View Full Version : Scottish Guy vs Latinotop vs the rest of the world

October 28th, 2016, 15:04
This post is to establish a forum for scottishguy and latintop and anyone and everyone can post there insults, put-downs, slander, taunts, cheap shots and mudslinging without reprisal. Anything goes.

No need now to derail valid topics into train wrecks and pissing contests.:D

October 28th, 2016, 15:14
I'm loving this idea. However put downs, insults and the like are best served within a conversation to maximise their full flavour. Otherwise it's just plain rude.

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2016, 15:17
Cheap shots you say - ok so it's "their" not "there" insults etc.

As for derealing threads we've all been down this line 1000 times now, it's not a debating society we're posting to here or some dry academic research board, it's a load of guys talking about their experiences and lives and trips in and around Thailand and other places. By it's very nature conversations ebb and flow and "sometimes" ( not always I grant you) but sometimes it's the change of tack on a thread that keeps it interesting and keeps the board moving on and to have a board where people must strictly keep to the thread would be a very boring board indeed - just IMHO of course.

October 28th, 2016, 15:21
And perhaps our beloved moderators will get off their fat/skinny asses and do their jobs and move diverging posts to this forum.
How's that for a start? :devilsh:

And for you latintop, all I can say is Eat Me!

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2016, 15:21
Arsenal your post was barely a put down, insult, slander or cheap shot would you PLEASE try to stay on track as your deviation from the OPs original intent in their post ( note that was THEIR there Francois) risks derailing the thread. And apologies Francois for the above, I am of course merely trying to keep the thread on track with cheap shots etc as requested. :-)

October 28th, 2016, 15:28
Lighten up NIrish guy, you are not supposed to be serious here.

October 28th, 2016, 15:35
. And apologies Francois for the above, I am of course merely trying to keep the thread on track with cheap shots etc as requested. :-)

That's the spirit Nirish guy. :D

October 28th, 2016, 15:37
This post is to establish a forum for scottishguy and latintop and anyone and everyone can post there insults, put-downs, slander, taunts, cheap shots and mudslinging without reprisal. Anything goes. No need now to derail valid topics into train wrecks and pissing contests.:D

Sawatdee already has a Forum which is for topics which have no specific theme: The Everything Else Forum. (Actually, this thread should be in that Forum as it is not even close to being 'about Thailand'.)
Going-off-topic posts rarely become train wrecks nor urinary wars. The general tendency is to segue back to the original topic ~ especially in long threads of great interest ~ and the few train wreckers become but a fly on the wall. They can also be quite funny, which is a positive to any decent message board.
Sawatdee has always been the quirkest of all the gay message boards (now down to 2.5 ... Gay Thailand having no sense of ha ha whatsoever), and I hope it stays that way.

Long live off-topic-ers!!

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2016, 15:49
Lighten up NIrish guy, you are not supposed to be serious here.

:-) Just in case you didn't pick up on my joking mock sarcasm be assured Francois that ALL of my posts in this thread were posted with my tongue lodged firmly in my cheek :-)

However I reserve the right to post whatever the hell I like and refuse to be lectured by YOU as to what i can and can't post !! You French are all the bloody same ! (note put down, slander, taunt and general mud slinging) - I'm just endeavouring to oblige in keeping your OP on track for as long as possible of course:-) lol

( but for the record in case you don't get it - i STILL am 100% joking here Francois !)

October 28th, 2016, 15:59
NIrish: While criticising Francois for his choice of 'there' when he's talking about people (their) (he's French you know, is that an insult? I'm not sure) you should have also pointed out that a comma or a full stop placed after his 'there' would have rendered his choice of spelling correct. Welkom gud peepul to the Inglish langwage.

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2016, 16:16
Well now to be fair I'd be the LAST person EVER to correct anyone's english ( why do I know THAT comment is going to get a few "agrees and likes" :-) - I was of course merely taking the easy shot that Francois had so kindly provided for us. Hmm now that I think about it perhaps Francois INTENTIONALLY misspelt his word, which if so just proves he was merely TROLLING and waiting for someone to bite ! So, there we have it Francois is nothing but a TROLL, trolling this board trying to entice people to reply !! Shame on you Francois !

