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View Full Version : Recommended massage in Pattaya?

April 19th, 2017, 06:20
Twenty-odd years ago I regularly visited the Adam and Eve massage place in Pattaya, going there again a few times after it was relocated and renamed as Madame Ed's. I really enjoyed both the selection of masseurs and the famous "B massage" in which one was bathed by the boy and then given a full naked-body-on-naked-body rubdown plus happy ending.

Since then I've concentrated on the go-go bars but, as they become fewer in number, I think it's time to explore the massage option once more. The location of Madame Ed's - if it's still there - is a bit of a hike, so I'm looking for alternative recommendations from those with more up-to-date knowledge of Pattaya massage businesses.

I am looking for places where:

1. There's a good selection of masseurs who are on the masculine side from a physical point of view
2. Staff are happy to engage in physical interaction beyond the massage itself
3. The place is clean and with good security for valuables

I'd also be grateful for advice on what constitutes an acceptable tip for the masseur these days.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

April 19th, 2017, 08:04
I've always found Royal House to be very good both in terms of boys available and service although most boys don't get there until the afternoon. It's located down a side street to the left of Tukom opposite JJ Pub.

April 19th, 2017, 08:45
Thanks, arsenal. What's the acceptable tip there?

Does anyone else have other recommendations?

April 19th, 2017, 09:31
For a naked boy with a one hour massage and kissing 1000 is pretty acceptable but if smoking is involved then a bit more is probably fair. Except at Scamdick where the boys expect more and more and more so I would simply avoid the place.

April 19th, 2017, 15:36
geez....for a 1000 I would expect more than kissing...not that i kiss them...

April 19th, 2017, 16:46
My pricing is correct as of about three weeks ago. Perhaps Sexual Deviant can tell us which place he visited.

Nirish guy
April 19th, 2017, 16:54
Sorry I'm with Latin on this one - certainly in Pattaya anyway - to me a massage with a fuck or whatever thrown in at the end is basically a short time gig - 1000 is enough ( plus the massage shops fee of course on top ) and yes IF the guy ACTUALY gave you a great massage or maybe a one or one and a half hour super massage and not just the usual rub 14 litres of oil all over your back trick and a quick pull then PERHAPS a genuine small 100 or 200 baht thanks that was nice tip on top or that would be ok if I intended to come back - but I don't think I probably ever have done that mind - otherwise to me too the 1000 is about right - and I've also never had anyone complain or raise an eyebrow about that rate when it was handed over either I should add.

April 19th, 2017, 17:15
geez....for a 1000 I would expect more than kissing...not that i kiss them...

Kissing a massage boy? Yuck.......why?

April 19th, 2017, 17:54
Blue House near Tukom suits me. 500 Baht for a basic oil massage and the boy will certainly expect at least 1000 Baht tip, I think it's actually stated somewhere. I asked one of the guys what a sign written in Thai on the wall of the room said. He replied with a big grin "No fucking!". As that's what we'd just been doing it amused us both. The rooms have en-suite showers and the whole place is nice and clean. A few guys moved here from Narcissus in Boys Town when that changed hands at Christmas.

April 19th, 2017, 18:16
I thought this is another "I don't know anything! Too lazy to goole. Tell me everything?" topic, but your questions make sense.

I can second recommendation for Royal House, based on one visit. The downside is that most masseurs are inside, I prefer them all to sit outside so I can browse while passing.

1000 Baht tip for happy ending always well received (no fucking, oil and condom don't go well together.)

I have been to several of the all-male massages around Tuk-Com, and can't recommend or advice against any of them. All pretty much the same. Most important is the boy.

Whereas in Bangkok there is one place with boys ok, massage and happy ending ok, but only cold water in shower.

April 19th, 2017, 20:28
Christian wrote:
"The downside is that most masseurs are inside, I prefer them all to sit outside so I can browse while passing."

I absolutely agree and on two occasions I politely said that none of the available boys were to my taste and left. MFAS. Kissing, "Yuk?" You're not doing it right.

April 20th, 2017, 01:18
Thanks guys.
Fantastic demystifying peek into our private little world whereby before we lived in lonely isolation.
Not alone do we have 2 specific venues named here for facilitating criminal behaviour but we're told in one case that both client and masseur laughed at the legal notice on display.

