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December 26th, 2016, 20:18
I did this two years ago but never got round to it last year so I've decided to resurrect it. It's not an anonymous poll but everyone who wants to can post on this thread and I shall count the votes on New Years Day.

So for me. Scottish Guy was a very strong contender as his posts have consistently been interesting while retaining the slightly acidic flavour of a blended Scotch. I also gave considerable thought to Moses who not only posts lovely pictures of his lovely boys but also keeps this place up and running. NIrish style of geniality has continued throughout the year but sadly, hasn't posted as much as in the past and I also considered A447 but if his sexual activities continue as they are then he will be too knackered to collect the award.

In the end I decided to vote for Fountainhall. His knowledge of the Far East in general and China in particular have been extremely useful in understanding how things work. His many mini essays on Chinese history and culture are also extremely well written, even if you don't agree with his conclusions. So I vote for Fountainhall. And you?

December 26th, 2016, 21:07
cdnmatt for the "butterfly effect", L.M.T.U. posthumously for being a pioneer poster and beaclover for having absolutley no effect.

December 26th, 2016, 23:37
In the end I decided to vote for Fountainhall

I concur. Absolutely.

No contest, really.

December 27th, 2016, 00:19
I can't figure out how to see the poll options or vote, but I'll go with Jellybean if that's an option, although I wish he'd post more. Always informative, let's us know about his daily life, always well composed, never picks fights or let's himself get dragged down into bitch fights, good sense of humor, etc.

December 27th, 2016, 08:11
Out came the equipment. It's fucking unbelievable. I'm in awe every time I see it, and I've seen it many, many times over the years. I still remember the first time I laid eyes on it. Surely it can't be real. It has to be silicone. No way can that monster be "original."

But of course, it is
Although technically not a contributor, I think a447's friend's "member" clearly comes close!

December 27th, 2016, 09:32
No Fountainhall. I am afraid that A447s friends big dangly dong is not eligible for this vote.

December 27th, 2016, 10:47
No Fountainhall. I am afraid that A447s friends big dangly dong is not eligible for this vote.

Awww crap, when I saw the headline....

Buck Bee
December 31st, 2016, 12:23
Definitely Fountainhall for MOY. Hes Informative, helpful, friendly and extremely experienced in everything about being Gay and hes been around :p

December 31st, 2016, 13:25
Lol (sorry haha) at voting for "A447s friend's big dangly dong". I vote for all members who have posted anything in 2016, as you have all been informative and entertaining.

December 31st, 2016, 15:49
My vote for Fountainhall for informative, gentlemanly contributions, and at the same time, a vote for A447 for providing details about what we all wish we could be doing.

December 31st, 2016, 17:31
It's now gone midnight in Suya and therefore New Years Day so I am closing this poll. The winner with 4 votes and therefore technically a landslide is Fountainhall and he is duly elected Member of the year. Congratulations to you and commiserations to the other candidates including A447s big dangly dong.

December 31st, 2016, 19:33
Oh my goodness! . . . What can I say? . . . I never expected this and so never prepared a speech. Oh dear! . . . In fact, I am at a complete loss for words. And those who have bothered to glance at my posts will know that loss of words is so totally unlike me!

As actor Mark Rylance said in accepting the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor earlier this year (yes, it's still this year - just), growing up he always loved stories and was thrilled to be working with that master movie story teller, Stephen Spielberg. So tonight I assumed SGT's resident storyteller would waltz off with the Award. Sorry Latin - your turn will come!

To my fellow nominee a447 (well, he did get half a vote) who has no doubt already recovered from his afternoon sexcapades and is all set for tonight's sexcapades; to the member he so lovingly described and which deserves a place of honour up here on stage so we can truly appreciate in all its glory the inspiration it provided for a447; to our producers, Surfcrest and Moses; to my manager, my agent, my mother - may she rest in peace, my friends (I think I have two left - they're in Taipei) - and finally to Beachlover for his unceasing inspiration as to how to write posts in chat rooms that bore the shit out of everyone - I humbly thank you all. Now, guys, time to enjoy the festivities - and don't forget to go out and get laid!

Happy New Year to one and all!

