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January 23rd, 2017, 22:07
Does anyone know something about female to male transgender escorts? Not ladyboys, females who are transitioning to males - most remove breast but keep their vaginas due to dangerous operations that are very expensive.

January 24th, 2017, 11:00
No, and I'de like to keep it that way.

January 24th, 2017, 13:33
Wrong forum!

January 24th, 2017, 15:18
scary ........too kinky even for me....

January 24th, 2017, 17:04
I've always found it rather irritating that transgender and gays got lumped together. A bit like eggs being classed as a dairy good. Nowhere else to put them I suppose.

January 24th, 2017, 18:39
isn't it kind of discrimination?

January 25th, 2017, 01:06
i tend to agree with arsehole where this is concerned. As in I'm male, I got a penis and I like it and have no interest in loosing it or flouncing around like a teenage girl.....yet Im lumped in together with them?!
Guess human sexuality is complex and if it wasnt for society's constraints /religious straight jackets a much clearer picture would emerge.

January 25th, 2017, 03:32
@ Moses -
isn't it kind of discrimination?

Not really Moses. From the late 1950's onward, there have been two primary groupings - gay and straight - regardless of whether all the various splinter-groups 'fitted' comfortably or not. So for want of a better 'fit', gay includes males and females that make up the alphabet-soup GLTBUVWXYZ.

Some people in some splinter-groups do not feel comfortable being aligned with some of the other splinter-groups; Latin & MFAS as an example. But until our'pigeon-boxes' are better defined, that's the way it is. So I do not believe it is 'discriminatory' to not associate with people from splinter-groups with which one does not feel comfortable.

Please also remember the 'discrimination' slur goes both ways. You and I and most of the contributors to this blog could just as easily be accused of being discriminatory simply because we prefer men-of-colour and generally exclude men-without-colour. :)

January 25th, 2017, 06:00
isn't it kind of discrimination?

It is. Paborn posed his exploratory question politely and tentatively without insinuating anything about anyone ("does anyone know something about...") and the worst that we can do is either say we don't know the answer to his question or remain silent because we don't know the answer without being mean or insulting. Transgenders fall under the colourful umbrella of gender diversity and somebody among the many resourceful and helpful members of this forum might know something. Or they might not but there's no harm in asking.

Unfortunately people pick their peccadilloes strangely and sometimes there's no logic to it. Like the loud and proud gay activist who's always first in line to fight for gay rights yet desperately hunts for straight guys to sleep with. Or the two-week rainbow-flag-bearer who's only loud and proud in Asia but turns back into a Trump-loving gay hater with wife and two kids back home after his Asian holiday is over. Or the mature guy who only likes younger guys and complains of ageism when his affections are not returned without realising that his exclusion of older guys or same-age guys on his gaydar is also a form of ageism. If we can accept or turn the other cheek on these guys, I don't see the big problem with Paborn's question.

Paborn, you're asking about a very niche group, partially transitioned FTMs who also escort - presumably for a female client? I know a few Toms but none of them escort and all are in relationships. Yours is a tough one and I wish you good luck.

January 25th, 2017, 07:47
Thank you very much for understanding - my tastes are pretty much like everyone else or I would not have made 26 trips to Thailand However, a recent awakening opened me to other possibilities. Gender and sexuality are separate and not worth arguing about, but you are very right I thought the resources here "mighta" no something - it was worth a shot.

January 25th, 2017, 10:55
it was worth a shot.
Certainly! Unfortunately this is just the wrong forum. I can't recall any thread on SGT in the last few years dealing with the subject matter. But there must be other sites out there where you will find the information you seek.

As for some of the responses, I agree with Yraen that we have a very strong tendency to pigeon-hoole ourselves and not consider others whose sexual interests are different from ours. I have always been a gay man. Never had any interest in sex with a woman, even though I have always had several close woman friends. So when there is talk here about vaginas, my imagination takes over and I just cringe! It's a total turn off. If some people want to call that discrimination, that's their prerogative. Getting me to change would be a little like the electric shock and other treatments given to gay men in the old days to try and force their gayness out of them. Isn't that worse than discrimination?

January 30th, 2017, 07:54
Thank you very much for understanding - my tastes are pretty much like everyone else or I would not have made 26 trips to Thailand However, a recent awakening opened me to other possibilities. Gender and sexuality are separate and not worth arguing about, but you are very right I thought the resources here "mighta" no something - it was worth a shot.

The range of 'tastes' is truly vast. Some want chicks with dicks, some want boys with tits,
some want hairy asses and some want over 40 and some want the other extreme.

