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September 7th, 2016, 19:06
During recent visits to Dream Boys, it seems that the bar is now focusing on Chinese tourists who come to see the gross and boring shows.

The place has a few stunningly handsome guys, but why is the management ignoring the interests of gay males?

September 7th, 2016, 20:11
"why is the management ignoring the interests of gay males?"

It isn't. It's just focussing on Chinese gay males.

I was talking to the German owner when I was in Bangkok on my last trip He said he had long given up on catering for farang. He told me he would have gone under had it not been for the Chinese.

September 7th, 2016, 20:53
Well, according to Wiki, in 2015 27% of all international visitors to Thailand were Chinese.

They are expecting that to increase by almost one million more Chinese in 2016.

As far as Westerners go, Russia accounts for 6.5%, UK accounts for 3.7%, Australia accounts for 3.4%, and US accounts for 3.1%.

So from gay bar owners perspective you have no choice but to cater to the Chinese or go out of business.

September 7th, 2016, 23:05
He said he had long given up on catering for farang. He told me he would have gone under had it not been for the Chinese.
The trend has been very obvious for the last 2 - 3 years and the only surprise is that the other bar owners have taken so long to follow suit. And since the Chinese so far take the boys off far less frequently than the farang do, booze prices have had to go up to compensate for the reduction in off fees. I still reckon that more than one of the Soi Twilight go-go bars will close its doors within the next 12 months. The business just isn't there any more.

September 8th, 2016, 06:32
Well I used to visit the shows...but last 3 years NO...Most of the Chinese Tourists in these places are NOT gay..just men and women laughing and making it not comfortable for me...just me I guess...I want to be in the place that is for gays, not husbands and wifes who are straight....I do get that the bars need to make money therefore this is now the norm..anyway, first visit for me to the shows fantastic...2nd and 3rd..nice...but now,,,even the shows are a bore....so I don't go...

September 8th, 2016, 09:57
The Soi Twilight bars are now mostly similar to the large rip off jewellery stores, souvenir shops and others. They are short stops on organised tours where the Chinese are given a slice of Thai life and their group leaders get commissions at every turn. Obviously some farang, Thais and Asian gays still visit, but they are a dying breed.

September 8th, 2016, 14:01
When the businesses in So I Twilight are open, the place is practically a living museum for gay life in Bangkok.
Certainly a tourist attraction for visitors to Thailand.

September 8th, 2016, 14:47
Our hotel in Chiang Mai is always 90% plus Chinese and the one we used in Bali in June was much the same- so it's not just Thailand.

September 8th, 2016, 19:52
Yes, some of the Chinese tourists at Dream Boys are gay men, but there are also quite a few gawking and screaming straight couples, as well as a few straight women groping and occasionally offing the guys.

Yes, I suppose Dream Boys must make money; shows do pull in the Chinese tourists. Maybe it is best for gay males to go before or after the shows and avoid the crowds of tourists.

September 9th, 2016, 20:09
Maybe a stupid question but how does it show they cater to Chinese gay males? Have Chinese gay males different tastes in boys? So Farang don't find anything to their liking anymore in a go go bar, so stay away? Or do Chinese gay males have a taste for extremely loud music in a bar causing Farang to skip the bar?

How does a bar cater to Chinese? I understand maybe they are offering their price list in the Chinese language? But that hardly will keep Farang away if there is an English language version also.

So what is it in catering to Chinese that cause Farang to stay away?

September 9th, 2016, 20:14
So what is it in catering to Chinese that cause Farang to stay away?

More show, less talking and interaction, basically. I think at least. Others with more knowledge I'm sure will correct me.

Farangs are looking for sex. They want to walk into a go-go bar, and have 30 relaxed, smiling guys in white briefs who are available to sit with them, have a drink or three with them, chat and get to know each other a little, and be offed at a reasonable price.

Chinese are more interested in a gay sex show, then leaving by themselves, hence drinks go up to ridiculous prices.

September 9th, 2016, 21:28
Maybe a stupid question but how does it show they cater to Chinese gay males?

It's not a case of them 'catering" to anyone in particular; it's just that the Chinese are the ones walking through the doors these days. I don't think the bar owners give a flying fuck who patronises their bar, so long as they buy overpriced drinks.

September 9th, 2016, 23:52
I obviously had the opportunity to go to BKK during this trip but quite frankly the reports of 450B drinks just put me right off.

