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December 21st, 2016, 10:13
It was 7:30 - time for dinner. For some reason I was craving Japanese food so I went down Soi Tarntawan, turned right at the Mango Tree and headed down the soi to Mokkori, the Japanese restaurant opposite Natureboy.

Half way down the soi I spied a number of guys sitting outside Golden Cock. Suddenly a familiar voice called out to me. It was my regular guy - my boy du jour for years in Bangkok who gives me such a workout in bed every day. I immediately booked him for my afternoon sessions and continued to the restaurant.

The lights were already on at Natureboy and I'd be dropping in later to, hopefully, pick up my regular guy there. If he wasn't working I'd go back to Golden Cock. Either way, my first night in Bangkok was going to be successful.

After dinner I went back to the hotel for a shower and then headed to Natureboy. It was 8:30. I walked in and my old flame, Oh, who is now the manager, came over to greet me. There were only 2 boys working and the guy I had come for wasn't one of them. Not to worry. Oh immediately got on the phone and told him I was in town and he arrived within 10 minutes.

He greeted my wallet and me like the long lost friends we are. He was over the moon. So was I. Now I had both my regulars lined up for my trip.

He stripped down to his underwear, pulled up a chair and an hour of cock play began. What a sweetie he is! And what a body! What a cock! I stared into his beautiful eyes as I gently tugged on his foreskin. I was in love.

Back in the room he got naked and we opened a couple of beers and sat and chatted for a bit.

Time to get down to business.

Familiarity breeds content. He knew exactly what I like and immediately took up my favourite position. I had his balls in my face as he feverishly went to work. For a straight guy he gives an awesome blow job.

He came up for a breath of air, looking quite exhausted so we took a break and had a bit of a cuddle and a chat. My ears pricked up when he told me he hadn't cum for 4 days. I've got a big cumshot waiting for me! Bonus!

He rolled over for the chuck wow. When he got close I let him take over for the final seconds. Stand back! Here it comes!

Alas, it was not to be. Four pitiful squirts and that was it.

"Tonight nit noy," he said sheepishly.

Why was I not surprised? As if a young horny guy would be able to go for four days without cumming. Impossible, especially as he's told me many times in the past how much he loves wanking to porn. Again, certainly no surprise there.

But of course, all was not lost as the cumshot is just a small part of the fun.

Now it was my turn to lay back and enjoy his undivided attention. The best part!

There's no rush with these two guys. They will work on me as long as it takes and use every technique they know to get me off. It's the key benefit of sticking to (literally) the same guys day after day.

If only they would bottom for me!

December 21st, 2016, 12:28
Someone seems to be having lots of fun in Thailand. Have a great trip and please please please be sure to find out what colour the shower caps are at the Tarntarwan Hotel. These things are important. LOL.

December 21st, 2016, 13:00
He knew exactly what I like and immediately took up my favourite position. I had his balls in my face as he feverishly went to work. For a straight guy he gives an awesome blow job.

He came up for a breath of air, looking quite exhausted so we took a break and had a bit of a cuddle and a chat. My ears pricked up when he told me he hadn't cum for 4 days. I've got a big cumshot waiting for me! Bonus!

He rolled over for the chuck wow. When he got close I let him take over for the final seconds. Stand back! Here it comes!

Alas, it was not to be. Four pitiful squirts and that was it.

Could you be a bit more specific?

December 21st, 2016, 14:06
I was eating my morning yogurt when I read about those pitiful squirts! :bo:

December 21st, 2016, 15:07
Four squirts?

LUXURY dear.

At my age one has to squeeze it out from the base - like toothpaste.

December 21st, 2016, 16:23
My boy has just left and needless to say, I'm typing this standing up.

He was waiting for me when I arrived at the bar. The guy who bought the drinks over asked if he could also have one.

Sure. No probrem!

He sat down and there I was, enjoying the attention of 2 hot guys. Only in Thailand! The new guy soon had his hand up my shorts while my regular guy was attacking from the other side and was gently playing with my balls.

The pressure was soon on for me to take both back to the hotel. Seeing I wasn't particularly interested he upped the ante by revealing his beautiful Isaan endowerment. A few deft strokes and it was soon pointing towards the ceiling. Mmm...very tempting.

Just then another farang entered the bar and was quickly joined by the two other guys, both who were quite attractive. Within seconds one had his cock out and the other was giving the farang a very energetic blowjob.

Meanwhile, back at the couch things were getting frantic with both boys hard at it. It was time to get down and dirty in the hotel.

As expected, he put in a sterling performance and was a little disappointed when I eventually threw in the towel. (Speaking of which, the one very noticeable change to the Tarntawan is the size of the bath towels. They are huge!)

He has an incredible repertoire of positions and techniques, all of which he tells me he learnt from porn and the fucking shows in Soi Twilight. Unfortunately, on this occasion I was unable to appreciate the full depth of his expertise, but it's still early days. With this guy I have to take it slowly.

His friend in the bar asked me if I could take him later tonight. I gave him the typical Asian "maybe" smile.

At the moment more sex is the last thing on my mind.

December 21st, 2016, 17:31
could someone please tell me where golden cock is??, ive never found it.
From the telephone bar

December 21st, 2016, 19:33
I've sent you a pm.

December 21st, 2016, 23:07
Four squirts? LUXURY dear. At my age one has to squeeze it out from the base - like toothpaste.
Phsssuh ... what a pussy you are (god how that word has entered the dictionary, eh?) The old man (of whom I'm the oldest) whines all the time about of having to wash the wall behind our bed too too much.

December 22nd, 2016, 05:27
...The old man...whines all the time about of having to wash the wall behind our bed too too much.

OK - but incontinence is a different matter altogether.


December 22nd, 2016, 09:39
.....boring...same old...same old...bla...bla...bla...a47 goes to a bar...picks up a boy...happy ending...just shoot me now..less painful

December 22nd, 2016, 09:43
.....boring...same old...same old...bla...bla...bla...a47 goes to a bar...picks up a boy...happy ending...just shoot me now..less painful
Where is the gun with the bullet?

December 22nd, 2016, 09:52
I predict Frequent (Latins, Little Arsewipe) will join this thread soon. They seem to come as a pair these days. If a447 is waxing lyrical and rather graphically about his disgraceful behaviour with hot sexy toned beautiful looking and beautifully dispositioned Thai boys then there is nowhere for Sexual Deviant to go in this particular thread. No doubt he'll wait until we're trying to converse about nice restaurants or hot weather or some other subject and then he'll offer his contribution.

December 22nd, 2016, 11:51
I went to Freshboys for the show last night. It was 8:45 and Soi Twilight was very quiet. I sat down, posted my 400 baht beer then had a quick look around the bar. Mmm....one other farang and a handful of Chinese.

The guys on stage were a rather motely crew - many old faces and a couple of new guys. I was soon joined by a pesky mama-san but I managed to get rid of him without being impolite. But a few seconds later he was back.

Then I made a big mistake. I should know better by now. I asked about one of the boys.

-You want him? He can sit with you.

-No. I don't want him to sit with me, No!!

But of course, you know what happened. He turned up and I had to tell him I wasn't interested. From then on more guys started coming over uninvited, hotly pursued by mama-san wanting me to buy them drinks.

It was time to leave and the show hadn't even started!

Suddenly I spied an impossibly cute guy on stage - think Leonardo Di Caprio, circa 'Titanic" - and decided to stay. But before I could grab him he disappeared from the stage and the show began. Damn!

The show was a waste of time, but I sat through it, all the time looking around for Leonardo.

Thankfully the show soon finished and the boys came back on stage but Leonardo was nowhere to be seen. Don't tell me some horny old farang has already taken him!

Time to leave.

I wandered down past my hotel and stood on the corner outside the Glitz restaurant wondering where I should go next. Back to NB? To GC? What about Super A? Just then I was accosted by a guy with a very familiar face. It was the massage boy from Indra who calls out to me every day at I walk past. My god, he's simply stunning. I remember speaking to him back in April when he grabbed me going past. He smiled at me and I went weak at the knees. He's from Isaan and comes with the full package, including an 8 inch cock. He was wearing those loose masseurs pants and back then he let me have a quick grope to check out his equipment. So I pencilled him in for later and went to Super A.

When will I ever learn?? No customers and only a few boys. Mama-san rushed up and quickly asked me to choose a boy but none was particularly attractive.

