View Full Version : Catalogue boys

Old git
August 30th, 2016, 22:56
Mulling over some of the more exotic adventures I've had over the years, I recall once visiting a gay brothel in Amsterdam.

I can't recall the exact year, but it was before mobile phones became widespread, so that gives you some idea..

Upon entering, one sat at a bar and ordered a drink, and was then presented with a fairly extensive catalogue of boys to choose from.

After making my choice (a small cute Turkish lad I recall) they made a phone call and ten minutes later he appeared. We were then shown to a spotlessly clean room with a large soft bed, and enjoyed an hour together.

IIRC everything was included in the price, no tips, no extras, no ripoffs.

Thai law would not permit the exact same business model in the LoS, but a similar catalogue based arrangement for choosing sexual partners does have some appeal - being able to look at some high quality photos of lads with their personal details and preferences, before making a choice. It also means that boys can go about their everyday lives while waiting for a call.

OK, there are dating apps and websites where you can choose boys, but it's a scary exercise - inviting a complete stranger to your hotel room, with no-one to turn to if he turns out to be a psycho..

I do recall a massage shop in Chiang Mai once operating a similar arrangement, but with only three or four guys on offer. I can't recall any bars operating that way, but maybe I've just been looking in the wrong places...

August 30th, 2016, 23:14
The name of the place was probably Blue Boy, though two other similar establishments were nearby. Two other points about the place that are less attractive; in the late 90s, the basic cost was well over £100 and the hour was marked by a phone call from reception- which was effective in quenching any remaining dregs of passion. But some cute guys, without a doubt.

Brad the Impala
August 31st, 2016, 00:12
Mulling over some of the more exotic adventures I've had over the years, I recall once visiting a gay brothel in Amsterdam.

I can't recall the exact year, but it was before mobile phones became widespread, so that gives you some idea..

That doesn't narrow down the year much, except that it probably wasn't in the last twenty years! An exact year is not important, but it's a nice memory, although a hundred pounds was a lot of money all that time ago.

I think that you will find that, despite the law, the catalogue system does exist in some massage shops in Thailand. Personally I can't see it's attraction over seeing the actual person in a massage shop.

August 31st, 2016, 04:53
I've seen the catalogue type system in Tokyo.

One bar had a very small number of hosts and a paper catalogue full of boys who they could call in.
Another had about 10 hosts behind the bar & they handed me an I-pad with all the other available boys on it.

Now, people tend to look better in the flesh than in photos, as long as they are using honest recent photos. So in both cases, I've gone for boys in the bar.

Another place in Tokyo was based in an appartment. Whilst they sent some cute lad down to the street to collect me, upon arrival he dissapeared & I was left with a catalogue and the mamasan to select my boy.
All of these places also have websites.

August 31st, 2016, 07:52
The websites of many Japanese host bars are hugely detailed with several photos of each host, stats, length, whether gay, straight or bi, what they will and won't do, price and the hours they work in the coming week.And the usual Japanese policy of no tips. The fee covers everything. I have been in some massage joints here in Thailand with one pic of each masseur but zero additional info which is provided, often inaccurately, by the mamasans.

August 31st, 2016, 08:50
I do recall a massage shop in Chiang Mai once operating a similar arrangement, but with only three or four guys on offer. I can't recall any bars operating that way, but maybe I've just been looking in the wrong places...

Are you referring to Classic Massage?

August 31st, 2016, 10:55
In Amsterdam the description makes me also think it was probably Blue Boy. The catalogue listed the boys "Talents" and preferences. It was an interesting night.

August 31st, 2016, 11:07
I think Why Not had a similar system. I recall seeing a book like that when I was in Amsterdam as well. I don't remember the year...would have been something like 1996 maybe. Or I am also sure I was there for the Gay Games in 1998 as well. I don't recall the cost but don't remember it being especially high. Pretty sure it wasn't more than I was paying for escorts in the US in those days. I fondly recall a couple of boys from Amsterdam. One cute dark-haired boy named Bas. And a blond boy who was surprised for some reason that I wanted to get to know him better. It was a different world in those days.

