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View Full Version : Let's play a game. What groceries will Matt get?

January 18th, 2017, 14:39
Let's see what I end up with. My best guess is about 60% of what I wanted, although about half the portion size I wanted. Then 40% percent will get forgotten about, and I'll end up double the volume of groceries of things I didn't want and willl never eat (nor will he).

List wasn't too exxtensive either:

Bread (1 green, 1 red)
Loads of fruit (oranges, peaches, pineapple, watemelon, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, etc.)
Lots of veggies for sandwiches (lettuce, cucumbers, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.)
Cheese slicers
Milk (2 whitem 1 chocolate)
Large tubs of yougurst (don't care the fkavor(
Salad dressing -- 2x ranch and Caesar
Cereal - 2x (Cheerios, Rice Krrispies, Corn Flakes, healthy muligrain adult one)
Campell's soup - 5x (Tomato, Mucshroom, Chicken Noode, Minestrone, tc)
2x saltine crackers
Loads of lays chips (regullar, sour cream & onion, BBQ, Doritos, whatever)
Juices (grapefruit, cranberry, etc.(
Dog food

Let's see how he does. To his credit, this is the total opposite of y standard diet, sno natural he won't get it all. Went from "once a day dinner" to breakfast palace. Wish I could go into town with him, but not happening.

And holy shit, if this is what I decide to post, is mt life ever currently boring.


January 18th, 2017, 15:37
400 packets of instant noodles and a bottle of Optrex.

January 18th, 2017, 16:12
Well, cdnmatt, at least your topic is original, as I don’t ever recall seeing such a subject before.

Oh! And nice to see you back posting again. I was wondering what had happened to you. Has there been any improvement to your eyesight? Will there ever be any improvement?

400 packets of instant noodles and a bottle of Optrex.

And, arsenal, I think you had better make that two large bottles of Optrex.

January 18th, 2017, 22:47
What on earth is this topic about?

Matt, did you use speech to text to write this post?

January 18th, 2017, 23:04
I don't even know what the question is.

January 20th, 2017, 07:20
Matt, did you use speech to text to write this post?

The reason I ask is because I wonder how speech to text could possibly spell "result" with a double "ll."

Or how it could misspell "yoghurt."

Or how it would recognise the trade name "Krispies" and spell it with a "K" instead of a "C."

If your blindness has been miraculously cured and you in fact typed the post, why would you put a double "ll" in "regular?"

Just wondering.

January 20th, 2017, 15:48
a447, are you a complete retard, or something? I make double letter mistakes same as you -- by holding onto they key too long. Difference being you can see the typo whereas I just hear aquick "L-L", anddeoending on text editor maybe a "mispelt" once I hit spacebar.

January 20th, 2017, 20:13
a447, are you a complete retard, or something?

Well, someone is a "retard" but I don't think it's me. Rather, it is someone who wants us to believe that he has suddenly become blind yet has nothing better to do in such dire life-changing circumstances than to list his grocery purchases on a gay forum. Complete with the obligatory "mistakes."

And if you are blind, why are you still typing instead of using speech to text??

January 21st, 2017, 04:13
cdnmatt mentioned several times that he's using a screen reader.


I don't see anything suspicious here.

January 21st, 2017, 07:03
I'm not talking about reading out loud the content on the screen. I'm just wondering how he can type if he's blind. And he appears to be typing:

by holding onto they key too long.

Why wouldn't you input with speech to text?? I use it sometimes and there's no need to type anything. And it doesn't result in the mis - spelling of simple words, like "mayonnaise."

It's all a bit of a mystery.

January 21st, 2017, 08:55
So many have fled this board, Christian PFC caused harm now this charade diminishes further the relevance of this board, it is a shame.

January 21st, 2017, 10:18
I agree the relevance of this thread in a gay thailand board totally defeats me. Who the hell cares what groceries anyone else buys?

I cannot work out how christianpfc has caused harm, though. Everyone who posts here has his opinions. That's why they post, isn't it? Some threads develop into interesting discussions/observations with arguments reasonably presented. Others are one-liners, quips, stupid comments, put downs and whatever a poster wants to add. Occasional seemingly outrageous ding dongs, in the view of some, help spice up a Board. Others believe they devalue it.