- This boy new boy. (Bullshit. He's been here for years!)
- And this boy also new boy. He here only 5 days. (Bullshit. I sat with him last time back in April)

A guy who had sat with me previously came over rubbing his crotch. He's kind of attractive in a rough sort of way but I had a funny feeling about him. Nevertheless, I got him to sit down. I soon realised why I had that feeling about him - he's the guy who couldn't get it up! Also, he has zero personality and can not speak a single word of English. A total waste of time.

So I decided to do into Natureboy to see if my regular was there. Alas, he'd gone home.

But then something I've been dreaming about for years happened. The guy I offed so many times over so many years and have been lusting after for so long took off his pants, pulled up a chair and flopped out his massive member.

We sat in the bar reminiscing over the wonderful times we had at the Rose Hotel. He remembered everything.

-I take care you tonight.

-What?? But...but...I thought you no longer went with customers.

-Yes, but I know you. Tonight I go with you.

OMG! We are going to do it all again. I couldn't believe it. We literally ran all the way back to the hotel.

It was just like old times. Nothing had changed. I came out of the shower and there he was, lying on his back stroking his massive hardon.

We got straight down to business and again, he knew exactly what to do.

-I remember, you like this one.

I do!

-And this one you like. I know.

So do I.

He then rolled me over onto my stomach. I knew exactly what was coming. Keeping the sensibilities of the likes of mfas in mind, I won't go into detail. All I can say is thank god he didn't expect me to reciprocate.

Then we did something new. He topped me. And he loved it. He's the type of guy who doesn't just pound away from start to finish; he actually takes his time and makes love to you. Those tops are few and far between, in my experience.

His cumshot was unimpressive, but these days that's par for the course. I asked him what happened to those spectacular cumshots of old and he said that in those days he couldn't get porn on his phone so didn't jack off as often as he does now. Oh well at least he's honest.

So now I'm in about of a quandary. Which guy do I take from NB? I've got two to choose from. Or do I? Was this a one-off?

Or should I go back to Freshboys to look for Leonardo?

As usual in Bangkok, decisions, decisions.

.....boring...same old...same old...bla...bla...bla..

That comment could equally be applied to a certain poster and his humiliation fantasies. You know, the '....throw them on the bed....ride them like a pony....put one foot on his head as I fuck him...bla...bla...bla....

Anyone you know? Lol

December 22nd, 2016, 12:11
a447 wrote:
" Don't tell me some horny old farang has already taken him!"

Don't you mean some.....other.....horny old farang? LOL.

December 22nd, 2016, 13:39
Who on earth are you thinking of?? Lol

December 22nd, 2016, 19:22
Another torrid round of sex ensured today and continued quite a bit longer than yesterday. I reckon I lasted a good half hour. He got a bit rough today - he had me face down, actually biting the pillow (Lol) and put the other pillow over my head and held it down. He's definitely been watching too much porn!

I headed over to Siam Paragon for dinner and a bit of retail therapy. I went upstairs to the men's clothing section but everything was black - black shirts, black pants, black jackets as far as the eye could see. Even the well-known foreign brands were selling mainly black apparel.

I've been surprised by the number of locals wearing black. I was under the mistaken impression that things had basically returned to normal and people were no longer sticking to black. Thank god I didn't bring anything too colourful.

December 22nd, 2016, 20:37
.....boring...same old...same old...bla...bla...bla...a47 goes to a bar...picks up a boy...happy ending...just shoot me now..less painful

Indeed a strange form of exhibitionism as these snipits are posted the same time on the 3 active boards.

December 22nd, 2016, 22:45
Oh, for fucks sake, lighten up you bitter old queen!

Life is far too short for such sentiments. Get out and enjoy yourself instead of wasting your time reading boring posts which are too explicit for your precious sensibilities.

Haven't you got better things to do with your time than check the times I've posted on the 3 gay forums?

As you can tell, I sure do! Lol

December 23rd, 2016, 00:09
a447 wrote:
" Don't tell me some horny old farang has already taken him!"

Don't you mean some.....other.....horny old farang? LOL.

It declines as:

I'm mature but look young for my age
He is a horny old farang
They are bitter, desperate old queens :crazy_mini:

December 23rd, 2016, 02:09
..a447 has same tired old formula..how the evening starts off so so..looking a bit grim...but then he turns a corner and he finds a sex God who rides him like the good bottom boy he is into orgasm heaven....walt disney ending...totally plausible ....and to make sure none of his regular followers dont miss out he posts it on every available board...

December 23rd, 2016, 09:21
Haven't you got better things to do with your time than check the times I've posted on the 3 gay forums? As you can tell, I sure do! Lol

Lol, obviously not, it takes no time to glance at the forums as opposed to posting on three of them. I could care less about your sexual encounters but what is interesting is your apparent need to shout about them from the rooftops.:rolleyes:

December 23rd, 2016, 09:37
Sexual Deviant Latin doesn't like a447s soft porn. Oh no indeedy...please give him the hard core stuff he craves being unable to actually experience it himself. Still, at least he got liked by his favourite little arsewipe.....Frequent. What a surprise.

Assuming that you're already logged in it takes no longer to post (copy and paste) than it does to glance.

December 23rd, 2016, 09:40
Pay no attention to MFAS a447 (guess I'm assuming you don't).
He doesn't like posts about your disgracefully intimate sexual exploits. He doesn't like posts of mine regarding the equally disgraceful ascendancy of one Mr Donald Trump to the throne in America (I'm only a Canadian after all, and should shut my yap). He doesn't like Gaybutton telling him to button it, which happens a lot.
Simply put, he doesn't like a lot of things people post on a gay Thailand message board, a lot whom are interested in sex with Thai guys. (Perhaps he likes dining at Lupins? ... go figure).
He can be slightly funny though, perhaps, just perhaps, about once every two years.

December 23rd, 2016, 09:54
Smilies, the best thing about you is ............

December 23rd, 2016, 10:21
I find MFASs constant squabbling with Gaybutton (where he has far more leeway than any other board member) to be rather entertaining. Gayboardlands' version of The Odd Couple with MFAS in the Walter Matteau role and Gaybutton that of Jack lemon. Probably the funniest film ever made.

December 23rd, 2016, 11:14
When Smiles is not the focal point he tends to loose it, I quess that is age related as for AK47's posts no problem with what he writes only question what compels him?

December 23rd, 2016, 11:35
MFAS wrote:
"AK47's posts no problem with what he writes only question what compels him?"

That's easy to answer. He's in Thailand and if even half of what he writes is true then he's having a fucking ball. (Literally) If you didn't live there but only visited a couple of times a year you'd feel the same way. A447s posts will be enjoyed by all those who holiday there and not so much by those who don't. Isn't that right Sexually Deviant and Frequent?

December 23rd, 2016, 11:58
MFAS wrote:
"AK47's posts no problem with what he writes only question what compels him?"

That's easy to answer. He's in Thailand and if even half of what he writes is true then he's having a fucking ball. (Literally) If you didn't live there but only visited a couple of times a year you'd feel the same way. A447s posts will be enjoyed by all those who holiday there and not so much by those who don't.

I do see your point living here we do take things for granted.

December 23rd, 2016, 12:00
as for AK47's posts no problem with what he writes only question what compels him?

Mfas, my first trip report all those years ago started off as an email to a friend back home. One single email written in my hotel room when I was at a loose end.

Suddenly I got an avalanche of emails from other friends as the original recipient ha had passed it on to them. Everyone wanted more detail - more of the sleazy bits and a lot more information about these Thai money boys I was having sex with. They were fascinated by the whole experience I was having.

So I figured maybe members of a board dedicated to the very activities I was engaging in might also be interested.

Simple as that.

And judging by the number of views my reports have received over the years, it appears I made the right decision to post.

The reports are not about me. Nowhere in any report have I ever boasted about my own sexual prowess, enormous cock and stunning smile. I don't have any of those. I only ever describe the guys and that's why so many members read my reports - we are all interested in the guys.

Also, over the years I have received numerous pms from readers wanting details of the guys I've written about. They want to enjoy the same experience. I'm always happy to comply.

But there is one more reason I post. And I've given examples of this over the years. My reports form a diary which I can refer to before my next visit. They remind me of what bars I enjoyed and what ones I didn't. They also remind me of which guys I had fun with (and their 'special techniques") and which guys to avoid next time.

