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April 11th, 2017, 09:17
picking up on the word of the month " crazy"...what have been your craziest encounters in Thailand?? I surprisingly enough have only had a few...

(1) drugged/high MB shows up at my hotel door....I immediately turn him away, didnt even let him into my room, he proceeds to shriek his head off in the corridor demanding full payment. Hotel security takes forever to show up...i explain the situation and crap them out for letting someone who is obviously not in control of his faculties past reception (he had to leave his ID at reception)...he could barely walk in a straight line. They suggest I pay him something...I refuse..after what seemed like an eternity (actually only 10 min) they remove him.....and while this is going on he's shrieking like a demented banshee.

(2) after having a good time partying on MB ass ...fucking him at least 3 times in 2 hours he wants more than the agreed BHT900....I inform him that I booked him for 3 hours so I owe him nothing but that he still owes me an hour so hes lucky to get the full amount. In reality I was happy to see him go because I simply couldnt get an erection after that workout...he proceeds to cry...now I have very few defenses against tears...my heart softens...so we negotiate...if he rims me...gets me hard and makes me come i'll tip him another 300....boy did that MB earn that tip...somehow the impossible was achieved.

(3) have a satisfactory MB date...no arguments..true professional born bottom...but then proceeds to hang around the hotel entrance...like a loyal dog...following me all over the place..like hes in love with me...took forever to shake him loose...got the hotel doorman to have a word with him...that i was a slut and not interested in a relationship..

April 11th, 2017, 11:03
In my short sex tourism life of a bit more than 2 years, I can't make it more crazy then these 3 boys:

1) From one boy the ID card didn't match the person. He had borrowed the ID card from a friend. I had to send him off.

2) One boy demanded I put on a condom before he was to give me a blowjob. Never offed him again.

3) One boy who turned up at the meeting place was 100% deaf.

So I guess I am very lucky so far.

April 11th, 2017, 14:45
In four of the cases above, my sympathies are with the MB.

Nirish guy
April 11th, 2017, 15:14
Just before we got down to it one young, cute ( and genuinely ) very new MB in pattaya INSISTED in broken english that HE must put on a condom before we fucked, I told him "no it's ok, I'm fucking you" to which he hesitated but said "NO, I need condom", I then patiently explained to him how that "no, HE didn't need to wear a condom as I would be the one wearing it" to which he again but a lot louder this time gave said "NO, in bar mamasan told me I always to use condom" ( which I was pleased to hear if nothing else) - and well the craziest part - I was that horny that I actually just gave up and LET him wear the damned thing any way as I fucked him !! :-)

Nirish guy
April 11th, 2017, 15:28
(2) after having a good time partying on MB ass .......boy did that MB earn that tip.....

Ahh ya just couldn't help yourself there could ya.....ya just had to do it ....god you must go through a lot of boxes of tissues in your house..... :-)

April 11th, 2017, 16:48
From the guys I've offed, none really. I guess there was one young guy who got on my nerves because he wouldn't shut up and stop talking (hate people like that). That's really about it though. I haven't offed anywhere close to some of you guys, but I've always been treated very well I think.

I guess there was Pot, but I never offed him. He was Kim's roommate, and our translator for the first few months until we were able to talk to each other. I still don't know what happened there. Kim never admitted it, and always denied it, but I'm assuming they were BFs for a while, because once Kim decided on me over Pot, Pot went totally bat shit insane. Neither of us ever seen Pot again after that, because he literally wanted to murder Kim.

For weeks, he would call Kim like 5 times an hour sometimes. I'm not sure what was said, but I could hear the yelling, and it brought Kim into tears. We ended up bouncing around to different hotels every few days just to avoid Pot. Then we eventually came up to Khon Kaen to get away from him. 7 years later, I'm still bloody here, stuck in the swampland. Go figure.

April 11th, 2017, 18:54
Nirish...u take the prize of the day for the whole condom thing...

April 12th, 2017, 02:34
After taking a cute guy to see one of the recent Star Wars films I took him back to my hotel room. Everything went OK until he suddenly went silent and when I looked at him his pupils had almost disappeared they were looking upwards to such an extreme extent. He began to moan and shake and it was obvious that he was having some kind of fit. I knew what to do to make sure he was safe and wouldn't harm himself.

After about fifteen minutes he seemed calmer but disorientated. He got up and had a pee. Then still not talking or answering my questions he snuggled up to me and went to sleep with his head on my chest.

When he eventually woke up he was obviously embarrassed and would only say that he'd had a headache.

I can imagine that the audio visual impact of the film might have triggered an epileptic fit but if it had happened before he wasn't saying.
Then he eat all the food in my room (fruit and macadamia nuts) and left.

I've seen him since and he was fine.

April 12th, 2017, 07:41
not sure if all epileptic fits are of equal strength, my niece gets them occasionally especially when she neglects to take her meds....but she takes several days to recover and more alarmingly does not remember what happened ...
If I was super suspicious I would say your friend either has another condition or is running a bloody clever scam.

April 12th, 2017, 17:31
It was a genuine fit, I have absolutely no doubt.

April 13th, 2017, 23:15
Took a guy from a bar in Pattaya to my room for short time mostly based on the reputation of his (as yet unseen) size. For reasons best known to god his member didn't respond to my shenanigans.
I decided to offer him a half 100mg Viagra.
Thirty minutes later there were 3 living creatures in the room.
The new guest could not be accommodated anywhere that I could offer without involving my bleeding to death.
Neither could it be put back in its boxer without causing chronic embarrassment to the owner had he hit the streets.
So we cuddled up till morning until the thing had settled down.

April 17th, 2017, 12:54
Which bar and which boy?

April 17th, 2017, 16:45
oh...honestly christian....do u have to be so specific....so German...

April 17th, 2017, 16:46
....its not like the 1st time a MB has been offered drugs.....

April 17th, 2017, 17:18
oh...honestly christian....do u have to be so specific....so German...

I'll have you know Christian was actually holding back - he asked neither the colour of the boys underwear nor the temperature of his skin.

April 17th, 2017, 17:45
I would think a serious drug infusion is the minimum requirement needed to spend any time with Sexual Deviant.

April 17th, 2017, 21:25
which bar and which boy?

April 19th, 2017, 17:42
I'll have you know Christian was actually holding back - he asked neither the colour of the boys underwear nor the temperature of his skin.
I should have been more specific: when that encounter took place, if the boy still works there, and how I can recognize him (other than his name, here tattoos come in very handy).

April 19th, 2017, 20:11
I know Dao and can vouch for his 'size'. He's 31 y.o. and very masculine and no longer at Eros..

April 19th, 2017, 22:11
I would think a serious drug infusion is the minimum requirement needed to spend any time with Sexual Deviant.
I agree. I don't know how I could do it without a few stiff whiskies. These boys are so egregious.

April 19th, 2017, 22:15
I know Dao and can vouch for his 'size'. He's 31 y.o. and very masculine and no longer at Eros..
That's the guy. I pronounce his name DAW. He's a father now. He freelances out of a Jomtien Complex bar now.