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January 25th, 2017, 19:00
Anyone know a restaurant in Pattaya that serves lobster? Real lobster not the little rock ones.

January 25th, 2017, 19:13
I once had lobster at Bruno's. It was 1500 baht from memory, and was one of the smallest lobster tails I'd ever seen.

It had been imported frozen, thawed and then cooked. I found it mushy and tasteless.

Neal (yeah, that one) loved it.

You can also find lobster at the seafood restaurants on Walking Street.

January 26th, 2017, 01:42
Goes without saying that anything tasteless would have been right up the Fat Cunt's street


January 26th, 2017, 04:55
Goes without saying that anything tasteless would have been right up the Fat Cunt's street


Why do you all hate him so much? Two or three guys have warned me about this guy via PM - they say he's a control freak or something and that his site wouldn't be of any interest to me as it's all about Pattaya. I only checked it out briefly once and thought it was very neat and well-organised.

January 26th, 2017, 04:57
Real lobster not the little rock ones.

Sure you don't want the ones 'made' in China? You know the delicious-looking ones with just a hint of melamine? :devilsh:

January 26th, 2017, 08:42
Goes without saying that anything tasteless would have been right up the Fat Cunt's street


Neal's legacy is hate. He personified hate.
Amazingly, he was not without friends.
Probably, the most hateful farang (full of hate)farang, I've been aware of in Pattaya.
He loved imported lobster at Bruno's until the end.

January 26th, 2017, 10:03
Why do you all hate him so much?
I assume you are referring to Neal. I did not know him, never met him and only encountered him on this Board when he entered into a vicious and unwarranted attack on me, unwarranted because the basis of the attack was quite simply a personal story I had related on another Board. He then lifted it almost word for word and presented it as a story he had made up. When I pointed out he had plagiarised another Board, he went ballistic and never let up.

That mild compared to what followed, though. There was a mercifully short series of Pattaya Bitch Boards (I think he even owned one) on one or two of which Neal totally let rip against everything and everyone in the most outrageous and degrading fashion. As catawampuscat points out, they were totally hate-filled. He was not alone, but he was one of the worst posters - spewing vitriol against people whom he had once called his friends. I know from others that he was not a well man and perhaps his illnesses may have begun to affect his brain. Whatever, there was a mighty sigh of relief when this Board was taken over by Surfcrest and Neal, who ran a gogo bar in Pattaya, died en route to the USA.

January 26th, 2017, 10:17
Why do you all hate him so much? Two or three guys have warned me about this guy via PM - they say he's a control freak or something . . .

sglad, you might be confusing Neal, the deceased former owner of this forum with the owner of another forum, Gaybutton Thai. Some say that the owner of that forum can be a control freak. He certainly does not tolerate personal attacks on his board. I don’t post on that forum, but I find it a useful place to read posts about Thailand. I think it may be true to say it is more Pattaya related, but it does have members from Bangkok and they post information relating to Bangkok, which I sometimes do not find on this forum.

With regard to Neal, the former owner of this forum, I certainly did not hate him but, importantly, my only personal contact with him was to say, 'hello' to him as I entered his bar. Some have said to me they wished that was also the extent of their contact with him. I did have occasion to PM him several times, but he was always perfectly amicable in his replies.* But some of those who met him in person have a completely different view of him and they can speak for themselves.

On the question of lobsters, I must say I have never eaten lobster. I’m ashamed to admit that the prospect of breaking its skeletal framework puts me off. Perhaps one day I shall confront my phobia and give it a try.

*Ah, I see that fountainhall has covered some of the points I have raised while drafting this post.

January 26th, 2017, 11:39
Word has it, he bought a blonde wig and is now the President of the United States....lol.(tweet tweet)


January 26th, 2017, 12:34
On the question of lobsters, I must say I have never eaten lobster
Best lobster I've tasted in Thailand was at a Phuket restaurant on a small rocky promontory just as the coast road turns left after Patong Beach to tiny Kalim Bay. I have not been in Phuket for some years but have always found Baan Rim Pa a quite lovely restaurant. There are graphic videos of the 2004 tsunami crashing across the road into the Kalim Bay serviced apartment complex. Baan Rim Pa is slightly to the left and escaped with damage only to a deck and one balcony because of its height above the road.


