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View Full Version : Queen's Musical Bar and Restaurant, Jomtien Plaza

July 6th, 2006, 00:12
I was intruiged by the smart looking development, between Two Faces and l'Olivier, and also when I spotted an ad in SPICE magazing for this new spot in Jomtien Complex/Plaza. After dinner with friends at l'Olivier this evening - too much scrummy food and all for 290 baht a head - we went there for coffee and drinks. What a delight a spacious comfortable room open with an air-curtain to keep you cool inside and nice large tables and chairs. Decor is smart and clean and the overall ambiance not dissimilar to l'Oliver. Attentive staff danced attention and made us very welcome. There is a small stage swagged with peach curtains and it was showing clips from musical movies, shows and concerts projected onto a screen. Very cleverly the sound level was just right to watch the films or make conversation - a rare achievement in Pattaya.

We had a quick peek at the menu and wine list and it all augured well with attractive sounding dishes, starters around 100 baht mains 200 to 350 and puds from 100 baht ish and wines from 650 baht a bottle and 90 baht a glass.

The ad mentions High Tea witha pianist but I did not spot a piano so perhaps this has not started yet. Dinner is served from six p.m. with European and Thai food. I'll be back soon to eat at:

Queen's Musical Bar & Restaurant 09 991 3438 e-mail ladymucks@hotmail.com

I believe that the British owners hail recently from Lanzarotte where they had/have a bar called Ladymucks.

Yet another jewel in the tiara of multifaceted Jomtien Plaza!!!

July 6th, 2006, 09:10

July 6th, 2006, 09:33
Even though it is low low season the place had a reasonable number of customer last evening. l'Olivier also has a good sprinkling of bods.

For heavens sake JB give them a chance they have barely opened the doors and you are putting people off by your unkind, unhelpful, ungenerous remarks. It would be nice to hear about some restaurants that you have enjoyed occasionally and not just the ones you don't like.

Like Monty I am sure that the area is a goer. Last high season you had to book ahead or wait in line at several of the restaurants. What an amazing trnsformation form a ghost town in to the vibrant heart of Jomtien in a very few years. Once again gays breath life into a moribund area and the rent's soar.

Ignore button again - Maybe? - Later?

July 7th, 2006, 05:55
Is there a new high class Italian restaurant about to open in the jomtiem area?

July 7th, 2006, 15:17

July 8th, 2006, 11:03
... I am not knocking the place, I haven't visited it yet. All I am saying is that when I go there (the area that is) it is usually on a Saturday night and the last two occasions I went, the area was dead...

I completely agree. I stayed about two months in Jomtien and for the greater part most of the bars were practically empty. Two Faces has a few regulars who hang around the bar, the bar oppositte was completely empty most of the time apart from when it had it's big opening night. The only time these bars became busy was when the Bondi closed it's bar for a national holiday, other than that, the Bondi is definitely the big fish in a very small and quiet Jomtien pond.

July 8th, 2006, 11:16
For what it's worth (which is hardly much of course) the ghastly Hedda in his ghastly Bog has some critical commentary about this thread.

Why he would bother is beyond me, as he is at this very time unabashedly licking the boots of both the GayThailand website owner and GayButton, but it's in character and reasonably predictable ... given the history.

Strangely, a man who has thrown aside this message board as hopeless (which it surely is, being lead around by the nose by a fat bald old cunt) is now crawling through the posts and threads here like Fagin or Jack The Ripper casing out the stinking back alleys of Victorian London picking out posts about which to cast aspersions, and posters ripe for insult. It's enough to make one feel poorly for LMTY ... who doesn't come out below smelling roses, for sure.

From The Bog ( http://radiofreesawatdee.blogspot.com/ )

A most bizarre review

If you thought that Sawatdee Forum had gone so low in quality that it was impossible to sink further, do take a look at the latest restaurant review posted by the veteran poster now calling himself "TeePee."

It seems that TeePee spent the night dining at Olivier's in Jomtien and noticed on the way out that a new place had opened next door which, according to PeeTee is called "Queen'a Musical Bar and Restaurant."

Rather than come back another night to sample the food, Tee Pee decided that he would beat everyone to the punch, have a drink and write a restaurant review based on "a quick peek at the menu and wine list." He then proudly announced the restaurant to be "yet another jewel in the tiara of multifaceted Jomtien."

I'd have to consult the Guiness book of records, but I believe this may be the first restaurant review ever written without the writer's seeing or eating the food. It would appear that a tidy room and prices at the petite bourgeoise level are all that dear teePee needs to feel he's dined in the lap of luxury and culinary excellence.


Not to be outdone by TP's stolen thunder, Sawatdee's own pulitzer prize winning know-it-all, LMTU, the man who refuses to concede that "there", their and "they're" are really three separate words, and whose only genuine punctuation and period come once a month, used the occasion to go TeePee one better, by announcing his selection of the five best restaurants in Pattaya.

I won't repeat LMTU's list here, because I suspect that the poor soul probably knows even less about fine dining than grammar or punctuation. Suffice to say, the three best restaurants in the City, in my opinion, didn't make the list, while three of very dubious merit did.

If what I hear about LMTU's normal eating haunts is anywhere accurate, I'm surprised that the Issan guy on the motorbike with the dangling pork sausages in Sunee didn't make his list.


As for Queen, the latest jewel in TeePee's crown, I have actually eaten dinner there with a companion and was seriously disappointed. I found the movie being run during dinner, primarily a campy collection of cuts from Rocky Horror, Mary Poppins and Cabaret, far too loud to allow pleasant dinner converation. I suspect TeePee may be used to louder conversations. I cannot imagine having to sit through that film a second time for dinner.

