD1500 I would stand in the plane toilets for the 11 hours it took.

April 24th, 2017, 12:53
oh and stop being such a sleuth...sound like a447 now...so just stop it ...very annoying

April 24th, 2017, 14:41
SDL wrote:
"arsehole ..not fair that you do a trump on me...throw out an accusation/insinuation and then flounce away ladyboy like.....answer is simple...for this particular job (am auditing 2 separate companies) I received a travel allowance....so I kept the difference ...it was worth almost USD1500......not to be sneezed at. Hell for USD1500 I would stand in the plane toilets for the 11 hours it took."

Mmm. This too is very interesting. A travel allowance. From the two separate companies or just the one? And neither/or one has asked for a receipt from you? They/It just handed over $xxx and you kindly agreed to halve the costs for them. Or not if it's only the one payment. More curious by the day. This sleuthing is fun, I can see why a447 loved it.

April 24th, 2017, 15:03
I'm an forensic tax inspector, I'll be working closely with Arsenal on this investigation

April 24th, 2017, 15:24
oh and stop being such a sleuth...sound like a447 now...so just stop it ...very annoying


April 24th, 2017, 15:29
While I like the idea of Freakys' post, the execution was poor. That's Dame Maggie Smith who has never played Miss Marple and the phrase is the rule by which HM QE II reigns.

April 24th, 2017, 15:56
think I will set my hair on fire and put it out with a sledge hammer...lot less painfull

April 24th, 2017, 16:08
think I will set my hair on fire and put it out with a sledge hammer...lot less painfull

I believe the Dowager Countess of Grantham sometimes felt the same way

April 24th, 2017, 16:50
Cough cough. Er Sexual Deviant. Aren't you forgetting something?

SDL wrote:
"arsehole ..not fair that you do a trump on me...throw out an accusation/insinuation and then flounce away ladyboy like.....answer is simple...for this particular job (am auditing 2 separate companies) I received a travel allowance....so I kept the difference ...it was worth almost USD1500......not to be sneezed at. Hell for USD1500 I would stand in the plane toilets for the 11 hours it took."

Mmm. This too is very interesting. A travel allowance. From the two separate companies or just the one? And neither/or one has asked for a receipt from you? They/It just handed over $xxx and you kindly agreed to halve the costs for them. Or not if it's only the one payment. How does this system work then?

April 24th, 2017, 17:05
Travel allowances are very common. You get say $150/night for accomadation, another $60/day for food, etc. Happens all the time.

April 24th, 2017, 17:20
From two companies, at the same time which is what Latin is claiming? I don't think so Matt. Receipts, taxable income, company paying for one thing and 'employee' using it to buy something else. This happens all the time. Where?

April 24th, 2017, 17:39
Travel allowances are very common. You get say $150/night for accomadation, another $60/day for food, etc. Happens all the time.

And the rest, Matt. Any employee travelling for a multinational or a First World government gets multiples of those amounts. A friend of mine visits multiple overseas clients for his large multinational consulting company employer at a time and gets his accommodation paid for (5-star hotels only a minimum) together with "meals & incidentals" allowances of several hundred dollars a day. You only have to look at various tax office web sites to see what they deem to be a "reasonable overseas travel allowance"

His employer then claws back the travel allowance in what the clients get charged. I'm guessing latintopx's boys easily paid for out of his daily allowance. If you've never been on that gravy train you've no idea how you're missing out

April 24th, 2017, 17:59
I'm assuming your friend works in the financial industry, or similar?

I've been trated very generously by clients before, but I've never been on the "gravy train", although my dad has. He was an executive for ExxonMobil, and last 8 years of his career were overseas assignments, so I know how well they can get trated. Exxon are cheap cunts though, so it wasn't the kind of money you're talking about, but nonetheless, he was taken very good care of.

April 24th, 2017, 18:06
I'm assuming your friend works in the financial industry, or similar?

As I said - one of the major consulting companies. Think McKinsey or Boston Consulting Group - that sort of thing. But senior government bureaucrats are similarly well-treated. I have no doubt latintopxxx is reflecting his own situation accurately

April 24th, 2017, 18:07
You have a friend?

April 24th, 2017, 18:09
You have a friend?

We met at Arseholes Anonymous - it's the opposite of Alcoholics Anonymous in that the members vow to be come more of an arsehole. As I'm sure you're aware, barristers refer to each other as "my learned friend" without actually believing the others are their friends

April 24th, 2017, 18:11
Well if Freakys' description applies to Latin, currently scrunched up in steerage on China Southern then something is amiss somewhere.

