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January 15th, 2017, 08:40
The bars in Bangkok are now well attuned to the Chinese tourist invasion even though the earlier Russian and Arab invasions seemed to have had little major effect. With the TAT and the airlines now actively putting more resources into developing tourism from India - it seems Indians spend longer in the country than most other ethnic groups - and the number of inbound tourists expected to have exceeded 1.1 million last year, I guess we may soon be soon be seeing a lot more gay Indians hitting the bars.

January 15th, 2017, 08:51
If they come as individual tourists and spend money thereby boosting the gay tourism areas and thereby increasing the likelihood of more gay bars opening and thereby increasing the choice of boys for me and thereby increasing the pleasure of my holiday then it's all good. If they come as huge tour groups and behave like all the others then I'd prefer them to piss off and spend their 500 baht a day budget somewhere else.

January 15th, 2017, 09:16
I would welcome an influx of tourists from anywhere, so long as they come individually or in small groups of friends.

In Sunee I saw 5 young Chinese guys and 2 young Japanese guys. Here's hoping they have finally started to discover Sunee. No Indians as yet, though.

January 15th, 2017, 10:02
I would welcome an influx of tourists from anywhere, so long as they come individually or in small groups of friends.

In Sunee I saw 5 young Chinese guys and 2 young Japanese guys. Here's hoping they have finally started to discover Sunee. No Indians as yet, though.

No doubt with a growing economy more Indians travel abroad, I know a few merchants in Pattaya that are less than impressed with the Indians speending habits.
My guess the young Chinese and Japanese that you said you saw in Sunee were either lost or headed somewhere else, by the way how did you know their nationality....did you ask them?

January 15th, 2017, 12:02
, by the way how did you know their nationality....did you ask them?

From the way they looked and the languages they were speaking probably. I can always tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese but not always between Japanese and Korean and for sure between mainland Chinese and diaspora Chinese.

I have no stake or interest in the Thai tourism industry but like a447 I would welcome people from everywhere as long as they respect and play by local rules. I grew up around diversity and have plenty of Malay and Indian friends; I can't imagine living in a homogeneous society where we all look, act and sound alike.

January 15th, 2017, 12:11
I have seen young Japanese, Chinese and Koreans in Boyztown but don't recall any in Sunee.
I ask the Thai staff the nationality of these guys.

January 15th, 2017, 12:21
No doubt with a growing economy more Indians travel abroad, I know a few merchants in Pattaya that are less than impressed with the Indians speending habits.
My guess the young Chinese and Japanese that you said you saw in Sunee were either lost or headed somewhere else, by the way how did you know their nationality....did you ask them?

I heard them speaking Japanese, which I also speak, so I gave them some info re : the delights of Sunee.

I don't speak Chinese or Korean, but I know it when I hear it.

I doubt they were lost, as Sunee is far off the beaten track . If they were gay - the Japanese guys seemed to be a couple - then I imagine they specifically came to Sunee.

January 15th, 2017, 13:39

January 15th, 2017, 13:43
I read once Indian and Pakistani men are the least popular in the gay world.

January 15th, 2017, 13:48
@François: "I have seen young Japanese, Chinese and Koreans in Boyztown but don't recall any in Sunee."

Define young please.
For some older forum members (60+) many refer to 35+ year olds here as being young.
For me young is someone in their early twenties.

If Japanese boys early 20s visit Boyztown on their holiday it is very promising developement. Considering many Asian gays like Farang men there is here an opportunity for free sex. These Japanese have money, they don't need to sell their bodies. Interesting developments. Next holiday I will spend more time in Boyztown.

January 15th, 2017, 13:54
I can always tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese but not always between Japanese and Korean
If you cannot hear them talk, Koreans generally have higher cheekbones. Quite a few also have a sightly drooping, straighter upper eyelid even though the eye itself slants upwards. Since marinated garlic is very popular in the Korean diet, if you are close to them you can sometimes notice a faint garlicky body odour which Japanese tend not to have.

January 15th, 2017, 13:55
Considering many Asian gays like Farang men there is here an opportunity for free sex.

Some broad terms used to make a big generalisation here. Assuming it is true and they are as well-travelled as you say, why wait till they congregate in Boystown or wherever? Going by your generalisations, they should be available at any time anywhere there are "farangs".