Once, on a visit to Chiang Mai, I was in Adams Apple wondering which guys from my previous visit were good in bed. I recognised all the guys I'd slept with but had forgotten what they were like. So I walked over to my hotel opposite the bar - the Lotus Hotel - got onto the forum and read my previous report.

My only problem is that I sometimes neglect to read the report of my previous visit before I arrive here and end up offing the same dud as before. But that's my own fault.

Why do I now also post on the other gay forums? Because I was asked to.

I hope that goes some way to answering your questions.

December 23rd, 2016, 12:18
Why do I now also post on the other gay forums? Because I was asked to.
I hope that goes some way to answering your questions.

Indeed it does, as the original Adam Apple was my favorite go go in all of Thailand I hope you can post your memoirs from it in your diary here.

December 23rd, 2016, 14:23
MFAS: Adams Apple go go bar is your all time favourite? May I ask what was it that made it so. And as this is a really good topic maybe start a thread about it.

December 23rd, 2016, 14:42
Adam's Apple was a poor venue when I was a regular in the late 90s.....difficult to access with shabby decor. I never thought much of its show, particularly the three khatoeys who-if memory serves me correct- dominated proceedings.
But- and it's a huge but- it would usually have forty plus go go dancers, many of whom were cute and playful. And they danced and engaged with the punters.Not only that, but it would attract students from the nearby university who were often as handsome as the performers.
I have happier memories of Adam's Apple than of most of the many other go-go bars I've visited.

December 23rd, 2016, 15:09
I decided I'd hunt down Leonardo. I was intimidated by the three aggressive touts outside Freshboys so decided to sit at Maxis, have a drink and try to look into the bar through the open door. But I couldn't get much of a view so I finished my drink and prepared to run the gauntlet.

As I approached I was immediately set upon and bundled inside. I stopped at the first row of seats and quickly scanned the stage. I couldn't see him. Within seconds I felt someone pushing me from behind.

-What you do? Sit here! What you drink??

-I'm looking for a boy.

-What number? Sit here! What boy you want?

I was out of there.

I then headed next door to X-boys for the show. This turned out to be the best decision of the night by far!

The highlight was........a rimming show!!!

WTF? I thought I'd seen everything. The rimmer, a tall, hung handsome stud had his partner in every conceivable position. At one stage the rimmee had his ankles behind his ears as the rimmer licked and then fingered his hole. The audience - quite a large crowd of Chinese - clapped enthusiastically throughout.

The show finished in spectacular fashion with a rather attractive guy jacking off. His cumshot was the best I've seen in a while, which perhaps isn't saying much.

Over the Natureboy to hook up with my old flame. I wanted a repeat performance of the previous night. There were two guys in the bar and no other customers.

He sat down with me and told me he could go with me again. The only problem is, he had to close the bar and unfortunately, three other customers turned up! Damn.

He recommended one of the guys so I called him over. I soon recognised him as the guy from last time - the one who spoke excellent English. I ended up offing him as my old flame was occupied with running the bar.

Mmm.....what can I say? I've had better.

He told me he was versatile but found bottoming painful. Never mind, he can top me. He got it in, closed his eyes and then just went for it. What he lacked in finesse he made up for in vigour. Too vigorous for me.

The chuck wow was the same. He grabbed his cock, closed his eyes and furiously jacked off, writhing in ecstacy and finely producing a reasonable happy ending. The only problem was he didn't aim properly and ended up cumming all over the sheets.

I don't think I'll bother with him again. I've got the cute masseur in mind for tonight.

BTW, he told me he used to work in Dreamboys. He said the German owner was a really nice guy but one of the Thai managers was ripping the boys off to the tune of 10% commission. He said he left because no -one was getting offed by the Chinese.

December 23rd, 2016, 15:28

I was planning a trip to Chiang Mai this holiday but changed my mind. I think I may just give it a second thought! A visit with Korn and friends is now looking increasingly attractive.

December 23rd, 2016, 15:31
MFAS: Adams Apple go go bar is your all time favourite? May I ask what was it that made it so. And as this is a really good topic maybe start a thread about it.

The Adams Apple I loved was the original Adams Apple maybe 10 years ago it was shut down and later reopened by a guy from California and for me lost its luster. The orginal same place opposite Lotus had themed shows.....Boy scout troop, Basketball team, shower with all the boys naked, jerk off all boys participated, none were fem all were cute, silly ladyboy show between acts, place jammened always, after the show boys would mingle with guests clothed and not. All the boys were available and there were many.

December 23rd, 2016, 15:36
MFAS: OK I can see why. X-Boys is probably as close to that as you can get in Pattaya these days.

December 23rd, 2016, 15:50
MFAS: OK I can see why. X-Boys is probably as close to that as you can get in Pattaya these days.

For those of us that remember Thailand then the changes have been awesome and not for the better, AK47 mentions Fresh Boys I remember it when it was Future Boys....unbelievable shows never less than 30-50 boys, it you arrived as the show began you were so lucky to even find a seat!

December 23rd, 2016, 17:45
I could care less about your sexual encounters but what is interesting is your apparent need to shout about them from the rooftops.:rolleyes:

MFAS, it is known as sharing experiences among kindered spirits a bit like cum-swapping and felching.

Joy shared is twice the joy.

December 23rd, 2016, 17:54
Also, over the years I have received numerous pms from readers wanting details of the guys I've written about. They want to enjoy the same experience.
Unfortunately it's not that easy. I had the same boy three times over the course of 12 months, the experience went from awesome to poor to ok.

Furthermore, you rave about multiple boys from Super A and Nature Boys, but when I go there, usually I wouldn't take any of them for free. I think I had that boy Oh in Nature Boys two years ago, and my experience matches yours.

My reports form a diary which I can refer to before my next visit. They remind me of what bars I enjoyed and what ones I didn't. They also remind me of which guys I had fun with (and their 'special techniques") and which guys to avoid next time.
My blog serves a similar purpose for me, but more for saunas and other places than gogo bars. But my number of boys is so low compared to yours, I can keep them all in mind.

Regarding Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai, I have been about once every year since 2010 and always liked what I saw, which I cannot claim about the Bangkok and Pattaya bars.

December 23rd, 2016, 18:58
Unfortunately it's not that easy. I had the same boy three times over the course of 12 months, the experience went from awesome to poor to ok.

Yes, I understand that. We all have different expectations from the guys. And the difference here is clear - you had him 3 times in one year, whereas I have him around 30 times per year, every year (based on four trips of average 7 /8 days in Bangkok /Pattaya ). So we know each other really well and as I said before, familiarity breeds content. They want to please me and I reciprocate. Also, I'm not picky when it comes to skin temperature, specific size, etc.

All my long term guys have some basic things in common, one being an easygoing personality and a friendly disposition. The longer the relationship the more relaxed we are with each other. Often things are a little stiff - pardon the pun - between us at first . It takes a while to break the ice.

Super A is hit and miss - usually miss. But every now and then they have new guys and if you're lucky you'll meet a hot guy. Same goes for Natureboy.

December 24th, 2016, 01:17
After a nice dinner with my friend I took him shopping before we parted ways. I actually enjoy spending a bit on him because he makes me so happy.

And I'm not the only one, it seems. He has a new motorcycle, courtesy of one European customer and an old Chinese guy who visits Bangkok on a regular basis has promised to buy him a car next time. Apparently, this guy is very old and quite ill and needs constant care and that's exactly what my friend does for him. He even has to shower him. I'm not at all surprised ; he's that kind of guy and I think I'm lucky to know him.

Later in the evening I headed over to Soi Twilight to catch the X-boys show again. It was still early so I gave in to the charms of a very attractive young guy who works at Hotmale 2 bar and sat down. He came and sat with me and I bought him a drink. It turns out he's from Cambodia.

-Cambodian boys gave big cock.

-Yes, I know.

And with that, he took out his phone and showed me some photos of his appendage. Yep, that's a nice size.

I decided I'd off him after I'd seen the show. His name is Pompin or something like that.

There are some new boys on stage tonight. If you have the chance drop in and take a look at number 34. He seems to be half Thai and half Western and you'll go gaga when you see him smile. He's absolutely gorgeous!

The show was basically a repeat of last night 's with just a few variations. It was a bit too long - about an hour and a half.

