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View Full Version : Vietnamese and Cambodian guys at go go bars in Bangkok

July 29th, 2016, 15:51
This forum has had several discussions about Vietnamese and Cambodian guys working in Bangkok go-go bars. What is the latest news? Have the Vietnamese and Cambodian guys been expelled from the bars? Are cute Vietnamese and Cambodian guys still available in some bars, as they were a couple years ago? If so, which bars?

Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

July 29th, 2016, 22:00
I think PMs would be better here. It's a fair question. I just think that any info would be better sent privately.

July 29th, 2016, 23:26
I´m quite interested in this subject also, why should it be sent privately??

July 30th, 2016, 00:29
Yes why privately???

July 30th, 2016, 01:03
Does anyone know where I can find some illegal activity in Thailand? I was kind of thinking cocaine, but am open to possibilities.

If you don't mind, please share the exact location of said illegal activity on this public forum here. Thanks in advance!

Not to mention, there's been reports of raids throughout Bangkok night scene looking for illegals lately. Might not be best to advertise publicly where they are working.

July 30th, 2016, 04:23
Agree with cdnmatt. On these forums there is often too much graphic detail and info given that can aide aggressive do-gooders in their witch hunts.

July 30th, 2016, 06:19
Point taken, tks. Now we can go back to discussing the weather.

July 30th, 2016, 07:21
Well that certainly was helpful hehe

July 30th, 2016, 08:20
Matt and Francois understand. And the weather is hot artic55, perhaps rainy too.

July 30th, 2016, 10:33
I had a WeChat this morning with a Vietnamese who had been working as a gogo boy on Soi Twilight. He and the other Vietnamese boys there were told they could no longer work - this was several weeks ago. He went home, he came back and was told there was still no work. Another of the Vietnamese who I met in Bangkok in May sent me a message that there was no work unless one was Thai. Hope this helps and doesn't give away any private information.

July 30th, 2016, 15:59
So what is he doing now ? Switching to on line marketing, whether it be in Thailand or another country would be an obvious move.

July 30th, 2016, 18:14
So what is he doing now ? Switching to on line marketing, whether it be in Thailand or another country would be an obvious move.

Actually, this is a topic I wouldn't mind getting into, and since I doubt anyone is going to start publishing where the illegals are working, this looks like a good thread for it.

Has anyone ever transitioned someone with basically no skills to an online income? I'm in the middle of *maybe* trying to figure it out. He wants to "do what I do", but I doubt that's going to happen, as I don't think his mind is technical enough for it. That, and it probably takes your average new guy about 6 months of banging their head against of wall before they bring their skill set up enough to begin earning a dollar.

I know nothing about online marketing, except various larger custom marketing systems I've developed over the years. I know all the technical basics of course -- research & setup campaigns, split test, conversion tracking, etc. But as for actually pulling in traffic? No idea. I've always just been the guy behind the scenes who makes shit work properly, so my clients can do their job.

There's content writing of course, and although his English is very good, it's not good enough to sell articles.

There's graphic design, but very difficult to earn a dollar doing that, unless you're exceptional.

Translation work could be a possibility, but probably not a whole lot of it available. Could maybe just teach him simple stuff at first like Wordpress setup & maintenance, and get him an assistant's gig with someone, helping maintain feeder sies, link building, etc. Wouldn't make much, but $500 USD/month or so, and I think he'd probably be quite thrilled with that amount at least for the first while.

Anyone else ever attempt this? How did it go?

July 30th, 2016, 20:18
The enterprising ones surely are adept at marketing themselves online. Quite a number of them are offering their services in Kuala Lumpur & Singapore while on social visit passes.

July 30th, 2016, 23:31
Hi guys, just wondering if the situation with foreign workers is currently the same in Pattaya as it is in Bangkok? Have a 'friend' from Myanmar who was due to be heading back to Pattaya shortly, so wondering if he'll face some issues (as it sounds like he would in Bangkok)?? Many thanks for any info' you can offer

Old git
July 31st, 2016, 11:07
I'm no expert on ASEAN, although it bears some depressing similarities to the EU.. What I do know is that it has made cross border travel a lot easier with the result that the MBs in places like Siem Reap have left town en masse.