April 24th, 2017, 19:11
Sorry to disappoint. I'm a free lancer. Do quality audits, not financial. Some of my work is regular in that there are several companies that book me to carry out audits on a regular basis. This particular gig was through an agency. They give me a travel allowance, daily allowance and a reasonable hotel including breakfast. So unfortunately no double dipping. However what I economise with my travel and daily allowance is in the region of USD 2700. Not exactly a kings ransom but not bad for a 10 day trip.

April 24th, 2017, 20:38
I only have one real question for latin. I'm expected that after your audits, you're expected to provide a full report, correct? Do you write these these reports in the same style that you write oists here? I mean, with total avoidance of the English language, proper grammer or syntax, constantly using "....." every 5 works, etc.?

Or are you actually capable of writing properly, and just turn into an illeterate idiot idiot when you post here?

April 24th, 2017, 21:27
... and just turn into an illeterate idiot idiot when you post here?

An interesting interesting question

April 24th, 2017, 21:30
heh, blame that on my dogs and Leo for constantly interrupting me. :)

April 24th, 2017, 23:20
...and just turn into an illeterate idiot idiot when you post here?
The pot calling the kettle black.

But back to the OP. The changes at the alfresco dining area and fish pool are recent and hitherto unreported as far as I know. There is a pretty good chance Latintopxxx has really been there, alternatively he knows someone who has and provided him with that information.

April 24th, 2017, 23:23
" ... landed on friday evening after dreadful China Southern flight....why are the seats sooo small and hard ... "
Try China Southern Business or Premium Economy Class next time. It's the best.
Mind you, you yourself must show a bit of class sitting there ... which will probably be a very tough nut for you.


April 25th, 2017, 02:54
Just curious, what is quality audit? Wandering mind wants to know

Nirish guy
April 25th, 2017, 03:51
BKK brief observations...
When I first read the thread title of this thread I just assumed it was a report from Christian about a night he'd spent in Soi Twilight starting at underwear !

Nirish guy
April 25th, 2017, 04:03
Just curious, what is quality audit? Wandering mind wants to know

Why one that's done really REALLY well of course, not just any old ordinary audit but a real quality one....... :-)

Joking of course, I believe it's more in relation to the auditing of pre-agreed and company laid down quality and production procedures used as part of things such as gaining ISO accreditation and allowing the Company / auditor to monitor exactly those agreed processes are working / being carried out and reporting same back to the company / ISO manager to enable them to further improve their "quality" procedures.......I believe that's about right and can vouch for Latin's discussion re general travel and subsistence allowances being charged and paid as I recall having a run in with the ISO monitoring company who was coming to audit my company. They were billing me something like £200 for a flight, £200 a night for a hotel and perhaps £150 subsistence - this was for a short hope from Manchester to Belfast. I pointed out the flight was £80 and a hotel the same and we would provide all food etc for the guy as we'd be taking him our on the piss etc - tough, non negotiable I was told - funnily I gave up on the idea of ISO accreditation not long after and haven't missed it one bit !

But Latin, do please feel free to enlighten us as I'm only going from my limited experience with the one guy.....

April 25th, 2017, 06:20
Just curious, what is quality audit? Wandering mind wants to know


April 25th, 2017, 07:54
Thanks Nirish, Frequent. For a second I thought Latin was the flashlight guy. You know, that legendary guy who claims to carry a flashlight to check the "goods." Smiles, help me. Maybe the colonel?

April 25th, 2017, 08:12
Quality audits focus on food manufacturing. I help to ensure that you dont get poisoned when next u buy a finished food product. I strap on my high heels...march in with my clipboard (actually ipad), glasses perched at the end of my pointy witch nose and start poking my nose into areas that ordinary joe customer never sees to ensure that none of u get food poisoning or worse. My job can vary from standing in the change room ( kinky comments please) observing how the workers enter and leave, wash up procedures, disrobing/robing up ) to spending an hour pouring over warehouse documents and supplier receipts to ensure that enough of the correct raw material has actually been purchased to produce the finished product and that something cheaper has not been substituted. I'm very used to asking difficult questions. And correct grammatical command of the english language is really not necessary....80% of the audit is in tick box form with space for bullet point comments.

April 25th, 2017, 12:07
Thanks Nirish, Frequent. For a second I thought Latin was the flashlight guy. You know, that legendary guy who claims to carry a flashlight to check the "goods." Smiles, help me. Maybe the colonel?
Flashlight Rick :D
Good lord Davey, that was back in circa 2001. I doubt he is around these days, but for a few months he and his gadgets were in the spotlight, so to speak.