January 15th, 2017, 13:59
Next holiday I will spend more time in Boyztown.
Why bother? Just go to Japan! Plenty of young Japanese there! Indeed you don't even need to travel afar because lots of students love travelling and there will be huge numbers in Europe during the main holiday seasons.

Better still hop over to Hawaii where almost eight out of ten tourists in Honolulu seem to be Japanese. It will test your seduction skills, though, as most are straight and newly married!

January 15th, 2017, 14:03
If you cannot hear them talk, Koreans generally have higher cheekbones. Quite a few also have a sightly drooping, straighter upper eyelid even though the eye itself slants upwards. Since marinated garlic is very popular in the Korean diet, if you are close to them you can sometimes notice a faint garlicky body odour which Japanese tend not to have.

Interesting although the garlic part was a bit TMI. :D

Would you say the physiognomic difference is still helpful in telling them apart with the wide availability and accessibility of cosmetic surgery in both countries?

January 15th, 2017, 14:07
It will test your seduction skills, though, as most are straight and newly married!

Mmmm...the best kind. I can't say I'm very experienced but the number of straight, married or engaged guys who want to get fucked that I've met or hit me up on the apps is quite surprising.

January 15th, 2017, 14:15
Would you say the physiognomic difference is still helpful in telling them apart with the wide availability and accessibility of cosmetic surgery in both countries?
I believe so, if only because it is mostly the girls and Korean boy bands - and aspiring pop singers - who resort to plastic surgery on their eyes. Even though it is becoming more popular amongst young Korean men, the vast majority still have their natural eyelids. As for Japan, in all my many visits I don't recall seeing any young guy who had had surgery on his eyelids other than a few in the pop music business.

January 15th, 2017, 14:16

January 15th, 2017, 14:21

I wish a447 and Manforallseasons would get a room. :D

P.S. a447, how did you know Manforallseasons is a bottom?

January 15th, 2017, 14:36
I believe so, if only because it is mostly the girls and Korean boy bands - and aspiring pop singers - who resort to plastic surgery on their eyes. Even though it is becoming more popular amongst young Korean men, the vast majority still have their natural eyelids. As for Japan, in all my many visits I don't recall seeing any young guy who had had surgery on his eyelids other than a few in the pop music business.

Interesting. I find Japanese guys generally more attractive and hygienic than Korean guys. Nicer too. As for plastic surgery, everybody seems to be getting it these days. One of my best friends had a huge transformation in the eight months between our A levels and the time she started uni: her parents had forked out $50,000 for a cosmetic surgery package in Korea. New eyes, new nose, new boobs, new skin, everything. People who didn't know her from before would probably not know she's had anything done. But nothing prepared me for what I've been seeing here. Beauty is huuuge here and my Thai friends are obsessed about their faces, skin and hair. I'm not complaining because they usually look and smell nice.

January 15th, 2017, 14:50
Well I simply wouldn't even contemplate sex with a Japanese.

From their adult media I've seen online they all have pixilated cocks.


January 15th, 2017, 16:13
Well I simply wouldn't even contemplate sex with a Japanese.

From their adult media I've seen online they all have pixilated cocks.



Those pixels are meant to protect their modesty. I guess a virtual toothpick would work just as well.

January 15th, 2017, 16:35
. . . With the TAT and the airlines now actively putting more resources into developing tourism from India - it seems Indians spend longer in the country than most other ethnic groups - and the number of inbound tourists expected to have exceeded 1.1 million last year, I guess we may soon be soon be seeing a lot more gay Indians hitting the bars.

Ah, that reminds me. During my last visit to Pattaya, prior to Christmas, I stayed at the Ambiance Hotel. One morning as I was leaving my room, three Indian lads emerged from the room next door.

The next day, downstairs at breakfast, the same three Indian lads sat at the table opposite me. We said our ‘good mornings’ and started up a short conversation. The lads were from Mumbai and recommended I visit their city. Then one guy surprised me by asking, ‘Have you met any nice girls yet?’ Taken somewhat aback, I replied in all honestly, ‘Er . . . no, not yet’.

January 15th, 2017, 16:45
Well I simply wouldn't even contemplate sex with a Japanese.

From their adult media I've seen online they all have pixilated cocks.


Scot...you are spending too much time wanking and you are going blind...just like you were told you would.

January 15th, 2017, 17:12
I wish a447 and Manforallseasons would get a room. :D

P.S. a447, how did you know Manforallseasons is a bottom?