Whether ASEAN allows them to work legally in the LoS or not I don't know, but unless the BiB start filling the jails with these lads, they'll be on a losing wicket trying to prevent them from working..

July 31st, 2016, 13:55
I'm no expert on ASEAN, although it bears some depressing similarities to the EU.
Would it be possible for you to list these similarities, depressing or otherwise?

Old git
July 31st, 2016, 18:51
"Would it be possible for you to list these similarities, depressing or otherwise?"

Well, the EU is a culturally destructive, democratically unaccountable, arrogant, extravagant, wasteful, corrupt, self serving and self promoting body that pays excessive salaries to failed national politicians, who consequently support the concept as it provides them with a lavish rest home when their home electorates deservedly kick them out of office.

- ASEAN seems to be modelled on the same principle..!

August 1st, 2016, 04:12
Some people for some reason just don't understand the new world order, The EU and ASEAN are the way to go!!

Old git
August 1st, 2016, 09:56
"Some people for some reason just don't understand the new world order, The EU and ASEAN are the way to go!!"

Au contraire... The antics of nefarious career politicians are no longer duping the electorates of the world .

Look at the USA, where (incredibly..) a massively vain, boorish egotistical businessman may well 'Trump' an old school career politician in the race to the White House.

Look at the UK, a buoyant stock market and better growth projections than any other major european economy, and already seeing a wave of inward investment commitments post Brexit, not to mention a global scramble to secure favourable trade deals.

The 'New World Order' idea is starting to look very 'yesterday'

August 1st, 2016, 11:44
...Look at the UK, a buoyant stock market and better growth projections than any other major european economy, and already seeing a wave of inward investment commitments post Brexit, not to mention a global scramble to secure favourable trade deals....

Sterling down around 15% and showing NO sign of recovery, Defence orders postponed indefinitely, Pensioners being warned the Govt thinking about scrapping their state pension safeguards, Lloyds Bank paying off 3000 workers, British Home Stores closed down with loss of 164 stores and 11,000 jobs, UK Govt UNABLE to negotiate any "favourable trade deals" whilst still a member of the EU and facing prospect of having NOTHING in place on "Brexit Day", a Government with no coherent plan to extricate the country from the EU, a dramatic fall in economic activity, not seen since the aftermath of the financial crisis and likely to tip the Country into recession,the island of Ireland murmuring about re-unification, 5300 marchers joining 1000 in George Sq in Glasgow to demand a second Independence referendum....FTSE 250 (as opposed to the 100) down by £9 billion since 24th June, EasyJet, Suzuki, Portmerion, Canon, IAG all issuing profit warnings, an Govt which features an unelected Prime MInister aided by a BUFFOON of a Foreign Secretary, with the official Opposition in almost complete meltdown...

.....yes it's all going swimmingly if your spectacle lenses have 'Old Git Deep Rose Maximum Tint' in them

August 1st, 2016, 13:50
Don't forget a huge increase in violence against "foreigners"...including people born in this country who are as British as I am.

August 1st, 2016, 14:44

.....yes it's all going swimmingly if your spectacle lenses have 'Old Git Deep Rose Maximum Tint' in them[/QUOTE]

Yes but for some people Britannia still rules the waves ....

August 1st, 2016, 17:27
Now look what's happened. A thread about Vietnamese and Cambodian Boys (a nice subject) has been hijacked to include a rant by Scottish. Who woke him from his Laphraoig induced slumber?

August 1st, 2016, 17:30

.... And I was responding to Old Git who had already derailed the thread.

.... And Oliver is spot on about the increase in racially motivated attacks post-EU Ref.

August 1st, 2016, 17:39
I agree with anyone who completely condemns all and any attacks motivated by race or any other other base beliefs, be that attack verbal or physical. However I am curious as to which country the doomsayers would put up as their perfect model.

August 1st, 2016, 18:27
Both, Canada and New Zealand seem to be humming along pretty decently.