July 25th, 2018, 21:25
Does anyone know something about female to male transgender escorts? Not ladyboys, females who are transitioning to males - most remove breast but keep their vaginas due to dangerous operations that are very expensive.

Are you in the UK ? Kik me on DiscreetTransGuy

July 26th, 2018, 04:36
The range of 'tastes' is truly vast. Some want chicks with dicks, some want boys with tits,
some want hairy asses and some want over 40 and some want the other extreme.
I love it. If you want to try a FTM escort I assume Amazing Thailand is the place to find it. Good luck (I say that in all sincerity).
On a practical note if the FTM is missing breasts but has a vagina the sex must be more complicated.
It is no longer who is top/bottom but who is top/bottom and which hole and or do we use a strap on? Nice. a bit of change always makes sex interesting.

July 26th, 2018, 05:42
KIttyboy, while my tastes, in the main, are no different than most here. A youth, of legal age, firm muscles and endearing personality. Ah, the dreams. The thing that has come to intrigue me about the FTMs is that I have never been part of the GAY community, I don't live in a gay ghetto, I don't proclaim my sexual preference from the mountains tops. I simply live my live, surrounded by books, music, good cooking, wine and a deep love of masculinity.

I am one of those who prefer the masculine, the boy as eternal youth. Not, the prancing fems we so often see. Many think that such a taste is a denial of "gay" sexuality and condemn those who search for the straight boys and prefer commerce with them. I salute them and the FTM who has come face to face with their desire to obtain the masculine ideal, who have worked their muscles, removed their breasts and have taken hormones to help acheive this ideal, often display the ultimate masculine idea.

Yes, there is no penis - but, there is a respect that I hold for them and I'm very intrigued by - at least, I hope to sample.

July 26th, 2018, 05:59
KIttyboy, while my tastes, in the main, are no different than most here. A youth, of legal age, firm muscles and endearing personality. Ah, the dreams. The thing that has come to intrigue me about the FTMs is that I have never been part of the GAY community, I don't live in a gay ghetto, I don't proclaim my sexual preference from the mountains tops. I simply live my live, surrounded by books, music, good cooking, wine and a deep love of masculinity.

I am one of those who prefer the masculine, the boy as eternal youth. Not, the prancing fems we so often see. Many think that such a taste is a denial of "gay" sexuality and condemn those who search for the straight boys and prefer commerce with them. I salute them and the FTM who has come face to face with their desire to obtain the masculine ideal, who have worked their muscles, removed their breasts and have taken hormones to help acheive this ideal, often display the ultimate masculine idea.

Yes, there is no penis - but, there is a respect that I hold for them and I'm very intrigued by - at least, I hope to sample.
I teach at a university and my 2 graduate classes are military officers 25-30. Many are army rangers..very fit. I liken being on campus to being in a museum full of Greek statues. They are beautiful. There is a beauty in that kind of dedication to fitness.
I think I can appreciate your point of view FTMs.

July 26th, 2018, 06:43
On my last visit I got re-acquainted with a former go go boy who is now in the army. His time there has not been wasted. A beautifully toned body coupled with a shortish haircut and piercing eyes. Ooh. Super hot.

July 26th, 2018, 07:05
KIttyboy, while my tastes, in the main, are no different than most here. A youth, of legal age, firm muscles and endearing personality. Ah, the dreams. The thing that has come to intrigue me about the FTMs is that I have never been part of the GAY community, I don't live in a gay ghetto, I don't proclaim my sexual preference from the mountains tops. I simply live my live, surrounded by books, music, good cooking, wine and a deep love of masculinity.

I am one of those who prefer the masculine, the boy as eternal youth. Not, the prancing fems we so often see. Many think that such a taste is a denial of "gay" sexuality and condemn those who search for the straight boys and prefer commerce with them. I salute them and the FTM who has come face to face with their desire to obtain the masculine ideal, who have worked their muscles, removed their breasts and have taken hormones to help acheive this ideal, often display the ultimate masculine idea.

Yes, there is no penis - but, there is a respect that I hold for them and I'm very intrigued by - at least, I hope to sample.You should, by now, have realised kittyboy is a Humpty Dumpty - you'll recognise the reference immediately I assume, but for those lesser mortals here it is: "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all." From Through the Looking Glass by that well-known English Anglican clergyman and paedophile Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodson

July 26th, 2018, 07:33
You should, by now, have realised kittyboy is a Humpty Dumpty - you'll recognise the reference immediately I assume, but for those lesser mortals here it is: "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all." From Through the Looking Glass by that well-known English Anglican clergyman and paedophile Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodson
Hmm..what an odd post.

