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View Full Version : Gay couples drinks spiked, robbed and raped

January 17th, 2017, 11:52
Copied from another forum:

David Johnson | CreativeCommons2.0Bangla Road, Phuket, Thailand16 January 2017by David Hudson

A gay couple from Northern Ireland have spoken of the robbery and sexual attack they endured during a holiday to Thailand over the holiday season.
Husbands Gerald Drumgoole and husband Michael Burnett, both 33, told Belfast Telegraph that they had been to Thailand half a dozen times in the past, but that they would not be returning after their most recent trip to Phuket.
‘It was December 30 and we’d only gone out for a few drinks because New Year’s Eve was the following day and we wanted to go to the beach and light lanterns at midnight,’ said Drumgoole.
‘We never wanted to have a crazy night and then this happened.
They headed out to the tourist bars on Bangla Road.
‘We had two beers in one bar and then we moved on to another bar. Neither of us remember meeting anyone or anything strange happening at all.
‘Whatever drugs were used to spike our drinks have totally wiped our memories. I woke up and felt disgusting and I was in quite a lot of pain.’
Drumgoole says he was raped and his partner was badly beaten.
‘I woke up in my hotel room with no underwear on and my belt was missing, with initially no clue what had happened. My husband was there too, but he didn’t remember anything either.
‘Whatever they had put in his drink, it didn’t even come into his head that I wasn’t there or that something was happening to me.
‘He doesn’t remember anything at all.
‘My husband is still in shock and he feels so helpless because he wasn’t there to help me when I was being raped.’
They said their attackers also took €450 ($477) from them, along with both their iPhones. The returned to Belfast last Wednesday.
Drumgoole says he want to his own GP who confirmed to him that he had been raped.
‘It has just been a very traumatic time for both of us. We have had to be tested for HIV and given an HPV vaccine and tested for syphilis,’ he told Belfast Live.
‘Michael and I have to go to the GUM (Genitourinary Medicine) clinic for further tests – it has been a complete nightmare.’
They said what made the experience even more difficult was a lack of support from their travel insurance company.
‘We were told that we had to contact the insurance company before deciding on which hospital to go to in Phuket,’ he told Belfast Live.
‘We phoned OUL Direct for five days and all they kept telling us was that they would send an email on and get someone to call us.
‘On the fifth day my family back in Belfast got in touch with the British Embassy in Bangkok and we finally got sent to a hospital, but the hospital wouldn’t accept our insurance documents.
‘We then got sent to a private hospital, which insurance companies don’t usually do, but because of our case they got us into this facility. The insurance company also said they would cover all charges, because they knew we had no money after being robbed.
‘It was agreed that our excess fee would be paid, but after we received the treatment we were told we had to pay it.
‘The insurance company have said they will listen back to the recorded telephone conversations we had with them, but I won’t be holding my breath,’ said Drumgoole.
GSN has approached OUL Direct for comment and is awaiting a reply. A spokesperson told Belfast Live: ‘We take all complaints very seriously and are sorry that this situation has occurred.
OUL Direct do not deal with emergency assistance cases directly and therefore we are not aware of the details of this case at this time.
‘The company who operates the emergency assistance service on behalf of the underwriter on this policy is Travel Assistance Facilities.
‘We will also investigate this situation as a matter of urgency.
Drumgoole said the couple reported the attack to Thai police, but says they didn’t take it seriously.
‘The police in Phuket just laughed when we reported our attack. It seems that kind of thing happens regularly.’
‘We’ve done a lot of travelling together and have never not felt safe. Thailand is such a beautiful country and we both love it, but this has just been awful. It’s a really horrible time for us.’
The UK Foreign Office has previously issued guidance on personal safety for travellers to Thailand.
‘Violent sexual assaults and unprovoked attacks have been reported in popular tourist destinations, including in the Koh Samui archipelago and Krabi province,’ says the guidance.
‘Drink spiking has been reported in tourist destinations around Thailand. Be careful about taking drinks from strangers and at clubs and parties, or leaving your drinks unattended, particularly in Koh Samui, Pattaya and at the Full Moon party on Koh Phangan, where date rapes have been reported.
GSN has reached out to Mr Drumgoole for further comment.

January 17th, 2017, 12:41
The basis of this Report has appeared in quite a number of gay publications. Clearly a dreadful experience, and a lesson for travellers anywhere.

I have no reason to doubt the veracity of what these guys say they experienced. But since they are a gay couple and clearly regular travellers (they'd been here a dozen times), certain facts seem odd. Realising they had been raped, knowing there was at least a chance they had been infected with HIV and other STDs and despite realising they'd have to wait to find out about their insurance, why on earth did they wait for five full days without at the very least going to a clinic to check their condition and at least start medication? Testing is cheap. I know they had been robbed but did they really have all their cash with them or easily found in their hotel room?