Because that's what he posted in Japanese. Shame you couldn't read it. It said :"I'm a power bottom but if you want, I can also flip-flop. Up to you. Your place or mine?"

January 15th, 2017, 17:22
Because that's what he posted in Japanese. Shame you couldn't read it. It said :"I'm a power bottom but if you want, I can also flip-flop. Up to you. Your place or mine?"

5555 :D

That's what I thought it said. Love the Japanese: so few words yet so much meaning. Brief and efficient all the way! 5555 :D

January 15th, 2017, 18:02
It said :"I'm a power bottom but if you want, I can also flip-flop. Up to you. Your place or mine?"
As sglad pointed out, Japanese is truly an amazing language. You can get all that into just 4 single characters! Fantastic!

Those pixels are meant to protect their modesty.
I have never quite worked out why, but it is a legal requirement. Odd, given that the Japanese happily go around totally naked in public baths and hot springs. But I believe it goes back to a law enacted at the end of the 19th century when western morals started to be adopted by a Japan only recently opened up to the outside world after more than 250 years of isolation. Odd, too, that despite the American occupation forces enacting laws about freedom of speech etc., that modesty in the depiction of pornography was not at the top of the list of laws to be changed!!

January 15th, 2017, 18:09
Because that's what he posted in Japanese. Shame you couldn't read it. It said :"I'm a power bottom but if you want, I can also flip-flop. Up to you. Your place or mine?"

Actually the Japanese word I posted was "Interesting"........his reply as close as I could translate it was " my cock same broken chop stick"?

January 15th, 2017, 18:18
‘Have you met any nice girls yet?’ Taken somewhat aback, I replied in all honestly, ‘Er . . . no, not yet’.
Oh dear! What a shame your creative juices were not flowing that morning, Jellybean. I would have expected you to tell them about several amazing gogo bars with just the most stunning girls, big tits and whatever else attracts straight guys. I can even hear you add enthusiastically "You really have go. They're all quite close by in one small area - maybe 12-15 minute walk maximum." And then you give them directions to Sunee Plaza! :cool:

January 15th, 2017, 18:38
The ones I saw were in their twenties.

January 15th, 2017, 18:42
@François: "I have seen young Japanese, Chinese and Koreans in Boyztown but don't recall any in Sunee."

Define young please.
For some older forum members (60+) many refer to 35+ year olds here as being young.
For me young is someone in their early twenties.


January 15th, 2017, 19:01
Oh dear! What a shame your creative juices were not flowing that morning, Jellybean. I would have expected you to tell them about several amazing gogo bars with just the most stunning girls, big tits and whatever else attracts straight guys. I can even hear you add enthusiastically "You really have go. They're all quite close by in one small area - maybe 12-15 minute walk maximum." And then you give them directions to Sunee Plaza! :cool:

Well, founty old sport, my creative juices weren’t quite working on your scale, more’s the pity. But my little cogs were whirring round and I was almost tempted to say, ‘Who me dear? Oh, no dear! I like to give and take cock up the bum. That’s why I stay in a poofters’ hotel like this.’

But I thought it was a bit early in the morning for that sort of smutty talk, so I opted for the more anodyne, less creative and non-offensive, ‘Er . . . no, not yet’.

Ah, but next time . . .


January 15th, 2017, 19:34
From their adult media I've seen online they all have pixilated cocks.

Japanese pussies are pixilated too! But asses thankfully not, these seem not to be covered by their "modesty"...

January 15th, 2017, 19:41
The sex, in my experience is almost identical to the food in various countries where I have sampled both.

China. Slapdash cuisine with little finesse, very little passion and no subtlety.
Japan. Precise and perfectly proper with everything being just so and oh so beautifully presented.
Thailand. Often spicy and full bodied with considerable flavour combinations and a freshness every time.

January 15th, 2017, 19:50
Japanese pussies are pixilated too! But asses thankfully not, these seem not to be covered by their "modesty"...

Cumshots are also exempt.

January 15th, 2017, 19:51
Pixilated Japanese pussies in thread "Indians next". Seriously?

I think we should yearly to vote not only "member of the year" but also "derailer of the year"... (Irony)

January 15th, 2017, 19:56
I have never quite worked out why, but it is a legal requirement. Odd, given that the Japanese happily go around totally naked in public baths and hot springs.

I don't get this either.
The Japanese are not at all shy about undressing, as can be seen in public baths. Also a good percentage of the Asian public & group nudity shots on the internet are from Japan.
Yet the law requires genitals to be obscured in porn.