I was there for the rimming show. Unfortunately, they decided to hang semi-transparent curtains around the stage, blocking out the view for most customers. Still, it was very erotic and the 90% Chinese audience really enjoyed it. (The bar was actually close to being full). The two guys finished by fucking each other but again, it was difficult to see.

The last act was the chuck wow show and finally I got to see a truly fantastic cumshot. He stood up and let fly. Jesus! How impressive was that!

I left the bar to pick up my new Cambodian friend but he had gone. I didn't really expect him to still be there. So I decided to go to Indra massage and meet up with the masseur from Isaan.

Alas, he was not there. Just as I was about to move on another masseur rushed over and gave me one of those beautiful Thai smiles. I was putty in his hands! His name is K.

He gave me a very sensual massage over the special massage pants you have to wear. After a couple of "accidental" touching he gave up on the massage, got naked and removed my pants and started working on me.

I asked him to sa-moke me but unfortunately, he doesn't do that.

But he does fuck. And it wasn't the usual pounding - it was long and slow. Very satisfying.

We finished in the usual way.

On the way out I ran into the Isaan guy. He looked disappointed, although there was no way we could have gotten it on because he was with another customer.

But now I'm in another quandary. Tomorrow do I choose the Cambodian cutie with the big cock or the Isaan masseur with the alleged monster between his legs?

I think I'll sleep on it.

December 24th, 2016, 07:24
A447 wrote:
"But now I'm in another quandary. Tomorrow do I choose the Cambodian cutie with the big cock or the Isaan masseur with the alleged monster between his legs?"

No rule against having them both, one in the early evening and then one a bit later.

December 24th, 2016, 12:27
Unfortunately, I lack the necessary stamina.

My afternoon session is really full-on; once we hit the bed it's just about non-stop action and at the end of it I'm totally exhausted. We meet at 2 and don't finish until around 4. After such an encounter I totally lose any interest in sex. It's not until later in the evening that I'm ready to go again.

If I didn't have my afternoon friend then I could probably pace myself and have three guys a day - at least for a short period. But there's no way I'd ever give him up. I prefer quality over quantity.

And arsenal, you made an important observation when answering mfas a few posts back. The situation is completely different for those living here compared to those who, like me, just visit.

Visiting Thailand is like a being given free rein in a candy store which offers things I can not get back home. I'm only here for a short time so I want to gorge myself on everything in the shop.

If I were living here and had full access to that shop I'd probably not bother so often.

As mfas points out, he just takes for granted all that is on offer. I do not have the luxury of time on my side so I have to make the best I can of the situation. That means getting as much sex as I can with the hot Asian boys on offer.

So I can fully understand why those members who actually live full time in Thailand probably have little interest in what I post. Holiday makers may be a different proposition.

BTW, I don't behave like this back home as I do not have the opportunity. I certainly do not have sex every day - more like three times a week.

December 24th, 2016, 13:05
I certainly do not have sex every day - more like three times a week.

Your hand doesn't really count.

December 24th, 2016, 15:12
But my number of boys is so low compared to yours, I can keep them all in mind.
I have to correct that statement. When chatting with a boy or meeting a boy again by chance, I often cannot remember why I didn't marry him right after our first encounter. I was inconsistent in taking notes about the boys, but I will do from now on, the most recent is this:

brown skin, no tattoos on torso (but on upper arms and neck), no hair on balls and little hair on ass, showers in boxers and then into my bed with wet boxers and towel, has this band around his waist (there is a specific name for it, I forgot, it's not palad khik, that would just be the pendant, and the band is wet now after shower which I don't like) not shy, ticklish on neck, gets hard quickly but later loses it, skin temperature ok, dick size and shape ok, bubble butt, shows some signs of affection.

Reads like a description of a used car?

December 24th, 2016, 16:01
. . . BTW, I don't behave like this back home as I do not have the opportunity. I certainly do not have sex every day - more like three times a week.

Crikey! Three times a week you say a447. Upon my soul, I would consider three times a week more than plenty, even when I was in my 20s. These days, I would regard three times a month as ample sufficiency.

But only fourteen times a week truly satisfies you and hence your frequent trips in Thailand? Well, well, well, I am impressed! As I’ve said to you once before, you Aussies must be made of strong stuff down under!


December 24th, 2016, 17:10
Hmmm, I have an old friend, whom I shall refer to as Monsieur Cochon, who has three rendez-vous per day.

cochon/pig; (personne obsédée par le sexe) sex maniac

December 24th, 2016, 19:19
Yes, François, but for now many days?

I couldn't do that 2 days in a row despite being made of "strong stuff down under."

Fourteen times a week? Well, yes. I've never done the sums. But again, I can't keep that pace up for very long. Towards the end of my trips it's sometimes only once a day.

Et bien sûr, François, je suis cochon mais seulement en Thaîlande, pas en Australie.

December 25th, 2016, 01:28
If vous is not careful a447, vous will end up with le prolapsus anale

December 25th, 2016, 07:58
A447 wrote:
"And arsenal, you made an important observation when answering mfas a few posts back. The situation is completely different for those living here compared to those who, like me, just visit.

Visiting Thailand is like a being given free rein in a candy store which offers things I can not get back home. I'm only here for a short time so I want to gorge myself on everything in the shop."

Exactly. Disneyland for adults. Yes please Walt. Don't mind if I do. Next trip booked and the two after that planed. Whoopee.

December 25th, 2016, 10:51
SG, feel free to use "tu" when you speak to me!

December 25th, 2016, 11:09
BTW, I don't behave like this back home as I do not I certainly do not have sex every day - more like three times a week.

The city where i lived in Australia most guys over 40yo would be very happy with 3 times a year if their preference is younger legal aged guys, especially twinks. They are available if you can pay big $.

In Melbourne and Sydney it is possible to meet 3 per week with their large Asian populations but i doubt it would happen every week unless you are into cruising, saunas or have a regular partner.

December 25th, 2016, 13:36
No, I certainly don't meet guys for sex any more - I pay for it.

I have 3 regular guys who come and visit me (not at the same time!), usually in my house south of Perth or if I'm up in the city they can visit me there, too. They stay overnight although we don't sleep in the same bed. They sleep in the guest room next door because I snore...apparently! Lol

I've known them for ages and so they can relax at my place. They have full run of the house and can order in any food /alcohol they want.

There is only one rule - they must turn off their mobile phones and put them in the safe.

The guys all have some things in common - great personalities, handsome, nice bodies, enormous cocks and they are all experts in what they do in bed. They are up for it any time I feel horny. That's what I pay for and to be honest I think I'm getting a bargain.

The only problem is they are not Asian. That's why I travel to Thailand and Cambodia. I can't get enough of that beautiful soft Asian dark skin. Also, I can relate much better to Asians than I can to other nationalities. Although surprisingly, one of my guys is Italian and at times he comes across as very Asian in his ways.

December 25th, 2016, 14:43
The show at X-boys is truly awesome!

Sure, you have to sit through endless ladyboy acts, but at least they are accompanied by energetic male dancers, often shirtless. Yum!

The final two acts we were all waiting for were even better than the previous 2 nights. This time the lighting was much better and my vantage point seated down the front but at the end of the first row of seats gave me an excellent view of the action.

There was nothing fake about the performance. The rimmer really was licking the guy's hole, not the area around it. And they had a new guy doing it - just one is the regular gogo boys, not someone they had especially brought in to perform, as I has originally supposed. Afterall, rimming is not something everyone is comfortable doing, so I was surprised to see one of the lads doing it.

What I did find a bit disturbing was the way he would stick his finger up his partner's ass, pull it out, stick it in his mouth (!) and then re-insert it. Sorry, but am I missing something here? I think that's disgusting.

And the fucking was also real. I watched as he slowly inserted his massive member and as always, wondered how far he'd get it in. Well, he went in balls deep. The male anatomy is truly amazing!

After a frantic round of fucking - with all the lights on - he pulled out, had his partner put his ankles behind his ears and proceeded to rim and finger him again.

The action then moved to the ladder where more rimming took place.

The act finished with the rimmer kneeling at the front of the stage, furiously jacking off. At first I thought it was the jack off act, conveniently combined with the rimming, but no, that was performed by another guy.

He came out on stage, sat on his chair and off he went. He was soon joined by a very attractive ladyboy who danced around behind him. She then moved in front of him, which pissed me off because she was obstructing the view at times.

Suddenly she knelt down in front of him, he stood up and........came all over her face!!!!

Well, fuck me dead!