April 25th, 2017, 12:46
Speaking of empty bars, I am currently in Pattaya (visiting a friend, been ages I went there) and do people wonder why those boystown bars are empty. Even a regular bar charges 150 baht for a beer. When will they ever learn that 150 baht is a ripp-off price ? The five of us went back to pattaya klang, where a beer is 60 baht. These people have no business sense whatsoever, no wonder many go out of business...

April 25th, 2017, 13:30
justaguy...I dont mind 150/beer if there is eye candy to be seen and played with...but i feel totally ripped off if I pay 150 and all I get to look at are tired fat scream ugly farangs who dont need a mask at halloween

April 25th, 2017, 13:38
Latin wrote:
"...but i feel totally ripped off if I pay 150 and all I get to look at are tired fat scream ugly farangs who dont need a mask at halloween."

Virtually every go go bar has wall to ceiling mirrors so......

April 25th, 2017, 14:13
good one...failed to surpress a good giggle...many thanks

April 25th, 2017, 21:54
Even a regular bar charges 150 baht for a beer. When will they ever learn that 150 baht is a ripp-off price ? The five of us went back to pattaya klang, where a beer is 60 baht.
In Bangkok gogo bars a beer is 400~450 baht. I actually paid that price once, but never again. The show was mediocre at best.

April 25th, 2017, 22:10
After long combative day walked into random massage place stuffed full of male whores....sorry masseurs...picked cute muscly one and upstairs we went. Got naked, massage boy was nowhere to be seen, called and he showed up. Apparently he doesn't wash customers down, in fact he's so special doesn't even get naked for the massage. Promptly put my clothes on and left, Chinese guy at reception tried to stop me wanting to know why. I let him know....he promptly started berating the massage boy....really let him have it... could still hear him screaching 20 m down the road.

April 25th, 2017, 22:16
Assuming the above is true I think you were perfectly within your rights to do as you did. I would and indeed have, done the same.

April 25th, 2017, 23:34
OMFG a massage shop you've never been in before which turns out to offer.............massage rather than the cheap sex and pony-riding you just assumed was on offer because you're a whoremonger of the highest degree who thinks he can throw his knock-off travel expenses around and everybody will just drop to their knees and worship your magnificent cock?

Jesus Christ - call the cops to shut them down.

Maybe you go into a Pharmacy expecting to get wanked off? It wouldn't surprise me


April 26th, 2017, 00:47
Actually yes. This is the 1st time a stoopid massage boy has dared challenge me, and trust me when I say I've done hundreds. For heavens sake there was only male masseurs wearing tight wife beaters. I honestly cannot remember the last time a massage didn't include sex.

April 26th, 2017, 12:23
....anyway...I carried on and several soi's and turns later I found what I wanted...massage boy got naked when I indicated this is what I wanted...with a smile to...promptly hopped into the shower...soaped me up...and things were back to the way they should be.
Scotty...if the front of the shop is littered with young male masseurs in tight fitting vests....what would u think???

April 26th, 2017, 12:26
...geez i really gotta pause before hitting the send button...forgot to say...massage 450...tip 350....60 min massage...with all the extra happy ending services provided...and Im not talking about a hand job either

April 26th, 2017, 14:08
...Scotty...if the front of the shop is littered with young male masseurs in tight fitting vests....what would u think???

I would think YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOO - but I wouldn't get all pissy and make a scene if I'd never been in there before and found out it wasn't as I'd assumed.

April 26th, 2017, 14:58
Many congrats on a good deal. You can use the savings to upgrade from livestock class on China Southern. Perhaps rent a cushion or some headphones.

April 26th, 2017, 17:15
" A stoopid (sic) massage boy dared (sic) to challenge (sic) me." Damn natives. How dare they treat a buckra/ Mr Charlie/ Boss-Man/ Massa in such a disrespectful way?

April 26th, 2017, 17:35
Alot of what latin posts has to be at the very least exagerrations. Any of us who have spent a decent amount of time in Thailand will know acting like that within Thai society simply isn't going to end well for you.

April 26th, 2017, 18:09
...in fact he's so special doesn't even get naked for the massage...
Well, technically you go for a massage, where it doesn't matter if the boy is dressed or not. You could have asked him to get naked instead of putting on a show?

I can commiserate. I prefer the massage is naked, or in underwear, over fully dressed. If I have to grope through the clothes, or tuck on the clothes, and the masseur asks if I want him to take them off, completely destroys the illusion for me.

April 26th, 2017, 21:40
Oliver wrote:
"Damn natives. How dare they treat a buckra/ Mr Charlie/ Boss-Man/ Massa in such a disrespectful way?"