January 26th, 2017, 15:39
Casa Pascal and Livv both have live Canadian lobster on their menus.

January 26th, 2017, 16:34
sglad, you might be confusing Neal, the deceased former owner of this forum with the owner of another forum, Gaybutton Thai. Some say that the owner of that forum can be a control freak.

Yes, that's the forum I was warned about, Jellybean. Having quickly browsed it through it I found it rather benign and boring - not as bad as it was described to me. Thanks for the clarification, JB.

As regards Neal, I didn't know him and really have nothing to say about him. Sorry to hear that there was so much drama surrounding him and people are still reeling from its impact. Perhaps it's time to bury the past with the dead.

January 26th, 2017, 16:53
To answer my own question. Many restaurants on Walking Street offer lobster including live in a tank. Prices ranged from 900 to 2000 baht.

January 26th, 2017, 16:58
To answer my own question . . .

Well arsenal, I suggest you give yourself a 'Like'.


January 26th, 2017, 17:11
Yes Jellybean. Thank you...a big 'like' to me. I'm undecided whether to proceed and actually eat one. It's a lot of money if the cook fucks it up.

January 26th, 2017, 19:35
Yes Jellybean. Thank you...a big 'like' to me. I'm undecided whether to proceed and actually eat one. It's a lot of money if the cook fucks it up.

like many others, I'm very fond of lobster and have eaten it in many restaurants in many countries over the years. And many times I have to say it was inedible, often being smothered in sauce which hides the taste. Sharkys restaurant in Bali is famous for its seafood but their lobster ended up in the bin; for some reason it was drenched in oil. Yuk!

That's why I haven't bothered with the lobster in the Walking Street restaurants. It's hit and miss, and unfortunately, usually the latter.

If I did order it I would just have it grilled and served with salt, pepper, vinegar and chilli. Yum!! But I don't know if you can tell them how to cook it.

Prices seem way over the top, with the restaurants catering to the Chinese tour buses. I also do not want to pay top dollar for something I can't eat.

So arsenal, why don't you go try it and report back? Better you be the guinea pig than me!

January 26th, 2017, 21:49
. . . So arsenal, why don't you go try it and report back? Better you be the guinea pig than me!

Oh-oh! You’ve gone and done it now a447. Throwing down the gauntlet and asking arsenal to act as a guinea pig on behalf of the forum is a sure fire way to bring on one of his premonitions. How could you have forgotten the mysterious case of the Pattaya-Hua Hin ferry episode, where, after he had a premonition, he point blank refused to act as our intrepid reporter on the scene for fear, so he said, of the wretched Chinese tour groups?

I can just see it now; tonight, arsenal will have another premonition in which, he foresees that after he eats an overpriced and strange tasting lobster, he suffers from abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. And shortly after these symptoms develop, he will start to have strange sensations, which may include: A feeling that his teeth are loose and about to fall out, confusing hot and cold temperatures, headache and a low heart rate and low blood pressure.

And all of the above symptoms will get worse if he drinks alcohol with his meal. And we all know he likes a good drink.

So dear members, be prepared for the usual excuse . . .

“Oh, I was unable to order any fresh lobster due to those damned Chinese tour groups. Don't they just get everywhere. They simply swamped the Walking Street seafood restaurants and ate every lobster and crab that was available.”

And no doubt he’ll add for good measure, “Even when I offered to pay double the price, there was still no lobster to be had.”

Now a447, if you had only bided your time and waited a few more days, our gourmet-at-large, arsenal, would have acted as your guinea pig and reported back on his severe case of shellfish poisoning and warned us all which seafood restaurant it is best to avoid.

And lastly, I was going to suggest asking ChristianPFC to act as our guinea pig, but as everyone here knows, there is not a cat in hell’s chance of him forking out a couple of thousand baht on lobster when he can buy a three course meal off a street food cart for 40 baht.


