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View Full Version : Tarntawan now rebranded as Tantawan Hotel !!! Staffs job not confirmed - Board Members outraged !

Nirish guy
February 18th, 2017, 17:33
It was reported today in at least two different posts on a well know Thai message board that Bangkok's well known and revered hotel "The Tarntawan Place Hotel" has rebranded as Tartawan Hotel. There are reports that staff members there may not have been carried over to the new brand and staff fear that due to the lack of TUPE regulations in Thailand that their jobs may not now be safe.

It is believed that Moderators from the Board concerned may have written to the Management of the Hotel concerned to seek urgent clarification on this unexpected and shocking development however it is believed that as yet no reply has been forthcoming, which some see as a further indication of the Managements total disregard for their loyal customer base.

We'll be keeping you up todate with this breaking story and other breaking news live from Bangkok, including items such as "is the cost of beer and an off in Soi Twilight REALLY that much now" and "Do taxi's that are parked up in Silom REALLY rip off their customers" plus the news coming out of China "Why we're all flocking to Bangkok now that the Farang's have all left"

This and other breaking news daily here on SGT News.

(Hmmm ?? .....OR is this perhaps just "FAKE news" and 'Alternative facts"?? Hell someone best ring Trumps office and let them know immediately so that they can add up to their list of blocked news sites that the President is going to be rude to and just not talk to anymore because we maybe refuse to say nice things about him when he's being an obvious asshole"

February 19th, 2017, 07:32
Tell it like it is Donald....nice to finally have someone in office who says WHAT HE ACTUALLY THINKS, and not from script to make everyone happy...and who cares about this hotel name change..silly....

Nirish guy
February 19th, 2017, 08:17
I agree Blue Sky - who GIVES a fuck !!!! They can rename the place all they want, I for one certainly don;'t care and I'm guessing you don't either, hell I'm sure you're way to busy watching out for those good damn Mexicans coming to steal all your jobs. And you're right also that this whole thing about the name change is just pure 100% silly, hell it's hardly worth commenting on even - is it. I don't know what the hotel were even thinking........or wait do you mean the thread - does them changing the name not bother you at ALL !! ???

February 20th, 2017, 06:33
I'm sorry to hear the Tart69 hotel has changed its name. It may be being seduced by the nearby Art Massage shop. Seriously, are members getting commission from the hotel?

February 21st, 2017, 00:24
I saw it mis-spelt in the Bangkok Post today as the Tartandwank Hotel...

Nirish guy
February 21st, 2017, 00:48
ha ha sounds about right! I'm guessing the editor must have stayed over a few times :-)