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January 8th, 2017, 23:13
Sometimes I read on gay websites (in Asia? Thailand? don't remember) that Karaoke bars are nice (gay?) venues to visit.
Is there a special link from the gay point of view?
For my sake I only know that karaoke bars are for singing?
What did I miss?
Or my mistake?

January 9th, 2017, 04:51
IMHO don't expect a gay Karaoke bar to be anything like a gogo bar.
I've been to many in Pattaya where the boys are lined up on the stage. You can pay 200 baht for them to come and sit with you.
However you will find that they usually don't speak a word of English, mostly are not gay and probably won't go "off" in the usual sense.
If you are looking for sex then stick with the gogo bars!

January 9th, 2017, 05:50
Maybe things have changed. In the 1990s - the last time I visited a Thai karaoke bar - the boys were all too happy to be offed in the usual way.

January 9th, 2017, 15:05
Must say I've never scored in a Karaoke Bar in Thailand.

Maybe I should quit singing - as that, added to my appearance, might just be an embarassment too far for them


January 9th, 2017, 15:24
The short lived Karaoke bar in Sunee was a very happy hunting ground for me. I had some fantastic nights there.

January 9th, 2017, 15:32
Sometimes I read on gay websites (in Asia? Thailand? don't remember) that Karaoke bars are nice (gay?) venues to visit.
Is there a special link from the gay point of view?
For my sake I only know that karaoke bars are for singing?
What did I miss?
Or my mistake?

Karaoke bars quickly morphed into places to pick up, or even have sex on the premises.

My Pattaya boy told me that in the early days when the money was pouring in he would go to Karaoke bars where the girls were all lined up. He could choose one, go to a room upstairs and have sex for 300 baht.

I don't know but I imagine the same would occur in Karaoke bars frequented by gays.

In Japan, the home of Karaoke, you used to go into a room, close the door and sing your little heart out. It was not long before high school students realised more than just singing could take place behind the door, which is why they added windows so the staff could see what was going on as they walked by.

January 9th, 2017, 17:10
The short lived Karaoke bar in Sunee was a very happy hunting ground for me. I had some fantastic nights there.

I think I missed that - was that in the premises on a corner towards the far end (coming from VC Hotel) which was formerly/briefly a "show" bar (the name of which escapes me at the moment but i have an idea it started with W)

If so my memory/recurring nightmare of those premises at that time, is of the hideous pot-bellied fat-arsed middle-aged French owner in a tight red dress doing a quite appalling drag act and murdering "My Way" in the process.

AND he had the fucking cheek to think it was actually good enough to feature it on a DVD (which I brought back home for comic relief)


January 9th, 2017, 17:49
Scottish. No. It was the one down the same soi as Krazy Dragon owned by a German man. As I said...pretty short lived. The bar and the German. Sadly.

January 9th, 2017, 19:34
Must say I've never scored in a Karaoke Bar in Thailand. To improve your odds, trying visiting Thailand more frequently.

January 9th, 2017, 23:01
I just remembered the place I was thinking of - it was Topman (no "W" in it whatsoever lol)

January 9th, 2017, 23:12
There are plenty of boy karaokes in Pattaya, easily recognizable by their name, more details here:
Not my style (too late, too loud, too dark, too many clothes compared to gogo), no personal experience.

January 11th, 2017, 09:46
Boys often jump between the host, gogo and karaoke bars. Host bars are probably boring to work in for little money, gogo bars mean sex with a slob smelling of sweat and parading about in tiny pants whereas karaoke bar work means drinking vast quantities of alcohol and being put up for auction.

January 11th, 2017, 13:47
Well, I love days when you find out something so unexpected that it startles you.

I have been going to Thailand for 22 years, and I never knew that Karaoke bars were pick up places. You could knock me over with a feather.

I have no interest in karaoke, that most Asian of pastimes. I've only participated when the possible outcomes seemed to outweigh the negatives. That is the say, the cute factor of the boy doing the insisting outweighed the inevitable pain of the aural onslaught.

But now I am intrigued. I shall investigate further in this year's Thai adventure, which regrettably is not until much later in the year.

January 11th, 2017, 14:20
steveky: You can pick up boys at karaoke bars but it's not like a gogo bar which is a sex shop full of goodies. It's a bit hit and miss.

January 12th, 2017, 00:00
Steve ...see my earlier post...don't expect too much in the way of pickups!

January 12th, 2017, 05:37
Karaoke places in the Philippines are very different.
If they have rooms to rent you go there with friends.
Order food and beers or liquor. And sing your heart out!!
But yes they also have windows in the doors to prevent the obvious.
Then one time I went to a Karaoke Club with two Pinoy friends.
We sit in an alcove and had a big Karaoke screen to watch.
Not soon after we settled down the "manager" came to ask if we wanted a "Private Session" with one of the cute hostesses. You paid by the hour for a room in the back. Bet the doors did not have windows!!!
Is that how it works in Thailand???

January 13th, 2017, 17:21
See my post #2