Yea. yoo shudda flatshed yor plane tikit so he noo yoo wer a man of welth an taste. propper jet set yoo is mister.

April 27th, 2017, 10:06
Oliver....exactly...glad u see my point...
mattyboy...stop being such a little old lady clutching your handbag say please/rhankyou/excuse me all the time...if u act like a victim u will be treated like one...and FYI this is not Thai society...sto being so stooopid....
Christian...I did ask...he flashed me a sign of irritation and said no...
arsehole...actually need to cal u something else...arseholes are really useful...provide me with hours of pleasure...

Basically I felt conned...they litter the front with gorgeous numbers...and only once u r naked and showered and on the bed do u discover that its just a massage...and assume that one feels obliged to stay becasue like one is naked and showered and lying there ...got another thing coming...

April 27th, 2017, 10:19
Well, technically you go for a massage ...
Technically you go to a bar for a drink. Just because there a semi-naked boys there ...

April 27th, 2017, 11:28
Well Sexual Deviant, perhaps the boy considered you below his standards and thought of the politest way to get rid of you.

April 27th, 2017, 12:28
Might be the case....but his boss/manager certainly wasn't impressed....if he's so picky then maybe he needs a new career.....imagine if Scott or u arsetroll walked in....the thought of even touching u....projectile vomit inducing ....

April 27th, 2017, 14:45
How dare you. I am fucking gorgeous.

April 27th, 2017, 14:54
U mean delusional......

April 27th, 2017, 18:49
justaguy...I dont mind 150/beer if there is eye candy to be seen and played with...but i feel totally ripped off if I pay 150 and all I get to look at are tired fat scream ugly farangs who dont need a mask at halloween

Right.. I can see eye candy in silom 4 and pay 100 baht for a beer.

April 27th, 2017, 19:08
Alot of what latin posts has to be at the very least exagerrations. Any of us who have spent a decent amount of time in Thailand will know acting like that within Thai society simply isn't going to end well for you.
He's not in "thai society" - he's in the sex industry bubble

April 28th, 2017, 00:52
thank you...finally some common sense...places like soi twilight and pattaya are not Thailand...Thailand is normal...just like Frankfurt...boring and normal...its like going to the red light windows in Amsterdam and then thinking all of Holland is a whorehouse...

April 28th, 2017, 01:01
highlights of Pattaya....

(1) fantastic erotic show at x-boys....real good big cock show and excellent fuck show...almost no customers but they still put on a show...at any time one can summons one of the performers to your seat to grope...all for BHT 20 tip.....I invited a real muscle gogo to sit with me...supposed to be a " man" only...for BHT100 I was allowed to finger his delicious hole for the duration of the show...he didnt flinch...
(2) walked into the 1st gogo bar on soi VC, the one where the gogos are contantly playing with themselves...this was at 11pm...only 1 customer who looked more dead then alive...after some careful negotiation..and lotsa laughs got 5 gogos to cum for me...one after the other while I fiondled their balls/arse...BHT100 each...normally they want 300....but as I laughingly pointed out..." no customer"...best bht500 ever...loved watching the silly fuckers tug away ....one coudnt get hard ...even after watching porn on his mobile...others gave him such a hard time...too funny...

Plan to be back in august...place is like a sugary treat...can only handle small doses at a time...

Nirish guy
April 28th, 2017, 01:24
......can only handle small doses at a time...

Just as well that last one didn't cum then, they might have choked you ! :-)

April 28th, 2017, 07:57
2 shot the most amazing loads, but then they are all in their prime and have been fiddling with it all evening.

April 29th, 2017, 08:39
Jupiter on soi 4....went to the show...beers BHT240 only...more of a tranny show...not the usual sex boy show that gogo bars put on...still was fun...lots of gorgeous shirtless staff to ogle at...

April 29th, 2017, 08:44
Jupiter on soi 4....went to the show...beers BHT240 only...more of a tranny show...not the usual sex boy show that gogo bars put on...still was fun...lots of gorgeous shirtless staff to ogle at...
Is that the bar with the green lights outside? I wasn't aware it was open. Damn. I was in Soi 4 last night, ate at Spanish on 4 and then went home. Had I realised there was firm young male flesh I could leer at only a few yards away ...

April 29th, 2017, 10:40
u have to walk to the end of the soi, go past balcony bar, there is a very large neon sign...cant recall if its green. I also noticed the German fossil that owns dream boys/bestboysbangkok shuffling up and down the soi...he paused for quite a long time in front of The Balcony and looked t a " for rent' sign...the shop next to The Balcony is empty....maybe he's eyeing up the possibility of relocating to soi 4...after all soi twilight seems to be on the wane...whilst soi 4 was pumping on thursday night and friday night...