I remember checking out each floor in a Tokyo electrical store once. I got on the escalator on perhaps the 5th floor, looked up and at the top of the escalator was a plasma screen with a porn movie running. Could you imagine that in Currys ?

To me, the whole pixellation law seems both outdated & contrasts with the relaxed Japanese attitudes to nudity.

Also, I wish they would produce export versions of the videos, with no pixellation. I wouldn't think that's against the law.
The pixellation has to be added in later, so presumably they can only ban the sale of such material, not the production ?

January 15th, 2017, 20:06
Moses wrote:
"I think we should yearly to vote not only "member of the year" but also "derailer of the year"... (Irony)"

Well we can only talk about the possibility of more Indians in Pattaya for about a page. Actually Moses, don't say anything to the others because I don't want to annoy anyone but we could do with a few more members starting a few more interesting threads. Couldn't we?

January 15th, 2017, 20:33
Moses wrote:

Couldn't we?
I'm sure in you. As per me: with my poor English I can post pictures mostly :)))))))))))))))))))))

January 15th, 2017, 20:43
Also, I wish they would produce export versions of the videos, with no pixellation. I wouldn't think that's against the law.
The pixellation has to be added in later, so presumably they can only ban the sale of such material, not the production?
In the glorious times of the internet?

Maybe we should not only vote for the "member of the year" but also for the "joke of the year"...

January 15th, 2017, 21:41
The Japanese are not at all shy about undressing, as can be seen in public baths. Also a good percentage of the Asian public & group nudity shots on the internet are from Japan.
Yet the law requires genitals to be obscured in porn.

Being just naked is not the same as being naked with a hard-on. Japanese do not equates nudity with sex like we do in the West.

When the first Playboy magazines appeared in the 70's showing pubic hair, teams of women in a warehouse were assigned the task of blackening the offending hair with ink. But ever resourceful, the guys just used methylated spirits to remove it. So the women were given needles with which to scratch away the pubic hair.


January 15th, 2017, 22:10
The sex, in my experience is almost identical to the food in various countries where I have sampled both.
China. Slapdash cuisine with little finesse, very little passion and no subtlety.
Sorry arsenal but I absolutely cannot agree with the food part - and some of the sex has been great too. Chinese is one of the great cuisines of the word with amazing variety - Cantonese, Shanghainese, spicy Szechuan, Chiu Chow (the extraordinary subtlety in the slow cooked Beggar's Chicken), Beijing, Hunanese - and so on. I have to have some Chinese regularly :p

Also, I wish they would produce export versions of the videos, with no pixellation
Totally agree. There are quite a few videos without pixellation but they tend not to have the cutest guys. JapanBoyz is one such internet site but if you look at some of the more general gay Asian porn sites you do come across quite a few much longer unpixellated videos. The pixellated ones are certainly filmed naturally, but I guess the problem for producers is that as soon as a video is released for export without pixellation, it would appear on the internet within days if not hours. I remember having a short correspondence about 15 years ago with the Californian producers of a long series of Thai videos. I was pissed off that they would not send the DVDs to anywhere in Asia. It was the same reason. They reckoned they'd quickly be on the streets of Bangkok. So he only sent to addresses in the USA and Europe.

January 15th, 2017, 22:27
A strange country Japan. In order to stop the men seeing pubic hair they had women in warehouses paint overt it and owning child pornography was only made illegal in 2014.

Fountainhall. If Chinese is one of the great cuisines of the world why do they place such a premium on eating endangered species. With a country of 56 different ethnicities of course there are some very good dishes although only a handful of internationally recognised great ones. However my experience of regional dishes is limited so you may be right. But as most Chinese food is served for the table there is little room for it to be dressed orgasmically in the way that modern European food is served.

As for the sex. Well what's your ratio of sex had to great sex delivered because for me it's Japan at 100 per cent and Thailand at about 95 per cent with China in the low twenties. But then I prefer straight boys and I've only had gay ones in China so I may be biased.

January 15th, 2017, 22:59
I would take most Chinese regional cuisine over most Thai food any day, as for sex I too have a preference for straight guys and gay in Thailand is often associated with gay acting drama queens which works for some but for me I would rather eat Issan fried bugs.

