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View Full Version : Thai boys verses Cambodian boys. The best looking.

March 15th, 2017, 22:26
Painful though it is to admit Cambodian boys are in a different class to Thais. Sat next to the pool in my Siem Reap hotel, of the 9 waiters and bar staff I am looking at I would pay to off 7 of them. That's a phenomenal ratio. However what they're like in the bedroom.I have only limited experience in Cambodia so can't really compare.

March 15th, 2017, 23:20
It's just a coincidence maybe they select the boys based on their look...
Thai boys are much good looking and gentle than the Cambodians, More over Thais are more sexually open and willing to experience same sex adventures even if they are not gay.

March 15th, 2017, 23:24
Cambodians I have meet seem to be more reserved as to having sex with an older farang. As for attractiveness, that all depends on one's outlook.

March 16th, 2017, 05:24
certainly one of those "eye of the beholder" things. But certainly there are plenty of attractive guys in Cambodia.

Singapore is one of my favorite places for hot young men. Between the melting pot nature of their history, body-consciousness, and national service requirement there are tons and tons of hot guys there.

March 16th, 2017, 06:27
ethically there is almost no diff between Thais and Cambodians. My impression is that the cambodians are less pretty, they are not up to all the grooming that Thai boys are into...at least not at first, but give them 6 months in Pattaya and they quickly adopt local standards.
And have to agree with the singapore observation...must be the only place where I even find Indians attractive...again most probably grooming.I

March 16th, 2017, 12:33
ethically ?

pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession:

March 16th, 2017, 12:57
Singapore is one of my favorite places for hot young men. Between the melting pot nature of their history, body-consciousness, and national service requirement there are tons and tons of hot guys there.
Totally agree (although after Taipei!) I'm going to Singapore on Saturday. One of the cruisiest cities anywhere.

March 16th, 2017, 15:01
I am partial to Thais and am somewhat less than thrilled that so many Cambodians have joined the scene in Thailand especially in Jomtien complex. A Canadian friend who owns a bar in P.P. says he is amazed how many guys have left the scene for BKK and Pattaya.

March 16th, 2017, 15:19
MFAS took time out from his verbal punch up with Fountainhall to write:

". A Canadkan friend who owns a bar in P.P. says he is amazed how many guys have left the scene for BKK and Pattaya."

And yet Hatha Khmer Massage still has enough good looking straight boys to entertain me for a week. Whereas none of those in Pattaya do. Which sort of proves my point.

March 16th, 2017, 15:29
MFAS took time out from his verbal punch up with Fountainhall to write:

". A Canadkan friend who owns a bar in P.P. says he is amazed how many guys have left the scene for BKK and Pattaya.

Are you telling me you've never heard of Canadkan or its capital Otawan?

March 16th, 2017, 15:36
I can say I've never heard of Canadkan and Otawan.

March 16th, 2017, 15:44
Latin wrote:
"ethically (you meant ethnically I'm sure) there is almost no diff between Thais and Cambodians"

Not true. Only one million Thais are of Khmer origin while 90 per cent of Cambodians are. It's like saying the English and the Germans are the same.

March 16th, 2017, 15:44
Then your travels atleast when not medicated are somewhat limited.

March 16th, 2017, 15:52
u men the english and germans arent the same???? Isnt Lizzie the queen german??

March 16th, 2017, 17:07
Some of her ancestors were German but she is not because if she is then almost no one can be American, Australian, Canadian etc. Her lineage goes back over 500 years and includes families from all over Europe as well as England. I also think you're confusing ethnicity with nationality and they are not the same thing at all.

March 16th, 2017, 18:19
The most important thing about a boy is not the nationality, i thinks.
Theres so much more to consider

March 17th, 2017, 01:49
ethically there is almost no diff between Thais and Cambodians. My impression is that the cambodians are less pretty, they are not up to all the grooming that Thai boys are into...at least not at first, but give them 6 months in Pattaya and they quickly adopt local standards.
To my eye, the average lad in Cambodia is slimmer than than his equivalent in Thailand, so since they are ethincally similar, when groomed to the same levelm, the Cambodians have an appearance advantage. The same goes for Laos.