This was by far the most arousing show I've seen in years. In fact, I can't even remember when I last sat through a large part of a show with a hard-on.

It looks as though they have discovered the last bastion of gay sex to perform on stage - rimming. Hopefully, it's now here to stay.

I staggered out of the bar and stood at the side of the soi until by hard-on finally subsided. I then made my way over to Screwboys, as I was looking for a guy I'd offed many times before. To be honest, although I was feeling horny after the show, my afternoon session had been particularly torrid. As I won't be seeing him again for a week or so, he really want for it and the session was longer than usual. So I wasn't really up for more sex. But who knows what can happen.

The bar was packed with Asian customers. The mama-san rushed over and immediately led me to a seat. I was stunned when he not only remembered my name, but also the kind of beer I like, this despite it being close to 9 months since my last visit. Amazing.

He's told me my regular had gone back home.

'I know you like big cock. This boy big," he said, pointing to a slim dark boy.

So he came and sat with me. His name sounded like Goko and he's as black as the ace of spades. It turns out he's from Myanmar. He spread his legs and put my hand on his very impressive bulge. Oh, those balls! I love big balls! So soft! I stroked his cock with my thumb and it soon rose to the occasion. Mama-san was right. Nice and thick. And he has skin as smooth as silk.

The lights went down and the show began - time to take advantage of the darkness and have a good grope. Wow! Nice!

The fucking show here was also for real. All the action was reflected in the mirror at the back of the stage. But a little trouble lay ahead.

They came down from the stage, as is the norm, to collect tips. When they came to me, the fuckee asked for a tip, so I fumbled around in my pocket and pulled out what I thought was 100 baht. It turned out to be 20 baht and the fuckee well and truly let me, and those around me, know. How embarrassing!

So fished out another note, but this time it was 50 baht. For fucks sake turn on the lights!! I finally found a 100 baht note but even this was insufficient.

'No, 100 no good. 100 for my friend, too!"

At this stage I was ready to tell him to get fucked, but given the situation, I guess that would have seemed a bit redundant. But I stood my ground and all they got was 100.

So, that was Bankok after a 9 month absence. Let's see what Pattaya's got to offer.

December 25th, 2016, 15:27
Thats it, no bedroom action? As I have joined your army of fans I was hoping for a bit more, something with a personnal touch oh well, I anxiously await you next post now that you are in Pattaya, BTW I love your rimming tales.

December 25th, 2016, 15:59
AK47 you are right about the 15 min. correction window being annoying, may I suggest you title your next post "Tales from the rim" or 'I have just had a mouthful". Thank you and Merry Xmas!

December 25th, 2016, 17:38
Yes, François, but for now many days?

About 300 days/year; about 1000 rendez-vous/year.

December 25th, 2016, 17:45
Wow! That's amazing. I'd love to meet him.

First, I'd say "chapeau!" and then ask him his secret.

December 26th, 2016, 09:05
a447, great stories. But no Video.
So sad...

January 9th, 2017, 02:31
Sorry. I posted yesterday's Bangkok report in my Pattaya report.

Jesus! What's a guy got to do to get laid around here?

I woke up this afternoon and immediately messaged my Bangkok afternoon regular, only to get no answer. After numerous attempts I gave up and decided to try my luck at the massage parlours.

There was nobody particularly attractive in Soi Tarntawan, at Indra and Sun, so I walked over to Soi Twilight. There was nobody outside Bonny but I did see a guy sitting opposite Bankok Massage. We exchanged glances and I continued on down the soi to the snooker place opposite Dicks. Nobody interesting there so I sat down at the beer bar a mere 5 metres from the guy I'd just seen. I was intending to make eye contact with him again but I lost out to his phone.

I wandered back to Soi Tarntawan. A familiar face appeared before me.

"Ga!" I shouted. "It's you!"

"I remember you - we drink together before."

Ah, yes. That was our last fateful meeting which had ended badly. I'd been drinking with Ga and the massage guys and now decided it was time for a massage. We went upstairs but he couldn't perform. He'd drunk too much and couldn't get it up so I quickly ended the session.

The last I saw of him as when he chased me down the soi for the 500 baht cream massage fee. Needless to say, I didn't pay.

I tend to remember guys who don't sa-moke, and I thought maybe he was one of them. But it was too late - I'd already paid the 500 baht off fee.

And sure enough, I was right. He'd only do it with a condom so I decided to pass. Never mind, he can fuck me like before. He put in a sterling effort with his medium sized appendage, but it ended way too soon. He came within 3 minutes. Oh well, he can chuck-wow me.

Suddenly, out of the blue he started giving me a blow - job. Wow! What a turn-up of events. And quite skilled, too.

I have him his tip and after counting it in front of me he asked for 200 extra. I didn't give it to him.

I've never had a Thai boy count the tip in the roon; I've encountered that with non-thais. Are they more mercenary?

Off to Soi Twilight for a drink before the X-boys show. I sat with a cute Cambodian boy called Nate. The pressure was on from the start to come back to my hotel but he was too gay, too cute and too young-looking for me. If you are into that type, check him out. He's adorable.

Again, there was no rimming show but the chuck-wow was fun, as always.

Then off to Freshboys for the midnight show. Nothing much to report. Only 2 boys appeared in the big cock show; surely that has to be some record. There was a fucking show behind a curtain. I don't know if they were really fucking, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Finally off to Super A, as I heard they had lots of new guys. They had three.

The first guy I sat with was quite cute and very friendly but didn't speak much English. He didn't pack much in his pants but he did manage to get it up for me. Nice balls though. His name sounded something like Dom.

A very handsome guy was eyeing me off so I said goodbye to Dom and called him over. What a mistake that was! He has the biggest, most grotesque silicone cock I've ever seen. And to make matters worse, there were mooks lurking in that bulbous lump. Horrible. I tipped him and left.

Back in my room I found that my afternoon guy had sent me a message.

Thank god! I was on the verge of booking a taxi back to Pattaya.

January 10th, 2017, 01:36
Today got off to an incredible start but after that, just about everything went downhill.

My Bankok boy is back on the scene! He arrived at the bar today and I sat with him for half an hour while my room was being cleaned. His hand went straight up my shorts and we got thoroughly re-aquainted. Heaven!

We got back to the room and immediately pounced on each other, almost ripping each other's clothes off. We spent a lot of time just hugging and groping on the bed. My god, he's awesome!

A quick shower and back to bed. He headed straight for my cock. Naturally, I returned the favour. He just loves being sa-moked. (No surprise there.)

Onto the main course. He was even more insatiable than usual, if that's possible. Normally, I last about half an hour before I surrender but today I couldn't get enough, no doubt as a result of the rather low quality sex I'd been having since arriving back in Bangkok.

For the first time he fucked until he was about to cum. So there was a lot of stop -start fucking with ever increasing rest periods in between. I told him he could cum inside if he wanted to but he knows I like the chuck wow at the end, so pulled out and rolled over onto his back.

His cumshot doesn't match that of my boy in Pattaya, but he hasn't had a customer for a few days so it was unusually impressive. He then got down on his knees and sa-moked me.

These regular guys of mine have much in common. One thing in particular is their ability to give me a toe-curling, bone -shattering, spine-tingling orgasm. They are the only ones who can do that. Hardly surprising, considering the orgasm is in the brain and these guys really turn me on like nobody else can. Ah, Asian boys!

I walked over to X-boys in the rain for the show and as expected, customers were few and far between. Consequently, the show was shortened. There was no rimming act -I think that may have ended for good - and no chuck wow show either. What a disappointment and a complete waste of time.

Off to Super A, where I found a real sweetie to sit with me. He is new to the business so was very shy and wasn't sure what to do. He doesn't speak a word of English so I got the mama-san to interpret. I needed to know if it was ok to put my hand down his pants.

"Sure! Can do! He ok!"

"No, I want you to ask him."

He said something to him in Thai. The boy smiled at me and opened his pants to give me access.

A few deft strokes and he was hard. Mmm..nice and thick.

During the hour that we spent together he was very affectionate and kissed and hugged me. He also gave me a very enjoyable cock massage over my shorts.

Mama-san suggested I change to Bay, the boy I had last night. He'd been patiently waiting.

But it was a big mistake. Unlike last night, Bay couldn't get it up -it had totally died in his pants. He just sat there unresponsive. I gave up and we just say there in silence. What a waste of time.