Nirish guy
April 20th, 2017, 01:34
Your post presumes that happy endings in Thai massage parlours may be news to people / the authorities, I think its ok and we can proceed on the working assumption that they're not.

April 20th, 2017, 02:58
farang....Im absolutely positive that the authorities know exactly what goes on in these venues...afterall its not like foreigners arrived here and showed the locals what sex/fucking was all about...watching a good full on fuck show (when they were still in vogue) makes me think that the Thais invented sex.
As for kissing a MB/massage boy .....yuk....imagine the contamination...the number of times its been used.....

April 20th, 2017, 03:41
NIrish/LPOX I agree that the authorities know what's going on and I know it's a big part of this forum to share useful info but there needs to be SOME discretion surely.
Authorities will act if strong cases are made and we have plenty of moral guardians out there ready and willing to make mischief and most of them are foreigners in Thailand.

April 20th, 2017, 04:30
I do see your point but tree hugging do gooders usually focus on truly illegal activities such as underage....I think consenting activities between adults are not high on their agenda.

April 20th, 2017, 06:59
I think that Thailand for us is the most tolerant country on earth provided the pretty wide boundaries that roughly conform to Buddhist principles are not breached.
The Thais being Buddhists are fine with consenting adult love/sex provided it's discreet even when it involves Thais-. gay or straight.
But the western rag newspapers and media in general are forever embarrassing the Thai government with "sin-city" and "sex tourism" stories based on undercover and anecdotal evidence.
These people trawl the internet to gather material for their next shock-horror story. This is an open forum that deals with Thailand and we should not be feeding stuff that can be misconstrued to embarrass Thailand further.
I would have thought that this is fairly obvious.

Nirish guy
April 20th, 2017, 07:19
Totally disagree there I'm afraid as it's not my job to do Thailand's PR job for them - and while you're at it - perhaps as you seem to care so much about Thailand's image etc you should maybe perhaps take on board some of your own advice re your own posts then where you state "publicly" about taking off a known now freelance prostitute, who's a father no less, from a named bar in Pattaya and then giving them prescription medication which we can only presume wasn't prescribed for them as you only met them a "short time" ago........so please, less of the judgemental attitude perhaps, it's Thailand, it is what it is and if us having the audacity to suggest that sex goes on in Thai massage parlours offends Thai's sensibilities then they should go and talk to the Thai people performing those services perhaps - but as they haven't done so in .....hmmm just about EVER I don't think I'll be stopping using such services or worrying about talking about it on a gay forum too much "just yet" perhaps. Now, what was it you were saying about Western media looking for stories about sex tourism and your short time off again, do remind us.......as I'm sure that certainly is the image that Thai's want to see spread to the world about Pattaya, their new family friendly resort.....isn't it ? I mean....."I would have thought that this is fairly obvious".

....the western rag newspapers and media in general are forever embarrassing the Thai government with "sin-city" and "sex tourism" stories based on undercover and anecdotal evidence. These people trawl the internet to gather material for their next shock-horror story. This is an open forum that deals with Thailand and we should not be feeding stuff that can be misconstrued to embarrass Thailand further.

Took a guy from a bar in Pattaya to my room for short time mostly based on the reputation of his (as yet unseen) size. ......I decided to offer him a half 100mg Viagra.

Which bar and which boy?


That's the guy. I pronounce his name DAW. He's a father now. He freelances out of a Jomtien Complex bar now.

April 20th, 2017, 08:07
...pains me to say...but very good point irish...

April 20th, 2017, 08:38
Judging by some of the fucketywuckety cloud cuckoo land decisions being made by the 'look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I got POWER...Oooohhh' plastic toy soldier military government no one needs to do anything to 'embarrass Thailand' further. They're doing just fine all by themselves. But it's still the worlds best holiday destination and not by a little bit, they take gold, silver and bronze with anywhere else getting an also ran certificate.

April 20th, 2017, 09:36
I think that Thailand for us is the most tolerant country on earth
"for us" means for guys consorting with male prostitutes? Just because they don't confront you doesn't mean the Thais don't despise you

April 20th, 2017, 14:19
One can "consort with male prostitutes" in almost any country in the world - and if you don't realise that then you seriously need to get out more.

