View Full Version : 1st time to Thailand... Need some Pattaya Info

February 20th, 2017, 09:07
Greetings all,

I'm going to Thailand for the first time next week and want to get some pointers on hotels. I'll spend a quick night in Bangkok and am good to go with hotel choice, but am finding Pattaya a little more difficult to decide, given that you have Boyztown, Sunee, and Jomtien.

I'll be in Pattaya for 3 nights. Any recommendations? I see a lot about 2 guys guesthouse, so I'm thinking about that. But not sure if its better to stay in a hotel right in Sunee?

Thanks for any suggestions.

February 20th, 2017, 09:38
At the risk of bringing up trolls again, I'm sorry DrewSpz but your question about hotels has been asked many dozens of times before on this Board - and probably hundreds of times on all Boards put together. Did you think about checking the Search engine? It does seem more than a bit odd that anyone visiting for the first time during high season will not have done some at least basic research on the three gay areas and their hotels until just a few days in advance! Besides you give no indication of your budget per night nor whether you desire a single or double, want a pool, be near the gay beach etc.. Most visitors will have made bookings some time ago.

As to the question about "smoking" in the other thread which you have just st started here, how long have you been reading this or any other chat room? Have you again checked the search engine? I may be wrong but something smells odd here.

February 20th, 2017, 10:02
I don't even know what a troll is.. hahaha. I knew I'd probably get a negative response (based on the other threads here), but just thought I'd try since there are no other decent Thai forums around. I don't have any budget concerns, but would like to be in the middle of things, and at as nice/ best amenities/etc of a place as possible (realizing the places in the middle of the action usually aren't the nicest). I'd really like a place that won't check IDs of joiners... not because I'm going to do anything wrong, but its my first time and I think I'll be embarrased.

I really don't know what 'Smoke' means... i've googled it. Its either something sexual or drug based, obviously.

I did search the other threads but didn't find the info I'm looking for.

Perhaps someone else besides that fountain hall person can reply?

February 20th, 2017, 10:15
Sglad. Welcome back. I actually quite liked your posts. Just stick to one handle this time and you'll be fine.

February 20th, 2017, 10:22
hahaha I'm not Sglad... You can look me up on Facebook if you like, I'm a 30 year old American. My name is Andrew. PM me if you want my full name and you can chat with me on FB. WOW I don't know what happened to you guys, but everyone is so jaded. What's wrong with my post, there's nothing illegal or bad there?

February 20th, 2017, 10:26
Okay I think I'm going to try either Elephant, Marina Inn, or Two Guys Guest House. Of those three which is the best? I'm trying to keep this simple as to not get involved in whatever drama is going on here... hahaha...

I would still like to know about smoking too... hehehe. maybe I can try it ;-)

February 20th, 2017, 11:08
Marina Inn... I like their jacuzzi suite... does anyone know if they're guest friendly and if they check joiner IDs?

February 20th, 2017, 11:16
Do psychiatrists recognize this compulsion to troll? If not yet, perhaps it would constitute a good topic for someone's dissertation. I reckon trolls derive some satisfaction in creating these personas but it is sad commentary on their mental state. This OP is more obvious than most other fabricators.

February 20th, 2017, 11:38
Yes. The writing style of Sglad combined with the subject choice of Sugargrandpa.

February 20th, 2017, 12:14
You guys are so funny... my name is Andrew Salinas. You can look me up on FB. It's okay, I think I've decided on Marina Inn. Thanks anyway.

February 20th, 2017, 13:25
The hotels you mention, Marina, Elephant and Two Guys are NOT upscale hotels.

I believe that Mosaic in Day - Night Plaza does not check IDs but most other places do.

In vicinity of Boyztown there is Avani which is upscale @ 3000 Baht/night.Very nice but IDs will be checked.

If in Jomtien you can do a bit of research either here or on gaythailand.com forum for some good hotel choices.

February 20th, 2017, 15:25
At first we "welcome" new posts and members on such way, at second we asking "where all are?"

Yeah, "friendly" welcome, "logical" question.

Andrew, "my" hotel were in the middle of Boyztown when I was newcomer. Late I realized what most time my interests are laying outside of any "boys zone" - beaches, sea, relax and I moved to Jomtien beach hotels/guesthouses: Bondi (now closed), RoomsClub (now closed), Tui's place, BB house.

