View Full Version : The Funny Boys Scotland Split

October 15th, 2016, 07:39
my command of the english language (only one of 4 languages that I have a very good command of....as in I would feel comfortable reading a legal doc in) )

Understood,I think. Please let me know when you are proficient in WRITING English.
And you still havent answered my question...Where or What is Skeggy?

October 15th, 2016, 07:44
"besides I was educated /brought up in an english speaking country"

There is only ONE English speaking country, as far as Im concerned.

October 15th, 2016, 13:02
An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him,
The moment he talks he makes some other
Englishman despise him.
One common language I'm afraid we'll never get.
Oh, why can't the English learn to
set a good example to people whose
English is painful to your ears?
The Scotch and the Irish leave you close to tears.
There even are places where English completely
Professor Henry Higgins

October 15th, 2016, 16:24
Professor Higgins was completely sober when he penned those famous lines.
He couldn't have allowed some adulterated Scotch to influence his writing.

October 15th, 2016, 16:33
1. The creator of "Professor Higgins" was Irish - the character is a parody.

2. "Scotch" is of course, a whisky.

October 15th, 2016, 23:55
Just to pour a little oil on the fire :

François forgot the last line of the tirade of Prof. Higgins :

"In America they haven't used it for years "

October 16th, 2016, 00:53
Hah, hah, lukylok, I didn't forget I just left that last line out.
But should add this line,

In France every Frenchman knows
his language from "A" to "Zed"
The French never care what they do, actually,
as long as they pronounce it properly.

Professor Henry Higgins or as some Brits would say, Enry Iggins.

October 16th, 2016, 15:31
Higgins may have thought he had achieved success in turning Eliza out as a lady fit for society - until the racing at Ascot, Despite the gorgeous dress, once her horse seemed to be losing, she shouted the immortal lines, "C'mon Dover! Move yer bloody arse!"

October 17th, 2016, 04:18
...scotty....im shocked that u would admit to incest..really....shagging your twin brothers....

One of the features of the Scottish legal code is that there is actually no such offence as gay incest - it being reserved for disgusting heterosexuals

October 17th, 2016, 11:30
...lucky for U then :eek:

October 17th, 2016, 15:08
OMFG, between LatintopXXX accusing me of sexual deviancy (he clearly has no concept of irony) and Mini Mee doing his Groundhog Day routine over on the Tarntawan thread, I'm completely distraught

It's like being savaged by a couple of chihuahuas

October 17th, 2016, 16:02
One of the features of the Scottish legal code is that there is actually no such offence as gay incest - it being reserved for disgusting heterosexuals

So much for equality!

October 17th, 2016, 17:02
So much for equality!

Yes, but this is quite common in both Scots and English law:

The offence of Gross Indecency for example never applied to women, so two lesbians could be rug-munching in public to their hearts content and would face no more than a trivial breach of the peace charge whereas 2 adult males caught having a wank would have their lives and careers ruined (Alan Turing as a prime example). There are ongoing moves in England to have those historically criminalised by a Gross Indecency conviction to have it expunged from the record.

Interestingly, one explanation for the anomaly is that Queen Victoria reputedly would not "sign off" the law creating a gross indecency offence for women because she simply refused to accept that two ladies would ever do such a thing.

Similary, I believe that until fairly recently (last few decades) "male rape" by a female was considered impossible and was therefore not on the statute book - male/male cases cases effectively being treated as aggravated buggery which really does not convey the seriousness of the offence.

Talking of Buggery - another one off the top of my head is that this offence also includes a woman having passive, penetrative vaginal sex with a pig or horse. I'm unaware if convictions for such behaviour have ever been secured - and if a horse or pig has ever been appeared in Court as the victim :D

October 20th, 2016, 16:59
... There are ongoing moves in England to have those historically criminalised by a Gross Indecency conviction to have it expunged from the record..

Hey I was bang on target - this from today's news:


October 22nd, 2016, 03:35
Well, it appears I spoke too soon!

Today the Tory UK Justice Minister shamefully and deliberately sabotaged the proposal (which was tabled by the Scottish National Party, not the UK Govt at all) by talking incessantly until it ran out of time, and the Bill therefore failed.

The effect of the failure is that only dead people will be "pardoned". So after their gross indecency conviction ruining their life and career right up until their death, presumably they're now expected to rest in peace? Perhaps there's even an expectation of groups of gay ghosts and poltergeists getting together, throwing parties, and perhaps putting the willys up each each other :love:

Those unfortunate enough to be still alive and criminalised by this discriminatory law, can instead apply to to have their Gross Indeceny conviction "disregarded" but as you will quickly grasp "disregarding" something may turn out to be quite different from having it overturned. Time will tell.

The practicality of a "disregard" is that a person would no longer have to declare the conviction and it would not appear in any criminal record checks for say licenses or employment.

If the record of the conviction is held electronically it's supposed to be deleted but NOT necessarily deleted if it is held on old paper or microfiche records (i.e. before 1995). The fact is a sizable number (in fact possibly most) of convictions for gross indecency are pre-1995 and probably held on paper/microfiche.

Another factor is that thousands of Gross Indecency convictions were/are for sexual acts in public toilets. In very many cases the convictions were gained by enrapment by "pretty police officers" posing as gay men cruising for sex and then arresting anybody who importuned them. That was simply they way the "Vice Squads" operated in those days. The UK Government is unwilling to disregard these convictions on the basis that it is still illegal for anyone to have sex in a public toilet, regardless if they are gay, bi or straight.

Personally I simply dont accept that argument as I strongly believe that the vast majority of straight couples caught in delicto flagrante in a public place (then and now) would simply be told to move on, not arrested, charged, and convicted.

With the failure of the SNP's Bill in the UK Parliament, there is speculation now that a similar bill will be introduced and passed by the Scottish Parliament instead.

(I posted this on Gaybutton forum too - as they have a thread on it)

Nirish guy
October 22nd, 2016, 08:06
I'm unaware if convictions for such behaviour have ever been secured - and if a horse.... has ever been appeared in Court as the victim :D

I'm guessing the answer to that would be NEIGHHHHHHH

October 22nd, 2016, 08:26
Once again, a topic about Thailand becomes a topic about Scotland.
Why does it never turn into a discussion about Wallonia?


October 22nd, 2016, 14:23
Alternatively, a mainly nostalgic puff piece about a defunct go-go bar morphed into a more substantial discussion of UK current affairs/politics.


October 26th, 2016, 01:28

With the failure of the SNP's Bill in the UK Parliament, there is speculation now that a similar bill will be introduced and passed by the Scottish Parliament instead...

And so it seems...............
