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View Full Version : Is Bangkok's Pride Parade Being Reinstated - and will it Succeed?

January 19th, 2017, 12:42
Over on the gaybuttonthai forum, a thread was started a few days ago informing readers that the English-language khaosad site was announcing the return of a Gay Pride week and Parade in Bangkok after a gap of 11 years. The dates were from May 15 to 20 with the Parade taking place on the last day.

Organized by a number of LGBT organizations, the six-day Bangkok Pride (https://www.facebook.com/events/1577498905886980) event promises to host workshops, film screenings, and lots of parties. "We can not wait to make one of the most important LGBT celebrations a reality in Bangkok,” said Paul Heymans of Out BKK. “It’s time to fly our rainbow flags high and show the world that Thailand is also progressing towards free and equal rights for everyone.”

Then no sooner was it announced, the organisers changed their minds and postponed the event to November/December. This is out of respect for the mourning period for the late King.

I can't help feeling that the organisers will need to get their act together if the event is to be a success, the more so when in making the first announcement they had not even realised there could be public antagonism if they went ahead on the original dates. With the move to the end of the year, it will no doubt take place after the Royal Cremation. But it will also take place after what everyone acknowledges is the greatest Pride Parade in East Asia, the one in Taipei taking place this year on Saturday 28 October. Given that an estimated 82,000 attended the Taipei event last year and the numbers increase every year, hopefully Bangkok's will not be a damp squib.

For, sadly, it its earlier incarnations, the Bangkok Pride Parade which took place on Silom never really took off. Attendance in the Parade and by spectators was minimal. One reason, IMO, is that gay venues and other gay outlets played much too prominent a role. It was way too commercial. The beauty of Taipei's Parade is that the commercial sector plays only a very small role. Most of the organisation is done by dedicated and committed individuals.

No doubt a Bangkok Pride will attract some tourists, even though this year it will not be on Silom near the gay area. But can it succeed to anywhere near the level of Taipei 's of even 8 years ago when over 25,000 marched - or even of Singapore's still young Pink Dot Day which drew 28.000 last June?

Taipei Pride March 2009

Taipei Pride March 2011

Singapore Pink Dot 2016
Photo: The Straits Times

January 20th, 2017, 08:54
Curious! Having proceeded to announce the event and then very quickly changed the dates, the Bangkok Pride site has a countdown clock to the day of the Parade - still listed as 20 May!! Virtually no other information apart from a form to complete to get further information in due course. Even the Newsletter page is blank!


I am sure those behind this event are full of the best intentions. But I have to wonder how much this is the idea of a small group of expats. If it is, then I fear that without strong input from Thais the event will have real problems. The general fear of huge numbers of Thai guys being known to be gay here and the latent homophobia that exists under the surface of Thai society is going to make it difficult for many of those not already involved in the gay scene to take part - or even to see the Parade. Like past Parades more than a decade ago, is it just going to be a group of floats from gay establishments adorned by guys who work in them and a few regulars from Silom Soi 4? How can the organisers make it far more inclusive - like the events already mentioned in Singapore and Taipei?

Take a look at the website of what seems to be its main organiser - Out in Bangkok. Perhaps you get an idea of the organisation when you look at how it describes its next meeting scheduled for this evening -

Tomorrow Fellatio Phallus will be giving a reading on the crazy adventures he’s encountered in Thailand from his books, that makes 50 shades of grey look like a childrens book.
A night where we can explore the idea of sexuality and talk about sex in a beautiful and relaxed environment
come join us on FRIDAY the 20th of JANUARY 2017
LOCATION: 180/20 Thonglor soi 6, Black amber social club (last house on the right) 2nd floor.

I can't help feeling this is all pretty childish!

Old git
January 20th, 2017, 11:55
Can't help feeling this might better be left until after the Royal cremation..

January 20th, 2017, 13:23
The new date is merely fixed as Nov/Dec. Given the postponement was to take account of the mourning period, I am sure they will wait till the cremation date has been set and then have the Pride week a suitable time after the cremation.