View Full Version : Your most unexpected encounter

March 20th, 2017, 17:51
I don't mean to steal Arsenal"s thunder, but it struck me this afternoon that along with most memorable offs could be a thread about the most memorable - or to add a note of variety - unexpected encounters.

i have two, one from this afternoon. After a rather heavy lunch with friends, I was in my hotel room wondering which Singapore bar I shall hit first this evening. I had the apps switched on and had received a number of messages whilst away. Suddenly one from a student appeared, asking if I was alone. When I checked I found he was all of 250 meters away. Nothing daunted, I informed him I was, whereupon he asked if he could visit me. Not sure what I might be letting myself in for, but being in a 4-star hotel with excellent security and lift cards, I decided nothing ventured. Thus in the space of little more than 5 minutes this cute student was in my room and disrobing in the twink of his lovely eyes.

As usual here, no money was sought and none given. It just so happened he had indeed been passing by. We both had a lovely time and then he showered, dressed and we kissed goodbye. Soooo incredibly simple!!

The other was rather similar on a visit to Taipei two years ago. I had arranged a pretty full dance card that day and was on the point of switching off the apps when one guy said he'd really love to meet up. It turned out he was only free that day, and so politely and with regrets I declined. He continued to press me saying his office was all of 400 meters away and he could be with me in minutes - the time then being around 10:00am. Why I gave in, I really have no idea, but he turned out to be stunning. We have since met up on all my Taipei trips (bar one when he was on a course in the USA) and were I ever to move to Taipei he would very definitely be boyfriend material.

March 20th, 2017, 18:37
Obviously you are quite popular.
And busy visiting overseas friends.
I take that you have retired (or not?) and what keeps you flying in and out of Bangkok, certainly not for miles:)?

March 20th, 2017, 18:53
I live in Bangkok but still run a small company in Hong Kong that requires some travel. But other travel now is for pleasure. Having travelled so many times within Asia almost since arriving here, I am very fortunate to have friends in several cities. I haven't accumulated any miles for about 2 years. My last miles will be blown in September on a trip to Europe. I now go for the cheapest fare on the airlines I prefer.

March 21st, 2017, 04:46
was in a hotel......dusit actually...on rama 4...when grindr informed me that a real asian muscle hottie was 15 meters away....we connected online...established he was just my type...as in sub eager to please bottom...opened the interconnecting doors to our suites and proceeded to party.

March 21st, 2017, 17:30
How wonderfully convenient!

March 21st, 2017, 18:16
Mine is easy... went into a go-go bar one night in Sunee Plaza, and one young guy kept nodding at me, so I waved him to come over for a drink. Offed him, we ended up back at my place where I told him to make himself comfortable, as I had a couple "urgent" work e-mails to reply to.

He just sat there on the end of the bed watching TV, constantly glancing over at me as if to, "can we just get to it already?". I took the hint, sat beside him, we layed down together, and he had me giggling and laughing like crazy within a few seconds due to the use of his tongue. After the deed was done, I just tipped him generously and kicked him out of my room. I only had a studio at Mosaik that night instead of a 1bdrm, otherwise would have loved him to stay, even though he couldn't spick a lcik of English at the time, and I couldn't speak a lick of Thai.

Now to the point....

Gave him a hug, and we said goodbye. Ended up back in Pattaya about a month later, and went looking for him, but his bar had been closed down due to a previous raid, so no way to find him. One night I went out at about 2am to get some "khao man gai" from a stall on that main road close to Mosaik (S. Pattay Rd.?) where the night market is. Sure enough, I run into him and a bunch of his "friends". At first I didn't recognize him, but it soon clicked it was the go-go boy I really liked. An hour later we were all enjoying a bottle of whiskey at a karaoke.

Then within a year, he dragged me up to Khon Kaen, and invited 10+ ladyboys to come live with us. I don't know, be careful what you wish for I guess.n

Nirish guy
March 21st, 2017, 21:39
So Matt you met a go go boy in Sunee plaza, then after a few fucks moved to KK with him and got fucked over - so do tell us, exactly WHAT part of your story do you think was the unexpected part again ?

March 21st, 2017, 21:59
So Matt you met a go go boy in Sunee plaza, then after a few fucks moved to KK with him and got fucked over - so do tell us, exactly WHAT part of your story do you think was the unexpected part again ?

The part where I unexpectedly found him again on the street at 2am with his friends, while I was just grabbing something to eat>

March 22nd, 2017, 00:04

Thu 28.05.2015 Suphanburi

Arrive in Suphanburi by train (schedule: 20:15, real: 21:18; not recommended, railway station is a bit out of town, but in my quest to ride all trains I had to do it once). Walk from railway station towards town. A mocy passes me slowly, then stops and driver asks me where I’m going (my Thai is better than his English, so all communication in Thai).