As for the op. Go for the FTM..have fun.

July 26th, 2018, 19:35
There is no one boy on photos, all pictures are from Pattaya:
















July 26th, 2018, 19:42
Moses, you are a gentleman and a scholar! If you know a hangout please let me know.

July 26th, 2018, 19:59
Moses, you are a gentleman and a scholar! If you know a hangout please let me know.


July 26th, 2018, 20:20
Tomboys....this was discussed some time ago.

Plenty of Karaoke bars full of them in Pattaya.

They won’t go anywhere near guys.

July 27th, 2018, 00:54
Quite right, they are Tomboys!

Gerefan2 you wrote "Quite right, they are Tomboys!

I went to a few Tomboy bars last year and I have to say it was a flop.
Mostly they were very off hand, didn't like any type of man (regardless) and certainly wouldn't entertain an "off". Yes I did consider one or two of them!

Anyway a waste of time ...stick with the known gay venues.

Definitely a place for Bogsville Mick to spend an educational evening..."

You have missed my point or are not familiar with modern gender science. FTM's are decidedly not "Toms" as in boyish lesbians.

There is a gethering scientific consensus that at birth, there might be a disjoint between hormonal instructions ( which define male/female ) and the genetic code that forms the mind or conciousness. Geneder reassigment surgery is meant to correct that. Example: a little girl is born and is sure in "her"mind that she is a boy. Tortured by this, elective surgery and hormonal treatments are elected. The child or youth is now an FTM; a boy who has, as far as possible, corrected the birth errors.

Having done that the FTM IS A BOY! I accept this; however, this new FTM has a sexuality ( distinct from gender ) and can be as homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual as any other sexualy active person. A Tom ( sorry if this word is in any way offensive - I don't know ) is a lesbian and , of course, stays away from men - what did you expect? Also, an FTM dating a cis gendered girls is in a HETERO relationship not homo. An FTM dating a guy is in a Gay relationship.

I repeat I'm, somewhat, intrigued by a masculine, well muscled, FTM. Not a lesbian with mannish mannerisms.

If there is anyone here who is better read on this subject than me please correct me if I'm in error.

July 27th, 2018, 02:19
Some look like sexy boys...they would.

So I have been to a few tomboy bars and I repeat they just dont want to know.

Leave well alone!

July 27th, 2018, 02:30
"leave well alone" - just trying to make you understand that a TOM is a boyish lesbian and is NOT an FTM

July 27th, 2018, 02:34
Agreed , but the ones I met, whatever they were, didn’t want to know.

July 27th, 2018, 03:21
Agreed. Just remember you met Toms and I have no plan to ever go anywhere near a lesbian.

July 27th, 2018, 03:39
Yes I have met Toms but suspect FTM will be the same. Whatever, it was a waste of time and Baht, although I have to say some were quite friendly and good fun, but DEF non were interested in an “off”, even if I was.

July 27th, 2018, 04:45
OK, I see I can't convince you of the difference. Go ahead "suspect" all you want.

July 27th, 2018, 05:01
Go,...let us know how you get on!

July 27th, 2018, 05:05
Agreed. Just remember you met Toms and I have no plan to ever go anywhere near a lesbian.
It’s not contagious you know

July 27th, 2018, 05:30
I know, I mean in my excursions in Thailand. So many lads, so little time. In that context I trust you take my point.

July 27th, 2018, 07:29
I know, I mean in my excursions in Thailand. So many lads, so little time. In that context I trust you take my point."trust" or "thrust"?

January 15th, 2019, 07:27
Does anyone know something about female to male transgender escorts? Not ladyboys, females who are transitioning to males - most remove breast but keep their vaginas due to dangerous operations that are very expensive.

Same question here. I’d like to get it on with a very boyish tomboy or FTM (tomboy that’s had “top surgery”). There’s many stunners on IG. Unfortunately they all seem to be full-on lesbians who go for the girly-with-boobs type and probably couldn’t be turned by any amount of money. But I’d love to try. Anywhere in Bangkok I can look?

January 16th, 2019, 07:04
Some look like sexy boys...they would.

So I have been to a few tomboy bars and I repeat they just dont want to know.

Leave well alone!

Thank Christ I am blessed with the ability to tell the difference between a tomboy, ladyboy, lesbian and a good looking (real) boy.

Lesbians scare the hell out of me. They can freeze a man's semen at fifty paces with one of their looks!

I always get the feeling that, although they're sitting chatting to you, beer in hand, sharing in the whole gay experience thing, they're keeping a crafty eye on your flies, for fear that, at any moment, a snake might burst through the zipper (Alien style) and bite them on the asp.