I've also been to some massage places with a catalog or at least some photos. Prime used to use a photo book. But last time I was there I believe the system had changed.

August 31st, 2016, 12:01
The Japanese 'host boy' websites are fantastic with all the information you could want. It's unlikely this could work in Thailand for a number of reasons. Apart from the legal side it would be impossible to get your average Thai to commit to a working schedule the way the Japanese boys do.

August 31st, 2016, 12:20
Let's color code, catalogue, and brand the lot of them, baby!

Old git
August 31st, 2016, 16:25
"probably Blue Boy"

Yes, blue something IIRC

"Are you referring to Classic Massage?"

No, it was one that faced onto the main 'straight' bar area - not sure it's still there now.

I remember going to Classic once though - memorable for the fact that when it came time for the happy ending and I started sucking the guys dick, he came without the slightest shudder or groan and took me by surprise, putting a mighty shot of cum straight down the back of my throat..

I liked the CM boys but stopped going there a few years back because the poor air quality was getting to me - I don't know if the measures to control the rice straw burning 'haze' have come to anything - I quite fancy a return trip this winter..

August 31st, 2016, 20:09
Let's color code, catalogue, and brand the lot of them, baby!


September 3rd, 2016, 16:08
Some massage places have such a system where you choose masseur by pictures, e.g. The Bridge Saphan Kwai which has a pad with pictures to choose from, and I remember two places with printed pictures, but forgot their name.

This doesn't work well for me, I want to see them in real. Usually, I only take massage boys that sit in front of the shop.

For gogo bars, choosing by pictures wouldn't work for me at all. Then I could directly go online and cut the middleman.

September 3rd, 2016, 16:48
....actually grindr works just like that...i order off the menu...the meat shows up...if it looks like what was portrayed on the menu then its all go...if what shows up is past its sell by date...or not even what was listed on the menu i either send it back to the kitchen...or if its still " good enuf" I take the opportunity to renegotiate!!
Sometimes the latter has turned out to be some of the best meal ever.

September 4th, 2016, 15:52
I once chatted to an international prostitute (that is how he calls himself) who you can book via a website. He told me he is on top of that site. So he is very popular. He travels to all over the world. He is very expensive. He wants 500 EUR per night. He is 20 and yes very beautifull. So if you want to book guys from a catalogue there are sites for that.

But why do it? You also need to pay his plane ticket (he told me "next week I go to Singapore, then Malaysia, then Dubai", etc.) besides their excessive fee. I don't understand it. I think this is more for celebrities or rich customers who don't want to be seen in a Pattaya go go bar or host bar and order from a website. For them 500 dollar is what for us is 25 dollar.

Which brings me to the following: has one of you ever seen a famous person in a Pattaya gay bar?

September 4th, 2016, 17:19
Which brings me to the following: has one of you ever seen a famous person in a Pattaya gay bar?
I think I once saw Scottish there. He's famous!

September 4th, 2016, 18:45
You should have introduced yourself Founty - I'm very approachable and sometimes I even give autographs. I can be contacted via my agent MiniMee :yahoo_mini:

September 4th, 2016, 18:54
Well I tried contacting MiniMee because I wanted to book you for three nights at the Las Vegas Sands but since you started posting pictures from Pattaya he has been unavailable for comment. ROLF.

And yes, if someone is getting $500 plus airfare then it's for someone who doesn't want to be seen or anyone to know such as heads of state etc. Next time you find one of these super pricey mbs I suggest you follow him. Find out where he goes and then sell the story to pay for trips to Thailand for the rest of your life. I've definitely got doubts about Putin. Overcompensating?

Nirish guy
September 4th, 2016, 19:36
" if someone is getting $500 plus airfare then it's for someone who doesn't want to be seen"

See Keith Vaz for details on that on maybe this morning it seems ! ( British MP caught - well for caught read totally set up by a Sunday rag newspaper) whilst dipping his wick with two male sex workers in his flat.

And even after all his carefulness and his telling them he was a washing machine salesman he STILL got caught and outed by the paper !!

