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October 3rd, 2016, 18:02
I know this is the gay Thailand forum but Surfcrest can move it after a few days if he wants to.

So. A visit to Fukuoka and the land of the rising sun. A report (research) as promised. I shan't bore you all with anything other than the boys. Now I only really went there to sample some Japanese straight money boys and everything else was secondary.
It was this website http://kids-jp.com/en/dk/s/ that was the clincher. It's very simple. The boys shown on the website are not available in reality. The first night there were a few boys and I took the best of a not particularly special bunch. He was fine but nothing special. the second night there was at total of 4 boys on site. Only one was the type I was looking for and I have to say he was exceptional with OK English and a beautiful body, smile and a nice sense of humour. The third night was the same with just 4 boys to choose from and so I decided at $120.00 per hour they just weren't worth the money. Both of my offs were very small in the trouser department.

Now I can't say this for a fact but I suspect that all these Japanese money boy sites are similar and that if like me, you went there hoping to hire porn quality boys till your eyes pop then you're going to be disappointed.

October 3rd, 2016, 20:47
Sorry you were disappointed.

Reading their "menu" I'd have opted for the school uniform at an extra 1000 yen, even though I suspect they wouldn't have my size.

October 3rd, 2016, 21:08
I would add a little about the service. It's very pleasant. You look through a window at the available boys and simply choose the one you want. They cannot see you. I'm not sure if this is because of discretion (many Japanese gays are married) or to prevent the boy refusing a customer. You don't actually meet until after you have made your selection and paid. Then you go a short way down the road to a perfectly comfortable room. Be aware,,,you pay for an hour and you get exactly one hour, pay for 1 1/2 hours and you get exactly 1 1/2 hours etc. So compared to Pattaya it is rather clinical.

Disappointing to be honest. But I'm very glad I went. No doubt the selection in Tokyo would be considerably greater.

And Scottish I did ask on your behalf but they said that either the boy or the customer wearing a kilt and sporran would be classed as s and m.

Nirish guy
October 4th, 2016, 00:44
Awww :-( I'm genuinely disappointed both for you Arsenal after going all that way and also ( being a little selfish here) for the rest of us too as I'd been looking forward to a whole new level of report from Japan with tales of wonders we could only have dreamed of, whereas it appears the "oh that boy, no, he not here today, he go back his village" internationally translates !

Still interesting none the less to hear the mechanics on how things worked there re timings and moving on to other rooms etc, but as you say definitely not worth the trip it seems just to try something "new", especially at the risk of them trying to introduce me to that new fad of hard core K&S ( kilt and Sporran) that's raging throughout the Country it seems !

October 4th, 2016, 01:36
funny, I always took the japs to be more honest even when it comes to prostitution, so am surprised that with a website showing dozens of playmates that on most nights only a handful were available.

October 4th, 2016, 04:45
Thanks for the report. I'm headed to Korea in a few months. Hoping that the massage boys there will be worthwhile. Frankly I don't find Japanese guys to be especially attractive in general.

October 4th, 2016, 05:56
I came across that agency's branch in Tokyo, in Shinjuku, and saw a few average looking twink types going there. Boys on their website truly look like those hot jap porn models.I don't think they are lying: most likely you need to book them in advance. Language barrier may have been a problem as few Japanese have a good command in English. Another reason may have been the fact that you were a foreigner and not every boy would serve you. They can be very narrow-minded.

October 4th, 2016, 07:52
Thanks for the replies guys.
svyturys: Definitely nothing to do with me being a foreigner. I had e-mailed them several times prior to my visit and besides the manager simply presses a bell and the boys appear behind the window not knowing who is ogling them. I don't think it's dishonesty as such as maximum promotion. Beautiful boys are not on every street corner (unlike China) so I think the high quality boys work there for a while and then collect a good number of regular clients and no longer need the shop. My second off tried to take my details for future business. He only works there one day a week and probably has private work the rest of the time. I got lucky with him and even then I had to book him for a later time as he was already booked when I went there.