March 17th, 2017, 14:16
Some of her ancestors were German but she is not because if she is then almost no one can be American, Australian, Canadian etc. Her lineage goes back over 500 years and includes families from all over Europe as well as England. I also think you're confusing ethnicity with nationality and they are not the same thing at all.
Let me refer to the original post first; When I go to PP or Siem Reap my head is turned by 2 out of every 10 Cambodian guys. In BK or Pattaya or Ch Mai it’s turned by 8 out of 10 Thais.
I agree with arsenal.
European royalty share a more common lineage with each other than an affiliation with particular countries. Royalty put breeding before religion or politics when it came to marriage (but not fornication) It’s only recently that commoners are allowed into the official club.
The Windsors are decended from the German George 1st but they also have Stuart blood through James 1st and Greek blood through prince Philip and some very questional blood through the backstairs. Both Lady Di and Camilla are 7th great decendants of Charles 1st by two mistresses and so on and on...

March 17th, 2017, 14:34
Then your travels atleast when not medicated are somewhat limited.
??? I don’t Cow Jai this statement. Can you clarify?

March 18th, 2017, 12:27
Latin wrote:
"ethically (you meant ethnically I'm sure) there is almost no diff between Thais and Cambodians"

Not true. Only one million Thais are of Khmer origin while 90 per cent of Cambodians are. It's like saying the English and the Germans are the same.

Are you saying that the English and the Germans are ethnically different?

March 18th, 2017, 12:47
Francois. Words like ethnicity, nationality and democracy are not always used the same way by users. Within that framework and even though the English language is Germanic in origin I would say that under the umbrella of Caucasian, Germans and the English are of different ethnicity.

March 18th, 2017, 19:10
Singapore is one of my favorite places for hot young men.
Just done some shopping on Orchard Road. The eye candy is amazing - as usual. And the apps are zinging. Surprisingly, one guy I'm chatting with is a non money-boy Vietnamese from HCM. I'm sure there must be lots but it's the first time I've come across any Vietnamese when visiting Singapore.

May 18th, 2018, 02:43
I think this is a really tough comparison :-) And of course highly subjective...

- Thai boys seem to me to be generally more beautiful than the Cambodian boys. I like the look of the Thai boys. It's very twink-like.
- Cambodian boys are cute, but the frequency of eye candy is lower than in Thailand. Cambodian boys are generally somewhat slimmer than the Thai boys, which for me is a big plus.

- Thai boys (in the cities/touristic places) are more outgoing, loves to flirt and are generally easy to connect with and to 'decode'
- Cambodian guys seem much more reserved, even those in Thailand. A shy boy can be cute, but not always easy to connect with.

In the bedroom:
- Thai boys are generally very openminded, adventurous and curious in bed, I think. Even those Thai boys who are more straight than gay, are very much into trying out things with guys in bed. I'm a top myself, and I never have a problem finding a willing Thai bottom.
- Cambodian guys seem to be less curious about sex and less willing, especially about bottoming. But I have to admit that when it comess to this part of the comparison - the actual action - I have very limited experience compare to you guys, probably :-)

May 18th, 2018, 07:10
ethically there is almost no diff between Thais and Cambodians. My impression is that the cambodians are less pretty, they are not up to all the grooming that Thai boys are into...at least not at first, but give them 6 months in Pattaya and they quickly adopt local standards.
And have to agree with the singapore observation...must be the only place where I even find Indians attractive...again most probably grooming.I

Latin, I think you mean ethnically, a typo ? Anyway, while not an expert I would point out that even Cambodia has ethnic minorities such as the Khmer. Thais from the north are quite different than those of Issan. I ccan often tell a Chaing Mai lad - lighter and more chinese looking. Anyway, I agree that, in groups, Thai are better looking. I have a suspicion that the generality is not due to grooming ( yes, it helps ) but to a somewhat richer nation with more protein in the diet giving Thais a better structure and more stature. Again, that is a suspicion

May 18th, 2018, 12:44
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Beautiful people look beautiful wherever they are. Some appear beautiful with a lot of time and money spent on grooming.

May 18th, 2018, 12:59
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder ....

Yes,you're right.

