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View Full Version : Why are Thai MB so amenable...

July 14th, 2016, 18:00
Without coming across as a total troll I would like some feedback on why Thai or Thai based money MBs are so amenable?? Like why is it so easy to control or persuade them??
What makes them so compliant, so submissive, so accomodating?
Is it a cultural thing?
I must have enjoyed dozens of BKK and Pattaya MB over the last 10 years or so and I have to confess that I'm constantly surprised at how easy it is to push the envelope when it comes to enjoying a MB services.

July 14th, 2016, 18:17
Without coming across as a total troll...

Too late

July 14th, 2016, 20:08
I have to confess that I'm constantly surprised at how easy it is to push the envelope when it comes to enjoying a MB services

When something is a figuement of your fertile imagination, nothing is impossible; the envelope can be pushed as far as you want to go.

As for the rest of us who live in the real world, we all know that the moneyboys in Thailand are nowhere like the way you describe them.

Nirish guy
July 14th, 2016, 20:35
It appears a certain someone's wank bank must have been running a little empty and required some topping up it seems ........

July 14th, 2016, 23:15
Like why is it so easy to control or persuade them?? What makes them so compliant, so submissive, so accomodating?
Because they are lovely, genuine, keen to please gentle lads who need money but really don't deserve to have to service 'customers' like Latinpxxx to get it. I've never considered you a troll, and believe most of your posting content....and THAT is the really 'unfortunate' part, I wish I could believe in A447a's fantasy that you don't exist in reality. MBs in Thailand are like Latinpxxx describes, fortunately most customers/punters with money are nothing like HIM!

Hope we have all in some way contributed to Latin's keyboard relief.

July 14th, 2016, 23:22
“The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.”
- Voltaire

July 15th, 2016, 03:30
wank bank?! I think not, there are like a thousand porn sites that would suffice. And yes a447 is hoot, how he veers from totally denying my existence to "well maybe u were there but I don't believe your version of evens".
But all that aside, it can't be the whole Buddhist/karma thing that makes Thai MB so amenable. Thais do have the capacity for violence, some of it shocking in its randomness and there is an abundance of scams so they are not all orange attired monks shuffling along harmlessly.
Again I've had the good fortune of being able to sample MB across the globe and to date nothing comes close to Thai service.
Oh and scotty, drag queen bitchy one liners are so yesterday.

July 15th, 2016, 04:34
"I must have enjoyed dozens of BKK and Pattaya MB over the last 10 years or so....."

Well there you go. Dozens over 10 years.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, so say 3 dozen.

That's 36 over 10 years. Just over 3 per year.

So when were you actually, if ever, in Thailand??

July 15th, 2016, 09:45
Just an observation

Old git
July 15th, 2016, 12:13
From his past posts I don't think Latintop has much interest in the cares and concerns of the boys he buggers, and if he finds them amenable, it's probably because they know that the sooner he cums, the sooner the ordeal will be over and the sooner they'll get paid.

I'm guessing he doesn't off the 'out and proud' types, or he'd know what fussy little drama queens they can be in the bedroom. Nor I suspect does he entertain those boys who are shy and feminine, previously bullied to death at school, who just yearn for care and kindness.

He's the guy who walks out of the bar with a straight boy who's
face shows all the enthusiasm of a trip to the dentist, knowing that in a few minutes time he will be painfully sodomised by a client who is only interested
in getting his rocks off - and all in the cause of helping his impoverished family.

His self-respect in the gutter, the boy is amenable to anything that will shorten the experience. or maximise the reward..

July 15th, 2016, 12:15
wank bank?! I think not,...
Oh and scotty, drag queen bitchy one liners are so yesterday.

a pearl of wisdom.

July 15th, 2016, 14:37
I wish I could believe in A447a's fantasy that you don't exist in reality.

Mmm...interesting. I don't ever recall stating that Latin never existed.

Where did that come from, newalaan2??

July 15th, 2016, 15:14
a447, probably came from me...exercising poetic licence. You often doubt that i've been somewhere and i simply took that a step further. Like how would I know there is like a chain like barrier on the corner where the convenience store is almost diagonally opposite The Malaysia Hotel. And Old get, you may have just nailed the proverbial nail on the head. I usually do go fort he more masculine types, if they claim to be straight they immediately increase their chances of getting onto my " to do list"; and yes they may see it as a " job" that simply needs to be done.

July 15th, 2016, 15:17
One could just as easily see a chain across a barrier on Google Earth.

July 15th, 2016, 15:22
Old Git: I take issue with your description of straight mbs. It is precisely because I don't find them like that at all that I love them so much. When I next walk around Boyztown and assuming they're there I'll be greeted with smiles from all my previous offs and I've never known them to act the way Latin describes nor would they allow him to. UNLESS he is explaining to them exactly what he wants from them in the bar beforehand and if that is the case then 1, all his posts are nonsense and 2, he is not paying them the 500 baht he claims.

July 15th, 2016, 16:35
Mmm...interesting I don't ever recall stating Latin never existed. Where did that come from newalaan2???
Your own words?

As for the rest of us who live in the real world, we all know that the moneyboys in Thailand are nowhere like the way you describe them.

the rest of us (addressing latinpxx) = not you
live = exist
real world = reality

= latin does not exist in the real world (reality)

July 15th, 2016, 17:25
Newalaan2, you are simply playing with semantics.