January 16th, 2017, 01:27
what a silly " discussion" boys, I think its time u both swallowed a handful of reality pills. Cuisine is a personal choice, some people cant stand spice others love it...whatever...bit like sex..some are into twinks others bears and the two will most probably never align on the perfect sex partner.Reason why I find the Miss Universe/World competitions so silly....Like an arab is going to vote for some skinny blonde barbie....

January 16th, 2017, 05:58
A strange country Japan. In order to stop the men seeing pubic hair they had women in warehouses paint overt it...

I'm not quite understanding.

Women who worked in warehouses had to put paint over their pubes so men wouldn't see them?

Wearing a pair of knickers would surely have been an easier solution?


January 16th, 2017, 06:30
. . . I think we should yearly to vote not only "member of the year" but also "derailer of the year". . .

A Derailer of the Year contest, you say Moses. Well, that sounds interesting. There can be only one candidate in my book at this early stage in the year and based on his past performance. It has to be the one and only [Cue: Drum roll] . . . scottish-guy!.

And, the punishment? Well, I would suggest, er . . . let me see, ah yes, a public flogging in BoyzTown.

Ah, a bit too harsh, I hear some of our more lily-livered members say. Ok, how about a public gunging then? I do believe there is a precedent. Didn’t gaybutton submit to such an ordeal, er, I mean, a bit of fun?

That’ll keep all our members, whom are prone to shout out, ‘Deviation! Deviation! Off topic, off topic!’ happy, for sure.

Yes, I can see it now. The threat of a public gunging will certainly lead to less deviation and we can all look forward to a utopian world in which threads never digress from the original subject matter.


January 16th, 2017, 09:14
Sexually Deviant is an Arab? That explains a lot.

Jellybean: I think you'll find a public flogging in Boyztown is something Scottish spent a considerable part of his recent trip trying to organise but being Scottish he refused to pay the required tea money. A far better punishment would be to send him on a coach holiday around Scotland with a bus load of geriatric English OAPs from the Conservative Party. Try and make sure Land of Hope and Glory is played at least twice a day.
That'll learn im to derail our freds, bleedin foriner.

January 16th, 2017, 09:23
send him on a coach holiday around Scotland with a bus load of geriatric English OAPs from the Conservative Party
I suggest a busload of smoking, screaming Chinese package tourists who have just eaten haggis for the first time might be more effective!

January 16th, 2017, 09:35
Fountainhall wrote:
"I suggest a busload of smoking, screaming Chinese package tourists who have just eaten haggis for the first time might be more effective!"

For most people definitely. But this is Scottish we're talking about here so a load of the English traipsing all over his beloved homeland and saying things like "It's beautiful ere', I can see why we nicked it" and Oi Jockie, do you ever get any sunshine ere or what?" would be worse even than the average Chinese tour group traveler in full flow.

All together now.
"God who made us mighty, make us mightier still......"

January 16th, 2017, 09:54
If Chinese is one of the great cuisines of the world why do they place such a premium on eating endangered species. With a country of 56 different ethnicities of course there are some very good dishes although only a handful of internationally recognised great ones . . . But as most Chinese food is served for the table there is little room for it to be dressed orgasmically in the way that modern European food is served.

As for the sex. Well what's your ratio of sex had to great sex delivered because for me it's Japan at 100 per cent and Thailand at about 95 per cent with China in the low twenties. But then I prefer straight boys and I've only had gay ones in China so I may be biased.

First, fewer Chinese are seeking out endangered species as time goes on. Second it's the same reason why Japanese eat whale meat. It's a cultural thing allied to often mistaken beliefs about healing and other properties going back centuries (partake regularly of a tiger's penis and , , , well, you get the drift) in two countries which were effectively closed to western influence for centuries. You could also ask why dog and swan were common dishes in Elizabethan England.

Naturally when you are based in one part of China, it is the cuisine from that region you tend to eat - unless you go out regularly to restaurants serving other cuisines. I have had some extraordinary dishes - mostly in Hong Kong I'll admit. A soup made of chicken broth and pomelo skins. The pomelo has a thick, pithy very sour skin. Slow boil it for two days with some gentle spices , though, and it becomes a sumptuous start to a meal. I already mentioned beggar's chicken. This is a chicken with the guts taken out and stuffed with various spices, wrapped in lotus leaves and then covered in clay. Bake it in a slow oven for eight hours. When presented, you crack open the clay with a mallet and unwrap the leaves. The chicken will be the most delicious you have ever tasted, the flavours of the spices and the leaves having gently seeped into the flesh. Tea smoked duck from Szechuan also has tremendous subtlety since the duck is marinated in teas and smoked over tea leaves for days. Shanghai soup dumplings are almost orgasmic (literally!) as you bite into the dumpling to release the soup after gently manoeuvring it from the bamboo steamer into your mouth! I could go on and on!