I think i need to add to my first post in this thread that I find all South East Asian boys beatiful in general. I think this region has by far the highest share of beautiful boys walking around in the streets.So the question whether Thai boys or Cambodian boys are more beautiful, is a little like comparing two of the best wines or asking if Paris or Rome is more beautiful :-)

Still there are some difference in the physics - generally speaking - of Thai boys and Cambodian boys (the latter are slimmer and shorter in general), and even though it's hard to describe in precise words, there is also a signiticant difference in their features.

About the differences in culture and attitude, then I agree that after 6 monhs in Thailand, most Cambodian boys learn from the Thai boys - both the good things (that makes us love the Thai boys!) and the less good things (that we live with because of all the good things about them).

May 18th, 2018, 14:39
Anyway, while not an expert I would point out that even Cambodia has ethnic minorities such as the Khmer.

You are definitely not an expert. The Khmer are not a minority in Cambodia. 97.6% of the population is Khmer according to Wikipedia. That’s a very substantial ethnic majority.

May 18th, 2018, 14:57
Among Asian men:

I think Thais, Koreans, and Japanese are the best-looking...

May 18th, 2018, 16:14
I think Thais, Koreans, and Japanese are the best-looking...

My personal favourites are Thai boys (my champs!), Cambodian boys, Pinoy boys, Taiwanese boys and the boys of Bali. Their beauty is stunning all across the countries. They have many identical features (smooth, slim, young fresh 'boyish' looks), yet they are very diverse at the same time. Other things like willingness, curiosity in bed, English-skills, manners ,maturity etc. etc. are equally important.

Discussions like works extremely well late at night in a bar after three glasses of fine wine ... less easy to take it 100% seriuos in writing at daytime :-)

May 18th, 2018, 19:22
You are definitely not an expert. The Khmer are not a minority in Cambodia. 97.6% of the population is Khmer according to Wikipedia. That’s a very substantial ethnic majority.

You'r quite right, I meant to say that even Cambodia with a huge majority ( khmer ) has a number of ethnic minorites that have to be accomodated. I reversed what I meant to say.

May 19th, 2018, 19:46
Just done some shopping on Orchard Road. The eye candy is amazing - as usual. And the apps are zinging. Surprisingly, one guy I'm chatting with is a non money-boy Vietnamese from HCM. I'm sure there must be lots but it's the first time I've come across any Vietnamese when visiting Singapore.

I encountered a Vietnamese money boy on my first trip to Singapore. I also encounter money boys in Pattaya, including non-Thais, who have made short trips to Singapore, taking advantage of the much higher tips on offer. Some make it in whilst their friends get sent back home, as they don't have enough English to complete the immigration form & explain it all away with the customs officials.

However, by & large, the boys in Singapore might look good, but most are unavailable to us.

May 19th, 2018, 21:22
However, by & large, the boys in Singapore might look good, but most are unavailable to us.

The young SG guys can be really hot, yes, but I share your impression. The SG boys are beautiful and sexy, but they lack the willingness, curiosity and openindedness about gay sex and the often very positive attitude to sex with older Caucasian guys as other SE Asian boys have. Many SG gay/bi boys are into Caucasian guys even though they are super discreet about it, but there are fewer relatively to other places. Just my impression.

May 20th, 2018, 17:35
The young SG guys can be really hot, yes, .... The SG boys are beautiful and sexy, but they lack the willingness, curiosity and open-mindedness about gay sex and the often very positive attitude to sex with older Caucasian guys as other SE Asian boys have. ...., but there are fewer relatively to other places. Just my impression.

In the last 2 decades, these observations are probably spot on (regrettably, IMO).
In the 70s to 90s, absolutely not. :) My most memorable pick-up was in Tang's department store in the Mens' underwear/swimware section. He did the picking up and we several very good hours of hot fun. He couldn't stay any longer as he was in rush to get to the airport because he was flying to Perth to start his Uni education.

I put this change in attitudes down to greater 'westernisation' of Sing and the attitudes engendered by Higher Education putting Uni-educated Singaporeans 'above' most other peoples.

May 20th, 2018, 21:45
I put this change in attitudes down to greater 'westernisation' of Sing .....