Yes I do realise you're paying to see a show, and not just buying a drink but I'm sorry, as far as big cock and sex shows are concerned I've seen it all before.

When you've seen one couple fucking on a trapeze you seen them all. Yawn.

September 10th, 2016, 03:28
I still enjoy watching a real good fuck show, problem is that they no longer put thrm on, what you see now is a very poor version. And do have to agree that the influx of Chinese tourists and their spending habits have spoiled it somewhat for customers who enjoyed offing gogo boys.

September 10th, 2016, 03:36
And do have to agree that the influx of Chinese tourists and their spending habits have spoiled it somewhat for customers who enjoyed offing gogo boys.

If the Chines don't take many boys off then surely the choice of boys is still there for us? OK you have to pay an extra couple of hundred baht for a drink, but if all those boys are unoffed....!

September 10th, 2016, 10:11
And do have to agree that the influx of Chinese tourists and their spending habits have spoiled it somewhat for customers who enjoyed offing gogo boys.

Who are you agreeing with?? Nobody has posted that the Chinese are offing all the boys. In fact, t the exact opposite is true.

Oops! You got it wrong. Again.

SG, I'm glad to hear that you are having a good time in LOS. And I agree with you about Bangkok. I only go there because I have a couple of regulars - and they are definitely not from Soi Twilight. Otherwise, I'd give Bangkok a miss and head straight to Pattaya.

BTW, have you wandered past Goodboys? Now that All of Me has closed, the guys must be feeling quite isolated in that dark soi. I hope they are still getting enough customers to keep the bar open.

September 10th, 2016, 11:38
Hi a447 - I did not even notice Good Boys - maybe I just saw a dark corner and didn't investigate.

I spent time in Power Boy, Nice Boy, Eros, Ting Tong, Double Shot, Sky Boy and some other little bars I don't even know the names of. I even ate out of a very small "cafe" directly opposite Sky Boy and had the skitters all the next day lol.

I don't spend a lot of time in Sunee as frankly I find the area quite unappealing with the closed bars and homeless people sleeping in shop doorways during the day. I'm no snob but I find it pretty off putting.

I was impressed with the sub- area round Ting Tong and Elephant Plaza - the guy there is making a real effort and deserves to succeed. A beer for 50B is not to be passed up!!

The other factor that limits the time I spend in SP is that I inevitably get bitten to death by mosquitoes there. 10 bites in one night this year - and that's with repellent, long trousers, and shirt sleeves. It annoys me greatly because I always have a pretty bad reaction to mosquito bites with large inflamed areas which become quite painful. I do NOT have the same problem sitting in BT for hours each night.

One thing worth mentioning is that there are now some boys available who definitely have some North African blood in there - with Moroccan type features. There's been some inter-racial breeding going on for sure and they are very attractive to me. I'm talking a handful of boys on the whole plaza not hoardes

September 10th, 2016, 14:54
a447, there u go again with the snide remarks....would be warranted if u actually understood what was being written. maybe u gotta brush up on comprehension. ....or maybe the last bulb in your chandelier blew..

September 10th, 2016, 16:27
At least a447 has a chandelier - the impression I get is you'd be happy to spend all your life in a fucking darkroom


September 11th, 2016, 03:07
Yeahhhhhhh, 10/10 Scotty for that one!!!

September 12th, 2016, 14:14
If the Chines don't take many boys off then surely the choice of boys is still there for us? OK you have to pay an extra couple of hundred baht for a drink, but if all those boys are unoffed....!
Now there's western logic at work! And in theory you would be correct. The problem is that increasingly many farang are now put off by the rapidly increasing prices and in increasingly boring shows performed by increasingly straight guys who mostly seem increasingly bored out of their minds performing them! If the objective is just to find a nice guy to off, then you'll certainly be welcomed with open arms. If it's to have a good time, to enjoy some dancing where the guys will flirt with you, a show in which you might even have a mild interest and thereafter to off a boy, you're increasingly likely to be disappointed in all but the latter. So why bother going to the bar in the first place?

September 12th, 2016, 15:30
I'm not too sure that the Chinese are soley to blame for the increase in drink/off prices at Dreamboys. The canny old German has been increasing prices for years and the advent of the Chinese gay tourists may have just speeded up the price hikes.

The shows are boring, but that's just because I've seen them so many times. From what I gather, the Chinese are usually one -off visitors to LOS and so only see the show once or twice. They no doubt find them interesting.