I do agree that the presentation of each dish lacks the finesse of Japanese and European food - unless you are in a fine dining restaurant. The Chinese have always placed more emphasis on ingredients and manner of cooking than surface presentation.


We're all biased based on our experiences and I'm just not into straight guys (nor more effeminate gays either - only straight-looking ones). My ratio would be Japan 80% (I've had a few duds!), China 90%, Thailand 95%.

January 16th, 2017, 10:06
Sorry Fountainhall but you're wrong about fewer Chinses eating endangered species. In fact as more people can afford them the problem is becoming cliff edge critical. I just googled "Chinese consumption of endangered species" and read two of the first four links. You're totally wrong about this. Read it.

January 16th, 2017, 10:25
A link would have been useful. When I entered those precise words on google, the first entry was an April 2014 article from The Guardian which all but negates your comment! It agrees that whilst some of the richer and older Chinese seek out obscure animal parts, this is becoming increasingly difficult.

Chinese diners who enjoy bear bile, tiger bones and pangolin meat now have a new reason to lay down their chopsticks.
China's top legislative body passed a new "interpretation" of the country's criminal law on Thursday that will allow authorities to jail people who knowingly eat products made from rare wild animals. Prison sentences for the offence range from under three years to more than a decade, the state newswire Xinhua reported (http://english.cntv.cn/2014/04/24/ARTI1398347534215672.shtml).
Beijing classifies 420 species as rare or endangered, including giant pandas, golden monkeys, Asian black bears and pangolins – scaly, slow-moving anteaters which curl into balls to avoid their predators. While China (https://www.theguardian.com/world/china) already promises harsh fines and jail sentences for people who catch, kill, traffic, buy and sell the animals, it has until now remained unclear on the potential consequences for eating them.
"This is very, very encouraging," said Grace Gabriel, Asia regional director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, a US-based animal rights organisation. "Including wildlife consumption in the criminal law can play a very important part in curtailing, and also stigmatising, wildlife consumption."

The numbers who have the cash and knowledge of where such items can be eaten are certainly small. I absolutely don't condone it in any way and hope that it is eventually stamped out. But issues which are deeply ingrained in the cultural consciousness are not so easily changed - anywhere in the world.

January 16th, 2017, 10:38
From Wikipedia.
"Pangolins are hunted and eaten in many parts of Africa and are one of the more popular types of bush meat, while local healers use the pangolin as a source of traditional medicine.[17] They are also in great demand in Southern China and Vietnam because their meat is considered a delicacy and some believe that pangolin scales have medicinal qualities.[18][19][20][21] Over the past decade, it is believed that over one million pangolins have been illegally trafficked, making it the most trafficked animal in the world.[22] This, coupled with deforestation, has led to a large decrease in the numbers of pangolins. Some species, such as Manis pentadactyla have become commercially extinct in certain ranges as a result of over hunting.[23] In November 2010, pangolins were added to the Zoological Society of London's list of genetically distinct and endangered mammals.[24] All eight species of pangolin are classified by the IUCN as threatened to extinction, while two are classified as critically endangered.[19][25]

Though pangolins are protected by an international ban on their trade, populations have suffered from illegal trafficking due to unfounded beliefs in East Asia that their ground-up scales can stimulate lactation or cure cancer or asthma.[26] In the past decade there have been numerous seizures of illegally trafficked pangolin and pangolin meat in Asia.[27][28][29][30] In one such incident in April 2013, 10,000 kilograms (11 short tons) of pangolin meat was seized from a Chinese vessel that ran aground in the Philippines.[31][32] In another case in August 2016, an Indonesian man was arrested after police raided his home and found over 650 pangolins in freezers on his property.[33]"

It's just one I know of. How many do you want. I'm actually surprised by the line you're taking over this. I'll find a few more. As many as you want until you accept facts against what you wish was true. Oh and the links are often blocked in China. Mm, I wonder why?

January 16th, 2017, 10:41

You'll lose credibility with your view on this. It's like it's the World disagreeing with China..and you.