I tell him I will look for hotel near bus station and he offers me a free ride. I get on his mocy and he turns around (for U-turn? – before he was driving against traffic direction on the right side). He stops and tells me to get closer to him (so he can keep better balance?) and takes my hand and moves it from his abdomen to his upper thigh (actually to his crotch, but I resist so my hand ends on his upper thigh). Shortly afterwards, he moves my hand to his crotch. He is hard, and to show that I’m not averse to his intentions, I caress his dick and ball through his shorts.

We are still driving into wrong direction, but I do not question. He stays alone, so I fish for an invitation. The ride continues out of town and he asks if I can pay 250 Baht for room. His room, I assume. Sigh. I was looking for free accommodation. But well, cheaper than hotel and free ride to bus station tomorrow, I hope, so I agree.

Then he asks if we can have sex. I couldn’t see much of him when he picked me up, but he is slim and has brown skin, so I agree. Finally I see we are heading to a short time hotel. I ask again if we can go to his place and if I can stay over night: not convenient.

Good room for 250 Baht short time (or 550 over night, but too far out of town for me). Aircon, hot water, nice furniture and decoration. Now I see, he is a bit too old (29, well I had sex with 30 and 31 year olds before, but it’s a rare occasion) and too hairy for my taste, but it’s too late to change my mind.

Shower together, then to bed. He is experienced and skillful, better than anyone else this year, but too old and too hairy, I don’t get hard and excuse myself with being tired from traveling, but I play along.

He drives me back to Suphanburi town, bus station so I can get a hotel. I think about exchanging phone numbers, but it wouldn’t lead anywhere. Ask about gay meeting places in Suphanburi: he doesn’t know any. How did he know I am gay? He didn’t, he just tried! This hook up can be called “inverse grabbing-by-the-balls”.

Then at the hotel, staff member shows me way to my room. If he had asked me if he could do anything else for me, well I would have known what! Unfortunately, I can’t even get our looks to meet.

March 22nd, 2017, 16:26
... while I was just grabbing something to eat

Hadn't you already enjoyed his lunch?

March 22nd, 2017, 17:19
A long time ago I was staying at a hotel in Bali. My television wasn’t working so I called down to reception and they said that someone would come and check it. Nothing happened immediately and it was some time later when I’d just had a shower and was dressed only in a towel that a smartly dressed, young guy arrived. I sat on the bed while he fiddled about with the television and we chatted. His name was “Ketut” and he was 22. Eventually he got the television working and I stood up and gave him a tip. But he didn’t leave and just stood there only inches away and staring at me. It was an unmistakable invitation to kiss him, so I did. He promptly pulled my towel off and gave me a blow job.

I returned the compliment but he was constantly worried about the time and being away from his job. He was also paranoid about me messing his hair or creasing his uniform. He didn’t stay long that first time but subsequently he would knock on my room door when he had time and we’d enjoy ourselves. He offered to take me into the local town on his day off but sadly I would have left by then so I couldn’t go with him. We exchanged addresses and I sent him a letter on my return to the UK but I never got a reply. I’ve still got a photo of him on my hotel balcony though.

March 22nd, 2017, 18:36
This reminds me of a missed opportunity (typical of my sex-life) also in Bali. I was too shy to accept the offer from an amzingly cute bell-boy and have regretted it ever since. It was a large hotel and it was three days before I saw him again. And then he ignored me..
Serves me right.

March 22nd, 2017, 20:00
. . . and have regretted it ever since.
There were many moments in my late teens and early 20s when it felt as though life was full of regrets - only because I was still in the closet. I seemed to keep on saying to myself "if only . . ." Maybe that's why on arrival in Asia I determined to make the most out of being gay!

March 22nd, 2017, 23:28
To describe my most unexpected encounter I have to go back a very long way to when I was a sexually confused and very shy 17 year old. I went to Pula in Yugoslavia (now Croatia) on my first solo trip abroad. It was a Package Tour and we were transferred from the airport to our hotel by a Holiday Rep (I wish I could remember his name). He was probably about thirty, blond haired and Yugoslav. At the hotel he consulted his clip board and one couple after another received their keys and departed for their rooms. Eventually there was just me left, the only single traveller. The Rep looked puzzled and said he hadn’t got any bookings for a single room. Somewhat alarmed I showed him all my booking details and he said he’d investigate and disappeared. He quickly returned with a key and apologised but offered no explanation. He then said “why don’t you go to your room and settle in and then join me for a drink as my apology.” He went on to explain that his room was next to mine.

