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View Full Version : Inn Saladaeng BKK

February 7th, 2017, 21:07
Hi All
Has anyone stayed at or have info on the Inn Saladaeng in BKK....esp interested in joiner policy. Anything else useful for the gay traveler would also be appreciated.

February 7th, 2017, 21:29
Have you considered the Tarntawan Hotel although I haven't heard much about it lately.

February 7th, 2017, 21:38
Inn Saladaeng...Highly reccomend.....near everything you want.....great value.....no joiners fee....look no further!

Nirish guy
February 8th, 2017, 15:11
Re the Tarntawan I heard it had changed hands recently so maybe worth getting an update before booking - anyone know anything about that ? SG what about you perhaps ? :-)

February 8th, 2017, 15:31
The Hotel Le Siam (formerly The Swiss Lodge) on Soi Convent near Silom would also be worth consideration. Not a "gay" hotel but certainly friendly. The staff is courteous and professional. It's tough to beat the location near Soi 4 and the BTS. The price compares favorably with the others mentioned. No joiner fee I've ever experienced or noticed anyone else being asked for.

February 8th, 2017, 19:09
When I stayed at the Tarntawan last month I didn't notice any changes. However, on the form you sign when you check in there is a condition which states overnight visitors must pay a joiner fee.

February 8th, 2017, 19:42
a447 wrote:
"When I stayed at the Tarntawan last month I didn't notice any changes. However, on the form you sign when you check in there is a condition which states overnight visitors must pay a joiner fee."

I am sure many members will have a great deal to say about this.

February 9th, 2017, 04:27
I am sure many members will have a great deal to say about this.

If true, I would.
But then this thread is about Inn Saladeang isnt it?

February 9th, 2017, 06:30
I stayed at the Inn on Saladaeng last week. It was satisfactory. One "down" is the fact that it's a couple hundred meters walk down a dark street at night to get to the place. And, it's not easy to find!! But, it was satisfactory. It has a lift for those of us who don't like to trudge up stairs, and a 'free' breakfast in the morning. The breakfast is ok if you're not too hungry. It's definitely not a luxury hotel, but it's clean and quiet.

February 9th, 2017, 14:09

A room special just announced through get lucky hotels.


March 11th, 2017, 01:07
Or Glitz Hotel , right in the middle of the action.

March 11th, 2017, 09:18
For those who do not know it, a link is always useful -


Nirish guy
March 11th, 2017, 18:08
Useful link Loke and FH thank you - if The hotel which must not be named" turns out to be more crap than usual on my next visit I think I'll definitely give Glitz a try.

Nirish guy
March 11th, 2017, 20:53
Oh dear on reading elsewhere the fact that the Glitz is run by a lovely old Thai lady and is owned by a nice Thai family I think perhaps I'd best not inflict my joiners list upon them for their advance (dis)approval, maybe the TW will have to just keep up with my new sheet requests for a while yet it seems....

March 12th, 2017, 13:02
Oh dear on reading elsewhere the fact that the Glitz is run by a lovely old Thai lady and is owned by a nice Thai family I think perhaps I'd best not inflict my joiners list upon them for their advance (dis)approval, maybe the TW will have to just keep up with my new sheet requests for a while yet it seems....

In Glitz hotel they really don't care who you are bringing to the room neither what you are doing there.

March 12th, 2017, 14:03
Purely for interest, better take a quick look at TripAdvisor before you commit to the Glitz. Recent review headlines are (in order) -

Not recommended
Average Budget Hotel
Warning! Do not stay here, hell hole!
Very disappointing experience
Always my fav if I’m travelling alone
Bad surprise.
Good Location
“Sorry, we overbooked and forgot to call you”

Yet agoda gives it 3 stars and rates it 7.7! To be fair, reviews prior to a year ago were a lot more favourable. And reviews for the hotel which can’t be mentioned have also been going downhill in recent months – but not as bad.

Nirish guy
March 12th, 2017, 18:19
Thank you FH - forewarned is forearmed and all that.I'll pass, I can do without the drama. At least with old faithful I know exactly what I'm getting and I can't complain about the stains on the sheets as half of them are of my companions responsibility probably ! lol

March 13th, 2017, 22:14
I stayed at Glitz before and was very happy there, no problems with joiners, But I will be back in a few days for a night so maybe things have changed , we'll see....

