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View Full Version : Where to buy Testosterone Cypionate in bkk or Pataya?

April 5th, 2017, 18:57
Hey Guys -

I have not been on here for a long time. Nice to see the old crowd still here.

I have an RX for testosterone replacement therapy. I self inject testosterone cypionate. Is there anyplace (a pharmacy presumable - but which one) in Pataya or BKK where I can purchase it?

Any idea on the cost?

I have an electronic RX but do not want to hassle with going back to the Dr. and getting a paper copy etc.

I recently moved back to the USA and did some blood work and my testosterone levels were below the normal range hence the testosterone replacement therapy - trt. Since starting testosterone shots my muscle tone has improved..more energy, higher sex drive..etc.. There are risks associated with trt but for me it has been a good decision.

April 6th, 2017, 02:10
i was warned against it...could lead to heart attacks and prostate cancer. Are bigger muscles worth it??

April 6th, 2017, 02:11
and sorry I cant help, kamagra is easily available but testosterone not sure at all.

April 6th, 2017, 03:29
i was warned against it...could lead to heart attacks and prostate cancer. Are bigger muscles worth it??

You are assuming that I want testosterone for bigger muscles. Sorry you got that wrong. I went to my GP and as part of a general blood workup he tested my testosterone level. It was below the normal range. Not within normal and low but below normal by a sizable margin.
Under the supervision of my GP I self inject testosterone.

I am aware of the risks of testosterone replacement therapy and I mitigate them.
I am not sure you or anyone else is really all that interested in the details of my testosterone levels. I can go on - would you care to hear to hear the details of my tests. The number? How about my experiences with a low libido? or how I mitigate the risks of stroke, and heart attack??? It is really quite boring and very uninteresting but if you are fascinated and or just semi interested in the health issues of others I can oblige.

April 6th, 2017, 05:39
In BKK i would try all the pharmacies on Rama IV between Silom and Surawong. If they all say no then it probably isn't possible over the counter.

April 6th, 2017, 06:54
have read heart attack risks are lower and it's good for your heart.
don't have to explain it to me.

Bumrumgrad recommends chemically identical testosterone to your natural testosterone -
pharmacies charge more for the synthetic because only synthetic can be pantented

April 8th, 2017, 04:07
Testosterone Cypionate is generally not available in Thailand and is sold primarily in the U.S.
You can purchase Testosterone Enanthate however a Facino's in Pattaya. It is sold in 1ml ampules @250mg/ml. If you are using Cypionate at 100mg/ml you will have to re-adjust your dosage to match but they are pretty much a one on one replacement. I've been using both for the last six years with no side effects. Most of the early information regarding cancer risk and heart attack risks have been debunked by recent studies. A recent published article from the UK has shown that aggressive Testosterone therapy has been used to cure prostate cancer which is complete turn around from previous thought. Hope that helps.

April 9th, 2017, 03:10
Care to enlighten us on the cost??

April 9th, 2017, 12:48
Latin - it's not Testosterone Cypionate you need, it's fucking BROMIDE


April 9th, 2017, 13:42
If even 20 per cent of what Sexual Deviant writes is true he could farm and harvest himself as a testosterone producer.

April 9th, 2017, 15:31
Latin - it's not Testosterone Cypionate you need, it's fucking BROMIDE


Which bromide is it?

old-fashioned a drug used to calm people who are very unhappy or worried:
He took a/some bromide to calm his nerves.

formal a remark or statement that, although it might be true, is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before

Nirish guy
April 9th, 2017, 17:08
Who knew that Bromide has it seems THREE uses !

( Francois if you're not aware Bromide was also issued to Soldiers in their tea ( allegedly ?) to curb their lust and stop them shagging each other / any woman that moved thus allowing them to concentrate on the more important things in life, like viciously killing other human beings - man we're one really fucked up species, talk about getting our priorities back to front !

April 9th, 2017, 17:23
now I'm confused...one board member tells me I gotta up my game ....the other casts doubts on my activities....guess I simply cant please everyone. I do have a healthy sex drive...but again thats my hobby....no golf/tennis/stamps/gaming.....just sex.

April 9th, 2017, 18:05
Which bromide is it?

old-fashioned a drug used to calm people who are very unhappy or worried:
He took a/some bromide to calm his nerves.

formal a remark or statement that, although it might be true, is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before

Potassium BROMIDE which UK soldier's believed was put in their tea when on active service to lessen their sexual urges

What are the side effects of bromide? - NetDoctor
14 Dec 2011 - However, generations of British servicemen firmly believed that 'the authorities' routinely put bromide in the NAFFI tea – in order to damp down ...

Nirish guy
April 9th, 2017, 18:17
was that ever confirmed by the authorities as "fact" do you know SG or just a rumour between the men ???

And sorry to keep on some version of a track if anyone has further info for the OP on where he can get his testosterone etc then do of course please post away .....

April 9th, 2017, 22:26
I suspect it's just a myth NIrish - as for a fighting force you'd want *high* levels of alertness and therefore unlikely to use anything that is effectively a sedative

April 10th, 2017, 10:44
I will have to bring up whether it cures prostate cancer with my Urologist.
Let you guys know what he says...