The moral seems to be fivefold.

1. Always watch how your drinks are prepared and watch who is with you or near you.
2. Always have a small cash emergency and/or one credit card stashed away somewhere that will be difficult to find.
3. Make certain before you leave that your travel insurance company has a 24-hour hotline and accepts claims made in the countries where you will be travelling. Will it pay a hospital direct - if so, which hospitals? If this information is not provided, go to a different company and to hell with any extra cost. The insurance policies taken out by these guys seem to have been all but worthless.
4. If you believe you have been raped, don't hang around. Get a medical check up and medication immediately.
5. Never place your trust in the police or your local Consulate. Neither really wants to be bothered. But insist on written reports from the police and a clinic since these will be required by most insurance companies.

January 17th, 2017, 13:29
Mmmmmm. Raped? In the hotel? How did the attackers get in? Through reception? CCTV? These reports always seem to contain very large amounts of cash and other valuables followed by the words 'insurance claim?" While not an absolute robberies and rapes are rarely crimes carried out together as one tends to get in the way of the other.

Brad the Impala
January 17th, 2017, 14:28
Follow up in the Phuket News from a press conference given by the Police:

However, Col Chaiwat said that his officers had so far confirmed that the two men were staying at the Blue Sky Resort Patong.

“They checked out of the hotel on Jan 7,” he said.

“We confirmed that the two men were Michael Anthony Burnett, who entered Thailand on a Polish passport, and Gerald Maurice Drumgoole, a British national,” Col Chaiwat explained.

“However, the staff at hotel said they were not informed by anyone that any of their guests had reported being raped and robbed, or even assaulted,” he added.

Col Chaiwat confirmed that his officers had even checked the hospitals in Phuket to corroborate the reports.

“Phuket International Hospital reported that Mr Michael and Mr Gerald (sic) were there on Jan 5 to have blood tests done. Apparently Mr Gerald also had a small wound on his right hand,” he explained.

However, Patong Police have been unable to confirm any more details, Col Chaiwat said.

“We are still investigating this and we will continue to do so until we find out the truth,” he assured.

“We have contacted with British Embassy to ask whether the news reports are accurate or not. We are still waiting for the British Embassy to formally reply to us,” Col Chaiwat said.


January 17th, 2017, 16:08
As is often the case, the more detail that dribbles out, the more curious allegations like this appear.

Let's assume the alleged rape took place in the early morning of 31 December, not unreasonable given that they waited 5 days before going to the Phuket Hospital and this was recorded as 5 January. Yet there was no examination for rape. That waited till they had arrived back in Ireland. Since they departed on the 7th it is reasonable to assume that that examination could not have taken place prior to the 8th. Given that the raped individual is described as the "wife", presumably he was exclusively or mostly the passive partner. Even if submitted to rough penetration without gel, surely it is reasonable to query how a doctor could tell this was a rape rather than regular if somewhat aggressive love making between the two. One can only assume that a rapist had left traces of semen detected through DNA tests (you learn a lot watching CSI!!). Yet given the body's natural functions, would there in fact be any traces left after more than a week?

And since this took place in a hotel, how is it that at least the robbery was not reported? Security cameras or night staff might have been able to verify that 4 or more guys would have entered and just 2 or more left. The Blue Sky is far from a cheap dive and gets good reviews on the hotel booking sites. Unless the hotel staff are lying, you'd assume someone must have noticed something! Very curious!

Brad the Impala
January 17th, 2017, 16:45
"Drumgoole says he want to his own GP who confirmed to him that he had been raped."

In any case only Dromgoole's word that his doctor confirmed "the rape" some nine or ten days after the event. The whole thing doesn't hang together, but what the angle could be is so far unclear. If you want to do a fake robbery claim, there is no benefit, I think, to throw in a rape.

Meanwhile this is all widely reported as facts, which so far seem to be unsubstantiated.

January 17th, 2017, 16:59
Weird! They had no money after being robbed of 450 pounds? Now that is traveling on the cheap.

Old git
January 17th, 2017, 18:07
A few years ago a woman went into a bar in Hua Hin and drank GTs until she was virtually comatose.

A day or so later she accused the bar of spiking her drinks - fortunately there were plenty of customers who remembered what had really happened, and the bar was able to show the police her 'bin' - which proved she'd put back about a litre of gin..

The rape bit in this case is the bit I find most suspect.. - if a Thai guy wants to bugger farangs, he goes to a bar and gets paid for it - and any guy intent on robbery wouldn't hang around to get his rocks off.

I reckon these guys had a wild night out and forgot to lock up their cash and valuables when they took a boy back to their room - then they cooked up a story...

January 17th, 2017, 18:31
went from Ireland to Thailand...so were they "travellers"?...better just leave it at that!