January 26th, 2017, 22:02
Lobsters are just giant insects that live under water.

January 26th, 2017, 23:39
Yes, Jellybean is right. a447 has a propensity for guinea pigging highly revered members such as myself while skulking in the bushes himself. In his world I would chew my way through a hunk of leathery lobster then board a ferry almost guaranteed to sink. And, when it did I would be full of crustacea and therefore unable to swim.

January 27th, 2017, 07:47
would be full of crustacea and therefore unable to swim.
Ready to be gobbled up by the lobsters and more of francois' giant underwater insect species :yahoo_mini:

January 27th, 2017, 08:47
a447 has a propensity for guinea pigging highly revered members such as myself while skulking in the bushes himself.

True. But I just think, better your money than mine!

BTW, I wonder if the lobster sold in Walking Street is local, or is it imported? A waitress once told me it was caught out in the bay, right near the restaurant. I used to eat it in Japan quite often, only to find it came from Vietnam.

IMHO the best 'underwater insect " (puleeze!) is to be found in Western Australia, where they are called 'crayfish." Unfortunately, only a few smaller ones are available to us locals, as all the big ones are exported to China.

January 27th, 2017, 09:06
a447 wrote:
BTW, I wonder if the lobster sold in WalkingStreet is local, or is it imported?

Should I proceed I shall most certainly demand a full biography of said lobster. 😅

January 27th, 2017, 09:18
All the so called "king lobsters" sold in Walking street are really crayfish, and are usually deep frozen. There was a scandal recently and the restaurateur was quoted saying "only the body is fit to eat, not the head".

Lobsters come from Europe or North America.
The lobster from Maine is relatively bland, the ones from Norway are much better, and the best come from Brittany or Cornwall.

January 27th, 2017, 09:32
Lobsters are just giant insects that live under water.

Crikey, François! You’re not helping me get over my phobia about eating lobster.

Giant underwater insects you say. Good lord, pass the sick bucket . . . huuuurggehh!


January 27th, 2017, 18:06
Jellybean, I lived for many years surrounded by the wretched, fierce creatures. As I hesitated over my first vat of boiling water, my mentor quietly said, "He'd eat you if he could." That established the bottom line for me: kill or be killed.

In more civilized regions, it is possible to order the beast already torn apart by kitchen help and served up as a harmless pile of meat. A soupçon of melted butter doesn't hurt at all. Even better if you can arrange for a virginal lad to drop bits of the delicacy into your mouth as you consider schemes to unburden him of his condition.

January 27th, 2017, 18:52
I don't remember eating lobster. I had an invitation by the former owner of this board, but we missed twice and after that events took different courses. In hindsight, it might have been beneficial for met not to get to know him closer (see comments by others on the subject; although I can't say anything bad about him from personal encounters, other than that he didn't offer me a piece of cake when he had two and I had none).

I remember seeing plenty of big crustaceans (I can't distinguish them better) on restaurants in walking street, where I would expect mediocre food at food at premium prices (and see points raised by others about origin and freshness).

On a recent trip to Phuket, I saw lobster in a foodcourt (!!!): http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2016/12/phuket-patong-29nov2016.html

On the subject of seafood freshness and prices, in a restaurant on the shore in Prachuap Khiri Kan town I had 10 oysters (local, smaller than European) for 100 Baht. Yes, ten oysters for one hundred Baht! 100 km north, in Hua Hin, the same oysters on the same seashore would probably cost tenfold.

On the subject of how to eat crustaceans, I have given up on crab. The few times I had meals with crab, the taste did not justify the price and the effort to get the meat out of the shell.

January 28th, 2017, 03:28
On the subject of how to eat crustaceans, I have given up on crab. The few times I had meals with crab, the taste did not justify the price and the effort to get the meat out of the shell.

I was once told the story of eating crab: You work and work and work to get to the meat in a crab. You work until you're tired of it then you go to McDonald's and get a hamburger.

January 28th, 2017, 04:46

Here's an idea, for a limited time only....

