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View Full Version : Crackdown on foreign workers in Bangkok?

July 1st, 2016, 04:56
Two young men working in Bangkok tell me the police are actively looking for foreign workers to get them out. I know this police activity ebbs and flows but has anyone heard anything recently?

July 1st, 2016, 11:34
This was the reason for the police raid in Soi Twilight a few weeks ago. I'm told it was telegraphed in advance and most of the foreign boys had bolted by the time the cops arrived.

July 1st, 2016, 14:26
Right-wing juntas invariably go after the most vulnerable members of a community when they seize power....it's the nature of the beast.

July 1st, 2016, 14:31
Oliver is right. After all so many of the real criminals in Thailand are the MIBs customers.

July 1st, 2016, 23:45
Seriously. Right up to and including murder. A Young man I was very fond of was murdered by a farang he met on line, about two years ago. The mamasan where he usually worked (when not freelancing) told me the farang was detained but somehow not charged and sent back to his country. Probably a nice fat bribe for someone. It almost goes without saying that my young friend was not Thai, so was considered to be garbage. He was 23. Awful.

July 2nd, 2016, 05:58
The crackdown began several weeks ago as fountainhall reports. It's still in force, though there is a rumour (for what it's worth) that it will end in July. Probably depends on who is being "tipped".

July 2nd, 2016, 06:13
I'm often attracted to Laos, Cambodian and Vietnamese men in Bangkok so it's a sad development. And it's really tough for them as they can't work and live in fear of the police.

July 2nd, 2016, 14:45
oh for heavens sake stop complaining. This will keep them meek and mild and grateful for an off. If the whole world rises from the developing world status who on earth is going to wait on me???

July 3rd, 2016, 00:16
oh for heavens sake stop complaining. This will keep them meek and mild and grateful for an off. If the whole world rises from the developing world status who on earth is going to wait on me???

Yes a world of true equality and justice would be so inconvenient. We'd all have to spend days jerking off in front of computer screens, if we don't already. :-)

July 3rd, 2016, 03:26
faranglaw, am so glad u understand. The blandest places are those with the least gap between rich and poor, imagine if the whole world was Norway!!

July 3rd, 2016, 04:06
Yeah we'd all have to find sex and intimacy based on our looks and intelligence and moral character, and then where would we be?

July 3rd, 2016, 05:13
When there are greater problems like endemic corruption, high mortality on the roads, terrorism and drug abuse, it is strange to see that one of the police priorities is to move overseas workers out of Bangkok gogo bars. Most of them are even Buddhist, so it's not like they are from a evil & divisive creed. No threat at all to Thailand.

If really go back to their home countries, perhaps it might just become easier to find some pleasant company there.

July 3rd, 2016, 12:11
When there are greater problems like endemic corruption, high mortality on the roads, terrorism and drug abuse, it is strange to see that one of the police priorities is to move overseas workers out of Bangkok gogo bars. Most of them are even Buddhist, so it's not like they are from a evil & divisive creed. No threat at all to Thailand.

If really go back to their home countries, perhaps it might just become easier to find some pleasant company there.

Called "picking the low-hanging fruit". The list you make is part of All Too Fucking Hard (ATFH).

July 3rd, 2016, 12:36
When there are greater problems like endemic corruption, high mortality on the roads, terrorism and drug abuse, it is strange to see that one of the police priorities is to move overseas workers out of Bangkok gogo bars.
You hit the nail of the head - endemic corruption. It's easy to get rid of a few foreign bar workers, looks good on reports to bosses and does not affect their tea money. They can make huge urns of tea for decades from permitting the more serious offences you listed to effectively disappear. Anyone heard any reports recently about the grandson of the mega-rich Red Bull founder who in 2012 mowed down and killed a policeman on Sukhumvit at around 5:00 in the morning dragging the body for 200 yards - allegedly with alcohol and other substances in his blood whilst doing 200 kph in his Ferrari. He has missed various deadlines for Court appearances, the statute of limitations has run out on one charge and he's been conveniently out of the country for much of the time. No doubt his family provides oodles of tea on a regular basis.

Or what about the former Head of the Tourist Authority, Jutamas Siriwan? She gave the contract to start up and run the Bangkok Film Festival from 2002 to 2006 to a Hollywood couple, Gerald and Patricia Green. In the US, the Greens were jailed for 6 months and fined US$250,000 for bribery in 2010 - sending US$1.8 million to the Singapore bank accounts of Jutamas and her daughter. 20 months ago Variety reported that Jutamas would be prosecuted in Thailand. Yet still nothing has happened. Once again, as a member of the hiso set, Jutamas no doubt has made big urns of tea available.

July 3rd, 2016, 12:55
There's a statute of limitations for murder? How convenient.

July 3rd, 2016, 13:53
No! The statute of limitations is only for speeding. So he could not be convicted on that count, despite being massively over the speed limit. I have now discovered that the Courts tried yet again to get the murderer to appear in Court on May 25 this year. Yet again he failed to appear.

This entire case reeks of corruption from start to premature finish. Here is The Nation's initial report. I found this on another forum. It seems impossible to locate it on google. Someone attempting to erase history?