( Francois - note Insult and slander as requested - you're welcome :-)

And thank you Francois as I'm just about to head into my office for a shitty meeting with one of my staff who wish to enlighten me about "their employment rights" - and all whilst they have produced just about NONE of the work they've been requested to over the last two months, so, this light hearted "insults and put downs" thread has just put me in PERFECT fighting form for conducting my meeting with said employee !! Merci :-)

October 28th, 2016, 18:13
:-) You French are all the bloody same ! (note put down, slander, taunt and general mud slinging) -

Low blow Nirish guy!

"I've been called nigger and I've been called queer but I've never been called French."
Jacob, the black maid, La Cage Aux Folles

October 28th, 2016, 18:41

Long live off-topic-ers!!

There you go again, Smiles, trying to derail this topic.:air_kiss:

October 28th, 2016, 19:17
It's been reported that the army is going to insure that all the speed boats are removed from the Bali Hai area.Hopefully that will begin a process of waterfront beautification there. The speed boats will now be parked in the Jomtien area but what area exactly? Where in Jomtien will the smelly dirty parking lot be situated? Not in my backyard.

October 28th, 2016, 20:27
Doug: Apart from the fact that your post insults no one and therefore is in the wrong place I'm not sure that speedboats are ever 'parked'. I think they are docked or moored.

October 28th, 2016, 22:31
" ... hopefully that will begin a process of waterfront beautification there ... "
5555555555555555555 !!!
De-railed is what I'd call you, downright de-railed!

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2016, 03:40
I'm not sure that speedboats are ever 'parked'. I think they are docked or moored.

Actually as an Ex speedboat owner I can assure you that speedboats can and are indeed "parked" when on their road trailers on dry land and as Doug referred to what dirty lot they might be stored in it appears he too is fully aware of the correct nautical terminology - however as this was MEANT to be a thread about things getting derailed we should perhaps move away from speedboats and be talking more accurately about trains !! This is just SO typical of this board an Op starts a thread about Latin and SG and lo and behold now we're talking about speedboats and trains - typical just bloody TYPICAL !!


October 29th, 2016, 05:38
I'm just sitting back, eating popcorn and enjoying the show

October 29th, 2016, 06:31
Who is "Latinotop"? I thought his moniker was "latintopxxx"?

October 29th, 2016, 07:31
It's been reported that the army is going to insure that all the speed boats are removed from the Bali Hai area. I doubt that the army insure anything. And I doubt they can ensure anything either, but that is another matter.

October 29th, 2016, 07:52
MiniMee, the army does indeed issue insurance. All soldiers who leave the barracks between 7am and midnight are fully covered. I'm not sure about accidents which occur inside the barracks.

Insurance policies issued in Thailand's are among some of the world's most comprehensive - and the premiums are very competitive.

To get back on topic, I know that Scottish Guy has taken advantage of these policies on numerous occasions in Thailand. I'm not too sure about Latin, though. I doubt he would need any kind of insurance. I mean, he can only get injured if he falls off his computer chair.

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2016, 08:20
I know that Scottish Guy has taken advantage of these policies on numerous occasions in Thailand.

Don't be ridiculous, we all know that Scottish Guy has never even BEEN in Thailand, hell he's told us so himself on numerous occasions now, you must have missed those posts, do keep up ! :-)

October 29th, 2016, 08:46
I can find no reference to any boat being parked. Apart from here.

October 29th, 2016, 08:58
Member a477 mentioned "barracks". I understand Barack (sp?) Obama will be out on the hustings again today. It's getting interesting.

October 29th, 2016, 10:23
Most threads need derailing after a while. Latinotop is a master derailleur.
No idea what derailleur means but spell check offered it as an option. Maybe francois knows?

October 29th, 2016, 11:39
Most threads need derailing after a while. Latinotop is a master derailleur.
No idea what derailleur means but spell check offered it as an option. Maybe francois knows?

A French word but common in English, a gear-shifting mechanism on a bicycle that shifts the chain from one gear wheel to another.