I'd say it's more due to the culture than the formation / structure of government though.

August 1st, 2016, 22:34
I dunno. Maybe New Zealand isn't all it's cracked up to be.


Old git
August 1st, 2016, 22:50
"Old Git Deep Rose Maximum Tint"

I think Scottish is wearing them..

Anyone who thinks it a good idea for Scotland to be 'independent' yet a vassal of Brussels either doesn't know the rules of the 'club' or can't use a pocket calculator..

An independent Scottish state as a member of the EU would need to raise roughly £8,000 per household per annum, either as extra taxation or spending cuts - just to comply with EU membership.

I really wish that La Sturgeon was allowed to have a second referendum on independence - once it's spelt out that Scotland will be using euros, will be taxed to death and will have border controls at Berwick, the chances of a Yes vote will be as likely as pigs taking wing.

The only hope for the Nats is that the whole of the UK gets a vote on it - the English are so fed up with bailing out ungrateful Scots, they'd almost certainly vote to kick them out - given the chance..

August 2nd, 2016, 01:30
I dunno. Maybe New Zealand isn't all it's cracked up to be.


Ok, and there's lots of Canadians imprisoned in the US. Not sure what the point is.

August 2nd, 2016, 02:11
Happily debate all of that with you in another forum Old Git - meanwhile I'll just leave you with a visual aid which might make you a little better informed


August 2nd, 2016, 05:19
U nailed the Old git Scottish, well done!!

August 2nd, 2016, 08:29
Look harder matt and I'm sure the point will become clear.

And can we PLEASE not have yet another argument about the economic advantages/disadvantages of being a member/nonmember of this or that club. Because as is palpably obvious. No one knows.

August 2nd, 2016, 10:37
Returning to the topic, as I recall from various visits to Soi Twilight, many of the cuter looking guys in both the go-go and outside beer bars hailed from neighbouring countries. No doubt they were paid less than Thais. Now that they are gone, can anyone advise if their Thai replacements are as cute? And have bar prices gone up yet again because the owners now have to pay more?

August 2nd, 2016, 13:16
Both, Canada and New Zealand seem to be humming along pretty decently.

I'd say it's more due to the culture than the formation / structure of government though.

Nothing to with each of them adjacent to a large and comparatively vibrant economy?

August 2nd, 2016, 19:03
Returning to the topic, as I recall from various visits to Soi Twilight, many of the cuter looking guys in both the go-go and outside beer bars hailed from neighbouring countries. No doubt they were paid less than Thais. Now that they are gone....



Old git
August 2nd, 2016, 23:01
"Happily debate all of that with you in another forum Old Git - meanwhile I'll just leave you with a visual aid which might make you a little better informed


Agree we're OT, but I'll PM you a couple of links to show what utter tripe your little graphic is..

August 3rd, 2016, 01:47
Without carrying on a debate here - and for anybody remotely interested - I have posted my response to Old Git's PM in the "Everything Else" forum, on the old "Scottish Independence" thread

August 3rd, 2016, 03:12
Thank you Scottish, now we can return to the subject we are not allowed to discuss.

August 3rd, 2016, 05:40
"Au contraire... The antics of nefarious career politicians are no longer duping the electorates of the world."

Of course if you are the Prime Minister of a certain ASEAN Country you can get away with Billions.
In US Dollars that is. HEHEHE

OOPS, sorry off topic!!

August 3rd, 2016, 08:18
This has gotten boring....shall we MOVE ON ??

August 5th, 2016, 09:46
I walked through Soi Twilight on Sun 24.07.2016 and spotted some boys who clearly looked Vietnamese. Prices I saw where the same like some months ago.

Side note: earlier that day, I went to MOCA (Museum of contemporary art) which I liked very much, good value for money at 250 Baht entry, will go again next year. My stroll through Soi Twilight, however, left me thinking "Thank God I do not rely on what they are offering!". Not only bar visits (only a few per year in Bangkok), even strolls through will become less frequent!

