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View Full Version : "To all tourists in Thailand". Thai guy explains what's going on.

October 20th, 2016, 20:00

Video is here:

October 20th, 2016, 20:53
That guy is a great communicator!

October 20th, 2016, 22:45
His English is so good I can only assume he must have some sort of native English speaker/teacher in his life? For me an American/Canadian accent but not British/Australian, etc.

October 21st, 2016, 08:12
he's adorable

October 21st, 2016, 20:42

Old git
October 24th, 2016, 12:09
Nice kid. The slight lilt on his excellent English makes me suspect he honed his language skills in Hong Kong. A lot of affluent Thais now send their kids to India to upgrade their English skills, but the result seems to be a slightly harsher and more precise enunciation.

October 24th, 2016, 18:09
Nice kid. The slight lilt on his excellent English makes me suspect he honed his language skills in Hong Kong. A lot of affluent Thais now send their kids to India to upgrade their English skills, but the result seems to be a slightly harsher and more precise enunciation.

To India to upgrade their English skills? Poor kids.

October 24th, 2016, 19:38
Many years ago I met a sweet young man in Hanoi who had just spent a year or so in Bangalore, where he took some formal English courses. I found his spoken English with a Indian lilt quite charming for a Vietnamese. On subsequent visits I noticed that he was quickly losing the Indian accent.

October 25th, 2016, 08:59
To me,,it seems, this guy left Thailand maybe when he was 5 yrs old..raised in USA...as can one really speak this well
only being brought up and educated in Thailand? Maybe so, but to me it seems like he was bought up in another English speaking country as no local accent whatsoever....anyway..perfect engish...

October 25th, 2016, 13:03
Very impressive, heartfelt video. Thanks for alerting us to it, Moses.

October 25th, 2016, 14:39
I'd be fascinated to hear what the people working in the rice fields of Isaan have to say....but their voices are silenced, aren't they.

October 25th, 2016, 19:12
I'd be fascinated to hear what the people working in the rice fields of Isaan have to say....but their voices are silenced, aren't they.

I may be wrong but I would estimate a significant percentage of those singing the Royal Anthem in Sanam Luang over the weekend still had mud from the rice paddies on their shoes and their voices were just as loud and clear as the rest, and the government and other organistions are generously providing free or subsidised bus and train seats and accommodation for upcountry folk who want to travel to Bangkok to pay their respect to the King

but if you have evidence that YouTube or anyone else is actively censoring videos from humble Thai folk trying to express their respect for the King or trying to explain the grief many Thai people are experiencing just because of a faint whiff of jasmine rice plants about their person do share it with us

or are you just trying to politicise this thread?

personally I cynically suspect this video clip would not be as popular here if it were made by a non-descript 45 year old woman, so maybe we both need to put another record on?

but just out of interest is Isaan Kool-Aid as deep red in colour as one would expect? I only ask because based on your posts you seem to have drunk so much of it


October 25th, 2016, 23:14
I seem to have struck a nerve.....is wishing to hear from other Thais "political"? Of course, the comment was tongue-in cheek in that you can be damn sure that they won't be.

October 26th, 2016, 07:44
I'd be fascinated to hear what the people working in the rice fields of Isaan have to say....but their voices are silenced, aren't they.

Old git
October 26th, 2016, 12:51
The implication is being made that the good people of Isaan would articulate a different message were they to produce their own video.

Although there are big political and regional divides in Thailand, I did not find this video in any way partisan - there is genuine common cause on this occasion.

There are elements who seem to regard all monarchies as an anachronism, but one only has to look at the US presidential election to realise the advantages of an hereditory apolitical head of state. .

- And does anyone seriously believe that Thailand would achieve peace and stability with an elected president at the helm?

October 26th, 2016, 14:32
Yes....as indeed you would if a left-wing leader seized power and instituted a programme of socialism and equality.

October 26th, 2016, 19:07
Yes....as indeed you would if a left-wing leader seized power and instituted a programme of socialism and equality.
What a ridiculous old simpleton you are Ollie. Everything fits into your fantasyland, doesn't it?
I'm afraid you live, and probably will die with "if only ..." on your lips.

(Pardon to the OP ... this growling is definitely Off Topic.)

Old git
October 26th, 2016, 20:11
Socialism was tried by many countries in the last century, and it always failed.

Tens of millions of lives were lost directly as a result, and countless more lives were needlessly ruined by it.

And yet, we still have idiots - dangerous idiots if we're not very careful - who still think that socialism is so important that it deserves to bypass the ballot box.

To the naive and stupid it's an attractive theory, and to those whose hearts have a need to hate, it becomes a cause.

But it's been tried in many guises, and it just doesn't work. Period.

October 26th, 2016, 22:12
I think it went off-topic when some opined they'd as soon fuck the messenger as listen to what he had to say.

