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View Full Version : If actually available, would you pay 2,500 baht for this one?!

November 17th, 2016, 07:55

November 17th, 2016, 08:14
Package? Where's the package? Those pants aren't tight enough to reveal anything!!

November 17th, 2016, 09:55
On a more serious note, is there any way to prevent others from using pics posted on a Facebook account and attaching false stories to them? I am probably one of the handful without a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and whatever accounts and so I don't know what, if any, safeguards are in place. But with all the gazillions of dating, sex and other pic sites out there, can you know if your photos have been "hacked"? I have seen some sites where you cannot make a copy a website photo, but it's perfectly simple to take a screenshot.

November 17th, 2016, 15:05
I wouldn't even look at him twice.

Pictures that do not show the profile owner is a common problem in all gay online dating websites/applications I use.

November 17th, 2016, 15:30
I'm with Christian - I wouldn't give that guy a second glance never mind 2500B

November 17th, 2016, 18:23
" I am probably one of the handful without a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and whatever .... "
Count me in to that small club. Social media in general is appalling (message boards are 'just OK'). There is a pretty reasonable assumption that Trump was elected partly because of his crazed twittering. Facebook is one of the most mundane indulgences known to mankind (Twitter being the worst): e.g. " ... I woke up this morning ... " indeed. Something I really want to know, much less 'share'.

November 17th, 2016, 19:14

He is not a bad looking guy, but not my type.

November 18th, 2016, 02:30
Count me in to that small club. Social media in general is appalling (message boards are 'just OK'). There is a pretty reasonable assumption that Trump was elected partly because of his crazed twittering. Facebook is one of the most mundane indulgences known to mankind (Twitter being the worst): e.g. " ... I woke up this morning ... " indeed. Something I really want to know, much less 'share'.

Maybe it's a bigger club than we believe. I have no online profile on any of the social networking sites. In fact there's probably only about a dozen pictures of me in any form and I like it that way. I go to the cinema and I see folk with their phones out, restaurants, concerts, comedy gigs etc likewise. It does my head in.

November 18th, 2016, 06:34
I'd do him for free.

November 18th, 2016, 08:58
I go to the cinema and I see folk with their phones out, restaurants, concerts, comedy gigs etc likewise. It does my head in.
I did once join Facebook when it seemed everyone else had an account. I was immediately deluged with over 100 people wanting to be" friends". I'd made the mistake of putting in the names of my school and university and these were all people I had never heard of but who'd been to the same institutions. I closed the account within minutes.

The whole social media thing no doubt helps people keep in touch, especially when they don't live near each other. But it certainly seems to be destroying what we used to call common discourse. One of my closest friends I have known for 25 years and who also lives in Bangkok rarely speaks to me now except on our regular nights out. It's always Line messages. If I phone and he's busy, he says he'll call back but then sends a Line message! I have a new neighbour who moved in right next door a few months ago. He's a bit younger than me, but not by much. We've had drinks in each other's flats and so know each other quite well now. A few weeks ago he sent a Line message asking for some information or other, ! simply told him I would not use Line or any other app to answer questions from people who live in the same building. The other day I found a note in my mail box. It was from him, asking if I responded to written messages!! Whatever happened to knocking on a door and having a brief conversation face to face?

November 18th, 2016, 09:00
Nooooooooooooo....not even 1000 baht...

November 18th, 2016, 17:48
When my sister is at her family in law and they sit having coffee and cake, all 8 are busy on their phones or iPads and nothing is said anymore, they sometimes even chat with each other using what's app while they sit at the same table.... I can't get any crazier I think.
My sis is not into all the eczltronic stuff much and reads a book instead, as all are too busy to talk...

November 22nd, 2016, 02:57
Back for a minute to the ever-more-abhorrent World O' Social Media.
This small snippet shows well the future, and, as an aside, one reason why The Donald (AKA, 'that douche bag') was elected: i.e. his voting cadre had no idea what they were doing . . . except for eating up everything The Douche Bag twittered as truth.