I stay away from the Soi Twilight bars not because of the shows or the prices - it's because I have little interest in offing guys who, at the end of the day, have been working in the bars for far too many years and have become consummate pros when it comes to doing as little as possible for as much money as they can get.

The guys in the Soi Tawan area are a lot less sophisticated, if you know what I mean. They have a sense of innocence about them - not so polished,so to speak.

September 13th, 2016, 13:51
During recent visits to Dream Boys, it seems that the bar is now focusing on Chinese tourists who come to see the gross and boring shows.

The place has a few stunningly handsome guys, but why is the management ignoring the interests of gay males?

Just returned from my third August trip to Bangkok, Dreamboys is one of my favorite clubs, and I can assure the OP that the mgmt. is not ignoring the interests of this gay male! I don't mind if I'm the only farang in a club, maybe I even get a kick out of it. I am annoyed when a group of gawkers stumbles in, but it doesn't ruin my night. I have a regular captain/mamasan, as I do in my other regular stops. I teach my friends to do the same. Tip him well, let him learn your tastes, and of course he will also learn from the boys that I tip well, and what I enjoy back in the room. When he sees me enter the club, he makes room for me, regardless of how crowded with Chinese tourists the place is. When he sees me next door at Maxi's, he asks if I will be coming over, and if I'm not, I tell him when next to expect me. He knows what boy I am currently into, and that boy then is reserved. Yes, 450 baht is a lot for a drink, but I live in L.A., and that is what I'm used to. Like a447, I have enjoyed conversation with the German owner. He has the best show club, and he enjoys it. Just watch the foot traffic heading into the Soi at showtime - it mostly is headed to Dreamboys. Also like a447, I enjoy the unpolished charms of the Soi Than Tawan/Narahiwas boys, but mostly I like that I can show up next summer at Dreamboys, pick out the star of the big cock show, he will perform like pro he is, but will also be a cool guy I will genuinely like. This summer's Dreamboy even gave me an gift! I'll keep the specifics private, but it was moving and a memorable part of this year's trip. So Dreamboys is a subject of much debate, and Chinese Tourists are as well, but our experiences in Thailand are what we make them. The OP finds the shows gross and boring, I find them so-so, but my farang friend loved them! I mostly like that Dreamboys makes me feel welcome, and takes great care of me. My Dad taught me to find a favorite venue, make myself a regular, and treat everyone well. Nowhere is this more effective than Thailand. The Chinese Tourists are having their vacation, and I'm having mine!

September 13th, 2016, 18:28
I have a regular captain/mamasan, as I do in my other regular stops. I teach my friends to do the same. Tip him well, let him learn your tastes, and of course he will also learn from the boys that I tip well, and what I enjoy back in the room
I may have mentioned before that I once had a client staying for a week in a 5-star hotel. At dinner on his first evening, he told me that he had already tipped the chief concierge and the room boy as was his custom in every hotel. Thereafter, he told me, he could take whomever he wished back to his room with smiles all the way, whatever the hotel's policies!

September 14th, 2016, 00:03
I also most of the time tip them at the beginning of my stay, I do it as the service you get is upgraded by it.

September 14th, 2016, 06:12
BTW, have you wandered past Goodboys? Now that All of Me has closed, the guys must be feeling quite isolated in that dark soi. I hope they are still getting enough customers to keep the bar open.

I was in Pattaya last week and can confirm all is the same at Good Boys. I did my best to ensure that Chet did not feel isolated, and even managed some time with a couple of his co-workers.

The guy with the large afro (I can never remember his name) had it well tamed this trip, but something seemed a bit off with him. Not as friendly or engaging.

September 14th, 2016, 08:37
Good to hear you had your hands full with the guys at Goodboys. They must be feeling abandoned now that the lights are off in the Soi. Do they have plenty of customers?

Sorry to hear about afroboy. I wonder what's wrong? He's always been so friendly and always up for it, so to speak.

September 14th, 2016, 14:09
Annualguy - What are the shows like at Dreamboys at the moment. Are the acrobatic fuck shows etc taking place again?

September 14th, 2016, 14:53
I used to go to these shows once per holiday (together with my boyfriend), see the show have one or two drinks and off we went. That was when prices were 150 baht, the last time we went, I had to pay 500 baht for two drinks, and that's the last time we ever went. And the show was indeed boring.

One thing that wonders me, according to some people on the thread, boys are not "offed" that often anymore, that must not be good news for them, I guess they have upped their prices :)

Nathan B
September 29th, 2016, 17:08
What tip is expected for short time with a Dream Boy? Are their prices as inflated as the drinks?