October 29th, 2016, 14:33

A 'derailleur" is someone whose job it is to rip up old railway lines. These are then recycled into all kinds of things, such as steel boatpens for parking speedboats.

October 29th, 2016, 15:57
Don't wish to intrude on the spat - but when I was a pretty young boy :p my bike had "Derailleur" gears which I suspect was a brand name in the UK originating from the French word.

And before anybody asks, NO the bike WASN'T a Penny-fucking-Farthing !!

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2016, 16:42
I can find no reference to any boat being parked. Apart from here.

It seems some people just won't be told ! Ok FINE, here, now you can consider your knowledge of how to park a speedboat as fully up to update ! Hell it even refers to pattaya AND shows a video for you .... some PEOPLE !!! - You can thank me later ....

<a href="http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/video/speedboat-parking-timelapse-stock-footage/473050077" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/video/speedboat-parking-timelapse-stock-footage/473050077 (http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/video/speedboat-parking-timelapse-stock-footage/473050077)

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2016, 17:08
Opps the edit timeout limit beat me above......so to finish your boat handling skills course Arsenal I can tell you that one moors a boat "on a mooring" ie a chain connected to something heavy thats dropped and placed out in the water, this could be perhaps maybe a few train wheels or a concrete base of some kind. One then docks a boat at a "dock' funnily enough and finally ( and as shown in the video above one parks their boat when its out of the water and so on it's trailer and usually on the hard concrete standing of perhaps your local yacht club or your own driveway etc.

See, now who said the derailing topics couldn't be both informative and yet totally needless and boring at the same time ! :)

October 29th, 2016, 17:46
Keep up the good work Nirish guy. :clapping:

October 29th, 2016, 18:00

A 'derailleur" is someone whose job it is to rip up old railway lines. These are then recycled into all kinds of things, such as steel boatpens for parking speedboats.

There is a train derailer used to deliberately derail train cars. A necessary tool for all posters of this forum.

October 29th, 2016, 19:02
Call me pedantic but some pictures don't count. I can find no official reference (a dictionary or a genuine accredited boating organisation) that uses the word 'park' to describe a boat. Berthed perhaps? I look forward to being enlightened. So there, a big raspberry to you.

October 29th, 2016, 19:55
The Bard has a few thoughts that readily fit into this Much Ado About Nothing.
Latin: “For which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?”
All the Lotharios: “I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me.”
The Butterflies:
“Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,-
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.”

I love this thread. It is the best chuckle ever. :D

October 29th, 2016, 22:00
I've never been in a topic within which I've planted so many 'likes'. I hasten to add that, if I could, I would also fire in a few 'dislikes' as well.

Which sends me off-topic: why isn't there a 'Not Like' feature? Democracy is in big trouble when the Deplorables can't be 'Dis-Liked'. As my hero Mr Trump says all the time ... "fucking political correctness".
By the way, what was the topic anyway?

October 29th, 2016, 22:11
...So there, a big raspberry to you.


October 29th, 2016, 22:41
There you go again Scottish with your obscure 70s comedy references despite the fact that a certain member has quite clearly told you it's "wasting everybody's time." Whatever next? Charley Farley and Piggy Malone! I maintain my position on boat parking. And what about elephants, camels and horses. What is the correct way to describe them when they are stationary for a period of time? Tethered if they're tied up but what if they're loose? A right can of worms this, isn't it.

And being Scottish, I bet you like salty popcorn don't you? Yuk.

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2016, 22:42
Call me pedantic but some pictures don't count. I can find no official reference (a dictionary or a genuine accredited boating organisation) that uses the word 'park' to describe a boat. Berthed perhaps? I look forward to being enlightened. So there, a big raspberry to you.

Alas if one is too lazy ( or being the insult thread - stupid - :-) to spent 30 seconds on google and find the plethora of websites and conversations where boaty people discuss parking their boat I fear I can be of no further help to you, you'll see on the link I posted both a video of boats being parked up and also editorial tech discussing said parking, if THAT Sir, is not enough for you then I'm afraid you're just going to have to die wondering, whilst hoping that God doesn't own a speed boat and asks you to go park it for him before granting you access to his home as you'll be SCREWED and THEN you'll wish you had of believed me !!!

