View Full Version : Happy Birthday Canada!

July 2nd, 2016, 01:08
Happy Birthday Canada! 149 years old, baby!

And after 149 years, look at how good looking our Prime Minister is. I think we have one of the best looking world leaders out there. :)


July 2nd, 2016, 01:44
As an American living in Canada, I can say how proud I am to be Canadian now, thirteen years after getting citizenship here. My husband and I moved to Canada in 2000. He came in from Thailand, I came in from the US. When neither of our countries would recognize our relationship, Canada welcomed us. Oh, Canada! Thank you!!

July 2nd, 2016, 01:47

And a salute to Canada's favorite animal.

July 2nd, 2016, 01:54
When neither of our countries would recognize our relationship, Canada welcomed us. Oh, Canada! Thank you!!

Really? Congrats! If you don't mind me asking, when and where did you get married? It's been legal in various places in Canada since 2002 / 2003 I think, then became federal law in 2005.

I was married in June 2005 in Nelson, BC. Thinking about it, I'm still technically married. I should really send the divorce papers again, and see if I can get them signed this time. 6 times lucky, maybe?

Nonetheless, Paul Martin's speech on gay marriage was awesome, and the one main thing I will remember him by.


(he starts in French, but it's not French the whole way -- it's just the way Canadian politicians speak).

July 2nd, 2016, 10:47
We got married in Vancouver in 2003. Only nine people in QE Park. Ten years later we put on a wonderful ten year recommitment ceremony, this time more like a real wedding, with cake, ballet, and a hot Scottish bagpipe player, in the Coal Harbour community centre.