Nirish guy
December 31st, 2016, 20:04
FH - Where's the after party ! I assume we're all invited !? Latin may require a few invites......one for each persona :-)

December 31st, 2016, 22:42
NIrish: You didn't vote so you're not obviously not invited to the winners party which this year will be held in Sochi at aconvenient time when all those who did vote for Fountainhall can attend.

December 31st, 2016, 23:26
Not that I'm a bitter old queen but....



December 31st, 2016, 23:56
NIrish: You didn't vote so you're not obviously not invited to the winners party which this year will be held in Sochi at aconvenient time when all those who did vote for Fountainhall can attend.

In case somebody will miss celebration: here are pictures from Sochi (uphill area) right now. Weather is +2C, a lot of snow for skiing:





December 31st, 2016, 23:59
And seaside (downhill) area, weather is +12C, flowers and green palms.





Live cams with HD are here: http://sochi.camera - over 200 live cams.

Nirish guy
January 1st, 2017, 01:07
Well now there's a very good reason that I didn't vote ( apart from totally just not being arsed that is) AND those of you that did are just totally showing your age doing so, as actually all the young, cool and hip and trendy people such as myself of course are now taught in school NOT to compete in such vulgar forms of oneupmanship and are actually encouraged to shy away from such direct popularity competitions, but more to more support the concept of "everyone is a winner" and "that there are no losers here" ( that's all bollocks of course but I'm sticking to it for the sake of this post ! :)

So Mr Fountainhall all I can say is that I hope that you enjoy your pyrrhic victory, as you do know that you've now broken poor SG's heart ( as shown above ). Then there's poor A447, coming second with only half a vote no less, the poor mans life and very being is now no doubt crushed, perhaps beyond repair AND after him posting so magnificently all year, only to have it all thrown back in his face with not even one vote but HALF a vote no less ! Oh the shame ! Whereas ME on the other hand, well now, I wasn't offended at all, as a matter of fact ya can stick yer trophy where the sun does shine, I would never accept it and be the cause of breaking all those other poor posters hearts even if you BEGGED me too.......( ok lets face it I "probably" would :-)

And as for the Afterparty - well now, if its in Sochi you can keep that too as I wouldn't been seen DEAD there anyway - as lets face it if the local far right brigade heard that a bunch of "us lot" were going there we'd probably all end up dead or in prison anyway ! Put-in MY ARSE as they say in the best gay clubs !

So, no, I'm not accepting any trophy ( that I was never awarded anyway) and nor am I going to any lousy after party (that I wasn't invited to anyway) - bottom line, I'm taking my ball and going home ! :-p


January 1st, 2017, 01:50
NIrish wrote:
"And as for the Afterparty - well now, if its in Sochi you can keep that too as I wouldn't been seen DEAD there anyway - as lets face it if the local far right brigade heard that a bunch of "us lot" were going there we'd probably all end up dead or in prison anyway !"

Well I have sent an e-mail to their misunderstood mayor and told him we're coming and could we borrow some of the leather stuff left over from the winter Olympics, especially the jump suits and hockey face masks. I am awaiting his reply.

January 1st, 2017, 09:47
Rats! I suspend lurking for a few days and miss this major event. Not that I would have been able to single out any person, though I'd have thrown in honorable mention for Francois for contributing to the ambiance. As it is, this cast of characters is a mixture I'm not sure I'd willingly untangle and is a regular source of information, dismay (how many posts on Emirates seating and why did I read every one?), and entertainment. This isn't exactly a forum-- it's a reality show-- and my nominee for the best one of 2016.

January 1st, 2017, 10:26
chillnorther wrote:
"This isn't exactly a forum-- it's a reality show-- and my nominee for the best one of 2016."

Don't say that. It'll only encourage the already x-rated A447 to add even more detail and spice to his lustful reports of slap and tickle while telling the folks back home he's visiting yet another wat. Haha.

PS As you're here if you wanted to add to the thread on Tarntawan Hotel that would be great because it will annoy Scottish Guy.

January 1st, 2017, 11:27
FH - Where's the after party?
Happy New Year Nirish! I don't organise the parties and it wasn't parties I expected - it was balls! And lots of them. The Oscars has the Governors' Ball, Elton's Ball (opps, I'd give that one a miss I think) and the Vanity Fair Ball. A 'do' in Sochi wasn't quite what I expected - although the vodka would go down well.