What's wrong with these guys? Last night I gave him a substantial tip. Didn't he want the same tonight?

Obviously not.

January 10th, 2017, 07:28
Although I enjoy reading your "lengthy" trip reports...One does not need to hear about the sex acts in detail, nor how far his cum shot is....boring and self serving...write about the interesting points of your trip and doings, without the how far he entered your body, cum shots, and such....

January 10th, 2017, 12:56
One does not need to hear about the sex acts...

True. So you can always just skip those parts or don't bother reading the reports.

It's my style and I've written that way from the very beginning. I used to add a warning -SEX ahead - but no longer bother as members are now well aware of how I write.

Boring or interesting - that's for the readers to decide for themselves.

And "self serving"? You bet! See post #30 in this thread where I explained why I'm so explicit.

January 11th, 2017, 01:57
I decided to give X-boys a miss and headed over to Super A to meet up with the cutie from last night. Unfortunately, he was sitting with a farang. I waited and waited but he eventually left with the farang, and appeared an hour later fully dressed in the bar. He then left.


There is a real, masculine older guy there who is just my type but I've always hesitated asking him to sit because I've never seen him smile.

Well, tonight I did, so asked him over. I didn't know how far I could go but not to worry- he put my hand down his pants and soon got hard. He then put his hands first on my shorts and then in them.

We sat for over an hour. He spent the whole time with his hands down my pants. I chuck wowed him almost to the point of no return numerous times and each time he would take a rest before we started again. His cock was very busy - up, down, up, down. Lol

I decided to take a quick look into Natureboy but on passing Golden Cock I spied a very attractive guy standing outside with a group of people from the bar who were having a party.

I got him to sit with me but he was totally pissed. He told me a farang had earlier opened 2 bottles of whisky and he'd had his fair share. He pointed to a guy sitting on the sofa and told me he was from Isaan and was well hung. I suggested he go sleep it off on the sofa and called the young guy over.

He asked for a chuck wow almost before he had sat down.

"What? But I hardly know you," I said as I quickly unbuttoned his jeans.

He was as horny as hell and didn't last long.

As we were sitting chatting another young guy came in and sat opposite, playing with his cock. I called him over and he quickly removed his jeans and sat down beside me in his boxer shorts. He whipped out a beautiful Isaan appendage and the fun began.

He also wanted a chuck wow, so of course I obliged. Following this he sa-moked me and finished me off with a deft hand.

Unfortunately, he doesn't work there every night as he has a job somewhere else. But hopefully, I can catch up with him again before I leave.

I'd heard that such shenanigans go on there but I've always been told by the mama-san I either had to off the boy or use the room upstairs. But tonight he was outside drinking himself to oblivion and so had no idea what was going on inside.

January 11th, 2017, 02:40
Liar...liar...liar...pants on fire...according to a447 the fountain of all knowledge and as infallible as the Pope...sex never happens out in the open...

January 11th, 2017, 08:54
I've had a boy suck me in A-Bomb, Pattaya. I didn't even ask him. He just did it. Bad bad boy.

January 11th, 2017, 09:25
....careful now?!?!?!...a447 will out u as a liar who has never set foot in asia let alone Thailand....

January 11th, 2017, 09:49
Liar...liar...liar...pants on fire...according to a447 the fountain of all knowledge and as infallible as the Pope...sex never happens out in the open...

Wether it did or didn't I am reminded of the saying that really wealthy people never talk about money.

January 11th, 2017, 11:39
...sex never happens out in the open...

It didn't. It was inside the bar behind closed doors.

You've obviously never been to bars like Eros or Goodboys. It happens all the time in Thailand, Latin.

January 11th, 2017, 14:25
a447 pulled a hot Thai boy off of his ridiculously overworked senior member long enough to write:
"You've obviously never been to bars like Eros or Goodboys. It happens all the time in Thailand, Latin. "

Nice boys too for that matter SDL. But surely you know that already. Mmmmmm, Puzzled!

January 11th, 2017, 14:55
a447...finally ...

January 11th, 2017, 15:59
Wether it did or didn't I am reminded of the saying that really wealthy people never talk about money.

Ever met a member of the nouveau riche?

January 11th, 2017, 17:02
Hi once again I enjoyed your nice report.
That Super A bar seems quite a place where hands-on fun is possible. I didn't know that a boy sitting with you can cum on the spot.
I did not yet visit, I only passed the bar on an evening that I was too tired.
But on my next visit I will sure drop in, remembering your post here!
Thanks again and take care.

January 11th, 2017, 18:20
Super A really is pretty much a dump with torn sofas on one side and a small stage on the other. The lighting is generally low making it difficult to see the boys clearly. Whenever I've been there, apart from the 2 or 3 on the "stage" most of have been engrossed with their phones with only occasional interest in customers. But when you call one over, I think all are perfectly happy for quite a bit of hands on fun. Drinks were cheap compared to most other bars.

January 11th, 2017, 19:16
Super A was great when it was upstairs....more guys, more places to play as well as rooms for privacy at a price. The mamasan is now and has always been a fucking greedy nightmare thankfully he spends most of the time sitting in the street outside.

January 12th, 2017, 01:06
Golden Cock bar can happen a lot. My last visit Nov 16 three of the boys gave me a blow job simultaneously / in a row right in the bar. That was crazy. At a previous visit one boy was dancing totally naked for me. Not the cutest boys in town but a special place.

January 12th, 2017, 02:19
Forget Member of the Year! How about Cumshot of the Year. The only contender - my Pattaya guy - has now got serious competition. More later.

The night started off very pleasantly indeed. I met up with fellow member jellybean and we had a great chat over drinks and then dinner. A lovely guy.

At 9:30 I headed over to SuperA but was waylaid by the Isaan boy with the beautiful smile and allegedly large appendage outside Indra massage.

We stood talking on the pavement and he was very interested in me renting some apartment instead of staying at the Tarntawan. I told him I wasn't interested so we went upstairs.

I was not offered a shower, which is unusual. The room is "cosy" with just a mattress on the floor. There is a thin dividing wall between the cubicles and you can hear everything going on. So if you're shy I suggest you give it a miss.

During the "massage" he kept his boxer shorts on but when I turned over he removed them and we got down to business. At the start of the massage he was banging on about this rental apartment.

"You free tomorrow? I can take you to see."

I told him again that I wasn't interested and suggested he just get on with his job.

He had a very nice appendage but not the Isaan monster I was expecting. I sa-moked him but he refused to return the favour, saying he didn't like it.

He wanted to fuck me.

Sure. No probrem.

And I must say it was fantastic. He certainly knows how to wield that thing. It's the perfect size.

Time for the chuck wow. He told me he wanted to cum on me and straddled me. I started him off and then let him finish, telling him to let me know when he was about to cum as I didn't want a facial.

Without warning he let fly. Jesus! It was fucking stupendous, drenching me, the mattress, the floor and wall as well as the paper lantern next to the mattress where I'd placed my glasses., which were also splattered. Where the fuck did that come from? I didn't count but I reckon there were at least 7 or 8 massive squirts. But why didn't he warn me so I could close my eyes? Luckily he missed. I imagine that papery lantern is done for.

He told me he hadn't cum for 5 days- "No have customer"- but I know for a fact that is not true.

As I had someone else waiting I decided not to cum.

On the basis of his cumshot alone I've booked another session with him in my hotel tomorrow night, where he said we could make as much noise as we liked. He also said he'd try various positions - the room is to narrow to get too adventurous - and even said he'd sa-moke me.

But I know exactly what will happen. I won't get to see another cumshot like that from him. It's always the case; it tends to be a one-off for some reason. But I live in hope.

I had to return to the hotel to shower to get all the cum off and then headed over to Golden Cock where my boy from last night was patiently waiting for me. Turns out he's friends with my afternoon guy, who told him I would drop by later in the night for a repeat performance.

And that's what we had - a suck and chuck session. Awesome!

Finally on to SuperA to sit with my masculine hunk from last night. When I got there he was sitting by himself down near the bar. When mama-san called him over I got the shock of my life. He wasn't wearing any pants; it was all just swinging in the breeze. He was wearing a bomber jacket to hide his modesty but it was way too short. Everyone was laughing. Turns out his underpants got wet and he didn't have a spare pair. All the better for me - easy to get at the goods.