Despite that fact that many threads on Sawatdee have several thousand views, I agree that it does seem the hard core of posters is now very small and getting smaller. A year or so ago I would have said the same of the other two main gay Thailand boards, but that is no longer the case with gaythailand.com where active posters have considerably increased. It seems to me the key difference is that gt.com posters spend probably as much as 75% of their time on long trip reports to Bangkok and Pattaya with a lot of sex and nightlife detail, with issues relating to gay massage coming a close second.

As the hard core of posters continues to drop off, the more any Board tends to become overly inward looking. And then when there are new posters, in some cases – as recently with sglad – there is a suspicion that, to oversimplify, because they happen not to live in the Pattaya/Bangkok axis or be of a ‘certain age’, they are looked upon by some as trolls.

That said, I have absolutely no idea how to get more readers to post.

January 21st, 2017, 10:50
Go back to the end of the original forum and see what is in "The Holding Room"..if you don't know how ask Surf?

January 21st, 2017, 10:53
I'm not talking about reading out loud the content on the screen. I'm just wondering how he can type if he's blind. And he appears to be typing:...
Why wouldn't you input with speech to text?? I use it sometimes and there's no need to type anything. And it doesn't result in the mis - spelling of simple words, like "mayonnaise."
It's all a bit of a mystery.
To me, it makes total sense. I can touch-type, and the process of thought is differnt when you type compared to talking. I can tyhpe fluently, but have to stop to think when using voice recognition. The typos make sense as well, this current tesxt, I typed witho closed eyex and did not correct mistakes afterwards, in this case I'm with CDNmatt, .

January 21st, 2017, 10:54
Go back to the end of the original forum and see what is in "The Holding Room"..if you don't know how ask Surf?
A link - if one exists - would be nice. Failing that some basic idea of what is in that post/site would be useful to readers! This is directed generally - but isn't the failure to provide any link or info (witness quite a few posts over the months) just another sign of SGT evolving into its own private little club? Can general readers who are not registered actually check with Surfcrest?

January 21st, 2017, 11:22
Groceries, farts, strangest things eaten....what is happening to SGT? If the OP would just reveal what groceries he got, perhaps this thread could die a peaceful death.

January 21st, 2017, 15:14
I think cndmatt is just playing a game. Waste of time.

January 21st, 2017, 15:52
I think some people's knickers need untwisting.

I don't see Matt's post as being a mundane post about his groceries which doesnt belong in the forum. As I see it, it's about how asking a Thai to fetch things for you will invariably result in them getting the stuff THEY decide you should have rather than what you asked for, and I can certainly identify with that.

As for whether he's blind, short sighted, or has 20-20 vision I really dont care as I take very little that's said here seriously enough to kink my frillies over it.

On the subject of other boards, GayThailand may be seen by some as a more "intellectual" board but they have their own bun fights and you're as likely to get stabbed to death over there as you are here.

The difference is we stab you from the FRONT on SGT. Wouldn't you agree Founty?


January 21st, 2017, 16:21
On the subject of other boards, GayThailand may be seen by some as a more "intellectual" board but they have their own bun fights and you're as likely to get stabbed to death over there as you are here.

The difference is we stab you from the FRONT on SGT. Wouldn't you agree Founty? :D
Historically speaking, I've think you've nailed it on the head Scottish! :))

January 21st, 2017, 17:44
Scottish wrote:
"I don't see Matt's post as being a mundane post about his groceries which doesnt belong in the forum. As I see it, it's about how asking a Thai to fetch things for you will invariably result in them getting the stuff THEY decide you should have rather than what you asked for, and I can certainly identify with that."

I agree with Scottish. I think it was a fair and interesting post and question inviting some (hopefully) humourous replies. And bobsaigon, perhaps you could start an interesting thread rather than whinge that the available ones are not to your liking. Most interesting thing you've eaten was started by me. Thailand has plenty of unusual things to eat so what's your problem?

January 21st, 2017, 18:13
I just hope cdnmatt's groceries arrived by now, if not he would be very hungry!

January 21st, 2017, 18:24
It just seems that several recent posts are the equivalent of grasping at straws in order to keep the readers entertained. If they are, fine.

January 21st, 2017, 19:06
Loads of fruit (oranges, peaches, pineapple, watemelon, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, etc.)
Lots of veggies for sandwiches (lettuce, cucumbers, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.)