October 4th, 2016, 08:16
Now I can't say this for a fact but I suspect that all these Japanese money boy sites are similar and that if like me, you went there hoping to hire porn quality boys till your eyes pop then you're going to be disappointed.
Thanks for the valuable report. With the booking in advance service, it's clear this should be the way to go unless it's important actually to see the guy before deciding. I also think the quality in Tokyo and Osaka ought to be considerably more satisfactory, if only because there is a much greater selection of guys. The sites also highlight those who have appeared in porn movies.

October 4th, 2016, 09:23
Fountainhall: You're almost certainly right about Tokyo and Osaka. I chose Fukuoka because it's smallish and therefore so much more manageable for a first visit. The manager was very honest. He told me that a couple of the boys no longer looked like their photos. Because of their gym work they were now "very macho" and so not my type.

The disappointment of boy selection aside I had a wonderful time. Things either seemed very expensive or quite cheap. My hotel room was over $110.00 per night and truly tiny, I'm not a big person and I felt like Gulliver. However in the restaurant floor (9) in the mall above Hakata station you can get an astonishingly delicious meal of high quality for $12.00. Entrance to the zoo and botanical gardens just $6.00, the marine park only $20.00. And their lavatories are the WC equivalent of an Aston Martin.

October 4th, 2016, 16:43
I don't recall ever having been to a host bar and only know of them through the experiences of others. But I agree that Japan is a great country to visit. Hotel rooms are certainly on the small side as the cost equates more or less with size. The first business-type hotel I booked I could stand between the two beds, stretch out my arms and touch both walls! Understandably, the further from the city centre, the cheaper the price (slightly). As you've discovered, food can be incredibly cheap and quite delicious. And in Tokyo at least the public transport system is amazing and cheap - as long as you can stand the rush hours crowds!

October 5th, 2016, 00:56
1.the method of choosing your wanted boy that way was also quite common in TH-at least for the girls (I think at least 99% of gay bisnis in Th is just copycat from the str8 ditto- plus that a lot seems to be copycat from Japan practice). I still remember some place where the glass screen was (or at least I was later told so) 1 way only-well, at least the boys behind did not the usual winking and pointing at themselves.
2.Price per hour: from what I know in EURope (and 120US$ is just slightly more as 100 eur-the common payment for ''anything included'' in 1 hour-but if at all possible less time) in more regulated brothels it works the same way- 1 hr is 60 mins and not 1 second more.
But an interesting behind the hidden screens report and enlightening as well. I also think that quite a lot of boys in provincial cities such as FUK may only work part-time, being student, having other work or whatever. This is also often said about the girls doing the same. Did you go as far as asking how much that boy got as his share of the paymant and what he would ask himself directly?

October 5th, 2016, 09:45
Did you go as far as asking how much that boy got as his share of the paymant and what he would ask himself directly?
I agree with pong that most of the boys in provincial city were probably part-timers in for a bit of extra cash. But as to asking the questions, even if asked and understood I'm pretty certain the culture in Japan would result in little more than a smile. The question/s would be regarded as issue/s only for the boy and the head of the bar - nothing to do with the customer.

October 5th, 2016, 13:38
I agree with Fountainhall that it would have been impolite to ask about the cash split between the shop (it is a shop, it's not a bar) and the boy.

October 6th, 2016, 01:55
based on the feedback to date would I be right in saying that Thailand still has the best commercial sex scene around? For heavens sake one can hardly take a walk down a soi and not get propositioned/offered services. And all for a fraction of the cost in Japan. One spend the whole day hopping from grindr to massage parlours to host bars to gogo bars.....there is literally an endless stream of willing and able service providers catering to all tastes.

October 6th, 2016, 08:34
Latin: You are undoubtedly right. Nowhere else even comes close. Thailand is in a league all of their own.

October 6th, 2016, 16:39
OMG....quick I need a drink...hold the mixer just pour in the alcohol.....

October 6th, 2016, 18:44
Don't be so surprised Latin. If you dropped the crap you'd find this board a far more interesting and rewarding place to visit with high quality conversations on the board and even more interesting pms going on over many years plus a wealth of people to ask questions in areas they have knowledge about.