Latin is a real person, just like Beachlover. It is the fantasy world in which he lives that is not real.

July 15th, 2016, 17:43
Latin recently made a post in which he referred to guys sitting on their motorbikes outside Goodboys. That is clearly wrong. Now that Krazy Dragon has closed, they park their bikes next to the bar and sit on stools. They've done so for a long time,

Doesn't that ring alarm bells newalaan2?? Doesn't that tell you something?? Afterall, you told us you walked past All of Me2, so you would have seen the situation. So doesn't that suggest that he hasn't been to Pattaya since the boys introduced the stools and so that, ergo, his trip reports must be fake?

With Latin, the devil is in the detail.

July 15th, 2016, 19:19
A447, you are getting close. As I said in post number 8 to Latinpox...
"When, if ever, have you been to Thailand?"

July 15th, 2016, 21:20
Like how would I know there is like a chain like barrier on the corner where the convenience store is almost diagonally opposite The Malaysia Hotel.
Would you happen to recall if the store is a Family Mart, 7 11 or Circle K? And is that a single chain link?

July 15th, 2016, 21:38
Geez, and I thought I had it bad. Talk about the 3rd degree, lol

Old git
July 16th, 2016, 13:05
Arsenal - if you love straight boys and find them friendly towards you after the event, then I'd guess you respect their situation and and try to make your use of their bodies as tolerable as possible. If your sexual needs are known to be in the 'plain vanilla' spectrum and you reward the boys fairly, then you will surely get a warm welcome - every weirdo and fetishist on the planet heads to Pattaya, and the MBs are on
the front line..

Nirish guy
July 16th, 2016, 18:30
"every weirdo and fetishist on the planet heads to Pattaya"

So, form an orderly queue gentlemen PLEASE, weirdos to the left and Fetishists to the right - and if you're both ( Latin) just wait in the middle and someone will come and speak to you to assess you and let you know which side to move to there after - personally I think we need WAY more than just the two lines though ! :)

July 16th, 2016, 21:07
Old Git and NIrish. I can neither confirm nor deny whether I am a weirdo, a fetishist or vanilla with or without 99 or 66. I can however clearly state that I respect the boys limits, limits which have been discussed beforehand.

Of the straight boys: 99.9% will kiss and about 2/3 will smoke (agree this before you off them) Also, for those of us who go to Pattaya 2/3 times a year that just because a boy doesn't do something in September doesn't mean he doesn't do it in December. A quick audit of my offs revealed that 6 of the handsome, toned, almond eyed, chestnut brown skinned (ok, I must stop doing that) gentlemen did not smoke the first time but a while later were happy to.

So yes. I respect them as people and also for the lovely service the huge majority give. If there is to be role play then it must be agreed up front. (I know of one esteemed member who shall remain un-named who likes the boys to address him as Big Chief Clansman Willie McWillieface while stroking his sporran)

I also tell them clearly how much they will get paid and obviously, within the bars I am known as someone who pays what he promised and pays it nicely as well.

With all this in mind and as it's a day for coups I am promoting myself to SWNs foremost expert of the offing of straight boys. Feel free to ask me anything or indeed to pm me. I'm booked for my next trip so am happy to discuss Pattaya and boys until the sun falls out of the sky.

July 17th, 2016, 00:26
The boys from the poor villages are used to it. When you earn enough money it becomes a habit.

July 17th, 2016, 05:22
Don't forget they are all volunteers. Latinpox will love that idea.

July 17th, 2016, 13:09
I'm getting mixed feedback here. gerefan2 do u insinuate that the MB from poor villagers are somehow forced into selling themselves?? You don't credit them with enough intelligence to realise that they either have to work in the fields in the idyllic countryside under the blazing sun like beasts of burden for a pittance ...or enter Thai middle class by providing a service to the likes of me!!

July 17th, 2016, 13:11
...anyway my initial query was what makes Thai MBs so docile. Im still non the wiser.

July 17th, 2016, 13:21
...anyway my initial query was what makes Thai MBs so docile. Im still non the wiser.

1.) They want money, and you're the customer. Just like if you're running any business, you want your customers happy and well taken care of.

2.) They generally come from very poor backgrounds, so think what that does to their physche. They generally have pretty low self confidence and self esteem, so view the customer with money as a superior. May not seem like that on the outside at times with all the laughing and giggling, but get to know them a bit, and you'll realize how low many (most?) think of themselves.

3.) One of their main aims in life is to take care of their family in the village, so extending on #2, they will do whatever it takes to accomplish that.

4.) They are born and raised to never talk back to elders and superiors. If you're a school kid and talk back to your teacher, you can expect to get your hands hit with a ruler until you can no longer feel your fingers. Same as go wander around any typical Thai street, and you'll notice any older lady is allowed to spank any kid on the street, and it's totally acceptable. So kids are taught to fall in line from a young age, and it follows them into adulthood.

5.) Yes, Buddhism does play a part, even if just a small one. Being kind to your fellow human and helping them how you can is somewhat engrained into society here.

July 17th, 2016, 14:18
...Im none the wiser.

...But you're better informed...