January 17th, 2017, 18:32
Weird! They had no money after being robbed of 450 pounds? Now that is traveling on the cheap.
That being the case, how did they manage to live and survive for a full week after the alleged rape even though they did not have enough cash to visit a hospital?

There are 2 Blue Sky accommodations in Phuket but neither is called a Resort as stated by the police. Rooms in the Blue Sky Hotel were at least US$110/night in the peak New Year season whereas those in the more downmarket Blue Sky Residence were around $50. And they'd still have to eat. Where did their cash come from? Being the New Year banks would have been closed until January 3 and they could not have received cash from their families till the 4th at the earliest.

January 17th, 2017, 19:01
Hmmm, sounds like you need Mrs. Marple!

January 17th, 2017, 19:27
MFAS wrote:
"Hmmm, sounds like you need Mrs. Marple!"

I don't think we do. These tales tellers always tell tall tales completely forgetting that the police and the insurance companies between them have hundreds of years of experience of this sort of thing. Inspector Arsenal of The Yard and Sergeant Fountainhall deduced the facts immediately.

January 17th, 2017, 22:23
Don't believe the "rape" allegation at all - and to allege that a "Doctor confirmed I'd been raped" - well, what utter crap - how is that even possible.

All that could be confirmed by a Doctor is that some degree of anal trauma took place - which the likes of A447 not only consent to, but willingly and regularly pay good money for!


January 17th, 2017, 23:06
Hmmm, sounds like you need Mrs. Marple!

Ahem, it is Miss Marple!

Miss Marple is an elderly spinster who lives in the village of St. Mary Mead and acts as an amateur consulting detective.

Perhaps Inspector Clouseau should be called in ?

January 17th, 2017, 23:30
I can't comment on this case but spiking of drinks do happen and they also happen in Thailand, quite frequently according to my female Thai friends with whom I was just hanging out. The intention is of course rape and most rape cases whether date rape or otherwise are usually unreported.

January 17th, 2017, 23:45
1. Always watch how your drinks are prepared and watch who is with you or near you.

This is not always possible especially in a big or crowded venue. Moreover the spiked drink is usually the third or fourth or fifth drink you've had when you're not at your most alert.

I think people are more susceptible to foul play when they go out clubbing or drinking alone or give the impression that no one is looking out for them. I don't usually go out alone but the few times that I have I think I have been kept out of harm's way because I give off the impression that I know my way about by speaking Thai, having genuine Thai and other friends locally who would Whatsapp/Line me from time to time, friends whom I talk about, drinking in moderation etc. I don't know but I think people who drink too much, brag too much, appear to lack self control are more at risk? I guess sometimes it's just plain old bad luck too.

January 18th, 2017, 04:09
I can't comment on this case but spiking of drinks do happen...

Yes, we know.

It happenned to me - in Torremolinos of all places, and for those familar with the area - in a gay bar in La Noglera on the upstairs floor across from where Arcos and La Noche were.

However, as someone pointed out, the intention (which was not accomplished) was to rob me and certainly not to rob and rape me.

The only way a middle aged guy is going to get bummed by boys from a gay bar anywhere in the world is by paying them - and that's why I am extremely sceptical of the story related by the 2 guys

January 18th, 2017, 05:08
However, as someone pointed out, the intention (which was not accomplished) was to rob me and certainly not to rob and rape me.

The only way a middle aged guy is going to get bummed by boys from a gay bar anywhere in the world is by paying them - and that's why I am extremely sceptical of the story related by the 2 guys

Yeah but these guys are not middle aged but in their early thirties? And the alleged victim Gerald Drumgoole is not bad looking although age and looks are usually immaterial in rape cases - women in their seventies have been raped. I might have missed it but there's also no description of the alleged rapists. The report didn't say the attackers were gay or the victims met them in a gay bar or were sex workers in a gay bar or whether the attackers were "boys" or ladyboys. "The last thing the couple remember is being in a bar on Phuket’s popular tourist strip of Bangla Road." No description of the perpetrator(s) at all.

From The Phuket Gazette:

The couple, who were named by Belfast Live as Gerald Drumgoole and Michael Burnett, said they were attacked and robbed of 400 pounds and their iPhones after their drinks were spiked at a Phuket bar on New Year's Eve. However, they did not reveal the name of the bar, the hotel they were staying at, or who they believe was behind the incident.


January 18th, 2017, 06:26
OK then - if the suggestion is that these 2 gay "husbands" had their drinks spiked in a str8 bar and were set upon by str8 guys who not only robbed them but after having done so took a notion to fuck one of them up the bunghole instead of just making off with the money then I find that even more implausible.