March 15th, 2017, 12:50
I stayed at Glitz before and was very happy there, no problems with joiners, But I will be back in a few days for a night so maybe things have changed , we'll see....
How is the Arni hotel looks like a very good option nearby ,Is it gay friendly? Any problem with joiners?

March 16th, 2017, 05:14
I have been told that Arni is not joiner friendly.

But I have no personal experience.

March 16th, 2017, 12:20
Can you recommend gay friendly hotels on Silom-Suriwong area with no joiner fee ?

March 16th, 2017, 13:03
Can you please give us an idea of your budget and the period of travel. Rates vary considerably between high and low season.

March 16th, 2017, 14:31
Check out Le Siam Hotel on Soi Convent...about 65 U.S. near gay soi 4 and Suriwong....also a wonderful French restaurant near the hotel.....Also in a gay neighborhood 45bht taxi to Silom is a nice inexpensive also gay friendly hotel with a pool, 24 hour restaurant..The Malaysia Hotel about 30 U.S.

March 16th, 2017, 15:54
Le Méridien is gay friendly no joiner fee; upscale hotel.

Nirish guy
March 16th, 2017, 18:15
MFAS - that's lame of you.

There's a world of difference in your attempting to winding up fellow board members just for the hell of it and you suggesting a restaurant on a gay board to to members where you KNOW full well that there have been several accusations of almost violent homophobic abuse against gay people by the owner - that's just not on and not fair to the visitors who may read this board but not the other posts pertaining to that place.

And yes fine you can say you'd no issues there, good for you, but you DO know others have and so your post is reckless and dangerous in the extreme.

It's certainly not in the interests of this GAY board in that is seeks to be a resource for good and SAFE advice for gay travellers when Bangkok - your little game with some board members could well be putting every day readers of the board and ordinary non board members / ordinary every day gay people at risk - and you KNOW it.

You should delete that part of your post - or at least put a caveat on your post that some gay people have had issues there - this isn't about this board and your ongoing playing with some of it's members ( personally I don't care and am happy you had a good time here, like I said good for you) but this is about the SAFETY of gay people in general and you shouldn't fuck about with THAT just for your own amusement. If your recommendation leads to someone's night being ruined ( or worse if that owner is drunk and violent) and someone is assaulted ( as very nearly happened in our case) then they will ( or should) be on your conscience - and this board should be embarrassed if it was every discovered the recommendation for that place came from here - a gay board for gay people, actively promoting a homophobic owners business. Shame on you for playing games with such an important issue for your own amusement.

March 16th, 2017, 18:44
Nirish makes a valid point....As the experiences greatly differ from the past to the present at this restaurant you would be well served to read the reviews on this topic!

March 16th, 2017, 18:49
And given that we have discovered this week that Bangkok's worst homophobe manages this place, by all means go if you wish to. Just don't be surprised if he attacks you as being gay if it takes his fancy. Yes, the food is good (but pricey). But are you as a gay man prepared to patronise an establishment run by a total homophobe? MFAS is, but then we know he does not care about the LGBT community where his stomach is concerned. Reviews tend not to mention this.

On the other hand, Le Siam is a splendid little boutique hotel. Nowhere near on a par with Le Meridien - but then far cheaper.

March 16th, 2017, 19:02
Once again one should read the reviews both past and present before they pass judgement, the sins of the father shall not be passed on to the son.

March 16th, 2017, 19:07
The sins of the father? It's the father who owns it! And MFAS clearly does not realise that official reviews rarely if ever discuss an owner's attitude towards the LGBT community. His stomach matters more.

Nirish guy
March 16th, 2017, 19:08
Thank you for the addition MFAS and whilst that's welcome I think you should be looking equally at why you even thought to "play" with this subject on the board as of course it's damn all to do with recommending a restaurant as there are many equally "good" eating places there but more just to get a rise out of people / troll the board, that's a bit pathetic man, you should think on about that and have your fun by all means and if others want to rise to that that's their choice but don't do it at other ( strangers) expenses perhaps next time. And before you say "why you rose to it" - I didn't your posts dont bother me one bit - but I felt it important to correct your dangerous "game" for others reading just - as to why you even bother totally escapes me, you must have little to do.

March 16th, 2017, 19:17
I do not doubt what you or F.H. experienced but mine was 100% different....And the fellow we chatted with who later sent us the drinks could not have been older than his late 40's......I will not condem something predicated on other experiences other than my own.

March 16th, 2017, 19:20
He's just got a one-track destructive mind. He's already posted a thread on this restaurant here AND started another thread on gaybuttonthai on the exactly the same restaurant with exactly the same wording. He has zero interest in the LGBT community - only his own stomach.