September 30th, 2016, 01:13
careful nathan...this is a very loaded and controversial question/issue

September 30th, 2016, 07:41
These bars which now cater to Chinese tourists are boring as hell....I do not want to sit with a group of
straight people. snickering,,laughing,,,husbands who wonder what the hell is this....It is not enjoyable anymore.
I don't go..

Nirish guy
September 30th, 2016, 16:46
Or husbands who are ACTUALLY probably thinking something more like "hmm I'll have to make a mental note where this place is as I SO want to come back later tonight after I've left the wife off to her shopping as I've always wanted to try this and I want to suck the dick of that hot number 5 guy SO much !" - and all whilst they still and tut and look in disgust at us 'gays" telling the wife to come on, this isn't the place for them, whilst desperately trying to cover his ever growing hard on ! :-)

October 1st, 2016, 02:26
reminds me of a time when two straight couples walked into a gogo bar, the guys stood with their backs to the stage sneering/ignoring the show while the two girls watched and laughed and generally had a good time. yet 20 min later per chance I find one of the guys in the toilet groping one of the boys?!?!

October 1st, 2016, 02:44
I'm sure many of us have been in the situation where some supposedly str8 encounter declares "I've never done this before" only to be bent over gasping "Fuck me" before you can get ur cock out....

..... and THEN you find it's like throwing a sausage up an alleyway.

One of the memorable encounters I had was with with a well hard chavvy/scally teenager with the trackies, footy top, cap, gold sovereign ring, - the lot - who swore he was st8 and took his trackies and footy top off............................ to reveal a black bra and panties.

October 1st, 2016, 03:11
was enjoying the last sentence until u got to the bra and panties...but must confess that I do like the whole chav look....major turn on. Theres a short movie, forget the name, not porn strictly, of a chav that does random hook ups and ends up raped by his mate in front of his ex gf.

October 1st, 2016, 12:09
I'm sure many of us have been in the situation where some supposedly str8 encounter declares "I've never done this before" only to be bent over gasping "Fuck me" before you can get ur cock out....

..... and THEN you find it's like throwing a sausage up an alleyway.

One of the memorable encounters I had was with with a well hard chavvy/scally teenager with the trackies, footy top, cap, gold sovereign ring, - the lot - who swore he was st8 and took his trackies and footy top off............................ to reveal a black bra and panties.

Scotty, could you please provide a translation of the above? Not all of us are native Queen's English speakers.

October 1st, 2016, 16:49
Yes - I can provide a translation without words :clapping:


Nirish guy
October 1st, 2016, 17:11
was enjoying the last sentence until u got to the bra and panties...but must confess that I do like the whole chav look....major turn on. Theres a short movie, forget the name, not porn strictly, of a chav that does random hook ups and ends up raped by his mate in front of his ex gf.

I think the name of that movie was Shaft but on checking I can find no trace of it online, so perhaps I've got the name wrong

Nirish guy
October 1st, 2016, 17:13
was enjoying the last sentence until u got to the bra and panties...but must confess that I do like the whole chav look....major turn on. Theres a short movie, forget the name, not porn strictly, of a chav that does random hook ups and ends up raped by his mate in front of his ex gf.

I think the name of that movie was Shaft but on checking I can find no trace of it online, so perhaps I've gotten the name wrong

October 3rd, 2016, 04:57
I think the name of that movie was Shaft but on checking I can find no trace of it online, so perhaps I've gotten the name wrong

The movie was "Shank".


It is not an easy watch. But if you're into scally lads, this ticks a lot of boxes.

October 3rd, 2016, 06:48
dunno why u say its not an easy watch. I absolutely love it.

December 21st, 2016, 17:23
I agree with Werner i went to Dream boys a few days ago: on ly Chinese, boring shows with drag Queens no cute boys some fat and ugly boys
I went to Fresh Boys:cute and slim Thai boys very sweet no Chinese but few western customers. Boys want to be offed

December 22nd, 2016, 07:40
I get the bar owners need to make money..but I will never visit these bars again...Why would I want to be sitting around giggling Chinese women,,or their husbands beside them...this is a GAY venue..I don't want to be around straight Chinese..boring...

December 22nd, 2016, 08:10
I don't want to sit among straight Chinese couples either.
One of the reasons that I would not go to Dream Boys anymore.

