View Full Version : Dr. Julio Montaner on the war against AIDS

January 13th, 2017, 12:03

http://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/dr-julio-montaner-on-the-war-against-aids-1.3869541 (http://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/dr-julio-montaner-on-the-war-against-aids-1.3869541)

Dr. Julio Montaner on the war against AIDS

The above video attachment is an interview done by the CBC with HIV medication pioneer and Vancouver resident and Dorctor Juio Montaner, known for his work on HAART (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAART) (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy), the discovery of triple therapy as an effective treatment for HIV in the late 1990s, and the creation of the “Treatment as Prevention” Strategy in the mid-2000s.

It's one of the more important, current updates on HIV today, addressing some of the stigmas some people still have with respect to HIV and people living with HIV. It's an important one to see.


January 13th, 2017, 16:09
The stigma for young Thai men definitely exists in many ways.

I wonder how many who take PREP are aware, as the video makes clear, that the drug is "80% - 90% successful." Without having done my own checking I had assumed it provided 100% protection.

I also wonder how many times since HIV was first discovered have doctors and researchers said, "Why do I have to tell so many people so many times - and so many times I get the cold shoulder?" If the Reagan administration had listened to the professionals in its own CDC, HIV could have been contained and therapies developed without the need for so many millions around the world to die - and perhaps even a cure found long before now.