I agree with you on this one, and it's not only in SG we see it. Also other SE Asian countries have been westernised to some extend for the past few decades.

I live in Scandinavia (DK), and there is a small, but still significant Thai community here. There are also many men here marrying Thai women and they get children then who has grown up in Denmark for the past 2-3 decades. When I'm back home here in in my home country, I often have fun with local Asian boys and quite a few Thai boys, and here it's interesting (and a sadding too) to see what happens to Thai boys when they get exposed to western cultural ideas: The Thai boys who have grown up in 'pure' Thai families are still Thais inside - culturally and mentally - even though they are heavily impacted by the surrounding Northern European cultural mindset on sex, relationships and how to interact with other people. In bed, they feel like a "real" Thai boy if you can use this concept, but not as willing and curious and openminded as a Thai boy from Thailand.

The other group, the now grown-up kids of mixed Thai/Farang couples, are so westernised that it sometimes feels like it's only the look on the outside that is left of the general South East Asian culture and the specific Thai culture. Of course, if the couple had settled down in BKK instead of somewhere in Europe, it would be different. These boys are just as spoiled, annoying, arrogant, narrow-minded and sexually incurious and unwilling as average European boys. It's really sad to see.

May 21st, 2018, 00:39
In the last 2 decades, these observations are probably spot on (regrettably, IMO). In the 70s to 90s, absolutely not. :) My most memorable pick-up was in Tang's department store in the Mens' underwear/swimware section. He did the picking up and we several very good hours of hot fun. He couldn't stay any longer as he was in rush to get to the airport because he was flying to Perth to start his Uni education.

I put this change in attitudes down to greater 'westernisation' of Sing and the attitudes engendered by Higher Education putting Uni-educated Singaporeans 'above' most other peoples.

I would have thought that the much simpler explanation for western guys finding it easier to cruise Singaporean guys from the 1970s through the 90s was because they themselves were 20 to 40 plus years younger then.

May 21st, 2018, 12:18
I would have thought that the much simpler explanation for western guys finding it easier to cruise Singaporean guys from the 1970s through the 90s was because they themselves were 20 to 40 plus years younger then.

Could also explain it :-) But still the western cultural impact that unfortunately is so often closely associated with economic progress can change the mentality of the younger guys in just a few generations. Some claim that it's all about growing financial wealth and education, but I don't buy that. There's a cultural aspect to it that is more important.

March 12th, 2019, 16:40
I have just been in Bangkok, and 3 of the 4 boys I had fun with were Cambodian. They were all v attractive and good fun. Also spoke reasonable English. All came from Grindr.

March 12th, 2019, 17:39
Where is Grindr ?

Nirish guy
March 12th, 2019, 18:11
Where is Grindr ?

It's just across the border and to the North of Tinder - and apparently the population of both places are very slutty and easy to pick up too !!!

March 13th, 2019, 12:49
I can say I've never heard of Canadkan and Otawan.
Well, I'm a Canadkan -- though never having lived in Otawan. I am also (like all good Canadkan's) a terrorist, and beaver-lover.

March 13th, 2019, 13:21
I am also a ... beaver-lover.Too much information

March 13th, 2019, 14:37
Too much information

Probably to scottish-guy's horror, beaver has just been made a protected species in Scotland.

March 13th, 2019, 14:51
Probably to scottish-guy's horror, beaver has just been made a protected species in Scotland.Nicola Sturgeon's or Ruth Davidson's

Nirish guy
March 13th, 2019, 17:31
Nicola Sturgeon's or Ruth Davidson's

He's lucky its one of those two perhaps as some people in Ireland have to endure the likes of Arlene Fosters and lots of talk of "Muff"

March 14th, 2019, 13:30
[QUOTE=Nirish guy;256858]He's lucky its one of those two perhaps as some people in Ireland have to endure the likes of Arlene Fosters and lots of talk of "Muff" /QUOTE]
Is there by any chance a diving school there?/

Nirish guy
March 15th, 2019, 07:32
Is there by any chance a diving school there?

OHHHH you just KNOW there HAS to be ! :-) Here you go, apply below and get your membership tee shirt sent out forthwith ! :-)