And by the way....Lobster comes from the sea, not from a country. There is no such thing as Canadian Lobster, it's actually Atlantic Lobster (2 Claws) vs Caribbean (tail).


January 28th, 2017, 09:46
You work and work and work to get to the meat in a crab

That's half the fun! And you can buy little devices to help dig out the meat.

I often just buy crab meat in a jar; no mess, no hard work - but also, less fun. However, you get to eat it quicker!

Best eaten by itself, or you can stir it into pasta. Yum!!!!!

Crab is the most delicious food on the planet, bar none. Lobster comes in second IMHO.

So arsenal, forget the lobster. Go check out the crab instead. And don't forget to report back!

January 28th, 2017, 10:48
Nothing beats Singapore Chili Crab. It's only mildly spicy but utterly delicious. I frankly can't imagine eating crabmeat on its own!


January 28th, 2017, 10:59
like many others, I'm very fond of lobster and have eaten it in many restaurants in many countries over the years. And many times I have to say it was inedible, often being smothered in sauce which hides the taste. Sharkys restaurant in Bali is famous for its seafood but their lobster ended up in the bin; for some reason it was drenched in oil. Yuk!

That's why I haven't bothered with the lobster in the Walking Street restaurants. It's hit and miss, and unfortunately, usually the latter.

If I did order it I would just have it grilled and served with salt, pepper, vinegar and chilli. Yum!! But I don't know if you can tell them how to cook it.

Prices seem way over the top, with the restaurants catering to the Chinese tour buses. I also do not want to pay top dollar for something I can't eat . . .

I found the post, reproduced above, by a447 a real eye-opener. I didn’t realise that finding a decent seafood restaurant that serves up an enjoyable and tasty lobster is just as hit and miss as finding a pleasurable happy-ending massage. Looks like the best way forward is to go on the personal recommendation of a friend, or a member of Sawatdee.

. . . So arsenal, forget the lobster. Go check out the crab instead. And don't forget to report back!

Oh! Naughty a447 . . . 555!

January 28th, 2017, 11:08
. . . it is possible to order the beast already torn apart by kitchen help and served up as a harmless pile of meat. A soupçon of melted butter doesn't hurt at all. Even better if you can arrange for a virginal lad to drop bits of the delicacy into your mouth as you consider schemes to unburden him of his condition.

What excellent advice chillnorther. I wonder if there are any seafood restaurants in Bangkok or Pattaya that would serve me the meat and save me the gory part of tearing the lobster apart.

On a separate issue, I tried to combine this post with the one above. I started of with this post but then I quoted the wrong post from a447 and I couldn’t delete it. I tried cancelling and starting again, but my old drafts and quotes kept reappearing. I even logged off and tried starting from scratch, but my original draft kept coming back. It felt like groundhog day. . . aaaggghhhh!


January 28th, 2017, 14:36
I frankly can't imagine eating crabmeat on its own!

You don't know what you're missing.

Of course, we all have personal preferences, but for me I think it is important not to take away from the sweet, subtle flavour, so sauces have to be used sparingly, if at all.

January 28th, 2017, 15:01
I was once told the story of eating crab: You work and work and work to get to the meat in a crab. You work until you're tired of it then you go to McDonald's and get a hamburger.

:D 555

You guys have obviously never had chilli crab. It's deeelicious. If you're worried about making a mess go to a restaurant that specialises in crab - they'll provide you with a little hammer and everyone else will also be making a mess and splattering the sauce which you can wipe off with rice or sweet bun. Or have it in the privacy of your home where you don't have to mind your table manners so much. Try it!

January 28th, 2017, 15:40
Thanks tp recent posts I am now considering Bang Saray for dinner to have some soft shell crab with garlic pepper and a good squeeze of lime.

January 28th, 2017, 22:07
Went to Deli Diner.
Greek salad.
Sea Bass with parsley sauce.
299 baht. Probably the best value in Pattaya.

January 29th, 2017, 06:10
You're making me hungry, arsenal. Time to go for breakfast. :)