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July 1st, 2016, 11:30
Wonder how heated the conversation at No. 10 Downing Street has been in the last 20 hours or so. "That mother-fucking Boris! He gave me his word he'd help with the Remain campaign, then he stabbed me in the back and became the face of Brexit. I resigned as it was obvious he'd beat me in a contest for leader. Now he's been stabbed in the back and decided not to run. Fuck me! I didn't need to resign after all and could have this as my home for the next few years! ******"@@@@^^^!!"

Nirish guy
July 1st, 2016, 13:54
I'm guessing it was more a case of "Well, I tried my best, I guided, I lead, I advised the Country as best I could and they voted against me and my advice. Well you know what, they can go and FUCK themselves now, get those bags packed love, we're out of here and they can clear up their own bloody mess, I'm DONE with the lot of them!"

July 1st, 2016, 14:18
Fountain and nNIrish: The roots of this go back over 30 years. Cameron and Johnson were rivals at school and their rivalry has now brought both their political careers crashing down. However as I have said before, Cameron has come out of all this rather well in terms of his standing but Boris is seen as something of a traitor and is probably regretting his recent decision to renounce his American citizenship.

Boris Johnson was never going to be PM because he simply lacks the essential ingredients to do the job.

July 1st, 2016, 14:24
That odious little neo-con Gove (or more likely his even more unpleasant wife) has just stabbed Johnson in the back...."as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Of course, unlike the rest of us , we lower-class mortals who had to work for a living and didn't have rich daddies to look after us in our need, these Tories merely move on to even more lucrative jobs when their political careers end.

July 1st, 2016, 22:09
Isn’t Gove the reincarnation of Quentin Crisp?

Hell no - Quentin Crisp had a personality. Gove is Mogodon Man

July 1st, 2016, 23:00
What a stupidy to call Tories party for the rich. Like conservative political views are correlated to income.
There are rich left wingers and rich right wingers, there are poor left wingers and poor right wingers.
Conservatives aren't against poor; they also aren't agains rich. (Left wingers however tend to hate rich people). They favour the free market so everyone profits. Better to be 'poor' in a Western free market nation, than in a socialist economy (old Labour) where everyone is poor. Socialism failed everywhere.

Besides some common sense conservative social values aren't that bad. A Brexit can turn out to be a very good idea. Non-EU countries in Europe fair pretty well without the EU. Why wouldn't it turn out for Britains best to be outside it?

July 1st, 2016, 23:13
AsDaRa. People like to pigeonhole political parties so The Conservatives only appeal to the rich and Labour to the poor. This completely ignores the fact that before Cameron the last six Conservative Party leaders all came through the state education system and from average backgrounds. Howard, Duncan Smith, Hague, Major, Thatcher, Heath.

July 1st, 2016, 23:22
It is a fact that the vast majority of Tory front-benchers come from privileged backgrounds. I didn't comment on those who vote for them.

July 1st, 2016, 23:30
Wonder how heated the conversation at No. 10 Downing Street has been in the last 20 hours or so. "That mother-fucking Boris! He gave me his word he'd help with the Remain campaign, then he stabbed me in the back and became the face of Brexit. I resigned as it was obvious he'd beat me in a contest for leader. Now he's been stabbed in the back and decided not to run. Fuck me! I didn't need to resign after all and could have this as my home for the next few years! ******"@@@@^^^!!"

Interesting. I imagine a somehwat different conversation: "hah! I Screwed thst mother fucker Boris, didn't I! He thought I'd pull the trigger in Brexit as soon as it passed. What a twat! As if I'd actually keep a promise! Liberals and Labour think I'm an empty suit, well I may not be the brightest star in the firmament, but I know a poisoned apple when I see one. Here you go, BJ, Leave and the British economy is fucked and the UK is no more; remain and your supporters will eat you alive; quit and your career is over. Besides, I was getting bored with the job; it's rather beneath me, don't you think?"

July 2nd, 2016, 08:39
Faranglaws' post reminds me of the old saying.
"It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool rather than to say something and remove all doubt."

July 2nd, 2016, 10:34
Faranglaws' post reminds me of the old saying.
"It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool rather than to say something and remove all doubt."

I hope you mean Boris, and not my humble self.

July 2nd, 2016, 11:17
No faringlaw I mean you. That is if you genuinely believe Cameron possesses less than the sharpest of minds. Which I'm sure you don't.

July 2nd, 2016, 16:04
The scene at Boris's bunker when the results came in!


July 2nd, 2016, 17:11
Well so far I have noticed no discernible difference to my life, so what's the big deal?

July 2nd, 2016, 18:59
Judging from a post on another forum, you'll see a difference if you travel to Thailand. Apparently, you'll be getting 10% less for the pound.