I wasn’t really that keen on the idea but felt I ought to go so I knocked on his door at what was then quite late in the evening. He invited me in and I sat on the bed while he poured some local “Slivovice” (Plum Brandy). I had one sip and it tasted horrid and burned my throat. I managed to put it aside while he rummaged through a stack of magazines. He produced one and gave it to me with the question “Ever seen a magazine like this?”. It was graphic gay porn which would have been illegal in the UK at the time. I pretended a nonchalant indifference and tried not to look at it. He sat beside me on the bed and put his hand on my knee and squeezed.

I made a dash for the door along with a muttered “It’s very late and I’m tired”. I saw him the next morning and he again invited me to his room that evening but I declined. It took one more refusal before he gave up.

Years later when I described what had happened to a gay friend he grinned and exclaimed how naive I was. He said the Rep probably pretended to mislay the key of any young, single traveller as a ploy to get them to his room and proposition them. Looking back I suspect he was right. I often wonder what would have happened if I’d stayed after the knee squeeze.

Nirish guy
March 23rd, 2017, 04:08
I often wonder what would have happened if I’d stayed after the knee squeeze.

I think we ALL know the answer to that metaphorical question ! :-)

March 23rd, 2017, 14:29
Chuai-Duai, be prepared to be contacted later today by Messrs Sue, Grabbit & Runne in connection with seeking very substantial compensation for the horrendous sexual assault you experienced all those years ago and which has traumatised you every day since.

Clearly your ordeal has pychologically scarred you so much you don't even realise that you were a victim and that everything that has ever gone wrong in your life can and ought to be attributed to this sordid instance of knee-rape

As for the perpetrator, if he's alive he ought to be hunted down by the Press and mercilessly exposed on their front pages - prior to being extradited from wherever he has been hiding. If he's *not* still alive, even better - experience shows even more victims will come forward.

After all, know knows how many 17yo boys he has knee-raped over the years - probably millions - and whilst you had a lucky escape in fleeing terrified from his room, others undoubtedly had to succumb (or maybe he sucked *them*, who knows?)

Something simply must be done!

March 24th, 2017, 03:01
There I was reading the opening post & thinking what a dull sheltered life I live.

Although, it turns out not many others are reporting much themselves.

I suppose one of my best was when a very cute 22 year old Chinese student took the train out from London to see me. We had a meal, he came home, we had a lovely time in the shower & slept over together. I was already in my late 40s at the time.

March 24th, 2017, 03:18
sheltered?!?!?! speak for yourself...I became very sexually active at 14 ....once I discovered what I could do with my God given appendage there was no stopping me...and this was before internet porn...so took a dirty perverted older man to teach me the ropes...thanks heavens for lecherous old creeps.....I recall going to the swimming pool and never once actuallu going for a swim...spent all my time in the shower stalls...oh what heavenly bliss

March 24th, 2017, 03:23
...as for unexpected encounters...there is something about travel that kicks my sex drive into overdrive...I've lost count of the number of anonymous encounters I've had in airport toilets...including airline lounge toilets/showers....as for hotel encounters the fun starts as one walks in...the lowly paid bell boys...and check in staff...and grindr/scruff/gay romeo makes it all so easy nowdays...almost too easy...I could write an encyclopedia on the number of encounters in jakarta / bangkok mall toilets...what else does one do on a rainy day?!

March 24th, 2017, 04:37
sheltered?!?!?! speak for yourself...I became very sexually active at 14 ....once I discovered what I could do with my God given appendage there was no stopping me...and this was before internet porn...so took a dirty perverted older man to teach me the ropes...thanks heavens for lecherous old creeps.....I recall going to the swimming pool and never once actuallu going for a swim...spent all my time in the shower stalls...oh what heavenly bliss
Have you also been to the moon ?

March 24th, 2017, 05:03
...no but i was educated in catholic schools by nuns and brothers and not once was i touched...damn?!?! must've been such an ugly child...

March 24th, 2017, 11:57
...I could write an encyclopedia on the number of encounters in jakarta / bangkok mall toilets...
I have been to various Bangkok Mall's toilets probably 100 times in 2013-2017, checking if there is any activity, and my findings can be summarized "nothing to write home about".

March 24th, 2017, 12:42
I suspect the incidence of sex in public toilets dropped off dramatically with the advent of the internet and then the apps. I'm now in Kuala Lumpur where it used to be extremely common in certain older shopping malls but almost never today.

March 24th, 2017, 14:00
Being in my late teens/very early 20's and an AVID "cottager" at the time, I can tell you that the incidence of sex in UK public toilets dropped off dramatically not because of the internet or apps but when AIDS became known.