April 10th, 2017, 12:49
Scottish wrote:
I suspect it's just a myth NIrish - as for a fighting force you'd want *high* levels of alertness and therefore unlikely to use anything that is effectively a sedative.

Plus the behaviour of many armies after victory suggests that it's the testosterone that is administered rather than bromide. But it's probably used in prisons, mental institutions and Sexual Deviant Latins' care home.

April 10th, 2017, 14:12
Testosterone Cypionate is generally not available in Thailand and is sold primarily in the U.S.
You can purchase Testosterone Enanthate however a Facino's in Pattaya. It is sold in 1ml ampules @250mg/ml. If you are using Cypionate at 100mg/ml you will have to re-adjust your dosage to match but they are pretty much a one on one replacement. I've been using both for the last six years with no side effects. Most of the early information regarding cancer risk and heart attack risks have been debunked by recent studies. A recent published article from the UK has shown that aggressive Testosterone therapy has been used to cure prostate cancer which is complete turn around from previous thought. Hope that helps.

Echoing a previous poster...What is the cost of a 1ml Testosterone Enanthate ampule at Facinos?
You buy the stuff over the counter? Just ask for Testosterone Enanthate?
The steroid gym crowd is quite popular in Pattaya. I wonder where they get their steroid jabs?

April 10th, 2017, 15:19
I will have to bring up whether it cures prostate cancer with my Urologist.
Let you guys know what he says...

All the medical evidence points to failure to flush the prostate area with regular new semen as being a high risk for prostate cancer http://www.harvardprostateknowledge.org/does-frequent-ejaculation-help-ward-off-prostate-cancer

The other high risk activity for cancer generally is too many free radicals in the bloodstream. What is it that produces free radicals? - too much exercise. Muhammed Ali isn't the only top-ranking athlete who has developed a debilitating disease in later life

April 10th, 2017, 15:22
The steroid gym crowd is quite popular in Pattaya. I wonder where they get their steroid jabs?

Australian organised criminals aka. "bikies"

April 10th, 2017, 19:37
All the medical evidence points to failure to flush the prostate area with regular new semen as being a high risk for prostate cancer

so the wankers on this forum will long outlast the more subdued posters?

The other high risk activity for cancer generally is too many free radicals.

that explains why authoritarian governments trying to stop the cancerous spread of dissent always try to imprison the radicals


April 12th, 2017, 09:07

April 12th, 2017, 17:24

April 30th, 2017, 08:17
I used a clinic in Pattaya, but it is now closed. If I were you, I would try another clinic. My guess is that you would have to have them inject you as they are not likely to sell the stuff for takeout. But they might give you a scrip to take to the pharmacy.
Beyond that, I would check the pharmacies near Patpong in Bangkok. They will probably have it.

May 1st, 2017, 10:07
I used a clinic in Pattaya, but it is now closed. If I were you, I would try another clinic. My guess is that you would have to have them inject you as they are not likely to sell the stuff for takeout. But they might give you a scrip to take to the pharmacy.
Beyond that, I would check the pharmacies near Patpong in Bangkok. They will probably have it.
well how often did you go to be jabbed and how much was it?

February 27th, 2019, 00:20

February 27th, 2019, 06:48
I discussed with a friend having problems with Testosterone, he had approached his doctor, sent for a blood test and was told he was OK. He was unimpressed. After research several others suggested he starts reading here. He has been through the injection phase before.
He downloaded this website and is implementing , taking things very slowly. Suggested all should read .
Last update Dec 2018

February 27th, 2019, 07:54
I discussed with a friend having problems with Testosterone, he had approached his doctor, sent for a blood test and was told he was OK. He was unimpressed. After research several others suggested he starts reading here. He has been through the injection phase before.
He downloaded this website and is implementing , taking things very slowly. Suggested all should read .
Last update Dec 2018
https://www.nebido.com/en/patients/You're saying your friend believed he had a testosterone deficiency, was tested and told he does not, but decided he knows better and went looking on the Internet. The specific condition this treatment is designed to alleviate is described as "Male hypogonadism ... a clinical syndrome resulting from a failure of the testes to produce physiological levels of testosterone (androgen deficiency), sperm, or both"

February 27th, 2019, 10:49
I turned 70 a few years ago and suffered from the usual problems - low libido and less enthusiasm. I was in Pattaya and decided to try testosterone injections.
No problem, no blood tests, easy to get.
It worked, oily skin etc but no significant improvement in libido.
After many trips to Asia, I think my problem is just being jaded :-( Too much of a good thing!
It was worth a try and your mileage may vary.

February 27th, 2019, 12:17
You're saying your friend believed he had a testosterone deficiency, was tested and told he does not, but decided he knows better and went looking on the Internet. The specific condition this treatment is designed to alleviate is described as "Male hypogonadism ... a clinical syndrome resulting from a failure of the testes to produce physiological levels of testosterone (androgen deficiency), sperm, or both"
One of the problems in going to a GP is the results come back with a % reading. They rely on those printouts.
They seems to fit all solution but he sought alternatives.Wary of going too quick or too fast, he asked around and was satisified with the reference quoted above.
Of course if he had the address of your catholic boarding school in Houson, he would have certainly sought your advice.