They are located right on the beach but you still have good connection to all "boys areas" - 5-7 min walk to Jomtien complex, 3-5 min walk to tul-tuk + 7-10 min ride to other areas (10 bahts/nonstop 24 hours service).

Now at time of visits I can watch romantic sunsets from balcony with boy who is sitting next to me and listen waves instead of city noise and cries "massage sir!" or "next show just in 15 min" and my sunset views aren't screened by hordes of Chinese straight tourists groups.

February 20th, 2017, 15:52
Trolls/hydras/fake posters are not uncommon on chat sites and when on the same day a hydra has officially been discovered here despite some posters having picked that up quite some time ago, it is surely understandable that regular members are suspicious when a new member appears and asks for extremely general information about hotels just a week away in peak season when many will be full. This is even more true when the new poster gives almost zero information on his requirements, budget etc.

i thought there is a waiting period before new posters are approved. Whether or not the one on this thread is genuine or not, the opening post was certainly suspicious. I hope I am proved wrong and that he will subsequently post of his Pattaya experiences as a mark of good faith to those trying to assist him. I wish him a happy stay wherever that might be.

February 20th, 2017, 16:32
All the guy did was ask about a hotel, and some of you immediately pounce on him. Do you really need to have your pitchforks and torches ready 24x7 like this? Maybe ttake some Prozac, or something.

Don't worry, if he's a troll or means the board or its membership harm, I'm sure he'll out himself as just that later. For now, he's just asking for a bloody hotel recommendationn. Chill out.

February 20th, 2017, 16:38
Surely a new poster deserves six posts before he is accused of being a troll?
And if someone thinks he is one, ignore him.

February 20th, 2017, 17:32
Surely a new poster deserves six posts before he is accused of being a troll?
And if someone thinks he is one, ignore him.
Fair point! Yet odd that those making such comments were notably absent when sglad starting posting. I actually was the first to respond to his first post -

Hi Jason! Welcome to SGT and welcome to Thailand! It's not often we get a nice new young poster here. Most of us are way older!

I assume you are in Bangkok. I guess lots of guys would be happy to meet up with you to show you around. But I'm sure you probably know Bangkok quite well. If not, we're here to help. Good luck!
Pretty soon I was being trashed. By then I had notified the owners without any resultant agreement of there being a troll/hydra in our midst. Others had much earlier expressed their concern and were criticized by others. And I recall Beachlover receiving similarly warm greetings - at the start.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, especially when that is based not purely on a poster being new to a forum but the specific content of posts. I've made mine known - and accept the criticism. But I do not make them lightly. And I trust I am wrong!

February 20th, 2017, 18:27
I don't know what point you are trying to make FH. Is Sglad a Singaprean Jason as was proclaimed?

February 20th, 2017, 18:32
I don't know what point you are trying to make FH. Is Sglad a Singaprean Jason as was proclaimed?
You must have missed this earlier today. Your prediction was correct!


Sugargrandpa and sglad have been banned as they are one and the same poster...or a hydra.
As you know, I don't ban members very often and certainly not without violating any of our few posted rules.
Having two user names though is enough to be banned...not that I believe this poster, or any other is Beachlover.


February 20th, 2017, 18:38
Thank you FH. You are a gentleman. And I mean it.

February 20th, 2017, 19:28
it is surely understandable that regular members are suspicious when a new member appears and asks for extremely general information about hotels just a week away in peak season when many will be full. This is even more true when the new poster gives almost zero information on his requirements, budget etc.

Yes, if you are "suspicious" there is options: ignore question. Why should we "welcome" new member with acid? "Shot first, ask late"? And then ask "where everyone is gone?" WTF???

i thought there is a waiting period before new posters are approved.

It is. Everyone new member been approved manually.

I wish him a happy stay wherever that might be.
Sweet :) Thank you :)

February 24th, 2017, 03:12
Seems y'all have scared the new fella off however if still reading then please be aware the ID check is for your own protection.

February 24th, 2017, 13:01

If Sglad or Sugargrandpa return I'll know and I'll let you know. So far, this hasn't happened, nor has Beachlover been back so please leave the CIA work to me.



February 24th, 2017, 19:50
Marina Inn... I like their jacuzzi suite... does anyone know if they're guest friendly and if they check joiner IDs?