August 8th, 2016, 00:36
Re the many M2m shops out of the tourist zone: these still employ/have many guys from both Myanmar and Camb/Khmer and the odd one from Laos and there seems to be no sign of them being sent away. Never seen/haerd about a VNese guy there though-but that does not say they might also be tehre in tiny numbers.

August 9th, 2016, 05:13
I met some vietnamese boys when visiting Romphruk in Saphan Kwai ; there are some as well in out-of-the way places, from what I read in the thai massage webboard. Don't know the present situation however.

Nathan B
August 12th, 2016, 01:16
I offed a Vietnamese guy from one the main gogos in Soi Twilight in April, for a short time in an upstairs room. He proudly showed me his passport. The mamasan said she had staff from Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand..which did I prefer? The guy was cute and performed OK, although slightly too professional for my liking. I paid him 1500 Baht at the conclusion, after a short time off. He made it clear he was not happy with the amount, though I've never ever had a problem paying that before. After a few confusing moments while he was holding up 2 fingers but saying 'one' to indicate what tip he wanted, I paid the extra 500B without too much fuss and left. I'll think twice about Vietnamese guys in future, or at least agree a price in advance.

August 12th, 2016, 08:24
@Nathan B

I would like to ask a question. If you go into a shop, restaurant, airline or petrol station do you buy things without finding out what the final price will be? Do you take the "throw it in the bag" approach and then whinge and try to negotiate the price afterwards?

It seems to me that what is and is not on the table as regards included activities and, especially the price, needs to be clearly defined before starting anything. At least it is to this retired purchasing professional.

August 12th, 2016, 14:16
Going back 20 years (which is as far back as I can validly comment on) it was absolutely not necessary to discuss prices - although of course you could if you wanted to. The self-generated mirage of payment being a "goodwill tip" rather than a payment for services was prevalent and seemed to suit both parties.

Neither was it necessary to have to suggest a shower before the deed, nor to unpack any of your belongings on arrival or repack them on departure - your 'boy de jour' would do all that for you without even asking.

Times have changed and the raw commercial aspect has been very much to the fore for a number of years now. As a result, I would not contemplate taking anybody off nowadays without discussing the price beforehand.

August 12th, 2016, 16:02
I agree 100 % with Scottish. Like the rest of the world the boy is more likely to give excellent service if he knows he's going to be well paid. How many of you turn up for work not knowing how much cash you are going to receive. Salesmen on commission are the exception.

August 13th, 2016, 18:20
Going back 20 years (which is as far back as I can validly comment on) ......But if we were to focus on the more recent past, say any time in the last 1,2,3,4 or 5 years, you would have difficulty to make valid comment from your own experience, wouldn't you scotty?

August 13th, 2016, 18:42
Not at all MiniMee - I could just make it up - just as I make up everything I ever post since I have never been in Thailand and never will be in Thailand.

The truth is I just sit in Wetherspoons pubs during Happy Hour every day ( gotta make that Income Support last the week), flicking though Thomas Cook holiday brochures, SGT, Wikipedia, and sometimes even Gaybutton. Everything I post is gleaned from those sources.

Oh, and Mama Leila's business card I posted the other day was picked up on eBay.

Happy now?


August 13th, 2016, 20:06
Ooohhh Scottish. Lumping Gaybutton in there with Wetherspoons and Thomas Cook. He's not going to like that, being as they are shall we say, low rent brands. Tut tut.

August 14th, 2016, 20:41
I offed a Vietnamese guy from one the main gogos in Soi Twilight...I paid him 1500 Baht at the conclusion, after a short time off. He made it clear he was not happy with the amount, though I've never ever had a problem paying that before.

I had exactly the same problem around 2012 already. He was unhappy with 1500 and wanted 2000, I had to physically shove him out of my room with 1600.

Should such thing happen again, I will ask the boy "How long have you been working here?" (expecting a reply between weeks and 1 or 2 years) and then reply "Look, I have been going to bars for 7 years, and I always paid 1500 Baht. Bye!"

And still, I don't like to discuss prices in advance (I don't talk about money at all, and if the boy does it's a poor start): I know what the going rate is, he knows what the going rate is. If he wants more than the going rate, he has to tell me in advance (even worse, sometimes staff interferes, and the last time that happened - Screwboys earlier this year - I even replied, but next time I will tell them "none of your business" or the like).

