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View Full Version : Pattaya - New Crackdown

February 24th, 2017, 11:42
Yes, it's been proclaimed before, raids on the bars have happened, a few yabba users and non-Thais are taken off to a police station - and everything then gets back to normal. But will it this time?

On 21 February 2017, Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha, the Prime Minister and junta head, announced that he will order the police to uproot Pattaya’s sex industry (http://prachatai.com/journal/2017/02/70207). He asserted that local authorities always do their best to suppress the industry.
The reason on this occasion seems to be a report in one of the UK's newspaper rags, The Daily Mirror. This claimed that Pattaya was the "world's sex capital" with the "world's highest number of prostitutes."

Prayut was unhappy both at the report appearing in an international journal and at the Thai media following it up!

“You’re the Thai media. Do you believe them? Do the authorities arrest [prostitutes]? Yes, they do. I will order the police to clear them out. And let’s see if there will be any trouble. I don’t support prostitution. I follow the law,” said Prayut. “Instead of improving Thailand’s image, you [media] just keep blaming the government. Why? I don’t get it.”
Will this just blow over as before? In the last three days there have been raids on girlie go-go bars with several ordered to close down. So far as I know, there have been no raids yet in the gay areas.


February 24th, 2017, 12:43
I hope it blows over. Where else to go? There is nothing like Pattaya in the world.
But I can't believe they handle it too serious. Too many Thais depend on sex tourism, directly or indirectly.

And sex is a big reason for a lot of tourists why they are visiting Thailand. Curious how much of a drop the number of tourists to Thailand will take, if this really is implemented. At that moment we will know for sure what percentage of tourists to Thailand were mainly sex tourists all these years. I expect a drop of 20% in tourism (gut feeling).

February 24th, 2017, 14:18
I tittered quietly at the idea of Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha sitting over his breakfast, reading the Daily Mirror, and spluttering his tea and toast everywhere when he came to that article.

However I almost pissed myself at Founty's description of it as "an international journal" - as if it was anything other than a rabid left-wing tits and bum rag which ranks marginally above the Daily Star and which publishes content geared at a reading-age of 8*

(* As a comparison, the average reading-age in the UK is (shockingly) 9 - with The Guardian having a reading-age of 14! This tells us all we need to know about the alleged quality of the rapidly dying U.K. press)

However, the most worrying thing is Founty's suggestion that Thai Govt. policy is made in reaction to the content of tomorrow's fish and chip wrappings. I say "worrying" because he's probably right!!


February 24th, 2017, 14:25
i love how the Pm seemingly tried to act if he was surprised, and just now learning that Pattaya has prostitutes.

Qw'll aww qhT Gppwna I fuwaa. I would imagine he's hyping up what will actually happen though, because bnotherwise unemployment will skyrocket in Pattaya.
as if he's new information to him.

February 24th, 2017, 14:32
...Qw'll aww qhT Gppwna I fuwaa...

Well, exactly!

I couldn't have put it better myself!!

February 24th, 2017, 15:55
At least the owners of Boyz,Boyz, Boyz put loin cloths on the statues in front of their establishment to hide the huge erections from prying eyes.

February 24th, 2017, 16:04
I assume the loin cloth fell off when I was there...


..... and you call that an erection??


February 24th, 2017, 17:04
Well, you first have to rub it a bit and see what happens. That is what the Chinese ladies like to do.

February 24th, 2017, 19:38
However I almost pissed myself at Founty's description of it as "an international journal" - as if it was anything other than a rabid left-wing tits and bum rag which ranks marginally above the Daily Star and which publishes content geared at a reading-age of 8*
Now, now, Scotty! Did I not describe it as

one of the UK's newspaper rags
Clearly though it is not even worthy of that sordid description. Perhaps it's now on a par with the dreadful Times.

February 24th, 2017, 20:29
Qw'll aww qhT Gppwna I fuwaa.

What part of your recent explanation of how you, as a blind man, type would lead to a sentence like that??

I mean, you told us that as you type, the computer reads out each letter.

Have you also now gone deaf?

