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View Full Version : How Many Straight Boys in Bangkok's Go-Go Bars?

July 1st, 2016, 11:23
We know from posts over several years that the number of gay Thais working in Bangkok's go-go bars has been steadily diminishing. Many of the boys in Soi Twilight are now straight; others are from neighbouring countries - or were until the police raid a few weeks ago. Lots of reasons have been given, the main one being it's easier and cheaper for them to find customers on the apps. I just wonder what the numbers are - gay vs. straight? Any ideas? Does it matter to you?

July 1st, 2016, 11:33
I'll stick with what I've been saying for years. Main reason is because the middle class is greatly increasing in Thailand. Or I guess I should say "was", as the current govt seems to be turning the corner.

Just look though: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/thailand/gdp

Lots of that GDP got spent locally in Thailand, and filtered it's way through to the simple som-tam seller in your local Issan village. There's not such a need to take your pants off for money any more.

That need definitely still exists, but not as much as say 5 or 10 or 20 years ago.

July 1st, 2016, 14:25
Perhaps more Johns are discovering what I did many years ago. Straight boys are way better at sex than gay ones and way more fun to be with.

July 1st, 2016, 14:33
I suspect that the gay/straight ratio in Bangkok has remained much the same over the twenty years I've been visiting...at least 60% straight. The host bars are predominantly gay.

Does it make a difference? you bet it does. I would never knowingly have sex with a straight guy....I enjoy the reciprocity that the most skillful gay guys can bring to the experience. May be it's different for those who prefer to bottom.

July 1st, 2016, 15:21
If it's just fucking someone wants then a straight boy in unlikely to be your type.

July 1st, 2016, 17:07
It's not the fucking....not my scene....but the physical intimacy that I enjoy.

July 1st, 2016, 20:29
If it's physical intimacy you're after Oliver then I wouldn't worry on that score. Try a straight boy and see, But do follow my highly acclaimed and award winning post 'The perfect off.'

July 2nd, 2016, 07:57
Well as long as the boy gets hard and can service my needs then I don't mind if he's gay, bi or straight

July 2nd, 2016, 14:41
im a top, only enjoy topping, love topping. And the best is straight boys, get absolutely turned on by the fact that they are in it for the cash only, they dont get hard and can take the strain. Love how they do as they are told, its a job, will assume the positions I demand, and grunt with effort/strain as I enjoy the ride. When it comes to Thai MB, straight is best, at least its butch...and not mincing twinky.

July 2nd, 2016, 14:43
im a top, only enjoy topping, love topping.
OMG! Do we have to go through this yet again?

July 2nd, 2016, 17:06
It's like Latin is on a loop. Like the music you hear in an elevator but less interesting.

July 3rd, 2016, 03:31
fountainhall no need to be bitter just because u cant recall the last time u actually had sex. And arsehall (see what I did there, clever hey!) you keep stepping into the elevator.
FYI like the other posters was just expressing an opinion as to how I like my hired sex service provider. You guys should really count to like 500 before replying, gives the panic monkeys jumping around in your cavernous brain cavity time to settle down.

July 3rd, 2016, 08:46
You're right Latin of course. Your posts are very interesting. We all love reading them. It doesn't matter how many times you write your "I fucked boy, I abused boy, I threw money at boy" story it never gets boring. No Siree, we love the continuity of your stories and the total consistency of the story every time you tell it is simply genius. Do tell us again Uncle Latin...please please please.

July 3rd, 2016, 10:45
fountainhall no need to be bitter just because u cant recall the last time u actually had sex.
If only you knew! You'll be jealous coz the delights of Thailand are on offer to me whenever I wish! As I said, I am perfectly happy!

You guys should really count to like 500 before replying, gives the panic monkeys jumping around in your cavernous brain cavity time to settle down.
Why? No need for an iota of thought. Your sexual exploits are detailed in many threads - and are soooooo predictable!

July 3rd, 2016, 17:13
A few guys seem to be bisexual, and few bars have transgender guys, or at least they did in the past.

About 80 percent of the guys that I have offed seem to be basically straight, but that is what I like. The service has been fine.

July 3rd, 2016, 17:26
I have to agree the service is good. Real good.
Fountain....hows that erection doing...try two kamagras...

July 3rd, 2016, 17:50
hows that erection doing...try two kamagras...
What's kamagra??