Nirish guy
January 1st, 2017, 19:06
Well if it's lot of balls you want FH - it seems you've come to the right place as many threads by us all seem to cover that most days ! :-)

January 2nd, 2017, 12:41
Crikey! This, Member of the Year malarkey, looks like a right old heavy burden to bear, if you ask me.

Yes, yes, no doubt some scally will say . . . but nobody asked you! Well, yes, that is in fact strictly correct, but I’m just saying like, if you get me?

But, from what I can see, dear old founty is already having to work hard fighting off a pretender to his new crown and he hasn’t even had time to warm up that big old throne of his!

Sorry, arsenal old sport, but I’m already beginning to wonder if having the title, privileges, swanky balls, baubles and bangles is all that is cracked up to be. What is it the bard was prone to say? Ah, yes, . . . uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.


January 2nd, 2017, 13:16
Whaddayamean Jelly? I love titles. I still don't understand how Andy Murray got his K (Jeez, even crumbling tickle stick Ken Dodd got one) and I was left off the list for yet another year?? Not even a measly M, O or C for moi! Honestly, these idiots on the honours committee don't seem to understand the brown envelope system at all - and I stuffed quite a few this time around. Perhaps they thought that Baht is some kind of Monopoly money.

As for privileges, swanky balls, baubles and bangles - I love 'em. They all go well with the sparkly Liberace sneakers I picked up in Las Vegas a few years ago (note the candelabra)


But you forget one really important thing. Dear old arsenal hasn't yet coughed up for a bloody crown! Not even a Chinese copy with fake Swarovski crystals! For all the functions I'll now be expected to attend, I'll have to go over to Soi Twilight and beg one of the drag queens to lend me hers. So be assured my head is in no way burdened.

Indeed, I think another literary allusion is more apt:

"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs (a few of them around here) and blaming it on you (another few) . . .
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves (and we all know who they are) . . ."


January 2nd, 2017, 14:15
Fountainhall, if worse comes to worse and you can't pick up a crown in Soi Twilight, never fear. I have a black belt in origami and could whip you up something quick smart.

January 2nd, 2017, 14:40
Jellybean wrote:
"What is it the bard was prone to say? Ah, yes, . . . uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
Exactly. My reasonable knowledge of history and current affairs leads me to believe that genuine sovereign but unelected power is about as miserable existence as can be devised by one man for himself.

Right: Some things need clarifying with regards to the title that is Fountainhalls for one year. Firstly kings wear crowns and kings are chosen by God (their words, not mine) not by a vote of four. Secondly the Member of the Year has the opportunity to do good deeds and lots of charity work thereby putting something back into the community. The last member to hold the title was Christian and he did loads of charity work by helping the needy boys of Soi Twilight with generous cash handouts delivered by hand after generous mutual handling. And thirdly as he was elected by a free, fair, one member one vote system that was un-hacked by Russians there is no chance of any pretender attempting a coup d'état which is bound to fail. However members may begin campaigning for next years vote as soon as they like.

January 2nd, 2017, 16:54
. . . I still don't understand how Andy Murray got his K (Jeez, even crumbling tickle stick Ken Dodd got one) and I was left off the list for yet another year?? Not even a measly M, O or C for moi! Honestly, these idiots on the honours committee don't seem to understand the brown envelope system at all - and I stuffed quite a few this time around. Perhaps they thought that Baht is some kind of Monopoly money . . .

But you forget one really important thing. Dear old arsenal hasn't yet coughed up for a bloody crown! Not even a Chinese copy with fake Swarovski crystals! For all the functions I'll now be expected to attend . . .

Ahhh . . . that reminds me of the last time I was in gainful employment. Twice a year, during the lead up to the Queen’s Birthday Honours and the New Year Honours, as an Area Board, we were asked to consider submitting the names of any staff we considered worthy of an honour. Despite copious coughing on my part on each occasion, none of my fellow board members took the hint and thought to put forward my name. Of course, it was considered bad form to put forward one’s own name. All I recall was some wag saying to me, you should suck a Fisherman’s Friend [Jellybean].