Nirish guy
March 16th, 2017, 19:29
MFAS why bother posting your restaurant "recommendation" at ALL on a thread about someone asking about hotels - just face it, you were being your usual smartarse self and it's backfired so don't waste your breath trying to defend the indefensible - you went too far on this one and you know it, otherwise you could have recommended at traunch of good eateries I'm sure, but you didn't you just choose that ONE as you knew it would raise shit - and as I said at the start you were quite prepared to do that and put other gay people at risk as you had your fun - THAT is the pathetic and worrying part to all of this. Like I said shame on you. Right I'm done with this topic. Good luck.

March 16th, 2017, 19:35
He has zero interest in the LGBT community - only his own stomach.

yet nobody seems to have any problems with other posters here praising and recommending the go-go bars in Soi Twilight - most of which have owners who's only interest in the LGBT community is money and who in other capacities promote and promulgate much anti-gay activity


March 16th, 2017, 19:40
yet nobody seems to have any problems with other posters here praising and recommending the go-go bars in Soi Twilight - most of which have owners who's only interest in the LGBT community is money and who in other capacities promote and promulgate much anti-gay activity

But there is one very big difference. There are very few go-go and similar bars in Bangkok. There are many dozens of good French restaurants not run by homophobic managers. If you want go-go bars, Soi Twilight is more or less the place to go. If you want French cuisine, you have lots of choices.

I have posted some tripadvisor reviews of Indigo on the proper Inidgo thread started by MFAS

March 17th, 2017, 15:18
MFAS why bother posting your restaurant "recommendation" at ALL on a thread about someone asking about hotels - just face it, you were being your usual smartarse self and it's backfired so don't waste your breath trying to defend the indefensible - you went too far on this one and you know it, otherwise you could have recommended at traunch of good eateries I'm sure, but you didn't you just choose that ONE as you knew it would raise shit - and as I said at the start you were quite prepared to do that and put other gay people at risk as you had your fun - THAT is the pathetic and worrying part to all of this. Like I said shame on you. Right I'm done with this topic. Good luck.
Thanks for the warning but can you tell me the Name & Soi location of the homophobic restaurant that has been recommended by MFAS? That detail is not made clear in this discourse.
I need to avoid the place because I’m very likely to use my steak knife for another purpose if a homophobic manager abuses me or my friend.

March 17th, 2017, 18:58
The name of the restaurant is INDIGO. It's in a small dead-end soi at the Silom end off Soi Convent. From Silom walk in about 50 meters and it is on the right side almost opposite Starbucks. Here's a map. Although it's in Thai, you can work it out from the green of Lumpini Park -


March 17th, 2017, 19:33
How is the Mandarin hotel is it gay friendly?
No joiner fee ?

March 17th, 2017, 19:48
Mandarin is well known for NOT being gay friendly and charging a very discouraging joiner fee - unless things have changed recently.

March 17th, 2017, 20:15
OK thanks bobsaigon2 for the information I think I will stick with the Glitz as usual not fancy but exellent location and gay friendly.

March 17th, 2017, 23:39
Thanks fountainhall.
I know Convent Rd. well and the soi in question.
Will avoid the place.
I seem to remember a homophobic incident in the Barbican Bar between Silom and Suriwong about 5 years ago. I think the manager asked some (regular business type) gay customers to leave.
They did leave but the backlash among the rest of the customers caused the bar to close despite apologies from the (English?) owners who were not party to the incident.

March 18th, 2017, 19:55
But there is one very big difference. There are very few go-go and similar bars in Bangkok. There are many dozens of good French restaurants not run by homophobic managers. If you want go-go bars, Soi Twilight is more or less the place to go. If you want French cuisine, you have lots of choices.

OK I get it now, the principle involved isn't actually homophobia but relative scarcity and convenience - if this was the only French restaurant in Bangkok then the owner's attitude shouldn't stop us patronizing or recommending the place!


March 18th, 2017, 20:20
OK I get it now, the principle involved isn't actually homophobia but relative scarcity and convenience - if this was the only French restaurant in Bangkok then the owner's attitude shouldn't stop us patronizing or recommending the place!
But that's a purely hypothetical argument. The fact is there are dozens of French restaurants in Bangkok. And it could be argued that one or more of the bar owners themselves are homophobic and their only motivation for running such a business is to make cash!