But, a GAY venue?
Not sure about that.
Maybe we would like it to be.

But it is a BOY BAR.
For any customer who wants to see boys.

December 22nd, 2016, 09:37
neddy...never a truer word (s) has been spoken...its not a gay venue per say...but a meat market....unfortunately some of us are completely deluded in thinking that the boys are there because they enjoy its and want to have fun with us and like us and maybe even want to be friends and more...

December 22nd, 2016, 10:22
I get the bar owners need to make money..but I will never visit these bars again.
Sadly it's the way of the live entertainment gay world in Bangkok. The Chinese and other Asians are now the majority customers and the bars have two choices - adapt or die. This subject has been discussed ad infinitum on this and other forums, but no-one has yet been able to go out and open up a new gay go-go bar in Bangkok that can exist without this new breed of tourist.

January 20th, 2017, 17:55
Chinese New Year is almost here. Are straight Chinese tourists swarming to Dream Boys to gawk at the boring and repulsive shows?

January 21st, 2017, 00:00
Not at Dream Boys, but at Kawaii Boy, a group of Chinese(men and women) walked in, sat down, got up, and walked out.

Was a Dream Boys last night and kind of dead. Few customers and few boyz. Just never know.

Cupidol had many, many boyz on stage but not many customers and many sitting on their hands.

January 21st, 2017, 01:12
werner not all find the shows repulsive so stop trying to be the moral police. After all who are you as a cock sucking shirt lifting pillow biter to judge.
Francois....unfortunately Thailand is still receiving plane loads of Chinese package tourists...the type who have instant noodles boiled up in the hotel room electric jug for dinner....they will most likely not be tipping the boys let alone offing them.

January 21st, 2017, 01:47
Tipping in advance is an uncommon approach with frequent dividends. I picked it up years ago from a book. It has rarely disappointed, especially in Asia. if you really like the service and it won't break you, no harm in another, smaller tip at the end. It's the easiest way I know to add a star or two of service at your hotel.

That often can be said of mamasans if you expect to be a regular. I apologize for a stereotype, but there seem to be a number of ill tempered katoeys running the works at establishments. They perk up considerably with this system, save for those who sadly never will.

January 21st, 2017, 07:45
chillinother wrote:
"Tipping in advance is an uncommon approach with frequent dividends. I picked it up years ago from a book. It has rarely disappointed, especially in Asia. if you really like the service and it won't break you, no harm in another, smaller tip at the end. It's the easiest way I know to add a star or two of service at your hotel."

I've never done that but I always tell the boy how much I am going to pay him in advance. It's those who want to underpay them who don't discuss money beforehand.. At least that' what I think.

January 21st, 2017, 12:40
oh lord u make this so easy...I always agree on a price beforehand with MB...then proceed to deduct when MB fails...which like happens almost always...but i do play fair and let MB try to win it back...

January 21st, 2017, 13:32
I see there is some confusion since there is a Dream Boys is Pattaya and a Dream Boy in Bangkok.

January 21st, 2017, 15:08
I was in Dream Boys Pattaya the other night and there were no Chinese tourists but some sexy young men on the stage. Drink prices seemed reasonable. I'm often sat in the Scorpion Bar on Soi Twilight in Bangkok and can see the entrance of Dream Boys Bangkok but that's as near as I've got. My impression is that Soi Twilight go go bars could do with more customers.

January 21st, 2017, 16:23
With Chinese New Year still a week away, I expect the flood has not yet started in Bangkok. And as the holiday in China lasts around 2 weeks, stand by!

January 21st, 2017, 17:27
Boyztown has a Chinese new year dragon show.

January 21st, 2017, 18:28
Tipping in advance is an uncommon approach with frequent dividends. I picked it up years ago from a book. It has rarely disappointed, especially in Asia. if you really like the service and it won't break you, no harm in another, smaller tip at the end.

Hi chillnorther. Where in Asia is tipping expected and where/in what situation does it help to tip in advance?

January 21st, 2017, 18:33
With Chinese New Year still a week away, I expect the flood has not yet started in Bangkok. And as the holiday in China lasts around 2 weeks, stand by!

Might the numbers be lower this year with the crackdown on zero-baht tourists? My family is coming up for the CNY festivities as I don't get time off to go home and it would be nice if we don't have to jostle with the crowds.

January 21st, 2017, 19:32
The Soi Twilight bars are now mostly similar to the large rip off jewellery stores, souvenir shops and others. They are short stops on organised tours where the Chinese are given a slice of Thai life and their group leaders get commissions at every turn.

