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View Full Version : To cut or not to cut that is the question....Not really

January 6th, 2017, 15:30
On another thread a poster refers to circumsission as sexual mutilation. Maybe so, but it seems more often than not a result of religious or cultural norms. Being cockologists of sorts what are some thoughts, preferences etc.

January 6th, 2017, 16:10
In Thailand I have come across both though most are uncut, but have been with a few Muslim guys from S.Thailand obviously cut, and one that couldn't escape the foreskin and as a result was cut.
I have been to The Phillipines which is 90% Roman Catholic yet circumsission was a cultural norm?

January 6th, 2017, 16:52
Uncut. But speaking of Muslims,their practice of cutting is quite different than Jewish practices. For one thing they normally do the cutting at a later age, perhaps 10 and secondly they don't cut off as much as in Jewish rituals. All can be viewed on youtube.

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mark 10:9

January 6th, 2017, 17:00
A Masters in Cockology? Has a ring to it, no?

January 6th, 2017, 17:07
I have always assumed that apart from the Muslims in the south the reason for over 90% of Filipino boys being circumcised is a result of American colonialism. It is known that in much of that period American doctors greatly favoured circumcision. Even today the US Academy of Paediatrics has guidelines stating that the benefits of the operation on infants outweighs any risks.

Yet the Filipino tradition is for the operation to take place not on infants but on prepubescent boys between about 8 and 12. Most regard it as a rite of passage, similar to many parts in Africa and elsewhere. The post-war American influence was equally true in South Korea where few were circumcised pre-1945 and yet now the WHO estimates 60% of men are. However, my experience is that the percentage is much less in the younger generation. And oddly (at least I think so) the practice never took hold in Japan, despite the massive American post-war influence. I don't think I have ever come across a circumcised Japanese guy - and I have come across many!

The Confucian tradition holds that the body should be buried whole. Those who saw Bertolucci's "The Last Emperor" may recall that at one point the eunuchs clasp glass jars as they are expelled from the Forbidden City. These held the parts of their bodies excised before puberty which could then be buried with them. I have been with some circumcised Chinese from China, Taiwan and Singapore but they are almost certainly few and far between. Often it is only done as a rather drastic cure for phimosis. And in Thailand the only ones have been Muslims from the south.

Personally I cannot see any reason why the foreskin should be cut, acute phimosis apart.

January 6th, 2017, 17:16
These religious nuts who insist on circumcision should stop and ask the bleeding obvious question - why did their God make the child with a foreskin?

For me, it's uncut all the way. The first cock I ever saw on another guy was uncut. I grew up with Japanese uncut cocks and in all my years I never saw a cut Japanese guy (unless it was for phimosis, which is not uncommon there, judging from all the advertisements for the operation in men's magazines).

The first cut cock I saw was a magnificent specimen, attached to an Arab who I met in a gay movie cinema in Tokyo.

January 7th, 2017, 02:58
The decision should not be imposed upon a child. Once someone grows up, he can decide the issue for himself.

January 7th, 2017, 09:49
The decision should not be imposed upon a child. Once someone grows up, he can decide the issue for himself.

Agreed! The same should apply to religion.

January 7th, 2017, 10:05
I know that SGT is largely a fact-free and post-truth Forum, but here's what the Mayo Clinic says: http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/basics/why-its-done/prc-20013585

January 7th, 2017, 10:11
The next time you find yourself with nothing to do in Thailand here is an option:


January 7th, 2017, 10:23
stop and ask the bleeding obvious question

Why did god create a447?

January 7th, 2017, 10:24
The next time you find yourelf with nothing to do in Thailand here is an option:

That's for babies?

Personally, I have no preference but if the foreskin is too droopy/hoody like a foldable umbrella with broken spokes, then I guess it would look better circumcised - to me anyway. And for sure if it helps with hygiene.

January 7th, 2017, 10:39
if the foreskin is too droopy/hoody like a foldable umbrella with broken spokes, then I guess it would look better circumcised - to me anyway. And for sure if it helps with hygiene.

I believe that is referred to as the "anteater effect".

January 7th, 2017, 11:32
What a joke! A Thai hospital offering circumcisions to infants. Anything to make money much the same as the Mayo Clinic's advice. All about money.

Why is this done to infants? At least wait until they are 10 yo or so and let them decide for themselves.

January 7th, 2017, 17:16
What a joke! A Thai hospital offering circumcisions to infants. Anything to make money much the same as the Mayo Clinic's advice. All about money.

Why is this done to infants? At least wait until they are 10 yo or so and let them decide for themselves.

I don't see it as a joke at all. If people want to do it or feel they have to do it for cultural/religious reasons or whatever, then it's best they get it done in a hospital instead of some backstreet clinic or witch doctor's house. At least it would be done under anaesthetic in a medically-controlled place equipped to handle emergencies and by someone with the proper training.

Can a ten-year-old legally consent to anything? Moreover, if somebody had asked me when I was ten whether I wanted a certain part of my body removed with a knife or scissors I would have run for dear life. I remember when my sister came home crying from having had her ears pierced; I was six or seven at the time and I instinctively grabbed my crotch when I heard wailing and went "Ouch!" It's different of course if you grew up in a culture (like the Filipinos) where the reality of getting "snipped" is instilled in you and your guy friends from the time you were born.

January 7th, 2017, 17:29

The anteater affect!

January 8th, 2017, 13:29

Can a ten-year-old legally consent to anything?

Did your sister consent to the ear piercing or was it your parents decision?

But good question although 10 year olds can be charged with crimes. So maybe wait until a boy is 15+ and then he can decide if he was to be cut.

January 8th, 2017, 13:34
I agree that 10 is too early for such a major decision. No doubt 10-year old boys play around with others and will have noted that some are cut and others not. But as with many facts of life, it will take them a few more years to really understand why that is. And that being the case, even at 15 I think sglad has it right. The thought of the knife and, as in The Philippines, going around for a couple of weeks in a skirt and not pants would have me scared shitless!

January 8th, 2017, 17:30
If you post on the forums a few years, you will notice that the same subjects are discussed over and over again, usually with only little benefit. In this case it has been 5 years, there might indeed be members who have not been around that long.


I think circumcision for aesthetical/cultural/religious reasons is an anachronistic atrocity that belongs into history books like slavery or burning of witches.