On this forum at least, any political discussion of policies or political outlooks which veer left of Ghengis Khan is doomed to failure when you have some members who seriously think you ought to be able to fuck whomsoever you wish simply because you have more money than them.

Not to mention those who think there's a deserved place for people who occupy it not through any sort of merit or popular mandate whatsoever - but by mere accident of birth

October 26th, 2016, 23:00
"Occupy"?......be careful.That word is banned. God ordained that certain places (and certain positions) be reserved for certain people. He is, after all, a Celestial Estate Agent. It says so in The Bible. And we all know that what was written in the Arabian desert (allegedly) three thousand years ago should continue to be enforced today.

October 27th, 2016, 02:58
scotty..know u r scottish...but you really are veering into tinfoil wearing territory. Its the oldest profession ever, after all didn't Jesus mix with tax collectors and prostitutes?? Its only natural that someone who is prepared to pay can avail themselves of services provided by those wiling to sell..or should I say rent short term.
And as for the latter point, are you inferring that the offspring of a millionaire should not inherit simply because ?!?! That sort of thinking is what has gotten Venezuela into deep shyte.

October 27th, 2016, 09:32
His English is so good I can only assume he must have some sort of native English speaker/teacher in his life? For me an American/Canadian accent but not British/Australian, etc.

Judging by his FB profile I'd guess his father is American and his mother is Thai. It says that he lived in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA but now is studying for his MS at Chula. And apparently has a tutoring business.

October 27th, 2016, 11:19
fedssocr, thanks for putting this train wreck back on track.:clapping:

October 27th, 2016, 15:27
....didn't Jesus mix with tax collectors and prostitutes??

Probably not as I regard it all as a load of crap - but given your sordid sexual habits I'm highly amused that you see fit to quote the Holy Bible at us.
Can we assume you'll be repenting imminently - as that was the whole point of the references to tax collectors and prostitutes in said book?
Incidentally, no doubt you've been indoctrinated with the King James version (and just in case you don't know, that was James VI of Scotland :D)

...And as for the latter point, are you inferring that the offspring of a millionaire should not inherit simply because ...

I was clearly referring to position at the head of a society, not individual wealth.

October 27th, 2016, 17:33
Somebody pulled the switch again!

October 28th, 2016, 05:26
scotty u r simply jealous that I actually enjoy sex, dont see it as dirty or sinful...and as for " head of a society" again its sour grapes/jealousy...just because for the lat 300 years you have had a German queen (who incidentally has absolutely no power)

October 28th, 2016, 12:31
Why don't you guys just start an INSULT post and carry on with your war of words and stop messing up legitimate threads ? :devilsh:

October 28th, 2016, 12:50
...now wheres the fun in THAT...u cheese/frog eating surrender monkey

October 28th, 2016, 14:39
.....for the lat 300 years you have had a German queen (who incidentally has absolutely no power)

Firstly she's 50% Scottish and a direct descendant of Mary, Queen of Scots, and secondly the only place you're likely to see a 300 year old queen is in Pattaya.

November 1st, 2016, 15:57
the only place you're likely to see a 300 year old queen is in Pattaya.

Or a mirror.

November 1st, 2016, 16:21
Oh you NASTY queen


Old git
November 2nd, 2016, 09:28
1) Scotty - you asked for that..

2) Latin - to say the Queen has no power is to misunderstand the subtleties of the UK's unwritten constitution.

The european monarchies are very international - if you look at the order of succession, when it leaves the UK the crown goes first to Norway..

November 2nd, 2016, 18:42
There are elements who seem to regard all monarchies as an anachronism, but one only has to look at the US presidential election to realise the advantages of an hereditory apolitical head of state. .

I don't understand why Clinton v Trump proves the need for a monarchy or shows that a monarchy is an advantage. The UK monarchy haven't been able to prevent us having a succession of parasites of parliament.

November 3rd, 2016, 18:22
We've got Charles to look forward to in the next decade or so. I foresee a resurgence of republicanism in the UK. Good.

Old git
November 4th, 2016, 07:34
For decades there's been a rather nasty set of former playground bullies who have sniped at Charles, sure in the knowledge that his position prevents him from fighting back.

Look a little closer and you find a guy who is intelligent, caring and a competant artist, and someone who has had to face very similar challenges to those faced in everyday society by the gay sons of alpha male fathers.

Whilst valid criticism should never be suppressed, the cheap shots of cowards who couldn't do better only serve to diminish those that utter them..

November 4th, 2016, 09:28
HELLO,,,,your all off topic..hate it when this happens....you should make a "new" subject to discuss this...back to original posting..

November 4th, 2016, 15:31
I don't hate it when topics expand into other areas - it's like having a conversation which goes in unexpected directions and then usually reverts to the original subject.

In the case of this particular topic, there is only so long one can witness elderly guys slobbering over a video and circling the boy in it like flies round a hot turd, before one positively welcomes any diversion