If you think sex shows and rip-off joints represent slices of Thai life then you must hang out with a very different group of Thais!

555, I know what you're saying FH and wonder if the mainlanders know that they're being had or maybe this is what they want? I mean day-to-day life among ordinary Thais, the kind that I'm having now, is not that different from my life at home. Generous and kind people who are eager to help, friends and folks with goals, ambitions and problems similar to mine. Perhaps I would want something more exciting as a 5-day tourist than a slice of mundane Thai life?

January 21st, 2017, 20:50
Where in Asia is tipping expected and where/in what situation does it help to tip in advance?
I'm pretty certain this related to tips when offing bar boys. Payment for sex is illegal in Thailand, so the payment is disguised as a tip. As such, it used to be handed over discreetly at the end of the tryst with the amount being "up to you" - to quote an often used Thai phrase. Presumably because some punters tried to get away with paying peanuts, now there are expected minimum tips. So some posters here and other patrons of the barboys or MBs from the apps will agree the tip in advance. It avoids the hassle that sometimes occurs when it will be suggested that the tip is not sufficient.

As the American influence has seeped into Thailand, tipping for service in hotels and restaurants etc. is now quite common especially in high-end establishments. I had a client once who travelled extensively and said he always tipped room boys in hotels at the start rather than the end of a stay. That way he always had excellent service and never experienced any problems at all.

On the subject of tipping elsewhere, there have been various threads here and on other sites. Some posters feel that tips are not really expected, especially in establishments where a service charge is automatically added. When the service is especially good, it's not unusual to give the waiter some extra cash in his/her hand - not with the bill payment as that may go into a general tip fund for all staff. It's also been noted that that service charge does not always find its way back to the staff. I know of one high-end restaurant in the centre of Bangkok at which the owner keeps 85% of the service charge and the miser only allocates 15% to his staff.

January 21st, 2017, 21:16
I've always found the tipping game very hard to understand.

On my first visit to Hong Kong as an adult I went down to breakfast at the hotel and left without tipping. The next morning, the waiters totally ignored me! It took me ages to work out why. Lol

And when I moved back to Australia to live I remember the shock I felt when a waiter in a restaurant asked me if I wanted to leave a tip. I'd never been asked for a tip in my life and had no idea what was expected.

But in S.E.Asia I always tip staff in hotels, first at the beginning of my stay and if the service has been outstanding - it always has been - I will tip again when I check out. It's a way of buying goodwill, and I find I certainly get treated very well indeed. It's money well spent.

For example, the Tarntawan Hotel has strict policies regarding ID requirements from the boys who go up to the rooms. On occasion the boys - usually non-thais - only have a copy of their passports and normally this is not accepted. The staff has never refused a boy who only had a paper copy of his ID. Needless to say, these are the staff I always tip. We "take care" each other, so to speak.

And handsome waiters also always receive a tip.

January 21st, 2017, 21:26
when I moved back to Australia to live I remember the shock I felt when a waiter in a restaurant asked me if I wanted to leave a tip. I'd never been asked for a tip in my life and had no idea what was expected.
Keep clear of New York and other major US cities. In a decent restaurant, leave less than 20% and you will be met with frowns. Less than 10% and they are likely to chase you down the street!!

Mind you, that's basically because wait staff are paid dreadful wages and are expected to be well tipped. If that's their culture, fine! What I object to is that culture being introduced to other countries. I expect that tipping in Asia probably started with Americans.

I remember my very first visit to Tokyo and offering a tip to the bellboy who took my luggage up to the room. I was shocked by the look of near horror which met my gesture. I had not realised I was basically insulting him for just doing his job. Isn't a no tip policy a much more sensible practice? Especially in Asia where there is a service culture in most countries.

January 21st, 2017, 21:38
There's virtually no tipping in China outside of the very big cities. You will be chased down the street to return a 1 rmb coin. A hairdresser grabbed me by the arm and wouldn't let me go until I accepted my change. In a restaurant if you bill is 86 they'll usually write off the extra 1. There will probably be more attempts to rip me off on my next 9 day trip to Thailand than in 6 years in China. I also can't remember a time when I paid more than a Chinese person for something. Swings and roundabouts.

January 22nd, 2017, 19:58
There will probably be more attempts to rip me off on my next 9 day trip to Thailand than in 6 years in China.

How come?