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March 3rd, 2017, 13:09
Any tourist hoping for a merry christmas 2017 in Thailand should take note of the dates mentioned in this story http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1208069/royal-funeral-planned-for-late-december

March 3rd, 2017, 14:28
A useful post frequent. Plenty of notice and the country will virtually close down for those five days.

March 3rd, 2017, 16:35
Those five days preceded by a weekend, followed by a weekend, followed by New Years Day.

Adds up to ten. Travelers and locals will definitely need to plan accordingly.

March 3rd, 2017, 16:48
I doubt if it will impact tourists much, although the local TV channels will have saturation coverage and some Thais from outside Bangkok will come to the capital and probably book hotel rooms. I certainly don't see the country closing down!

Remember there was virtually no disruption during the last major cremation of the King's sister, Princess Galyani, which took place between 14 and 19 November 2008, I can't see there will much this time. Remember, too, that the cremation itself only covers one day - December 26. Events on the other days basically take place privately inside the Grand Palace Throne Hall. The only major disruption, apart from to traffic around Sanam Luang, is likely to be the closure of the Grand Palace complex to tourists. I certainly don't expect there will be 5 extra days of public holiday! One at most.

March 3rd, 2017, 17:05
Thanks; dates to avoid....even more so than Songkran!
By the way, do we know the dates of the coronation yet? that's another few days to avoid.

March 3rd, 2017, 17:23
The bars were told to close for three days during the Kings sisters" funeral. Most reopened by the second day and all ignored the third. However this is likely to be a whole new level. A once in a generation event that is likely to be fully milked.

March 3rd, 2017, 18:13
Hmm, definitely won't be booking those dates.

March 4th, 2017, 06:19
Yet another reason for the junta to delay the election. The coronation will provide another.

March 4th, 2017, 08:19
Apologies! I was not considering the bars and booze when I read the OP and its attachment.

March 4th, 2017, 09:44
In Chiang Mai, my recollections of the Sister's cremation in 2008 were the bars and many restaurants were shut for a full three days. A lot of restaurant and bar workers are from villages well outside the city. They take the opportunity to go home - even if owners wanted to open on the third day they'd have no staff!

Conversely, out in the villages life continues as normal on no booze/entertainment days. Most people drink at home so they just stock up and many shops ignore the ban anyway.

March 4th, 2017, 12:56
I wonder how many of the barboys will take the opportunity to visit relatives in the rural areas.

March 5th, 2017, 10:29
As i am now going to live in Siem Reap from the end of this month could I respectfully suggest it as an alternate venue should international travelers not be able to Drink for a few days at the end of December.:clapping:

March 5th, 2017, 21:30
As i am now going to live in Siem Reap from the end of this month could I respectfully suggest it as an alternate venue should international travelers not be able to Drink for a few days at the end of December.:clapping:

Slightly off topic - but what made you want to live in SR Alipatt?
The dust and tuktuk touts there would drive me demented!

On teh other hand... Burger King in SR has the best looking bunch of boy workers I have ever seen! The HR manager must have worked as a mamasan in a past life!

March 9th, 2017, 07:26

plan all change

March 10th, 2017, 00:29
The whole country continues to look like a giant Benny Hill Sketch

March 10th, 2017, 11:27
. . . with Dick Emery and Tony Hancock lurking somewhere in the Civil Service and Morecambe and Wise as Junior Ministers!

March 10th, 2017, 15:37
Ok is the junta sure this time ? End of october is definite ?

My next trip is in a few weeks, after that we plan to return as usual end of october until end of november. I guess this time I will plan on arriving in early november.

March 10th, 2017, 15:56
I don't think anyone is 100% certain! But end-October seems more likely than late-December. The latter period was mentioned by the King's sister Princess Srindhorn to a co-ordinating committee; the latter by a government spokesman. Between the two announcements it is likely that the TOT and other tourism-related bodies had pointed out to the relevant government departments that the Christmas/New Year period might deny the country a considerable quantity of tourist dollars, whereas late-October is a good time as it is on the cusp of the high season. But TIT!

March 11th, 2017, 00:18
Will wait how it plays out. I usually book the plane sometime after I get back from Thailand, so somewhere in may, I guess they will know by then.