But something was wrong. At first I thought he may be drunk but I have a feeling he was on something else. His behaviour was very strange. At one stage he stood up, opened the sliding door and appeared to be about to step outside. The boys stopped him. Needless to say, he couldn't get it up.

So I switched to the cutie I had two nights ago. He got it up and allowed me to have my way with him. He's painfully shy so I kept asking him if it was ok to play with his equipment. It was. But he used his t-shirt to cover my hand.

On the way back to the hotel I passed Indra massage and my guy called me over. They were all sitting outside drinking whisky. I declined a drink but decided I'd sit and chat for a bit with him.

Big mistake.

I got the "story." Mama is sick and cannot afford treatment on Isaan. Luckily for him some customers give him 2500 baht. 1500 for him and 1000 to help pay mama's hospital bills."

With that, I got up and left.

I'm now thinking about staying for a few more days as I've got all my guys lined up.

January 12th, 2017, 06:40
geez....im so over this crap i dont even read it...same old formula...over and over again....totally surprised u can type so much with one hand

January 12th, 2017, 10:05
Sexual Deviant wrote:
"geez....im so over this crap i dont even read it...same old formula...over and over again....totally surprised u can type so much with one hand>"

Is this a note to yourself?

January 12th, 2017, 11:06
Is this a note to yourself?
If not, it should be!

January 12th, 2017, 12:44
geez....im so over this crap


January 12th, 2017, 16:12
. . . The night started off very pleasantly indeed. I met up with fellow member jellybean and we had a great chat over drinks and then dinner . . .

Yes, it was indeed a pleasure meeting a447 and one that I hope we can repeat during his future visits. After reading of his sexploits, related to us in great detail, over the years, I felt that I knew him intimately. But sadly, I didn’t have enough time to find out the secrets of his er, em . . . success.

But what a447 did not mention was the preamble leading up to our meeting. We had agreed to meet at 19:00 at Hotmale Beer Bar. I arrived a few minutes late and could not see another fa-ràng in the immediate vicinity. The boys in the first three beer bars were trying desperately to get me to sit in their bar. My eyesight in the darkened soi wasn’t good, but after satisfying myself that I was the only fa-ràng in the bars, I allowed a cute boy from Laos to plunk me down on a rather comfortable looking sofa.

I said I was waiting on a friend. He said I had to order a drink. ‘Okay, I’ll have a Coke Zero please,’ I said. He brought me a Diet Coke, which I duly accepted. But my new found ‘friend’ wouldn’t leave me alone. He proceeded to give me quite an enjoyable neck and shoulder massage. He then sat down and massaged my upper thighs, with the occasional brush of my crown jewels. Oh I say! where is a447? Things were hotting up rather too quickly. I asked the boy if he could see any other fa-ràng, as I couldn’t see so far in the subdued lighting.

‘No,’ he said, ‘no fa-ràng. What he look like?’ Crikey! I didn’t know and said this to the boy. ‘Why you don’t know?’ said the boy. Ahhhh . . . a tricky question, I thought. 'We met on the Internet,’ I said. Hmmm . . . he must have thought I was on a blind date, ha,ha,ha!

‘Where is a447?’ I again asked myself. The boy from Laos asked me to buy him a drink. Maybe later I said. Time was passing. The boy then suggested I off him, we could go for dinner and he could come back with me. ‘No,’ I said, ‘I had better give my friend more time.’ ‘Maybe he no come,’ said the boy. ‘Maybe he is with a boy,’ I half joked, thinking to my myself that the randy bugger had probably met someone for a little quickie between walking from his hotel, a 5 minute walk from Soi Twilight. Or, maybe he had forgotten, I asked myself. The boy again pressed me to off him. ‘Oh cannot,’ I said, ‘tomorrow I must get up early to go the immigration office.’ Not one to be put off, the boy countered by saying, ‘No problem, I can come with you for a short time, two or three hours.’ What? Two or three hours! Who did he think I was? latintopxxx? Blimey! One hour would be pushing it, I thought to myself.

After waiting 25 minutes I decided to text a447 and jog his memory. No, that didn’t work, I didn’t receive a reply. Yes, he must have met someone; I had better give him another 10-15 minutes. My boy from Laos gave up on me and rejoined his chums. Then 5 minutes later, a fa-ràng appeared in the soi. I tried to hear what he was saying to the boys, but I couldn’t hear. I called the Laos boy back and asked him to ask the name of the fa-ràng. So off he tootled and I heard him ask the question. The fa-ràng wondered why he was being asked and the boy from Laos pointed to me sitting on the sofa. Ah success! It was indeed a447. It was almost a Dr Livingstone and Mr Stanley moment. And no, he hadn’t been having his wicked way with a quickie on route to the bar, as I had wrongly and scurrilously imagined. He had in fact been standing at the entrance to the soi for the previous 30 minutes. We had clearly missed one another as I snuck into the soi.

We had a drink together before going elsewhere for dinner and, not forgetting the waiter’s sterling efforts with his massage, when we asked for the bill, I tipped him 100 baht and left him with the 20 baht from the change to my drink.

Later on in the evening as we were leaving the soi and passing Hotmale Bar, the waiter called out to me, ‘[Jellybean]! See you tomorrow.’ Oops, I had forgotten that I had told a small white lie. Well, you never know, I may just follow up on my promise at a future date.

January 12th, 2017, 16:24
Yeah, sorry for the mix-up. I stuffed up. As neither of us are drinkers I decided to wait at the entrance to Soi Twilight to cut you off at the pass. But as you say, you must have snuck by without me noticing.

The Lao boy at the bar also tried to rip me off - or maybe he errr....made a mistake. When it came time to leave I grabbed both bills and handed the boy 200 baht (drinks 80 baht each), intending to pick up the tab. But jellybean also gave him money for his drink. But the boy only gave me 20 baht change out of the 200 I'd given him. So be on your guard!

January 12th, 2017, 18:25
I felt that I knew him intimately. But sadly, I didn’t have enough time to find out the secrets of his er, em . . . success.
No doubt you are referring to his shooting skills - or rather ability to encourage others to hit the bullseye from quite some distance. Enviable qualities indeed!

January 12th, 2017, 22:06
Golden Cock bar can happen a lot. My last visit Nov 16 three of the boys gave me a blow job simultaneously / in a row right in the bar. That was crazy. At a previous visit one boy was dancing totally naked for me. Not the cutest boys in town but a special place.
My underline. How did this work, excluding the unlikely possibility that you have three dicks?

All my visits to Golden Cock were unsuccessful (i.e. I poked my head in, didn't see anything I like, and left). It's a closed space, so they could take off their clothes go make it gogo like, but they don't. Whenever I go to look at boys in a closed room, I expect them to be in underwear. (I know you could ask them to sit with you and take their clothes off, but that's not my style, asking for things that I consider a prerequisite.)

January 12th, 2017, 23:59
It's more of a beer bar than a gogo bar, so the boys do not necessarily have to sit around in their underwear. But they will drop their pants in an instant, sometimes without being asked.

January 13th, 2017, 00:08
Christian, three boys were sitting with me and took care of me, simultaneously / in a row in the meaning of "einer nach dem anderen" :) I didn't ask for, it just happened. Just try this bar out next time!

January 13th, 2017, 01:04
I went to Golden Cock to pick up my guy. One of his friends - the guy who sat with me a couple of nights ago but was dead drunk - was lying on the sofa. He smiled and said hello. My friend suggested he might like a chuck wow so I called him over. He apologised for the other night and yes, he'd love a chuck wow. He pulled down his pants and off we went.

He earns some much needed baht for a few minutes 'work" and gets to have an orgasm. And the bar collects 400 baht "off fee." What's not to like?

I had arranged to meet my masseur from Indra Massage, opposite Tawan bar, at 10: 00 pm. He was coming back to my hotel for a repeat performance and I was particularly looking forward to another of those magnificent cumshots.

I got there 20 minutes early and he told me he had to wait until 10 so we started chatting in the Soi.

Just then, a doorman from Tawan appeared and they had a brief chat. He held up 5 fingers and 2 fingers.

- What's he saying?
- He my friend. He say you pay me 2500 baht tip.
- Really? How do you say " It's now of your fucking business" in Thai?
- What you say?
- Never mind.

The doorman them came over and suggested a threesome. They had a further chat, after which the masseur told me not to wait in from of the massage parlour ; rather, I should go and wait on the corner.