January 16th, 2017, 10:48

January 16th, 2017, 10:57

January 16th, 2017, 11:02

January 16th, 2017, 11:06
You're funny arsenal! I had no intention of pursuing this because I frankly don't know enough about the subject. Clearly it is of deep concern for you, and I agree. But sometimes you argue against yourself. Did you read that last link you posted from the International Fund for Animal Welfare? It's all about the success of the IFAW in curtailing the consumption of endangered species! My only points are that the percentage of Chinese eating such animals is small if only because they have become so expensive. Secondly, as earlier stated, it's a cultural thing that many in the younger generation totally disagree with which bodes well for the future. And if you point the finger at China, then you also have to look at places like Thailand and certain African countries which actively trade in endangered species to China. It's not just a China issue.

This is from that IFAW link -

Working with the Chinese government and private businesses, IFAW promotes enhanced wildlife policies and regulations to make the illicit trade of wildlife parts and products more difficult.At IFAW’s urging, Chinese language search engine Baidu shut down 13 forums engaging in the illegal trade of ivory, tiger bone, rhino horn, sea tortoises shell and other derivatives and in live animals.
Baidu deleted more than 34,000 postings of animal products and provided IFAW with new technologies to educate consumers.
Working with the Chinese government, IFAW successfully persuaded many other Internet trading sites in China to adopt wildlife trade bans in their policies.
Led by Taobao.com, which banned the trade of tiger bone, ivory, rhino horn, bear bile, turtle shell, pangolin scale and shark fin as early as 2008, many other specialty websites are following suit, effectively making online policies stronger than China’s Wildlife Protection Law.

January 16th, 2017, 11:20
Fountainhall wrote:
"My only points are that the percentage of Chinese eating such animals is small if only because they have become so expensive."

Yes. They've become so expensive because they've mostly been eaten and supplies are running out.

"Secondly, as earlier stated, it's a cultural thing that many in the younger generation totally disagree with."

I agree with you on both of those points. The younger generation don't agree with it but as you say, it's a cultural thing and that is harder to prevent.

"And if you point the finger at China, then you also have to look at places like Thailand and certain African countries which actively trade in endangered species to China. It's not just a China issue."

I agree with that as well but it's the market that drives the trade and the biggest market by far is China. As long as a man can stand on a street corner 100 meters from the police station with a live, endangered and huge snapping turtle snapping dangling from a pole for sale then the problem is still rife. A common site in one of the former Presidents home town. Got very angry when I tried to photograph him though.

But you are free to believe whatever you choose to.

January 16th, 2017, 13:57
it's the market that drives the trade and the biggest market by far is China
The question that clearly has to be asked is: how do you then tackle the problem - from the supply or demand side? I don't know what the answer is, but if you cut off supply, then those on the demand side simply cannot indulge because price will rise to the point where most have to give up. On the other hand, one worry in those articles is that special breeding centres are being set up specifically to satisfy demand. We must hope that government and social media pressures will increasingly help in tracking down and prosecuting those suppliers. I perhaps have more faith than you that social media can play a major role in shaping overall public opinion. I'm sure you disagree and perfectly understand that!

January 16th, 2017, 14:27
Social media might help but most of the links were blocked and visible only with a VPN. For all their shiny big buildings and super fast trains China remains a country that has its customs from over a century ago. More useful would probably be a campaign by the government and schools to dispel some of the ridiculously held beliefs about the properties of animal parts. Tell everyone that rhino horn is keratin so you might as well chew your fingernails.

January 18th, 2017, 12:30
Lost track of how many times this thread has been derailed...
By now it must have been switched from Thailand,
through China,
to Scotland,
and into the Atlantic Ocean!!

January 18th, 2017, 19:26
"I read once Indian and Pakistani men are the least popular in the gay world."

I'm not sure I can recall a Thai speaking favorably of Indian food, tailoring, or, bluntly spoken, approach to hygiene. I'm sure there are exceptions, but in twenty years I haven't run across a Thai-Indian gay relationship. It's a bit of a shock as (I know how this sounds, but it's true)some of my best friends are Indians. I've never wanted to sleep with them though, as they're almost all women.

Are Indians with means as likely to travel in package tours as those from China? I would venture "no", but I'm interested in other thoughts.

Disclosure: I haven't slept with a Pakistani or Indian guy to my knowledge and don't plan to within the next 72 hours. I did very briefly know a fellow from Bangladesh with amazing skin tone, eyes, and other gifts, but I wouldn't call mine a scientific study.