August 15th, 2016, 01:39
Christian: Perhaps by having a discussion in advance the need for shoving out the door might be removed. Just a thought.

August 15th, 2016, 08:40
There were seven Cambodian guys sitting on the steps to the left of the entrance to Soi Twilight last night. Maybe some were go go boys who cannot work in the bar now? I already had a busy day with a stunning looking Cambodian I found on Grindr or i would have been tempted as they were quite attractive. The old Solid Bar mamasan has a new Vietnamese working at his bar. He was handsome, spoke fair English and lifted his shirt to reveal a stunning body as I stopped for a chat on my stroll through the soi. Not sure how he would perform but unlike the Vietnamese in a nearby bar he was very keen to go to my hotel. My observation is the local Thai money boys seem to be outnumbered recently on the apps and even at DJ Station by some very good looking guys from Cambodia, the Phillipines and a few Vietnamese.

August 15th, 2016, 09:10
My observation is the local Thai money boys seem to be outnumbered recently on the apps and even at DJ Station by some very good looking guys from Cambodia, the Phillipines and a few Vietnamese.
For the first time, I have also noticed some Filipino boys getting quite active introducing themselves on the apps.

August 15th, 2016, 10:03
Christian: Perhaps by having a discussion in advance the need for shoving out the door might be removed. Just a thought.
If he expects more than the going rate, he has to raise the issue in advance.

August 16th, 2016, 03:37
I am in complete agreement with Christian on this point. If the boy wants more than the going rate, HE should take responsibility for raising it in advance. Equally, if the customer wants to pay less, HE should be responsible for raising it in advance.

There should be no automatic presumption that the boy can demand 2000 baht after the event.

The bar boys should all know the going rate & I don't raise the subject of tips in advance. If I'm somewhere where I have no understanding of the going rate or dealing with a Gay Romeo boy, then it's different.

August 16th, 2016, 04:59
So you'd go into a restaurant, not bothering to look at the menu pricing - just order whatever takes your fancy, scoff the lot, then get up to walk out leaving whatever you believe to be the "going rate" on the table?

Good luck with that one.

August 16th, 2016, 07:18
This is off subject, but what is the name and location on Soi Twilight of the bar where the previous
mamasan of Solid bar is ?? He was always a very nice guy...Tks..I looked once but could not find it..

August 16th, 2016, 09:44
The bar boys should all know the going rate & I don't raise the subject of tips in advance
I have read what must be thousands of posts on going rates for well over a decade. There is in fact no "going rate" anywhere. If there were, then it would be posted somewhere for all customers to see. A bar's hottest boy with a great body and personality will always be in a position to obtain a great deal more than a more average performing guy. Thais, Singaporeans and other will often pay more than westerners if they find their type. Penny pinchers will always pay less.

And whenever these discussions tend to appear, it's perfectly clear that posters have different ideas about going rates. That said, I totally agree that a guy asking for more than the given "tip" can ruin what had been a fun experience. Equally, if I have a really great time, I take "tip" to mean precisely that - I will happily give considerably more. It's really kind of ridiculous to suggest that there is a going rate when the experience you have can run the entire gamut from dreadful to fantastic!

August 16th, 2016, 11:25
This is off subject, but what is the name and location on Soi Twilight of the bar where the previous
mamasan of Solid bar is ?? He was always a very nice guy...Tks..I looked once but could not find it..

I'm not sure that his bar even has a name. I have never noticed one.

He is in front of what was Future Boys then Zeus?
Directly opposite the entrance to X-Size and the open bar with pool tables.

August 16th, 2016, 12:13
I'm not sure that his bar even has a name. I have never noticed one.

He is in front of what was Future Boys then Zeus?
Directly opposite the entrance to X-Size and the open bar with pool tables.

His name is WIRAT. He was owner/ Mamasan/ Barman/ waiter at Solid. He took some of his boys with him to soi Twilight. Not sure how many are left now.