February 24th, 2017, 21:41
Well, you first have to rub it a bit and see what happens. That is what the Chinese ladies like to do.

Then I'd suggest that when you see the Chinese ladies approaching you consider keeping your pants on


February 25th, 2017, 03:33
What part of your recent explanation of how you, as a blind man, type would lead to a sentence like that??

I mean, you told us that as you type, the computer reads out each letter.

Have you also now gone deaf?

oh, for fuck sakes. Would you quit crawling up my ass every time I make a post? seriously, it gets annoying.

Again, if you have any legitimate questions about how a blind person conduc ts their life, or the decisions I made, feel free to ask. However, do so in a mature and respectful manner. I'm a pretty nice guy, so good chance I'll take the time to answer in kind. If you're just going to be a rude prick though, then I'll be happy to treat you like one. No probllem with me.

Come on, I don't follow you around the forum and complain every time you decide to post every intimate detail of every sexual encounter you have with a hooker in Thailand, which honestly, many people would find really fucken weird. but hey, it seems to turn you on to blast those details out to the world, so go for it.

I'm blind, deal with it. I have.

February 25th, 2017, 07:41
I'm not following you around - I'm simply reading all the posts in threads that interest me pointing out glaring discrepancies in your own posts which strongly suggest you are having a lend of us.

Again, if you have any legitimate questions about how a blind person conduc ts their life, or the decisions I made, feel free to ask. However, do so in a mature and respectful manner. I'm a pretty nice guy, so good chance I'll take the time to answer in kind. If you're just going to be a rude prick though, then I'll be happy to treat you like one.

I've had a number of "legitimate questions" but you've only selected a couple to answer( and conveniently ignored the rest.) And then in another post, you go and contradict yourself.

So tell me then, how on earth did you manage to type such gobbledygook if, as you said in a previous post, you rely on the software reading out each letter as you type?

Your reaction to requests for clarification of contradictory posts closely mirrors that of Latin. (So much so that I could be forgiven for sometimes thinking the unthinkable!)

You both refuse to answer based on the excuse that the question was either put in a rude way, or you've been asked to explain more often than you would like. (In which case, for fucks sake get your story straight, and then I won't ask.)

You were the one who first came into the board and announced you had suddenly gone blind - it wasn't a response to someone's question. So back it up.

People are free to believe your plight -obviously, at least two definitely believe it - but if you really are blind, stop acting like someone whose vision is sometimes miraculously restored long enough to allow perfect typing.

February 25th, 2017, 08:46
Ok, but before I answer anything, I have one question....

Are you Mr. Stinky?

February 25th, 2017, 09:19

Now, please answer the question.

And while you are at it, there's quite a backlog, so maybe you could answer those, too.

It always amuses me how posters take offence when someone questions the veracity of their posts. The veracity only comes into question when there are obvious contradictions involved.

If someone decides to post on a forum like this, he must be willing to accept that readers will scrutinise (maybe subconsciously) what has been written.

Rather than spending time getting upset, spend it on clarifying the situation. Afterall, if you are telling the truth, it should be easy.

No need for insults, no need for protestations about being "followed".

February 25th, 2017, 09:54
Gentlemen perleeese. This thread is about getting down the crack and this is a far more interesting topic than your squabbles.

February 25th, 2017, 10:38
We are not squabbling. We are exercising our god-given right of reply! Lol

It seems Matt is having a hard time coming up with an explanation, so while he's working on one, let's get back to the topic.

As AsDaRa says, too many people are involved, directly or indirectly, in the industry. That, of course, includes the BIB. Are they going to just did by and watch some their income is drastically cut?

And if the sex tourists give Pattaya a miss, what will happen to all the restaurants, transport services, 7/11, shopping centres and other retail outlets, etc - especially those close to the adult entertainment areas - which rely on them to survive?

In reality, I can't see it happening.

February 25th, 2017, 14:10
We are not squabbling. We are exercising our god-given right of reply! Lol

It seems Matt is having a hard time coming up with an explanation, so while he's working on one, let's get back to the topic

I told you to ask in a mature and respectful manner. You didn't, hence no reply.