Also, flights to Thailand may be more expensive if fuel prices go up.

July 2nd, 2016, 19:16
Also, flights to Thailand may be more expensive if fuel prices go up.
They're gong to become more expensive anyway even though fuel stays at the same price or lower. Flights departing ex the UK still have to make a return back to the UK. Landing fees, parking fees, salaries for workers at those overseas destinations, etc. are all priced in the higher local currency and not in sterling. So UK airlines' costs will rise.

July 2nd, 2016, 19:18
Judging from a post on another forum, you'll see a difference if you travel to Thailand. Apparently, you'll be getting 10% less for the pound.

Also, flights to Thailand may be more expensive if fuel prices go up.

Prices change all the time. I've seen many price rises throughout the time we have spent within the EU so nothing different this time. I take it every price rise and every job which is lost and every change in interest rates etc etc is now going to be blamed on Brexit. Sorry but it's all bollox.

July 2nd, 2016, 20:01
...... etc etc is now going to be blamed on Brexit. Sorry but it's all bollox.

You don't see the connection between Brexit and the sudden fall of the pound and the accompanying price rises??

Nirish guy
July 2nd, 2016, 20:15
Prices change all the time. I've seen many price rises throughout the time we have spent within the EU so nothing different this time. I take it every price rise and every job which is lost and every change in interest rates etc etc is now going to be blamed on Brexit. Sorry but it's all bollox.

And you do understand that the Uk hasn't ACTUALLY left the Eu YET don't you ? So a lot of the negative stuff that's being forecast is still to come when the two year ticking time bomb starts it's detonation sequence with the results that follow thereafter merely adding to wherever we're at by then. Or of course either NOTHING could happen ( beyond doubtful) or we'll all romp to riches as a stand alone Country ( also very doubtful IMHO) - but we'll see, but to suggest "it's all bollox" certainly is quite mistaken.

July 3rd, 2016, 01:07
No faringlaw I mean you. That is if you genuinely believe Cameron possesses less than the sharpest of minds. Which I'm sure you don't.'

Point taken. It was a joke. Don't take it too seriously.

July 3rd, 2016, 01:13
So I'm meant to vote on the basis of what "the markets" say is best for me? These'll be the same banker types which plunged the world into a recession just a few short years ago. No doubt the next recession, inevitable I'm told because of the leave voters, will be along in a couple of years time. I'd rather blame the politicians who are going to create the conditions which will lead to the recession. All down to self preservation. Talk of making it hard for the UK to prevent free thinking people in their own countries from daring to make similar decisions.
I once was naive enough to believe that voting Labour would make a difference after 20 years of the tories. Truth be told it didn't. Not one iota. I won't be falling for any of their bullshit again anytime soon.

July 3rd, 2016, 01:24
So I'm meant to vote on the basis of what "the markets" say is best for me?

Yes. Mark Cuban explains it almost perfectly here.


July 3rd, 2016, 04:49
nothing there to change my mind.

July 3rd, 2016, 04:52
nothing there to change my mind.

You don't think large firms currently based in London, are debating whether or not they should begin relocating their offices to say Berlin or elsewhere in Europe? That could have a bit of a blow to the UK economy, no?

July 4th, 2016, 00:54
You don't think large firms currently based in London, are debating whether or not they should begin relocating their offices to say Berlin or elsewhere in Europe? That could have a bit of a blow to the UK economy, no?

That's the same argument as above. Happy to report that I won't bow to threats. Let's see how many actually do leave for Berlin or wherever. Obama threatened that the UK will go to the back of the queue, that a leave vote will damage the "special relationship". After the result he then said that the relationship will not change. I made my decision based on one thing only. I hate the Euro Parliament. It is corrupt to the core and I'd love to see it disbanded to stop these fucking scumbag politicians filling their pockets. The other arguments never got off the ground with me. My hatred of corrupt politicians is absolute. If I even knew who my MEP was I'm happy in the knowledge that he'll have to find some other way of making his illicit gains. The House of Lords is another waste of space that needs blown up (figuratively speaking). I'd vote for any party which campaigned on that alone.
I vote for stuff I believe to be right, not with one hand on my bank card.

July 4th, 2016, 02:38
That's the same argument as above. Happy to report that I won't bow to threats.

They are not threats. They are realities, and realities you Brits now have to live with, as does the rest of the world.

Looks like Vodafone is even going to move its HQ out of the UK, let alone god knows how many other companies. Wasn't one of the primary reasons for voting to leave was because immigrants were stealing jobs? Well, now all the jobs are leaving and going to the EU.

What happens if boys like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs decide to pick up, and head over to mainland Europe as well? Then the UK economy is really fucked.