It was all very strange and a bit scary. Was I being set up? This masseur comes across as a real shyster - a scheming little shit out to milk as much as possible from the unsuspecting farang. This despite my telling him I'm not a newbie to this game; I've been to Bangkok more times than I can remember. I am fully aware of the going rate, and that's what I pay. He just thinks his gorgeous cheeky smile will weaken my resolve. Usually, it will. But not with this guy.

We headed off to the hotel. I asked him about the 500 baht off fee he told me I had to pay before we left. He said I could pay later. Mmm.....

When we got to the entrance of the hotel he suggested we sit down outside for a bit.

"Before, you take massage boy Ga back to hotel." (These guys know everything about everybody.) He tell me you pay him 3000 baht."

I didn't, of course. There's no way I'd pay that kind of money to a guy who is now basically a freelancer, lurking in the soi. That's probably what you'd pay for long time with a boy from Soi Twilight.

"I will pay you what I paid you last night. That's it. No more."

'But not same. Last night we do in Indra. I go to hotel. Not same."

'But what we do is the same. That's what I'm paying for."

He wanted to argue. I didn't.

"I'm not happy so tonight I'm going to cancel."

And with that I got up and walked away. He chased after me but he'd done his dash. There are many more fish in the sea.

Hopefully, that will teach the greedy bugger. But probably not.

So I walked over to Natureboy but they only had 2 guys so I moved on to Super A to sit with my masculine friend.

Tonight he had no trouble getting it up. As soon as I touched it it was on the move. He comes across as a nice guy but there is almost no conversation. He just sits there. Mind you, I've got other things to keep me busy.

I then walked down to Golden Cock. My afternoon boy was sitting outside. In bed today he told me there was a new guy who hasn't had any customers yet so asked me if I'd get him to sit with me tonight. I know who he is talking about - a very handsome, tall guy. I suggested that he may be a bit shy but he said he thought he would be up for a bit of fun.

I love how these guys look after each other and try to ensure that the money is spread around amongst everyone. Often it's at their own expense, as I choose their friend rather than them.

Unfortunately, the guy didn't turn up tonight. Never mind, my night time boy was there so we went into the bar. Like last night he got hard in the 5 or so steps it takes to enter the bar and sit down. He pulled his pants down and I started to chuck wow him.

Then I thought, why don't I just off him? Even though there are no other customers in the bar in uncomfortable sitting there with my cock sticking out the side of my shorts.

He told me he doesn't go out with customers but we could use the room upstairs. So that's where we ended up; in a room used by the boys to sleep. It has a queen size bed so I guess they all just pile on.

This guy has a beautiful dick with one of those foreskins that makes chuck wowing so easy - no need for KY. So after a bout of 69'ing he decided he'd fuck me. He did a very good job indeed.

This guy tells me he loves jacking off to porn so his cumshot is rather pathetic but who cares? We had great fun.

I'm having so much fun I've decided to extend my stay in Bangkok for a few more days, even though my body is screaming out for a rest.

It'll just have to wait!

January 13th, 2017, 09:05
I'm having so much fun I've decided to extend my stay in Bangkok for a few more days, even though my body is screaming out for a rest.

It'll just have to wait!

With all the cum being sprayed about your hotel and the bars they will need to keep the extra cleaning staff they employ when you are in the area on the payroll for a bit longer :)

I had a similar greedy massuer experience at Indra and in no rush to return. Nobody there usually appeals to me in any case.

January 13th, 2017, 09:24
A tired and exhausted sexed off his head eyes spinning around like a carousel willy waving smoking and being smoked pants on pants off form an orderly queue bar boys introducing a ticketing system running from bar to bar breathlessly behaving like a rutting stag with his own harem of hot naked and willing Thai boys needing a computer to keep count of the sexual shenanigans and goings on lining them up to suck and fondle sitting with one naked boy on one leg and one on another while giving the come on to others A447 wrote:

"I'm having so much fun I've decided to extend my stay in Bangkok for a few more days, even though my body is screaming out for a rest."

May I quote Anthony Bordain.
"You're body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride."


January 13th, 2017, 11:46
I had a similar greedy massuer experience at Indra and in no rush to return. Nobody there usually appeals to me in any case.

Probably the same guy.

I now know what he was up to last night and why he wanted me to go stand on the corner and wait for him, rather than stand in front of the shop where the owner could see me. He didn't tell her he had an off; instead he made up some excuse to go home early. The reason he told me not to pay 500 baht to the owner, but to give it to him instead, is because he was planning to pocket it himself. So he ended up shooting himself in the foot. No tip from me and couldn't go back to work.

I'm just really pissed off I didn't get the chance to witness that amazing cumshot again. Damn!

"You're body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride."

Well, this amusement park is sorely in need of maintenance, but I'm definitely enjoying the ride! Ah, the joys of being a bottom!

January 14th, 2017, 16:12
Well, I'm back home. I woke up Friday morning and made an executive decision. Enough is enough.

Mmm...I've only got one day left. What should I do? I have a lot to fit in (sounds like something my Pattaya guy would think....lol).

I went to Golden Cock to pick up my friend and have a drink whilst my room was being cleaned. Jack, the guy who sat with me when he was drunk, was lying on the sofa watching porn and rubbing his cock. My friend suggested he was definitely up for another chuck wow. Of course, he was, so over he came.

Back in the hotel we made sure our last afternoon session would be special. We then went out to dinner.

Over a delicious Japanese meal he was telling me about the guys working at Golden Cock and how he wanted me to chuck wow his friend, Mack. He's a very handsome guy (why on earth is he working at Golden Cock? He belongs in Soi Twilight) but very shy and no matter what my friend says, I don't think he'd be up for any hanky-panky in the bar. He said he'd speak to him but I told him not to put any pressure on him. Some guys are totally uninhibited but others are less so.

We went our separate ways after dinner and I headed back to Golden Cock, where my regular guy was sitting outside waiting for me. His name is Bom, and although he is not as slim as I normally prefer - no washboard stomach - he's not fat. And he's a really nice and really, really horny guy. Like the previous night he was rock hard in the time it took to come into the bar. Amazing.

"I see your face and you make me hard."

Don't you just love these guys!

Within seconds his pants were around his ankles. You know the rest of the story.

BTW, Mack didn't turn up. No surprise.

Time to get back to the hotel and take a taxi to the airport. As I was walking down Soi Tawan, who should be sitting outside Indra massage? It was Pod, my greedy masseur. He had his head down looking at his phone so I managed to sneak by.

Or so I thought. Suddenly I heard my name being called out. Quick! Run!

I pretended not to hear and managed to make it to the entrance of the hotel without him catching up to me. He didn't follow me inside.

When I got to my room and checked my phone, there was a message from him. Yes, he would accept my original offer of a tip and he would see me at 10 pm - presumably in the hotel. But by then I was long gone, but not before messaging him and telling him I had now found a new masseur who I'd be seeing every night from now on. Oh, and I had changed hotels. So as far as he knows I'm still in Bangkok paying a masseur every night for services he himself should be providing every night. If only he hadn't been to greedy.

Trip Highlights :

a) the new Golden Cock and it's transformation into a hands-on bar. And its nice selection of boys. The trouble is, they come and go so you don't know who will be there when you turn up.

b) the 2 truly stupendous cumshots - one from my Pattaya guy on the first night and the other from the masseur, Pod. Such a rare sight these days.

Trip Lowlight:

My supposedly top of the line glasses. They fell off and almost landed in my soup during the meal on the plane last night. A closer inspection revealed they had left the nuts off the 2 screws holding the lenses to the frame.

The trip ended unexpectedly on a real high. My taxi driver was a young, handsome student from Nepal. Just gorgeous. Needless to say, he didn't have a clue how to get to my place, but I didn't care.

BTW, pm me if you are interested in some bar information which I can't post on the open forum.


January 14th, 2017, 16:56

Enjoyed your reports, although some of the plots are predictable :)

Is Art (I think that is the name) still one of the 'bosses' there at GC?

I used to frequent Golden Cock almost on daily basis some years ago before I move my playground to Pattaya. (I still visit Bangkok now and then but for shorter stays). And most times I wished I had not bothered.

The 'new' GC sounds worthwhile for a visit or two in future. (but I know my taste of boys is much different from yours.)

Looking forward to your future reports.

January 14th, 2017, 18:02
on behalf of my mum and myself, thanks for all the greart reports a447
cant wait until May for my 6 weeks holiday