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View Full Version : The Search function seems not to work

September 2nd, 2016, 11:39
Yesterday I searched for the Thai Airways Flight from Hell thread in order to add a post. Since I recalled the most-often used word was "turbulence" I entered that. Up came a notice that no posts were found! I tried several other words - same result. Is there a problem with the Search function?

To be fair I should add that this problem is not uncommon. It is equally difficult to locate posts and threads on gaythailand.com.

September 2nd, 2016, 14:51
Sorry, I can't repeat your result: search is working every time when I typing "turbulence" and hit "enter" or click "search" icon


September 2nd, 2016, 15:29
By the way: here is no live search - forum's indexing is going 1 time per day and then every search forum just checks this index. That means you can find via search only content which has been indexed already to time of your search, and you can't find any content what been added to forum after newest indexing.

September 2nd, 2016, 20:19
Thanks Moses - and apologies. Only now have I realised I had been looking using the Search under FAQ. I actually had never noticed the magnifying glass at the very top. On most sites there will be an empty box alongside it plus the word "Search". But now I know. Thanks again.

September 2nd, 2016, 22:00
On most sites there will be an empty box alongside it plus the word "Search". But now I know. Thanks again.

Yeah, I know, designers made it in strange place - better to have it at right side. Will think how to move it to right, but it will be not easy since it should be still acceptable place for mobile version also and at the same time be not touched by any software update.

September 2nd, 2016, 22:45
additional point "+ search" has been added to main (square, blue and black) menu