July 4th, 2016, 03:56
I'm to worry about banker wankers like Morgan and Sachs? Ain't gonna happen.
just curious, who are the big banks backing in the upcoming US elections?

July 4th, 2016, 17:58
Another one bites the dust, Nigel Farage stands down.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage stands down - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36702468

July 4th, 2016, 18:55
Another one bites the dust, Nigel Farage stands down
Hardly a surprise! He doesn't have a seat in the UK parliament and very soon he won't have one in the European parliament either. Presumably he'll go back to finance and futures trading and ripping off investors like many of the others in that little game.

July 5th, 2016, 01:30
The UKIP story would appear to be all but over. Hard to see what they can have to say once we are officially out of the EU.

July 5th, 2016, 01:33
The UKIP story would appear to be all but over. Hard to see what they can have to say once we are officially out of the EU.

From the sounds of things it will be, "whoops, sorry for fucking over the entire country for cheap political gain".

Actually, that's wrong. They will probably just scurry off and disappear like the rats they are, which they're obviously already doing. They won't say anything.

July 5th, 2016, 23:56
From the sounds of things it will be, "whoops, sorry for fucking over the entire country for cheap political gain".

Actually, that's wrong. They will probably just scurry off and disappear like the rats they are, which they're obviously already doing. They won't say anything.

I'd say that most of the UKIP faithful do actually believe what they are saying and thinking, rightly or wrongly. If you want cheap political gain then you need to start thinking Boris. If you want "fucking the country over", Jesus where do I begin?

July 8th, 2016, 11:24
Leadership of Britain's ruling Conservative party will now fall to a woman once again, depending on which of the final two candidates the a few hundred thousand grandees in the country vote for. The surprise candidate is the inexperienced Andrea Leadsom. Despite her coming far behind Home Secretary Teresa May, the fear is that this rabid right-winder and reading Brexit supporter could cause a great many more problems, not least for the gay community.

Leadsom, a committed Christian, is regarded as a straight-talking right-winger, and gave a series of interviews on Thursday in which she said she was sceptical about gay marriage and would reintroduce fox-hunting — two causes célèbres of the Tory right.
Ss says an article in yesterday's Guardian newspaper. Of course, Leadsom says she is now converted to equal marriage - but as we have seen throughout this entire desperate Brexit farce, so many politicians have said one thing but acted on another. Damn them all!


July 8th, 2016, 16:22
Leadership of Britain's ruling Conservative party will now fall to a woman once again, depending on which of the final two candidates the a few hundred thousand grandees in the country vote for. The surprise candidate is the inexperienced Andrea Leadsom. Despite her coming far behind Home Secretary Teresa May, the fear is that this rabid right-winder and reading Brexit supporter could cause a great many more problems, not least for the gay community.

Ss says an article in yesterday's Guardian newspaper. Of course, Leadsom says she is now converted to equal marriage - but as we have seen throughout this entire desperate Brexit farce, so many politicians have said one thing but acted on another. Damn them all!


She sounds quite loathesome. In a way I'd want her to win as I believe she is the weaker candidate and I utterly despise the tories thus potentially making them more prone to defeat next time out. Only problem with that is the state of the other shit party.

July 9th, 2016, 18:42
In the wake of their "victory", there are many reports that some of the victorious brexit factions have stepped up their campaign of racist abuse and attacks.

Meanwhile - seen in the last few days outside a Coffee Shop in Portobello (which despite its name is in Edinburgh and not the Mediterranean :D)


EEJIT = Idiot

July 10th, 2016, 07:35
looks like we will soon be back to 2008 Exchange rates!
Seems like the Brexit was good for something after all!

July 11th, 2016, 07:33
The guy [Corbyn] is TOAST

Umm, you were saying... ? !! :D

July 11th, 2016, 14:38
Don't understand the point you are making Tobi - are you suggesting that Corbyn can survive this crisis long-term?

I stand by my opinion that he's toast - and we'll see soon enough. In the meantime I suggest that apparently crowing about you being right is simply ludicrous.

I also observe that despite your vigorous assertion that, as the incumbent he is absolutely certain to be on the ballot paper in the upcoming contests, there is a huge question mark over that - with the NEC due to make a decision tomorrow and Corbyn hinting that he may have to take legal action if the NEC decision doesn't go the way he wants.

It seems to me that in your desperation to shout "look at me", you're oblivious to what's actually happening in this drama.

Maybe three Scots winning titles at Wimbledon was just too much for you yesterday


July 13th, 2016, 01:57
So.....now the Labour Parrty NEC has ruled that Corbyn can be on the ballot paper without the endorsement of 51 MPs and the faction challenging him are threating legal action to get him back off the ballot paper.

You couldn't make this up (unlike all my travels to Thailand as MiniMee will tell you)