April 29th, 2017, 10:44
u have to walk to the end of the soi, go past balcony bar, there is a very large neon sign...cant recall if its green. I also noticed the German fossil that owns dream boys/bestboysbangkok shuffling up and down the soi...he paused for quite a long time in front of The Balcony and looked t a " for rent' sign...the shop next to The Balcony is empty....maybe he's eyeing up the possibility of relocating to soi 4...after all soi twilight seems to be on the wane...whilst soi 4 was pumping on thursday night and friday night...As you look down the Soi from Telephone Bar there are three (I think) bright green lights on the right-hand side, just before Fork & Cork (be careful how you say that, although I'm sure it's intentional). It's to be hoped that more gay businesses relocate to Soi 4 - far too many breeders wandering up and down and taking over our sacred sites. Mind you there was a family with two attractive teenage sons eating in Spanish on 4 last night

April 29th, 2017, 11:06
oh I love it when straight couples..or better a group of straight guys decide this is a fun place to have a few drinks...I cruise them something terrible...

April 29th, 2017, 11:16
Speaking of empty bars, I am currently in Pattaya (visiting a friend, been ages I went there) and do people wonder why those boystown bars are empty. Even a regular bar charges 150 baht for a beer. When will they ever learn that 150 baht is a ripp-off price ? The five of us went back to pattaya klang, where a beer is 60 baht. These people have no business sense whatsoever, no wonder many go out of business...

I went to Oscar's bar in Boyztown last week twice and was charged 50 baht each time for bottles of Leo and Heineken for my friend. If it was a Songkran special or whatever i am not sure but that was good value. Generally i agree with you though, the bars in Boyztown are overpriced and i know other farangs who just go to Sunnee or Jomtiem for less expensive drinks. Once you have seen the shows and go go bars etc there is no reason to frequently go to Boyztown just to just have a drink.

April 29th, 2017, 16:34
oh I love it when straight couples..or better a group of straight guys decide this is a fun place to have a few drinks...I cruise them something terrible...There was a rather alarming trend on Grindr when I was in Sydney recently - guys with a girl in their profile pic. I usually messaged them asking if she wanted to watch

April 30th, 2017, 13:37
Went to the 10:45 show at Tawan last night. Lot more beefy guys on stage and a lot less ripped muscle. Excellent show, lotsa cock on show. Good fuck show. Excellent cum show, 3 guys on stage, all able to shoot quite dramatically. Popped into golden cock before hand.....so quiet, only 3 ugly wanna be hosts available.

April 30th, 2017, 19:04
Jupiter on soi 4....went to the show...beers BHT240 only...more of a tranny show...not the usual sex boy show that gogo bars put on...still was fun...lots of gorgeous shirtless staff to ogle at...

jupiter only opens next month, for now it's just for fun. Outside Heineken still 100 baht, I was there last night..

May 1st, 2017, 00:35
Not sure what u mean. I went to the show tonight at 10pm. Totally different to the previous one. A steady stream of beautiful muscle guys strutting the cat walk, showing off the most amazing bodies intepersed by some musical numbers. There was even the odd flash of cock and butt. I spent an enjoyable hour just watching these very fine specimens of young prime manhood.

May 1st, 2017, 03:09
I mean, According to members of staff Jupiter only opens next month. I went to jupiter several times (and used the toilet upstairs) I have yet to see a single cock. Mind you I did not go tonight as I am not in Thailand anymore.

May 1st, 2017, 09:07
I'm not sure what their format will be. It's not a traditional gogo bar in that there are no gogo boys on the stage, all they seem to do is a long 90 min show. Maybe it will eventually open as a gogo bar. Mind u yesterday all the models had numbers so they are for rent👍🏻
Most amazing bodies.

May 1st, 2017, 10:53
I'm not sure what their format will be. It's not a traditional gogo bar in that there are no gogo boys on the stage, all they seem to do is a long 90 min show. Maybe it will eventually open as a gogo bar. Mind u yesterday all the models had numbers so they are for rent����
Most amazing bodies.

They already were doing shows when they were forfun. According to members of staff it will be a gogo bar with 350 baht beers. Personally I fail to see how this will work, because it will be the only gogo on the soi, so people have to go a little bit out of their way if they are into this kind of thing. The others will be put off by the 350 baht beers.

I used to go there regularly when they were forfun, mostly sitting outside. Maybe they will have different pricing, outside the current pricing and inside the gogo pricing. If I need to pay the full price outside, I will not bother to visit anymore.