Actually I feel sorry for the guy as he wasn't hurting anyone else and was in the privacy of his own flat - and wasn't being a (total) hypocrite ( as who knows what state his is marriage in), And he has always voted pro on LGTB issues and also voted not to prosecute people for using prostitutes and spoke up for keeping poppers legal ( I guess we know why now though perhaps :) ) so it seems a bit much that his life ends up in tatters over something that affects no one but him and his wife and family I guess.

September 4th, 2016, 21:37
Ordinarily I would agree with you NIrish but Vaz has always been a particularly odious little man.

September 4th, 2016, 22:31
Agreed - I felt he always had a sneer about him.

Having said that, it's reprehensible that the UK supports the worst type of gutter journalism. As NIrish says, they guy was doing NOTHING illegal - merely indulging in behaviour that the net curtain twitching UK public finds worthy of bankrolling.

I feel sorry for the wife and kids though, and irrespective of what state the marriage was in I'm afraid to say that I DO find being married with kids, being the Law and Order spokesperson for Labour and all the time arranging to and actually fucking rentboys (unprotected) preferably on cocaine and poppers to be just a tad hypocritical

September 4th, 2016, 22:50
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, nothing illegal and if he was in almost any other profession I would consider the reporting of his private life reprehensible. But, you know full well that if you throw your hat into the ring and ask the public to give you power then different standards apply. Rightly or wrongly they just do.

September 4th, 2016, 23:03
you know full well that if you throw your hat into the ring and ask the public to give you power then different standards apply. Rightly or wrongly they just do.
I believe 'rightly'. And that's why I have often taken an anti-Thaksin stance at all his transgressions and manipulation of power for his own and his family's ends. Different country certainly, but those in power in public life should uphold the same different (= higher) standards.

September 5th, 2016, 13:48
He's a pompous self-publicist and also right-wing (which is even worse)....enough to turn me off anyone. But no one, no one, should be subjected to such vile behaviour from one of our prurient newspapers. And it's not just him who's the victim but his wife and children, too.

September 5th, 2016, 17:08
Some massage places have such a system where you choose masseur by pictures, e.g. The Bridge Saphan Kwai
This doesn't work well for me, I want to see them in real. Usually, I only take massage boys that sit in front of the shop.

For gogo bars, choosing by pictures wouldn't work for me at all.

Did you ask them to heat up the catalogue so it is "warm to the touch?" :P

September 5th, 2016, 17:31
Oliver: Sort of. If the person is an important minister (say Defence Secretary for example) then this type of activity leaves them open to blackmail.

But you know something, Once, just once I would like one of these 'disgraced' politicians to walk out of their front door and say
"It's true. I did it. It was absolutely fabulous fun and I can't wait to do it again."

September 5th, 2016, 17:41
So true. I'd love to see someone like Ted Haggard go on TV and enthusiastically exclaim, "come on, it's great! really, who doesn't like sniffing cocaine off the ass of a 17yo male hooker? much better than my wife!"

September 6th, 2016, 00:37
Many, many Thai-style m2m massagehsops have that-in fact about all, though lately some are changing over to notebooks or computer-some are even that smart that they select only those actually available at that mo. A kind of tech-savvy guy ran such a shop for a while and has set up a good program-incl for trusted old time long hand customers more ''naughty''pix and stats behind a password.
On line there are now several sites for MBs in EUR: like boys4u or escortboys or people.com. For some you need to log-in or pay before to see more of the interesting stuff, as well as the contact details.
But in that distant past did not such boys advertise tehemselves in the magazines of the time?

September 6th, 2016, 00:44
and also right-wing (which is even worse)

I am right wing. Pretty common political preference. They have a majority in parliament in the Netherlands as long as I remember. Yet we often have also left wing parties in government because some right wing parties are too right wing (think about Wilder's) and never make it into government. But as long as I remember the majority of the Dutch population is right wing. Goes for many countries.

September 6th, 2016, 03:11
I am right wing. Pretty common political preference.

Compared with the rest of the planet and also the last few centuries, a lot of Europe is rather left wing. We need a few right wingers to balance things up. I count myself amongst them.