What FarangRuMak is lauding (I believe) is the lack of any need in Thailand to be discreet about it, the easy availability - and even if one is not "consorting", the opportunity not to *have* to be discreet about one's sexuality generally.

As for "confrontation" - the only confrontation I've ever had in Thailand has been from loud-mouthed (and I have to be honest and say *American*) farangs who seem unable to process that I'm perfectly entitled to mince round Royal Garden Plaza with someone not just 1/2 but nearer 1/3 my age. Not that their highly vocal disapproval ever bothered me in the slightest though.

April 20th, 2017, 15:19
... you need to get out more. What FarangRuMak is lauding (I believe) is the lack of any need in Thailand to be discreet about it, the easy availability - and even if one is not "consorting", the opportunity not to *have* to be discreet about one's sexuality generally.
What he is "lauding" is that he isn't confronted by disapproving Thais. Having lived here for almost thirty years I don't believe it's me that needs to get out more.

As for "confrontation" - the only confrontation I've ever had in Thailand has been from loud-mouthed (and I have to be honest and say *American*) farangs who seem unable to process that I'm perfectly entitled to mince round Royal Garden Plaza with someone not just 1/2 but nearer 1/3 my age. Not that their highly vocal disapproval ever bothered me in the slightest though.
I'm not sure why you think that relevant to the question of whether Thais approve or disapprove. We all know Americans are vulgarians - look at their President - and sadly they are to be encountered everywhere

April 20th, 2017, 15:56
Freaky wrote:
"Having lived here for almost thirty years" and "Just because they don't confront you doesn't mean the Thais don't despise you."

Explains a lot.

Nirish guy
April 20th, 2017, 17:05
^ He has a point though and that's fairly much my view on Thailand - well, pattaya to be more correct i.e I KNOW they don't particularly like "my sort" i.e. white, sex tourist, gay ( not necessarily in that order) about the place but hey they tolerate me as I'm putting money in their collective pockets so they deem to give me their best fake smile and serve me anyway, likewise I don't particularly like that half the Thai's I meet in Pattaya are scheming cheating, lying fuckers who would happily do me over for a few thousand baht if given half the chance - but I also then do MY best fake smile and also very kindly deem to continue fucking them.

So all in all the don't ask don't tell what we're both REALLY thinking about the other works ok. But to suggest I should start to care about their precious buddhist leanings and consider my behaviour for fear I should offend those poor souls in Pattaya who eak their living fucking the likes of me by their own choice - then no, sorry that's a bridge to far for me. Mutual fake smiles and pretending we both give a shit about the other perhaps but caring about how THEY look to the outside world - no, not my problem I'm afraid. It is what it is and they are what they are - and so am I - the only difference is I don't try to pretend to be or ask people to think of me as something other than that.

April 20th, 2017, 18:48
... they tolerate me as I'm putting money in their collective pockets so they deem to give me their best fake smile and serve me anyway ...

Absolutely typical Thai behaviour by AOT Limousines when I arrived back at Swampy earlier in the week. I rocked up to the counter before the Customs exit and asked for a limo. "Special price for you" they simpered, and showed me the "special price" on those big hand-held calculators - 2300 baht. "Bullshit" I said in my best Thai, whereupon they showed me the standard price chart which they had covered up while they were offering me the "special" price. I chose my usual - the Camry at 1200 baht. They just can't help themselves, from the moment you arrive to the moment you (they hope) leave.

April 20th, 2017, 18:50
My friend who speaks reasonable Thai told me that the Thais didn't particularly like farangs until the Chinese, Russians and fat fuck Arab scum showed up and in comparison we've gone way up the scale.

April 20th, 2017, 18:59
Frequent wrote:
"Absolutely typical Thai behaviour by AOT Limousines when I arrived back at Swampy earlier in the week. I rocked up to the counter before the Customs exit and asked for a limo. "Special price for you" they simpered, and showed me the "special price" on those big hand-held calculators - 2300 baht. "Bullshit" I said in my best Thai, whereupon they showed me the standard price chart which they had covered up while they were offering me the "special" price. I chose my usual - the Camry at 1200 baht. They just can't help themselves, from the moment you arrive to the moment you (they hope) leave."