You must live in Bangkok or have access to a specialty supermarket. The nearest supermarket to me does not stock peaches and raspberries or at least I didn't see them. I think they have dried peaches though. The strawberries grown locally are rather tasteless. I've seen imported strawberries from Washington; they are yummy but make me cough if I eat too much. I googled alfalfa sprouts...oh you mean bean sprouts or 'tua ngok'. I've not heard them being called alfalfa locally. Best to get them from your local market or provision shop if you want them fresh. Peppers - do you mean green and red peppers and are they called peppers or capsicum here? I'll check with my Thai friends later tonight. Did you try going through/explaining the list in Thai to your friend? Might help them to remember better. Even I had to google some of the items for eg alfalfa, saltine crackers, minestrone...things I've heard of before but not quite sure what they are.

January 21st, 2017, 19:13
bobsaigon wrote:
"It just seems that several recent posts are the equivalent of grasping at straws in order to keep the readers entertained. If they are, fine."

Your not a reader Bob. You're a member but with less than one post a week only just. Your name suggests Vietnam so why not start a discussion on that country?

January 21st, 2017, 19:38
I googled alfalfa sprouts...oh you mean bean sprouts or 'tua ngok'. I've not heard them being called alfalfa locally. Best to get them from your local market or provision shop if you want them fresh. Peppers - do you mean green and red peppers and are they called peppers or capsicum here? I'll check with my Thai friends later tonight. Did you try going through/explaining the list in Thai to your friend? Might help them to remember better. Even I had to google some of the items for eg alfalfa, saltine crackers, minestrone...things I've heard of before but not quite sure what they are.

sglad, All of the above are North American terms.

January 21st, 2017, 21:10
Your name suggests Vietnam so why not start a discussion on that country?
I've only been to Hanoi - and really enjoyed it. Still working on Ho Chi Minh and it would be great to learn more about where to go and what to do. One poster did attempt to start a discussion in the Sawatdee Gay World section 4 months ago, but no-one replied to his request.

January 21st, 2017, 21:42
Yes. I too really liked Hanoi. Loved the French quarter and Hoen Kiem. As I have written before...fishing for squid over the side of a luxury boat at midnight in Ha Long bay is a death bed memory. Simply perfect. We caught five since you asked.

January 21st, 2017, 21:57
Your name suggests Vietnam so why not start a discussion on that country?

Bob has made a number of posts on Cambodia but I don't recall any on Vietnam. Perhaps that's because, like me, he finds the gay scene hard going and so has little to post.

January 21st, 2017, 22:00
Sorry, gentlemen, I can no longer provide information about where to go and what to do in Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City. I've had a Vietnamese partner for the past 17 years and most of that time we have been living in the suburbs. Can't remember the last time we ventured into the city to spend time at a gay venue. And, at 76 years of age and suffering from a robust stage of emphysema, I've little interest in doing the research needed to start a "Gay Saigon" thread. Just use the apps, Gay Romeo, et al. And you might even find a willing new friend working at one of the malls. Seems like 80% of the male mall workers are gay. Good luck.

January 21st, 2017, 22:02
A447 wrote:
"Bob has made a number of posts on Cambodia but I don't recall any on Vietnam. Perhaps that's because, like me, he finds the gay scene hard going and so has little to post."

That's fine, I have no problem with that but perhaps don't criticise the posts that are there if you're not offering anything yourself. And I hadn't noticed you finding the gay scene hard going, simply hard and often and pumping. Haha,

January 21st, 2017, 22:11
I gave up looking for boys in Vietnam. My nether regions got a well-deserved rest. I spent most of my time in Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh sightseeing and shopping for groceries.

January 21st, 2017, 23:27
WWhat a banal and waste of time this topic is. No one knows the point of discussion. Now one seems to even know overall the point of discusssion (that is to say ... the point of discussion where it becomes even vaguely necessary to reply).
Utter nonsense . . . and think on this ..

January 21st, 2017, 23:35
And Matt still hasn't told us what groceries he got!

January 22nd, 2017, 03:10
I gave up looking for boys in Vietnam. My nether regions got a well-deserved rest. I spent most of my time in Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh sightseeing and shopping for groceries.

On s purely selfish note I have wondered for years if my bf in HCMC actively steers me away from any possibility of encountering boys - I'm glad to hear the fact of the matter is that there just aren't any!

Hard luck a447!

January 22nd, 2017, 08:32
Yep. I was definitely out of luck,and never got hard.

That sums up gay Vietnam for me!