Why would I take the time to answer when you can't even ask politely, or even act like an adult?

February 25th, 2017, 14:44
I told you to ask in a mature and respectful manner. You didn't, hence no reply.

There's no reply because you couldn't possibly explain that contradiction. It's got nothing to do with me being "polite" - a word which isn't always associated with you, btw.

With your lack of explanation I've made my point.

Well actually, you've made it for me.

February 25th, 2017, 15:23
no mr. stinky, the only thing you've proven is you're an immature, rude cunt who is incapable of acting like an adult.

But hey, sure, you "win" if that's what you're looking for. I could really care less. Now would you kindly shut the fuck up?

February 25th, 2017, 15:34
Fuck Matt's blindness - that's old hat - I for one want to hear the "Mr Stinky" story


February 25th, 2017, 16:20
Fuck Matt's blindness - that's old hat - I for one want to hear the "Mr Stinky" story


It's nothing, and just an inside joke between leo and myself. I was calling my one dog Mr. Stinky for a while, because well, he stunk. Leo heard it, thought I was talking about him, so asked me what "stinky" meant, and it wnet from there. Now when one of us forgets to shower, we call the other mr. Stinky.

Just one of the many little idiocrincies that make a relationship worth while. :)

February 25th, 2017, 16:30
Sorry to interrupt the Mr Stinky discussion but I found this article about the current crack down in Pattaya during my bedtime news catch up.
No real details... other websites posting same things. Didn't find details on any gay establishment.
As I recently spent time in Chiang Mai, is there a crack down happening there to?

February 25th, 2017, 16:36
But hey, sure, you "win" if that's what you're looking for. I could really care less. Now would you kindly shut the fuck up?

Actually, I didn't win so much as you lost.

But sure, I'll "shut the fuck up" - well, at least until the next time you make a ridiculous post which proves, yet again, that you are having a lend of us.

But cheer up - you now have 3 gullible supporters, it would seem.

BTW matt, nice typing! This time not a single mistake.

February 25th, 2017, 16:47
Sorry to interrupt the Mr Stinky discussion but I found this article about the current crack down in Pattaya during my bedtime news catch up.
No real details... other websites posting same things. Didn't find details on any gay establishment.
As I recently spent time in Chiang Mai, is there a crack down happening there to?

The article seems to focus more on tourist safety, although it does mention the cleaning up of the Pattaya sex industry. But this paragraph says it all :

However, some have warned a clampdown on vice in Pattaya could devastate the economy, which is still reeling from a 2014 recession, and leave thousands out of work, including prostitutes who often use their income to help support their families.

Didn't Thaksin Shinawatra try to clean up Thailand in the early 2000s? And what was the result?

There are too many vested interests; too much corruption to think they can get rid of the sex industry. They've left it way too late.

If they didn't succeed before, why would they this time? Have the corrupt officials all magically disappeared?

And what would happen if they did indeed get rid of the sex industry but no families came to replace the sex tourists?

In any case, what has Pattaya got to entice families? Ripley's Believe It Or Not? Madame Tussards?

February 26th, 2017, 09:30
The Post chimes in

February 26th, 2017, 10:31
Well if last night is anything to go by, Saturday night and still in high season they don't really need to do any cleaning up. Just wait until the industry fizzles out of it's own free will. Sadly.

February 26th, 2017, 11:56
Well if last night is anything to go by, Saturday night and still in high season they don't really need to do any cleaning up. Just wait until the industry fizzles out of it's own free will. Sadly.

I am disappointed it is going downhill at the start of my sex tourism career. Well at least I experienced the idea how it was in the good old times. Because I have seen October 2014 moderately populated bars in Sunee. Not the almost deserted ones during my last visit in October 2016. I have experienced New Year's Eve 2014-2015 in Boyztown. It was totally crowded. You could hardly walk. So at least I have experienced something of the good old times. Sadly it lasted for me a very short while.

My hope is on Cambodia. The GDP is very low there. There must be many boys willing to supplement their income. I think if It disappears in Thailand it will grow in Cambodia. That's my hope.