Then one year, to my utter dismay, a friend and an officer of similar rank was awarded an OBE. We carried out roughly the same sort of work, had equal experience and the both of us also acted as facilitators for action learning groups, but I had been asked to act as the group leader the following year. The only difference was that he was a deeply religious man and did voluntary work for his local church. My Area Director was also deeply religious and often said that she would pray for me. What could she possibly mean by that I would frequently ask myself? Then one day she took me by surprise and asked, “What exactly is it you do during your nocturnal walks on Hampstead Heath* [Jellybean]?” Crikey! Who had spilled the beans? Or, as many of us suspected, did the spooks on the higher floors, of whom we were warned of formidable penalties under the Official Secrets Act, if we were ever to alight on those floors, actually tap our phones and had reported back on my evenings spent checking out badgers, bats and owls? No, surely not.

Crikey! I’ve rather lost my track, ah, yes, now I recall what I actually wanted to say.

What? No crown you say founty? Not even a tiara? Well, that’s outrageous! To be honest, I think it’s a poor show and I hate to say this, especially on the open forum, but I now have this image of our esteemed Trollfinder General sporting a pencil thin moustache, wearing a camel hair coat and a trilby. There, I’ve said it. Yes, I know, I have put my very membership at risk for saying so. But there you have it. I must speak as I find and damn the consequences.

*A notorious gay cruising ground in North London.

January 2nd, 2017, 19:14
Ahhh . . . that reminds me of the last time I was in gainful employment
Maybe it would be advisable to remind members what gainful employment is. Some here seem to have left that part of their lives behind quite some years ago!

But very interesting, Jelly old son. No, not that you failed to wear your religion on your sleeve, for I can tell clearly from your posts that you kneel down everyday for a decent spot of respectful worship. No, it is that you and I have one thing in common -

we were warned of formidable penalties under the Official Secrets Act
In my very first job after leaving University, I too had to sign the same Official Secrets Act signing away my rights to free speech and swearing to speak the Queen's English as she was spoke at all times on pain of all sorts of dreadful penalties. Funny thing is, I left that job after 18 months but was never provided with anything in writing to negate what I had signed away and could thereafter reclaim. Am I still forbidden to reveal all my secrets?

January 2nd, 2017, 20:59
. . . Am I still forbidden to reveal all my secrets?

Indeed you are fountainhall, unless you plan on following in Edward Snowden’s footsteps and don’t mind living in Moscow.

It does however seem rather remiss of your then Personnel Division not to have reminded you in writing at, or shortly after, your departure.

When I was given enforced early retirement on health grounds, I was provided with a letter from our Human Resources Department (I preferred when they were called Personnel Division) in which they reminded me, amongst other things, of my life long duty of confidentiality to the Crown.

Now, we don’t want to hear of yet another suspicious fa-ràng ‘suicide’ caused by a fall from a high storey building in Bangkok. So, if I were you, I’d remember, loose lips sink ships and Mum’s the word and all that, if you get my meaning, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.


January 3rd, 2017, 08:48
Pompous windbag of the year would be a more appropriate title than member of the year.

January 3rd, 2017, 10:33
A bit rich coming from someone who made all of 10 posts in 2014, 1 in 2015 and 11 in 2016!

January 3rd, 2017, 13:13
rincondog (who?) wrote:
"Pompous windbag of the year would be a more appropriate title than member of the year."

What a witty post. Hahaha. Ooohhh please post more please please please. Or maybe don't bother because we've already got plenty of 'bitter, my life's so shit' posters here such as frequent and minimee so that category is currently full.

January 3rd, 2017, 13:54
Worry not, arsenal. Remember Oscar Wilde's maxim -

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much

January 3rd, 2017, 19:04
A bit rich coming from someone who made all of 10 posts in 2014, 1 in 2015 and 11 in 2016!

I guess if I didn't have a life I could post as much as you,

January 3rd, 2017, 19:32
Ricondog: 11 posts in the whole of 2016 and now already 2 by January 3rd. You're spoiling us. Like all dogs, I'm guessing you have a master.

Nirish guy
January 4th, 2017, 04:51
Surfcrest - any chance we could have a few additions to the new like button, say perhaps a "not like" button and maybe a "oh fuck away off would you" button just to speed things up ??