February 27th, 2019, 12:40
One of the problems in going to a GP is the results come back with a % reading. They rely on those printouts.
They seems to fit all solution but he sought alternatives.Wary of going too quick or too fast, he asked around and was satisified with the reference quoted above. Of course if he had the address of your catholic boarding school in Houson, he would have certainly sought your advice.Like you, lonely, my expertise lies in a different (but the same as yours) direction :air_kiss:

Medical tests do indeed have percentages - it's known as probability and they provide standards. An HbA1c of 6.5% (using the Australian standard with which you should be familiar rather than the US one here in Houston that I know and love) says you are at risk of Type 2 diabetes for example. Your friend's suggesting that the standard for testosterone deficiency is in his inexpert opinion too low. Just as well it wasn't a pregnancy test I suppose - I understand those are rather binary in their analysis. I guess he could be a believer in homeopathy which is the medical branch of that nonsense known as "organic" vegetables - both fantasise that an untraceable amount of an element can impact the health of the victim (sorry, patient). In the case of homeopathy it's added; "organic" vegetables are those that have not been exposed to artificial fertilizer - two sides of the same shonky coin

February 27th, 2019, 22:38

Apparently testosterone supplements can raise the level of prostrate cancer indicators.
I have had the test done myself from a urologist as a urinalysis.

February 27th, 2019, 23:00
Good review on testosterone therapy from Harvard Medical School https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/is-testosterone-therapy-safe-take-a-breath-before-you-take-the-plunge

February 27th, 2019, 23:04
About cancer risk:
fresh (2018) research - "no risk"

Of the 147,593 men included, 58,617 were treated with testosterone. 313 aggressive CaPs were diagnosed, 190 among untreated men (incidence rate (IR) 0.57 per 1000 person years, 95% CI 0.49–0.65) and 123 among treated men (IR 0.58 per 1000 person years; 95% CI 0.48–0.69). After adjusting for age, race, hospitalization during year prior to cohort entry, geography, BMI, medical comorbidities, repeated testosterone and PSA testing, testosterone treatment was not associated with incident aggressive CaP (HR 0.89; 95% CI 0.70–1.13) or any CaP (HR 0.90; 95% CI 0.81–1.01). No association between cumulative testosterone dose or formulation and CaP was observed.


February 28th, 2019, 02:39

Apparently testosterone supplements can raise the level of prostrate cancer indicators.
I have had the test done myself from a urologist as a urinalysis.Such a diagnosis of a raised level of prostate cancer indicators would be dismissed by lonely as a doctor relying on percentages
One of the problems in going to a GP is the results come back with a % reading. They rely on those printouts.

February 28th, 2019, 13:56
Some posts in this thread have been moved to the Everything Else Forum under the title of Cardinal Pell.


February 28th, 2019, 14:05
Some posts in this thread have been moved to the Everything Else Forum under the title of Cardinal Pell.

Moderator Excellent news. Is the second thread LW polluted with the same obsession also to be culled?

February 28th, 2019, 21:35
Like you, lonely, my expertise lies in a different (but the same as yours) direction :air_kiss:

Medical tests do indeed have percentages - it's known as probability and they provide standards.

Uh..A percentage is not a probability.
You seem to be a reasonably smart guy but I think you are outside your area of expertise.

Before you go off and try to rationalize what appears to be a misstatement - Let me give you my background.
I have a masters degree in statistics and a Phd. I am a trained research scientist. ---- Blah blah. I am not trying to impress anyone - Just stating my qualifications.

March 1st, 2019, 22:40
One of the problems in going to a GP is the results come back with a % reading. They rely on those printouts.
They seems to fit all solution but he sought alternatives.Wary of going too quick or too fast, he asked around and was satisified with the reference quoted above.
Of course if he had the address of your catholic boarding school in Houson, he would have certainly sought your advice.

Hey - I went to my GP 3 years ago and he did blood work including a testosterone level test. As I recall from 3 years ago the test results were given as some range - 200 - 800 of some measure of testosterone per some unit of blood was considered within range. My level was below the 200 level and I was put on testosterone replacement therapy.

The issue which I think you were alluding to is that the range is so wide and individuals are so varied that one person who has a measure of say 300 might feel fine whereas someone else who has that same blood level reading might benefit from testosterone injections.

Virtually every male over the age of about 75 has prostate growths ,and or prostate cancer - most of the prostate cancers in older guys is slow growing so something else will kill you. For me the trade off is if getting testosterone injections increases my libido, gets me laid a few more times, and increases my muscle tone leading to a more active life style..is that worth the risk of health complications - ie a more aggressive prostate cancer. The answer I gave was testosterone me up - I felt better etc. But other people weigh risks differently.

As for another poster who has contributed to this discussion - His contributions have not really been constructive contributions as sadly his tone is mocking and his knowledge is lacking.