February 26th, 2017, 13:24
AsdaRa: Well last night a well known mamasan was blaming the present government for the lack of tourists. As though the previous ones were any good. The reasons for the denise are many and varied. But don't get too caught up in the "golden yesteryear' talked about by members. Even in 2004/5 bars were opening and closing quite quickly. The difference is that there was a steady supply of farangs with money to invest in what was basically a year or two away from their usual lives before returning to their own country. . The crash did for that idea.

February 26th, 2017, 15:39
AsdaRa: Well last night a well known mamasan was blaming the present government for the lack of tourists. As though the previous ones were any good. The reasons for the denise are many and varied.

On a recent visit, I also heard the Mamsan blaminng the government for the lack of tourists, but just around the block there was another gogo bar packed out with no spare seating space.

Also, tourist numbers to Thailand have increased considerably in the last 10 years, as shown by the TAT & airport statistics.

It just seems there has been a decrease in the numbers patronising Pattaya gay bars. I don't know why, but phone apps must be one factor. Another factor would probably be gogo bars closing due to police raids & pay offs. So less to attract people.

February 26th, 2017, 16:21
On a recent visit, I also heard the Mamsan blaminng the government for the lack of tourists, but just around the block there was another gogo bar packed out with no spare seating space.

Also, tourist numbers to Thailand have increased considerably in the last 10 years, as shown by the TAT & airport statistics.

It just seems there has been a decrease in the numbers patronising Pattaya gay bars. I don't know why, but phone apps must be one factor. Another factor would probably be gogo bars closing due to police raids & pay offs. So less to attract people.

A reason can also be the type of boys. Many Farang want young looking twink. I see many times boys on stage who look like above 30 and are not in shape. In fact it happens to me that sometimes I see boys on stage and I have to leave, because I desire none of them. How can this be? My taste is the average Farangs' taste. So if I desire none then that goes for most. When I say "desire none" I mean desire none to pay for it. I often would not mind to fuck one of them for free. They aren't that bad. But for me to pay a boy he must be in my top list.

So if you have a line up and no one pleases me, then you do something very wrong as a bar owner. You don't understand your own customers and what they want. Then you deserve to go down.

I am positive if I were to start a gogo bar and 80% of boys are hot twinks around 20 years of age (and 20% the more manly types), my bar would be full all day. Certainly if it had a good sexy show also, with no lady boys at all in it, just hot twink boys dancing.

Despite the apps, I am sure my bar would be full.

February 26th, 2017, 16:44
As the govt has enacted more laws so the police charge for ignoring said laws has increased. So now the outgoings are out of sync with the income.

February 26th, 2017, 20:05
I am positive if I were to start a gogo bar and 80% of boys are hot twinks around 20 years of age (and 20% the more manly types), my bar would be full all day. Certainly if it had a good sexy show also, with no lady boys at all in it, just hot twink boys dancing.

Despite the apps, I am sure my bar would be full.
Then why not sell up in Europe and come and start one? Then start worrying about how to get your boys, how to stop your barmen from siphoning off your liquor, how to keep the mafias from your door and making enough cash in the low season to satisfy the bib (police). Then remember that everyone is different. The posts on this forum alone make it clear that some like twinks, some straight moneyboys and some muscled he-men. If you charge Bt. 50 for a drink you'd probably be full, but the other owners would no doubt take steps to make it very, very clear you are not welcome.

Still think your bar would be full - and make money?

February 26th, 2017, 20:22
Let me think about it :-)

February 27th, 2017, 01:24
And what would happen if they did indeed get rid of the sex industry but no families came to replace the sex tourists?
In any case, what has Pattaya got to entice families? Ripley's Believe It Or Not? Madame Tussards?
There are plenty of attractions in and around Pattaya, ranging from world-class to tourist trap. But those attractions alone cannot justity the number of tourists, and anyway prostitution was first and these attractions came second to provide daytime entertainment and excuses to go to Pattaya.
My list here: http://christianpfc.blogspot.de/2014/03/daytime-activities-in-pattaya.html

My hope is on Cambodia. The GDP is very low there. There must be many boys willing to supplement their income. I think if It disappears in Thailand it will grow in Cambodia. That's my hope.
I would be the first to increase my number of visits to Cambodia if there were gogo bars in Cambodia, but I think that is not going to happen (gogo bars in Cambodia). Neighboring countries, despite being poorer than Thailand, seem to watch closely what's going on prostitution-wise and not allow gogo bars.