January 16th, 2019, 09:38
Thank Christ I am blessed with the ability to tell the difference between a tomboy, ladyboy, lesbian and a good looking (real) boy.

Lesbians scare the hell out of me. They can freeze a man's semen at fifty paces with one of their looks!

I always get the feeling that, although they're sitting chatting to you, beer in hand, sharing in the whole gay experience thing, they're keeping a crafty eye on your flies, for fear that, at any moment, a snake might burst through the zipper (Alien style) and bite them on the asp.

My gym trainer is a super masculine tomboy, a really good trainer, and sexy as hell. We’re going to play pool sometime soon, and I think I’ll try a pass and see what happens. I know she’s got a girlfriend (typical super feminine dee) but you never know. She may be more adventurous than I think. I just hope she doesn’t whack me in the balls with her pool cue.

January 16th, 2019, 23:02
Same question here. I’d like to get it on with a very boyish tomboy or FTM (tomboy that’s had “top surgery”). There’s many stunners on IG. Unfortunately they all seem to be full-on lesbians who go for the girly-with-boobs type and probably couldn’t be turned by any amount of money. But I’d love to try. Anywhere in Bangkok I can look?

I wonder about the mechanics of FTM transgenders.
I have read doctors fashion a penis of sorts from the clitoris and other vaginal parts...but can they get erections?
Are they strictly bottoms and oral?

I wonder what a constructed penis from vagina parts looks like? I am afraid to search google for images.

January 26th, 2019, 08:00
I wonder what a constructed penis from vagina parts looks like? I am afraid to search google for images.
Check out jybppd on Instagram. Amazing ftm with all the equipment fully installed.

January 27th, 2019, 19:19
How is Paborn? He should have made his much researched-and-planned trip by now.

Nirish guy
January 27th, 2019, 19:55
You'd better nip over to Gay Thailand to find out i guess as thats where he posts now it seems.

January 28th, 2019, 08:38
He's purportedly in Thailand right now, cavorting with his choicest twinks,and visiting his tailor. He remains incommunicado even with his favourite Gaythailand site.

January 29th, 2019, 07:21
I hope he's taking it easy and enjoying himself. He sure put in a lot of effort planning this trip.

January 30th, 2019, 17:04
He's purportedly in Thailand right now, cavorting with his choicest twinks,and visiting his tailor. He remains incommunicado even with his favourite Gaythailand site.

Paborn posted yesterday on Gaythailand/gayguides.com

June 24th, 2019, 02:03
Actually, to be frank , my January trip was terrible - mostly due to an intense lethargy that I found out was due to low testosterone which saps energy levels. Also, I'm spending a lot of time in The Dominican Republic where I have taken on a boyfriend. I'll be back to Thailand.The LOS always draws me back, after thirty years, I can't abandon it. But, I can wait some months to see how the Gay areas shake out. Glad I do like you and mean no offense but the amount of effort I put into logistics really shouldn't always be such a topic of interest. Perhaps, I was a meeting planner in another life - does it matter?

June 24th, 2019, 13:24
For me, planning trips- usually long in advance- is part of the fun.

June 24th, 2019, 19:39
For me, planning trips- usually long in advance- is part of the fun.

Exactly, it's like being there vicariously as I plan. To me it's fun, If I ask a question someone thinks is dumb don't answer it. Trust me, someone else is waiting for the answer. I'm not all that unique,

June 24th, 2019, 21:13
Actually, to be frank , my January trip was terrible - mostly due to an intense lethargy that I found out was due to low testosterone which saps energy levels . . .

It’s a pleasure to see you back on Sawatdee posting again, paborn. I was sorry to read about your disappointing trip in January 2019, but mine was just as bad, if not worse, in that I didn’t go at all! Unfortunately, I had to cancel my January to April 2019 trip on health grounds.

For me, planning trips- usually long in advance- is part of the fun.

Totally agree, Oliver2. I am wondering if I should start planning for a trip in January 2020. Is it too early or should I risk waiting a few more months?

Exactly, it's like being there vicariously as I plan. To me it's fun, If I ask a question someone thinks is dumb don't answer it. Trust me, someone else is waiting for the answer. I'm not all that unique,

How very true, paborn, I could not agree more. In addition to posting and reading trip reports, the raison d'être for a forum such as Sawatdee is for its members to ask questions and receive replies based on the collective wisdom and experience of their fellow members. If a member is not interested in the subject matter, or has nothing to add to the topic, then simply move on.