Almost at a stroke the publicity and the UK Govt TV campaign caused vast majority of the str8/bi/married guys (which made up a *very* large percentage of the "regulars") to just disappear from that scene

Cottaging, in anything like the degree it had previously existed, never recovered from that and the *later* advent of the internet and apps killed it almost stone dead.

In the "good old days" you could regularly walk in on a daisy chain of guys all wanking sucking and fucking in public - or if that wasn't your scene you could just wait and something more to your taste would surely turn up. I remember one cottage in Hove where I had just opened the door to be greeted by an orgy which would not have been out of place in Sodom or Gomorrah.

For better or worse, that whole scene (as it was) is now finished and I hear it's slim pickings nowadays.

March 24th, 2017, 15:12
I'm sure you are correct about the U.K. And probably the western world in general. I assure you, though, that it and other forms of cruising remained common in places like Singapore and Malaysia well into the 90s - presumably because the law in those countries made it difficult to meet up more 'socially'. There were of course bars and some mixed clubs but many would not dare be seen going in to one.

Thankfully that problem had been solved by the apps. Here in Kuala Lumpur the number of hits each day is quite amazingly high - even for one of my less than youthful vintage LOL

March 24th, 2017, 16:27
Oh I'm not saying that there aren't still pockets of activity in the UK - just that it's a mere shadow of what it used to be

Nirish guy
March 24th, 2017, 17:15
And thank god for that !!! As in my opinion theres nothing worse than going in to do what you have to do in some modern public toilet in a mall or whatever only to find some creep standing there leering at you from the corner or standing waving his (usually not so impressive) cock at you from another urinal as you try to pee as he peers over trying to break his neck to see into your urinal. Never mind straight peoples reactions but "I" have been very close to doing a spot of gay bashing at such times and wanting to shout "would you EVER fuck off, can you not see I'm ACTUALLY trying to pee here you creep !"

Even if there may have been some distant reason for such activity taking place before when hook up places were thin on the ground it's 2017 and we've all App's now and so sort of doing for someones own sexual kicks there really is no need for such behaviour anymore and I believe it's that only adds to the already long list of reasons that straight people have to condemn all gay men as pedos and perverts and to teach children never to go into the toilets alone etc in case they meet "one of those gays" - what does THAT tell the (possibly gay" kid about what it means to be gay as THEy grow up.

So personally I'll be glad when that part of our "culture" dies out and we keep our cruising to places where it doesn't affect my normal every day pissing requirements.......( caveat - unless the other guy with his cock out turns out to be young, hung and full of cum and then I just MIGHT still be tempted lol - hypocritical I know, but you get my point I hope - and ok the last part I AM joking about, as seriously there's surely a time and place from cruising and standing in a modern, well lit, shopping centre mall toilet, that has probably been PURPOSEFULLY designed to stop cruising and usually with young families milling around now SURELY ISN'T it in this day and age - IMHO )

March 25th, 2017, 00:54
Don't read anything by or about Joe Orton dear - we wouldn't want you to burst a blood vessel


March 25th, 2017, 16:08
Joe Orton's diaries- at least the chapters in which he writes about his experiences in Tangiers- are most interesting to Pattaya regulars. Some differences, some similarities with our experience.
Many years ago, I travelled to Tangiers in his footsteps, hoping to see something of that scene.....and found bugger-all. Another failure. A few weeks I was back in Thailand saying, "Thank God for Pattaya."

March 25th, 2017, 20:50
The Tangiers scene of which Orton wrote was over 50 years ago and although the Fat Cunt former owner of this forum insisted to me that he could still get lots of fun in Agadir in the late 90's, I think it would all be very hit and miss - so I've never visited.

However, in my reference to Joe Orton I was thinking more about his predilection for public toilet cruising and his modus operandi of unscrewing the lightbulbs, plunging the interior into darkness, resulting in everybody going at it with everybody else.

NIrish would have an attack of the vapours.


March 26th, 2017, 11:03
I suspect the incidence of sex in public toilets dropped off dramatically with the advent of the internet and then the apps. I'm now in Kuala Lumpur where it used to be extremely common in certain older shopping malls but almost never today.

From my observations the larger malls like Sentral and Pavilion or "Gayvillion" as the locals sometimes call it have attendants who rarely leave the facilities or pretend to be cleaning something to minimize any sex in the toilets.

March 27th, 2017, 02:34
...but theres ample opportunity to cruise guys...have a look at the goods...have a feel...and arrange to meet at a mutually agreeable place...usually my room.