February 27th, 2017, 06:33
thats the difference, you dont need go go bars in Cambodia, the boys are on tap over there. you just need to know how to turn the tap on.

February 27th, 2017, 08:43
There are plenty of attractions in and around Pattaya, ranging from world-class to tourist trap. But those attractions alone cannot justity the number of tourists, and anyway prostitution was first and these attractions came second to provide daytime entertainment and excuses to go to Pattaya.
I realise direct comparisons are never ideal, but Las Vegas has been mentioned before. In its days as a sin city, Vegas certainly had a few other attractions, including top-line shows with artists like Liberace and The Rat Pack. But Vegas today is totally different, there is a lot to do during the daytimes and the vast variety and size of shows in the evening are second to none anywhere. If the will is there, the Pattaya authorities could turn the place around. However, it needs leaders who know what they are doing and how to bring in the investment and additional attractions. I'll bet a Universal Studio Theme Park would draw millions regularly. But with one in Singapore and another in Osaka, would Universal consider another Asian Park? And where would Pattaya find the oodles of investment cash? Given its location, perhaps a Chinese cinema theme park would be a must-see for the vast numbers, not only from China but the Chinese diaspora, who will be coming to the city for decades.

February 27th, 2017, 11:14
"Thats the difference, you dont need go go bars in Cambodia, the boys are on tap over there. you just need to know how to turn the tap on."

How to turn it on? The apps?

February 27th, 2017, 11:15
There are plenty of attractions in and around Pattaya, ranging from world-class ...

I read your list. "World class" implies that there'd be people travelling from all over the world to see them. I regard your list as "things you could visit during the day when you're not shagging, some better than others" but hardly something on a par with the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of London, the Lincoln Memorial, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, the Great Wall, the temples in Nara, the Red Fort in Delhi or the Sydney Opera House

February 27th, 2017, 11:22
Many Farang want young looking twink.

Not that they're, you know, repressing anything

February 27th, 2017, 11:27
Actually, I didn't win so much as you lost.

But sure, I'll "shut the fuck up" - well, at least until the next time you make a ridiculous post which proves, yet again, that you are having a lend of us.

But cheer up - you now have 3 gullible supporters, it would seem.

BTW matt, nice typing! This time not a single mistake.

I see the Forum Bully is at play again. As we know, bullies can dish it out but can't take it, so they have the Posting Rules changed in their favour

February 27th, 2017, 11:49
something on a par with the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of London, the Lincoln Memorial, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, the Great Wall, the temples in Nara, the Red Fort in Delhi or the Sydney Opera House
I agree, but then even including Nara but excluding the Hermitage where you can easily spend two or more days (but how many do, I wonder?), I cannot believe anyone actually spends a considerable sum of money to travel to Paris, London, Washington, Beijing, Honshu, Delhi or Sydney just to look at, wander along, take a lift up a single monument. Tourists may primarily go to Tokyo and Shanghai to experience Disneyland for a day, but what makes these and other major world cities must-see destinations is they contain a combination of monuments, real daytime attractions that require a degree of participation, architecture, culture in its many varieties (including food) - and so on. Given that Pattaya already attracts millions of tourists each year and a very large number are not sex-tourists, it must have something already going for it. But if the city's going to change its image over the longer term, my view is it needs a number of changes including a mega-type theme park that will appeal to most of its future visitors - and do something about the beach!

February 27th, 2017, 11:59
Not that they're, you know, repressing anything

What are they repressing? It is normal to prefer for sex a 18-21 year old above a 30 year old.

These herero sex tourists what are they repressing when they date Thai ladies around 20? I rarely see them off ladies around 30.