The food is quite unremarkable, although my companion's Thai dish tasted better than my choice of western fare - but not by much. His was too, too bland for Thai taste and mine was too, too dry for swallowing. No amount of campy movie clips can convince me that this is good fare at any price.

The place looks nice and clean, as TeePee notes, a virtual clone of the minimalist decor right next door at Olivier's. Don't arrive after cockatils elsewhere or you might sit in the wrong restaurant. But those regal swags and jabows around the movie screen in the main dining room of Queen looked totally out of place.

On reflection, perhaps TeePee had the right idea in passing judgment on this place without sampling the food.

posted by Hedda @ 7/07/2006 05:37:00 PM 3 comments

06 July 2006

Cheers ...

July 8th, 2006, 11:57
" ... Not even a mention of your Smile's never mind, I love you? ... "
I do believe I can get over it (Hedda's 'ignore' I mean).
Your love however, will take some years ~ or millenia ~ longer ... if ever. :geek:

Ya gotta love this cheeky sentence though:
] " ... His was too, too bland for Thai taste and mine was too, too dry for swallowing ... " A classic!

Cheers ...

July 8th, 2006, 11:58
So Hedda, what ARE your favorite restaurants?

July 8th, 2006, 12:02
Thaiquila, where the hell have you been? Hedda will never darken the portals of this den of iniquity.
Have you not been following ... the last year has been akin to a Thomas Wolfe novel?


July 8th, 2006, 12:40

July 8th, 2006, 13:13
screamed at me to join immediately.

Jomtien will bloom dramatically in the next few years as surely as Sunnee Plaza will replace Boyztown. Get in now while it's early days and you can say you went when it was quiet.

July 8th, 2006, 14:03
"Not to be outdone by TP's stolen thunder, Sawatdee's own pulitzer prize winning know-it-all, LMTU, the man who refuses to concede that "there", their and "they're" are really three separate words, and whose only genuine punctuation and period come once a month, used the occasion to go TeePee one better, by announcing his selection of the five best restaurants in Pattaya."

I'm still laughing!... But should not; she was being kind: could have said, "Period comes once a month--
And lasts twenty-eight days!"

"I won't repeat LMTU's list here, because I suspect that the poor soul probably knows even less about fine dining than grammar or punctuation. Suffice to say, the three best restaurants in the City, in my opinion, didn't make the list, while three of very dubious merit did."

Oh, Hedda!...Don't' leave of waiting on tender tenterhooks! The three best?' I wonder if one was the only place I can recall madam recommending here: the...homey...O Aharn Thai And didn't she once have some lovely things to say about The Boat? I wonder what might be number three?
But not too much.
(Oooo, she's going to get me for this. Maybe I should make it disappear?...)

American Teacher-old
July 13th, 2006, 16:39
The only 5 restaurants that now resembles any where near good food for the money, is the Marco Polo, in the Montien Hotel, Mantra restaurant in the Amari Hotel, and may be Luxor Soi Day and Night, but menue not great, plus but all depends on what you order grill Room at the Royal Cliff Plus they have the best Wine list in Pattaya, The food at Toscana is great, but room is not nice, Giani's is not much more then a Bistro.

Hey, don't forget Niddy's Nook!


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Have You Tried Our Tasty Chicken Sandwich Yet? **

July 13th, 2006, 22:31
[quote="let me tell u":1p324crk]The only 5 restaurants that now resembles any where near good food for the money, is the Marco Polo, in the Montien Hotel, Mantra restaurant in the Amari Hotel, and may be Luxor Soi Day and Night, but menue not great, plus but all depends on what you order grill Room at the Royal Cliff Plus they have the best Wine list in Pattaya, The food at Toscana is great, but room is not nice, Giani's is not much more then a Bistro.

Hey, don't forget Niddy's Nook!


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Have You Tried Our Tasty Chicken Sandwich Yet? **[/quote:1p324crk]
For the five WORST list? To make the top 5, you actually have to stock food in your kitchen.

July 16th, 2006, 12:15
Wht a shocker.. Chris jumps in with a plug for his little joint and thaquila zaps Chris... I think it is time for Chris to stop plugging his little joint at
every opportunity and time for thaquila to find another dead horse to beat... Teepee seems to have started something here but
it seems like a tempest in a teapot to this reader.. I guess there is nothing else for some to do then to attack good posters like
Teepee for an innocent posting... I hope Teepee doesn't get discouraged but keeps it up...

Sorry to hear things are slow in Jomtien complex but with so much to do and see in Pattaya, I
am not surprised.. Somehow I don't think Monty will bring the crowds in but if he gets the rave reviews and all CAPITAL letter shouting
headline threads from the usual gang of self promotors, maybe he will get some buzz and attention...It is guaranteed that you will see
several shouting threads when Monty gets it going and should see references about 5***** restaurants and rave reviews.. just wait...

Somehow, I am sure Chris will find a way to enter that thread with another Niddy's Nook plug and thaquila will .... well you get the idea.... :cat:

August 2nd, 2006, 15:24
i went here same nite as muntys. loos much cleaner. only had a drink. but prety space, relly classey. grate gin and tonic only 90 baht. i like the music videos. not too loud.

9 out of 10


August 2nd, 2006, 15:26
Some people piss alot, I reckon. Never heard of rating a resto by the loos. What a hoot!