January 22nd, 2017, 10:32
On s purely selfish note I have wondered for years if my bf in HCMC actively steers me away from any possibility of encountering boys - I'm glad to hear the fact of the matter is that there just aren't any!

Hard luck a447!

I have visited Vietnam five times in the last eighteen months including Hanoi, Hue, Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Dalat, HCM City and more. I will travel to Vietnam again in late February this year.

No major scams, the people i met are delightful, scenery amazing and some great looking guys available for free or converted to Thai money about 800 baht on Grindr etc. Some like to meet for coffee or a meal, to practice english etc. No sick buffalo, lost phones or other problems so far.

Two of my closest and most loyal friends are Vietnamese. The main reason I am returning is to visit them although i may meet some more when i turn on the apps.

Not to derail this thread about groceries anymore so I will report back after my next trip to HCM City, Da Nang and Hanoi.

January 22nd, 2017, 10:44
How a post can go off course! Just the mention of bobsaigon by arsenal led this post into a discourse on Vietnam.

January 22nd, 2017, 19:17
I checked some of the markets here in Pattaya and, surprise, just about everything on matt's list was available at Villa Market even the raspberries and peaches.
Although some of the items were pricey.

January 22nd, 2017, 19:50
Yeah I agree about Vietnam. The guys are hot, friendly and curious. The ones I've met seem genuinely interested in me, my life, my country, the world in general. It's not all about shopping and putting on appearances. I've only been once but plan to go again in June. At home we've been told they're the country to watch in the next five to ten years.

January 22nd, 2017, 20:03
Yes. I too really liked Hanoi. Loved the French quarter and Hoen Kiem. As I have written before...fishing for squid over the side of a luxury boat at midnight in Ha Long bay is a death bed memory.

How come? Are you anticipating to die at sea or by drowning?

January 22nd, 2017, 22:18
Does anyone know if matt's list of groceries are available in Vietnam ?

January 22nd, 2017, 22:29
Thanks Francois for the opportunity to continue the derailment of this thread. As a matter of fact, all of the items on Matt's list are available at the Citimart on the ground floor of my apartment building in the Saigon suburb of Phu My Hung, and elsewhere in the city. Maybe Matt could send his Lao friend here to fill a shopping cart. lol

January 23rd, 2017, 04:08
Genuinely surprised the Tarntawan Hotel hasn't been mentioned yet

January 23rd, 2017, 05:30
Scottish wrote:
"Genuinely surprised the Tarntawan Hotel hasn't been mentioned yet."

Well it has now. A review would be nice.

January 23rd, 2017, 08:26
How come? Are you anticipating to die at sea or by drowning?

Ah-ha! I do believe you’ve inadvertently stumbled upon a very profound subject sglad. One-eyed Moody, er, scrub that I mean . . . One-eyed Jelly, has noticed that your post has gone unanswered. I think we now know the real reason why arsenal point blank refused to travel on the Pattaya-Hua Hin ferry. It was nothing to do with those pesky Chinese tour groups; it looks like he had a premonition of dying at sea and now has a pathological fear of drowning.

There, I’ve managed to further derail this topic by mentioning the Pattaya-Hua Hin ferry to begin on New Year’s Day topic.

Oh, and you wanted an up-to-date hotel review arsenal, well I overheard a group of fa-ràng at Dick’s Café in Soi Twilight, last night saying they’d heard the Tatty-wan Hotel had been taken over by a Chinese property development company and they intended demolishing the dilapidated old dump and proposed building a five star glitz and glamour hotel in its place. Great! No more whining about minor changes in staff or complaints that all-day breakfast is no longer available.

Now, how can I work in the Chinese again? Ah, yes, or is this just a Chinese whisper?

And Matt still hasn't told us what groceries he got!

And, finally, getting back on topic, and as bobsaigon2 said above, are we ever going to find out if cdnmatt ever got all the items on his shopping list. I’ve had sleepless nights worrying about this subject and if I’m ever to get a good night’s sleep I need closure on this. Do you get me cdnmatt?


January 24th, 2017, 17:13
I'm in Hue, Vietnam, and happy to look for groceries to give me a calmer activity than dodging motorbikes. I did walk past the Tarntawan Hotel the other day on my way to Art Massage where a young man gave me good service on the top floor. Any tips for a gay time in Hue?

January 24th, 2017, 17:19
Everyone is happy to look for groceries Mancs. It's getting some idiot on that bloody ferry that is the problem. No wonder they didn't want gays in the military if that's the attitude.