It is not strange to prefer 20 above 40. Strange is preferring 40 above 20. Some twinks on stage in some go go bars are nearly 30. I prefer more around 20. Human nature. Nothing is repressed.
Young looking 25 year olds who pass for 18-20 are often the best. Perfect looks and experience.

February 27th, 2017, 12:45
Pattaya is full to bursting with absolutely top notch "must see" attractions. From the snake farm to the teddy bear museum to the Magical Ice of Siam as well as the new tiger park and the wild west resort. We are also lucky enough to have not one but two, yes two sheep farms.

So there.

February 27th, 2017, 14:26
As much as I'd like to see the Chinese gays flock to Pattaya and thus keep the gay scene alive, at the end of the day it may be just wishful thinking. Many have holidays which don't seem to be long enough to encompass both Bangkok and Pattaya.

If Pattaya were to build some kind of theme park it would need to be extra special to entice them down from Bangkok. Wouldn't it be more profitable to build it near Bangkok?

February 27th, 2017, 15:08
I think lines have got crossed somewhere. In suggesting attractions etc., I was not aiming these at the gay market at all. These would be to fit in with the alleged aim of turning the city into a full-blown (LOL) family resort.

February 27th, 2017, 17:53
I think lines have got crossed somewhere. In suggesting attractions etc., I was not aiming these at the gay market at all.

My fault. Sorry,

February 27th, 2017, 23:25
thats the difference, you dont need go go bars in Cambodia, the boys are on tap over there. you just need to know how to turn the tap on.

But I would like to see boys in underwear on stage, and after all my travels, I still come back to Pattaya because I couldn't find anything similar. Could you enlighten us "how to turn the tap on"?

I read your list. "World class" implies that there'd be people travelling from all over the world to see them. I regard your list as "things you could visit during the day when you're not shagging, some better than others" but hardly something on a par with the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of London, the Lincoln Memorial, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, the Great Wall, the temples in Nara, the Red Fort in Delhi or the Sydney Opera House

Those that I consider world class are: Sancturary of Truth, Nong Nooch, Million Years Stone Park, Mini Siam. I have spent some time sightseeing in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and these would be popular there, by my judgement.

Pattaya is full to bursting with absolutely top notch "must see" attractions. From the snake farm to the teddy bear museum to the Magical Ice of Siam as well as the new tiger park and the wild west resort. We are also lucky enough to have not one but two, yes two sheep farms.

So there.
That's what I meant by "tourist traps". Overpriced and exchangeable. Some bordering on mistreatment of animals.

February 27th, 2017, 23:36
But I would like to see boys in underwear on stage, and after all my travels, I still come back to Pattaya because I couldn't find anything similar. Could you enlighten us "how to turn the tap on"?

I also want to know how he turns the tap on in Cambodia.

February 28th, 2017, 01:13
AsDaRa I suspect that frequent is troling u. Apart from a small kink sub section of young guys who are into daddies...the majority of guys be they straight or gay prefer young tight nubile flesh...Im yet to see a " trophy" wife older or even close in age to her rich daddy.
To me the perfect combination is early 20's bubble butted lightly muscled boy. I have done twinks...but find the experience lacking.

March 5th, 2017, 12:36
Re original theme; The newly appointed mayor of Pattaya is a former Police Chief (Crime Investigation Section). Coincidence or a prelude to a major crackdown?

March 5th, 2017, 13:34
Pattaya is full to bursting with absolutely top notch "must see" attractions. From the snake farm to the teddy bear museum to the Magical Ice of Siam as well as the new tiger park and the wild west resort. We are also lucky enough to have not one but two, yes two sheep farms.

So there.

Do you recall how much was the "off fee" for the sheep?
Did you off two?
How much did you tip afterwards?

March 5th, 2017, 14:37
"Baa-baa boys" I assume.

March 5th, 2017, 15:37
There is also the Big Bee Farm, The Hillside Village and a new and exciting all white way that looked alright.

Farangumuk: What do you think the major attraction of being police chief or mayor is? Don't expect a crackdown anytime soon. Read Bangkok 8.