Welcome home Freaky. How's life these days? Still living the dream?

April 20th, 2017, 20:53
Someone kindly PMed me to ask why I didn't respond to what he called "arsenal's asinine comments". I replied that I thought Socrates' comments in my signature a riposte enough for anyone and besides, I've never thought arsenal's posts added any value to the Forum so he's on my Foes list and I only read what he posts if someone else quotes him (though why they would bother ...)

April 20th, 2017, 21:28
Well Freaky if you put everyone who dislikes you on your ignore list there wouldn't be too much left for you read.

April 21st, 2017, 03:13
fake smiles and money...its kinda part of the " saving face" thing they live by. I can treat a MB like a real cheap rubber sex toy in the privacy of my room...and make him squeak like one too....as long as I pay...but in public I gotta treat him normally..... with just enough respect to make it all acceptable.

April 21st, 2017, 03:19
...and anyone who believes that the Thais like us for who we are is delusional......but have to agree that since the arrival of the arabs everyone else suddenly seems much nicer...

April 21st, 2017, 16:27
...showed me the "special price" on those big hand-held calculators - 2300 baht...
Whenever such a calculator is involved in showing a price, you are being screwed.

April 22nd, 2017, 06:43
You know what?
I hesitated posting my response to the reckless naming & outing of the 2 massage shops in Pattaya because I knew my (measured) post on the well endowed 28 yrs old would be misconstrued and thrown back at me by the petulant queens.
And sure it was.
It confirms what I always knew about this branch of queer.

Nirish guy
April 22nd, 2017, 08:04
What In other words you mean that you knew someone would probably call you out on your being just a little bit hypocritical in commenting on others posting when you had already posted doing basically exactly the same thing that you were castigating others for just a few posts before - oh well, in that case I'm glad I was able to confirm your thoughts about that matter then.

Oh and if you think that your actually naming a person AND the bar they worked in where you off'ed him AND where he can now be found freelancing is measured then god forbid should those same the authorities that you seem to think give a fuck actually care as that poor guy is screwed - oh and here's another point for you, it's not just the two massage places you worry that were named as places to go for a great "special" massage that offer happy endings..... it's nearly ALL of them (in certain areas of course) and god forbid they should ever stop that too as then how would the poor police ever get to collect their tea money eh !

Opps, there I go ruining the good name of Thailand and some of those lovely innocent Thai people who just happen to be good Buddhists and just happen to live and work in Pattaya. Are you for real, people in glass houses shouldn't perhaps throw bricks - and I say that as one petulant not so old queen to another it seems "dear".

April 23rd, 2017, 04:10
1) If anyone wants to meet this now famous (by his nick-name) 30/31 year old well endowed man who socialises (omg) out of a Jomtien bar PM me for the bar name. He's not always there. Good luck.

2) Out of the mouth of a Homophobe:
"I wish that which dares not speak its name would shut up for a while."
(Pat Buchanan. Rep Senator)

April 23rd, 2017, 07:50
2) Out of the mouth of a Homophobe:
"I wish that which dares not speak its name would shut up for a while."
(Pat Buchanan. Rep Senator)

Homophobe Pat Buchanan has never been a US Senator.

He was merely a failed Presdential candidate. He entered the Repubican Party primary elections in both 1992 and 1996 but failed to gain the Republican presidential nomination. He then joined the Reform Party and became their presidential nominee for the 2000 election - where he picked up less than half a million votes and came only 4th.

April 23rd, 2017, 09:22
I need to start drinking heavily again...seems like I now agree with all of irish's posts....terrible really

Nirish guy
April 23rd, 2017, 17:30
I need to start drinking heavily again...seems like I now agree with all of irish's posts....terrible really

Don't worry, I'm sure it'll pass ........ if you STOP taking the tablets I'm sure you'll be back to your old self in no time at all ! :)

April 25th, 2017, 20:53
Re P. Buchanan not being a senator.
I stand corrected.
In fairness he was equally unkind to all; (feminisms, zionists etc.) in his writings.