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View Full Version : What is the latest situation with go-go bars and massage parlors in Bangkok?

February 4th, 2017, 19:03
I will travel to Bangkok in mid February to check out some job possibilities in civil engineering. I also hope to have some fun....

Could recent visitors please update me about the following:

1. Has Hero Massage reopened and is it up and running? What are the number and types of guys available there now?

2. How is Dream Boys doing? I am not interested in the shows, which are boring, but how many guys [and what types} does the bar now have on weekends to off? Are there still a few stunningly hot and handsome guys there?

3. Is Jupiter worth a visit?

4. What go-go bars have a good selection of hot, athletic/muscular guys?

Thanks for any recent information or news.

February 5th, 2017, 12:02
I've only been to Classic Boys and Screw Boys in the last week. Neither had much in the way of hot athletic muscular guys, though a few cute twinks.

February 17th, 2017, 15:16
Only one reply?

This forum has recently had interesting discussions of the scenes in Chiang Mai and in Pattaya.

Please provide some comments about the recent go-go bars and massage venues in Bangkok.

February 17th, 2017, 15:55
werner, check out the scene and report back. Also check out other forums like gaythailand.com.

February 18th, 2017, 06:54
werner, check out the scene and report back. Also check out other forums like gaythailand.com.
With all respect to Francois, I suggest this reply may be one reason why the activity on this board is diminishing! Suggesting a poster looks at other Boards to find answers to a fairly simple question when there have been occasional posts here is a sure way of killing interest in Sgn IMHO. Even if there is not much detail here, giving a poster to a specific link to a post or series of posts on another board would have shown an interest in helping with a request.

February 18th, 2017, 07:34
The edit time beat me. There is some info here -


These threads also have some recent Soi Twilight info



Thete's a family recent post over on gt but note it starts over the main Chinese National holiday when enderstandably the bars were packed with Chinese -


Jupiter continues to attract large crowds but the reports all suggest that as offs the boys are duds. Worth a visit if you are only going to view the eye candy.

Hero is finally back up and running in the same location. From what I can gather, it is now a branch of Prince off Suanphlu and the boys seem to flit between the two. Check this thread from Post #66 -


February 18th, 2017, 07:50
TravelGayAsia is a good resource as well, but some info might not be totally up to date. However if you look for recent reviews that is probably a good way to weed out the current from out of date.

February 18th, 2017, 09:41
TravelGayAsia can be a very useful starter guide. It's Bangkok section appears quite up to date, but there is a lot that is out of date in many of the other Asian cities. The Taipei hot spring section lists 3 as being gay friendly, whereas 2 ceased being so quite some time ago. And a 4th which is definitely a gay hang out is not even listed. Best to back up the info with more from other sites.

February 18th, 2017, 16:07
Fountainhall, posters can't expect everyone else to do their homework for them. A little initiative goes a long way. I gave werner a link to a forum which has beaucoup info on his topic of interest. Am I supposed to search it for him?

Werner was to go to Bangkok mid-Feb and now it is 18 Feb. So how about a report from him regarding the latest situation in Bangkok???

February 20th, 2017, 12:22
Thanks to Forum members for your comments and suggestions.

Unfortunately, I will have to postpone my trip to Bangkok because of a crisis at my company. Thus, I will not be able to provide a review in the near future.

GayThailand does indeed have a lot of information about venues, and many of the commentators write very well.

By the way: The more I think about semi-retirement, the more I think that I should return to Europe.

I had considered working part-time for a major construction and architectural firm in Bangkok. The owner is well trained and qualified. However, he recently had a minor stroke and is turning the control of the company to his two sons, who lack their father's competence. Nepotism is a common problem in family-owned businesses, and the second generation never seems to be as good as the first generation of owners.