January 18th, 2017, 08:26
Yeah but these guys are not middle aged but in their early thirties

This photo is from another report of the incident that appeared yesterday on this site - http://www.towleroad.com/2017/01/vacation-thailand/

Now it seems to me that these are quite strapping lads. If it is true that their drinks were spiked, they would have been in no condition to walk back to their hotel. So they would have been escorted, presumably by their attackers. Thai guys are not generally known as 'heavies'. I expect at least two and maybe three guys would have been needed to get each one of them back. As I asked before, how is it possible that no-one in the hotel or the security cameras failed to pick this up?

Secondly. in this new article there is the comment -

After returning home last Wednesday, the couple underwent a medical exam by their doctor who confirmed they had been raped.
Err - odd that the original article states this -

‘My husband is still in shock and he feels so helpless because he wasn’t there to help me when I was being raped.’
So which was it, guys? One got raped - or both got raped?

And then there is the matter of the hospital. They continue to say the insurance company sent them to a private hospital instead of a public one which "is very unusual". Yet Phuket only has two hospitals and both, I understand, are private. So where did the public hospital idea come from?

And the key question raised by Scottish still has not been answered. Of course date rape occurs in Thailand as it does elsewhere. If it happens to women, the motive is almost always rape with some being rape and robbery. But if it happens (much more rare) with men, the motive is surely far more robbery than sex. If the Irish couple were legless by the time they got to their room, it would have been a simple matter to rob them of whatever was on their persons and in the room and then disappear. Seriously, given that there were probably six attackers, how many Thai guys would want to rape large early 30s farang?

But there is another question: how did the intruders actually get into the room? Most hotels these days have keycards with no indication on them on the floor or room number. It is therefore reasonable to assume that whichever Blue Sky establishment they stayed at did not have keys with room numbers. So even though the attackers could have found the key in one of the guy's pocket - how did they find the room?

And then the new article confirms they "had no money after being robbed." So how on earth did they live for those five days before one of the families contacted the British Embassy?

How are we doing Inspector arsenal?

January 18th, 2017, 09:10
I think this case is closed.

January 18th, 2017, 09:30
OK then - if the suggestion is that these 2 gay "husbands" had their drinks spiked in a str8 bar and were set upon by str8 guys who not only robbed them but after having done so took a notion to fuck one of them up the bunghole instead of just making off with the money then I find that even more implausible.

If you want "implausible" you don't need to go further than the facts that have been presented thus far. No need to impute scenarios, venues, sex worker involvement, etc. But let's walk down your imaginary road just for the fun of it - the forks can be as varied and twisted as one's imagination. The rapists are closeted ex IRA operatives who consumed by Catholic guilt decided that the only way to get much-needed 'release' was to punish these Protestant sodomites for their sinful ways. No, wait. They are Mossad taking revenge for a perceived anti-semitic slight by putting their skill in the art of torture by buggery to good use on these loud-mouth laddies. Hmmm, nah not exciting enough. I got it! They picked up two ladyboys with 8" dicks who were former Muay Thai boxers who decided to rob and rape them for telling bad jokes that no one else finds funny. See what I mean? The permutations are endless! Go watch The Hangover if you haven't. :D

January 18th, 2017, 09:57
Aha, but you forget one thing. If it was the IRA or the Mossad, those guys would have quickly been six feet underground! No question! If it was ladyboy Muay Thai boxers, they would now be in intensive care! Want to try some other thoughts? LOL

January 18th, 2017, 10:01
Aha, but you forget one thing. If it was the IRA or the Mossad, those guys would have quickly been six feet underground! No question! If it was ladyboy Muay Thai boxers, they would now be in intensive care! Want to try some other thoughts? LOL

555! You're right. As for other thoughts, let's leave it to Scottish Guy. I have more terrestrial matters to attend to. :)

January 18th, 2017, 15:16
As Columbo would say "Just one more thing.."

I think Inspector Arsenal should demand to see the Birth Certificate of the "early thirties" guy on the left of Fountainhall's photo.

Clearly he's had it hard - and that's even before the alleged rape.

January 18th, 2017, 15:43
Scottish: I am in no hurry to view eithers; particulars thank you very much.

January 18th, 2017, 16:19
Oh come on Arsenal - you'd get a chance to utter the immortal words:

"Anything you say will be taken down"

and wait for the reply:


January 18th, 2017, 17:53
"Anything you say will be taken down"

and wait for the reply:


actually the word for the day is "legs" - spread the word!


Nirish guy
January 19th, 2017, 16:21
Nonsense ! As everyone here in N.Ireland knows if they had been IIRA men the only place they would have been rather than buried would of course have been here - in Government, whilst claiming their large ministerial salaries and getting driven around in Ministerial cars !

January 20th, 2017, 17:07
Well I can guarantee that one thing they said was definitely true, "the police did not take it seriously, they laughed at us". Yep, been there, done that, same reaction.