January 4th, 2017, 08:47
I guess if I didn't have a life I could post as much as you,
I always love it when those who crank up their tiny minds to post at most a few times a year almost invariably suggest that more prolific posters whom they criticise should "get a life!" It is one of the stupidest and most idiotic comments, all the more so when those same, dull posters rarely if ever provide any details of their own boring, repetitive lives whilst those they take aim at have revealed quite a bit about themselves and their far more exciting lives in their posts. It only proves that people like rincondog don't actually bother to read the posts they criticise!!

As for me, I've had - and continue to lead - a great life. I have worked in some amazing companies in amazing parts of the world, have travelled to the main 5 continents with great regularity as my reports here and earlier on gt.com make clear - 8 million kms and counting - and have further travels to old and new destinations this year. But then rincondog is no doubt perfectly happy just going round in circles in his kennel ready to snap at those who are delighted this Board is here to provide a forum for reasonable discussion on a wide variety of issues.

January 4th, 2017, 09:30
Ricondog me old mate me old (pedigree) chum me old pal. I don't suppose that it's occurred to you that those here who have lots of time to post have lots of time because we employ other people to do the work. But then your master brought you out of your kennel for this thread and will no doubt rein in your leash when it dies away. Am I right!

Fountainhall wrote:
"As for me, I've had - and continue to lead - a great life. I have worked in some amazing companies in amazing parts of the world, have traveled to the main 5 continents." There are 6 continents if you include Australasia. And I have had sex on all of them. How many have you managed Doggykins?

January 4th, 2017, 09:42
Yes, we can get other people to do the work but I suggest it's also because we are able to organise our lives more efficiently .

For some reason I always consider North and South America as one continent - been to both, the North too many times to remember - around 40 or so. And a couple of dozen or more trips to Australia/New Zealand. Only one I did not have sex in was Africa. Just not my type of guys!

January 4th, 2017, 09:51
Fountainhall wrote:
"Only one I did not have sex in was Africa. Just not my type of guys!"

It was Marrakesh so north Africa.

January 4th, 2017, 09:55
I guess if I didn't have a life I could post as much as you,

You're referring to arsenal, right? As we all know he doesn't have much luck as all the gay Chinese boys run away from him as soon as they see him coming, so he's basically got plenty of time in his Pattaya penthouse to dream about all those boys young enough to be his grandchildren, and post on the Forum

January 4th, 2017, 10:08
Frequent wrote:
"You're referring to arsenal, right? As we all know he doesn't have much luck as all the gay Chinese boys run away from him as soon as they see him coming, so he's basically got plenty of time in his Pattaya penthouse to dream about all those boys young enough to be his grandchildren, and post on the Forum."

Well Frequent you actually made me laugh for once. I think having all the time in my Pattaya penthouse and dreaming about boys young enough to be my grandchildren would be most members idea of heaven. However I am not that old so there. And gay Chinese boys are definitely NOT my type being as they are like a nervous little French poodle.

January 4th, 2017, 10:52
You're referring to arsenal, right?
Failure to respond to questions and now failure to read posts yet again. The dog was referring to me as his post makes perfectly clear. And what kind of life do you lead, frequent old son? Up late today it seems? Did the nurse forget to bring your cup of tea this morning?

January 4th, 2017, 12:54
You're referring to arsenal, right?

Do try to keep up, Kommie!


January 4th, 2017, 14:03
I guess if I didn't have a life I could post as much as you,
Since you referred to my "life", I'll throw down a challenge. I'll post 20 photographs of fascinating and exciting places I have visited in recent years and you do likewise. Agreed? We'll then let readers of sgt decide who leads the more interesting life - indeed, who has a life! Simple challenge!

January 4th, 2017, 14:07
We'll then let readers of sgt decide whose leads the more interesting life - indeed, who has a life!

I have a feeling we already know. Lol

Nirish guy
January 4th, 2017, 14:39
Whilst I've no doubt the pics would be really interesting to see just in general do be sure not to feed the troll and all that eh........

January 4th, 2017, 14:44
I wouldn't worry NIrish. Doggykins is going back into his kennel soon. Woof woof.