I didn't know they went that upscale (last time I stayed 2015 ? rooms on second floor were pretty basic) but there is indeed a suite with a picture of a jacuzzi http://www.hotelmarinapattaya.com/suite-rose (oddly, all text is in French).

Guest friendly. No joiner fee. I vaguely remember they don't check or retain guest ID.

For highest privacy, try Baan Dok Mai. Guests have key for door to road, and at night there is nobody at reception.

February 25th, 2017, 13:40
Look-its the core bisnis there in PTY-how much the tourist minister wants it cleaned out-after any new ''scandal'' appearing in nBrexits gutterpress. There may be only 1 or 2 finding themselves decent HTLs in all PTY that bars guests. In fact most HTLs and guesthss by routine simply do not even offer single rooms.

February 25th, 2017, 14:07
Okay great! I'll have to try that next visit.

For this trip, I decided to do one night in Jomtien, one in Sunee, and one in Boystown. So let's see how it goes. Hopefully the local incidents in the news lately doesn't spoil my first trip 😕

February 25th, 2017, 15:32
Okay great! I'll have to try that next visit.

For this trip, I decided to do one night in Jomtien, one in Sunee, and one in Boystown. So let's see how it goes. Hopefully the local incidents in the news lately doesn't spoil my first trip 😕
You obviously like changing hotels, I would be pissed if I had to unnecessarily change a hotel.

February 25th, 2017, 15:35
Talking about changing hotels - has anybody heard that the Tarntawan has changed hands?

February 25th, 2017, 17:05
Talking about changing hotels - has anybody heard that the Tarntawan has changed hands?

Mmm...now that you mention it, I do recall reading somewhere on the forums about the Tarntawan Hotel. But I'm buggered if I can remember which one. Damn!

I've got an idea- I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, so why don't I find the thread and then summarise all the information for you.

I could post it here or I could even start a new thread.

Thank me later!

February 26th, 2017, 21:48
Okay great! I'll have to try that next visit.

For this trip, I decided to do one night in Jomtien, one in Sunee, and one in Boystown. So let's see how it goes. Hopefully the local incidents in the news lately doesn't spoil my first trip 😕

I'm not sure if you mean you will visit those three areas or you will change hotels and visit them.
No need to change hotels. You can walk from Boyztown to Sunnee Plaza in less than ten minutes.
Jomtien is about 10 minutes in a Baht bus.

Nirish guy
March 1st, 2017, 01:42
Talking about changing hotels - has anybody heard that the Tarntawan has changed hands?

Changed hands -yes AND after changing names too I hear !

Perhaps as the OP states he's already calling into Bkk for one night he might like to try it out and report back his findings for us all ?

March 11th, 2017, 01:40
Another thread hijacked by the troll accusers.. You should take a break from this forum .

March 11th, 2017, 08:15
Another thread hijacked by the troll accusers.. You should take a break from this forum .
What a surprising conclusion! Why assume that? Remember the last post made by the new member? It was this -

Okay great! I'll have to try that next visit.

For this trip, I decided to do one night in Jomtien, one in Sunee, and one in Boystown. So let's see how it goes. Hopefully the local incidents in the news lately doesn't spoil my first trip 
So in other words his question had been answered. Why would he return to this thread to post again other than to post about his experiences some time later?

But since you brought the subject up, after about 4 posters had started to question both the OP question and questioner, he posted this -

my name is Andrew Salinas. You can look me up on FB.
Far enough and a generous provision of personal information. I don't think any other poster has provided personal information like that. But have you checked Facebook? There are 100+ Andrew Salinas. If you had really intended anyone to check your information, would you now have been slightly more specific?

Nirish guy
March 11th, 2017, 17:56
But have you checked Facebook? There are 100+ Andrew Salinas.

Yes and the very first one seems to be a born again christian youth worker type guy - so perhaps that's something this board / the owners need to aware of and perhaps ban. There are rules in places to stop posters "outing" others but nothing of course to stop one outing oneself - HOWEVER who is to say that the person "volunteering" their name her and adding a Facebook link - and then posting about wanting to go to Thailand to fuck guys IS INDEED that person, some poor innocents life ( and job) could be ripped apart by someone CLAIMING to be someone else and then posting ALL sorts of crazy shit implying that the person they named is the person carrying out those acts.

Perhaps that's something the owners (of all the boards) might need to give some thought to to avoid the possibly of that happening?