I'm now off to mop down my brow from your disgusting spread of saliva as forced upon me during your aforementioned raspberry blowing in the safe knowledge that my boat will be safely parked should I ever need it to be, whereas YOURS on the other hand, well, the less said about THAT the better perhaps as yours will it seemed by moored or docked to the car park barrier as you drive off home .... !

October 29th, 2016, 22:47
NIrish. I have already BEEN screwed far too many times to be granted access to God;s beautiful home. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go and park some water in the kettle, park some coffee in the cup, reverse in some milk and sugar and make a cup of valet parked coffee.

Nirish guy
October 29th, 2016, 22:50
Democracy is in big trouble when the Deplorables can't be 'Dis-Liked'.

You said it - but just don't let the General hear your saying it otherwise you'll be off for a quick dose of re-education classes perhaps !

was[/I] the topic anyway

I have NO idea, isn't it wonderful ! :)

October 30th, 2016, 00:53
Well now, I see that Surfcrest reassigned or rather, switched this thread into oblivion on the Everything Else forum. Now if he and all the other moderators keep up their good work and do the same with all other off track threads. I will do my best to do what I can. 55555555555

October 30th, 2016, 07:25
This message board is RIGGED!!! If Surcrest was standing next to me I'd DEFINITELY grab his pussy!! (AND Francois's) ... and after that I'd SUE them!

Nirish guy
October 30th, 2016, 17:40
Unless of course you manage to get the thread moved back to where it was and in that case everything is fine and always was and it was your accusation of it being rigged that actually stopped the rigging and you surely just did us all a service in mentioning it again.

Oh and I believe that Surfcrest deleted a post on here once, so, if he's deleted one post what ELSE might he have deleted that we just don't know about EH !? I say jail him until we find out as there's something wrong going on here and we should stop any new posters joining the board until we know what the hell is going on and until I think we should start gathering up some bricks as I've a feeling we just might need to build a wall, but it will be a super wall, an awesome wall, the best wall you've ever seen !

October 30th, 2016, 23:07
This post is to establish a forum for scottishguy and latintop and anyone and everyone can post there insults, put-downs, slander, taunts, cheap shots and mudslinging without reprisal. Anything goes.
(my underline) sounds a bit awkward (poetic, ancient?), but sounds correct to me with there an adverb of place. You could put a : behind there. Their (possessive case) can replace there with different meaning. You can even use both: everyone can post there their insults

October 30th, 2016, 23:31
Unless of course you manage to get the thread moved back to where it was and in that case everything is fine and always was and it was your accusation of it being rigged that actually stopped the rigging and you surely just did us all a service in mentioning it again.

Oh and I believe that Surfcrest deleted a post on here once, so, if he's deleted one post what ELSE might he have deleted that we just don't know about EH !?
If you"d like it moved back, please let me know. I deleted a thread about the monarchy a short while back, but haven't deleted anything, or needed to delete anything in quite some time. It's a fun thread,...it can be anywhere the membership wants.


October 30th, 2016, 23:46
Surfcrest, you are a good sport, whatever that means.

October 30th, 2016, 23:50
(my underline) sounds a bit awkward (poetic, ancient?), but sounds correct to me with there an adverb of place. You could put a : behind there. Their (possessive case) can replace there with different meaning. You can even use both: everyone can post there their insults

Good point Christian! At the time of my posting I was mau too much. You get an A in English grammar. Happy you did not take a cheap shot at me, unlike all those other mean, nasty posters.

Nirish guy
October 31st, 2016, 03:58
If you"d like it moved back, please let me know. I deleted a thread about the monarchy a short while back, but haven't deleted anything, or needed to delete anything in quite some time. It's a fun thread,...it can be anywhere the membership wants.


You do know that I was joking hopefully, feel free to place this thread wherever you see fit, my post was more a piss take on Dickhead Trump in the spirit of Smiles earlier post too just.....