View Full Version : Still want to visit the Philippines?

June 14th, 2016, 10:38
A second Canadian was beheaded in the Philippines today after being abducted from a resort by Abu Sayyaf.



Nirish guy
June 15th, 2016, 06:24
Whilst of course it's terrible what happened etc I said basically the same thing to my PH BF ( who is from Davao where the guy was taken from) and he said it was a very strange and unlikely occurrence there and that the guy had been in a marina and the terrorists had travelled quite a distance by boat to snatch him ( at random) and then go back from whence they came. Not that that fact helped or saved the poor guy of course but my BF was at pains to point out that going to the (safer) areas of the PH's is fine and Davao in particular IS very safe for tourists. As to whether he's right or not could of course be an entirely different matter !

June 15th, 2016, 14:36
I had never heard that yet Nirsh, so thanks for that. I'm just a little dismayed that a small gang of bandits, calling themselves terrorists were allowed to carry on / from where ever they are, after the first hostage was beheaded. Our own country might not make a big dent in whatever's going on now or next in the Middle East...but we certainly have enough Special Forces to go after these pricks or insist that the Philippines does. So now a second one is beheaded, both Canadians? The Philippines should be still stinging from the Manila Hostage Crisis of 2010 and so I'm surprised at how lethargic their response has been so far. I'm hopeful for some sort of response from Canada.


Nirish guy
June 15th, 2016, 15:08
I "think" - as my BF didn't really explain it very well / I wasn't really listening that it's a bit like the equivalent of the whole main / Southern Thailand issue in that "Thailand" in general is safe, but if you travelled to a very small section of Southern Thailand then perhaps it may not be just so much - and that area of the Philippines he was talking about it's all for exactly the same religious / political reasons too there it seems.

I said " but he still was taken from Davao so that can't be good" and my BF flicked up a map and showed me where and how the guys came from by boat ( think Turkey with say the bad part on one side and the good part on the other) with just a strip of water in between, however in the PH's case that strip was about 300 miles or more I think hence my BF saying this was a very strange and unusual case ( not that the helped the poor guy).

In case you're thinking of going to the PH's as I'm sure you know Manila can be dodgy enough just from a normal crime perspective but once you get out of there the normal tourist sites are generally quite / very safe and Davao itself IS very safe thanks to their no nonsense Mayors particualr method of crime suppression ie "Mister you fuck with me or my town I'll have you killed by the Police Motherfucker" - and this is the guy who has just made President there a few weeks ago !

My BF and I have already had words over that re their Country electing a guy who's general view and policies seems to revolve around "disagree with me and you die, I'll have you killed" or "the Pope, he is a son of a bitch" or after a girl was raped " that girl should have been sent to me first before she was raped so I could have first go as she was pretty and I am the President after all" - all genuine quotes of his ! And yet both my BF and his very religious family all think the guy is great and just what they need to turn the Philippines and their family fortunes around - I'm guessing he's their Donald Trump guy - GOD FORBID I tell them, but we'll / they'll find out soon enough I guess.

June 16th, 2016, 04:38
I like to visit countries where I feel safe walking down the street at any time of day or night.

Friends who visit Manilla have experienced consistent problems in some parts of Manilla in the day time.
Whilst I shall probably visit the country sometime, I'm in no hurry to do so.

Nirish guy
June 16th, 2016, 04:42
I like to visit countries where I feel safe walking down the street at any time of day or night.

Good luck with that, there's not to many places in the world left like that I fear :-(

June 16th, 2016, 09:50
Japan is generally a safe place to visit but the tourist crowd is huge at the popular sites.

Since it is developed country, bring along lots of money.

Just be mindful of the presence of the yakuza - tattooed guys with missing digit on the little finger.

June 16th, 2016, 21:10
Guess i must just have been lucky! Having lived in Japan for 2 years and visited more than 80 times - most recently 4 weeks ago - I never once came across or even saw a member of the yakuza.

Yes, Japan is very safe and it is crowded. But there are tons of sites to see and if you don't try to go at popular or rush hours, you should be able to avoid crowds of tourists. Also, with the Yen having dropped in value against the US$, it is less expensive to visit. This is especially true of hotels.

June 16th, 2016, 21:24
Just be mindful of the presence of the yakuza - tattooed guys with missing digit on the little finger.

You've got more chance of running into Elvis than a member of the yakuza. They tend to stick to themselves.

June 17th, 2016, 04:20
I feel safe enough in Europe, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc.

From what I read & hear from friends, places like Rio & Manilla require a lot more care from any visitors who want to avoid getting mugged.

June 21st, 2016, 04:11
I travel to the Philippines quite often.
Usually I now go to Cebu City but in the past I have been to several places on Mindanao.
Specifically Davao, Cagayan do Oro, General Santos, and even some out of the way places.
I have always felt very safe traveling there. But of course you do need to be careful.
My Husband and I are visiting Charleston, SC, USA in September. And on several of the web sites they say it is very safe there but observe common sense. Do not stroll down dark back alleys by yourself.
The Philippines Government has just launched a major offensive again the Abu Saif "rebels" on Sulu Island. I read 15,000 troops. In response to the two beheading. Not sure if it will make a difference since the "rebels" can easily hide in the mountains and small villages.
Anyway, I feel it is More Fun in the Philippines. And the guys are handsome, hot, and friendly!!

July 1st, 2016, 12:48
Democracy in the Philippines works in weird and pretty ghastly ways when it comes to Presidential politics. The electorate rarely pays attention to issues, instead voting in charismatic people who end up as murdering dictators, thieving actors, corrupt judges etc. At least in the most recent poll, they had an idea who they were electing - a loud-mouthed, shoot-from-the-hip mayor who likes the idea of murder before the evidence is on the table. At his inauguration yesterday, President Duarte ranted against drug dealers and drug traffickers. So far so good. But like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, he just cannot keep his mouth shut when he is on a roll. He quickly added -

“If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”
And this paragon of political virtue went on to say there was one good business his people should open - setting up funeral parlours.

“I assure you you won’t go bankrupt. If your business slows I will tell the police, ‘Do it faster to help the people earn money’.”
So the Filipinos have done it again. Once this joker is jailed or bumped off, wait for the born-again homophobic pugilist Manny Pacquiao to be elected in his place. My money's on him!


Nirish guy
July 1st, 2016, 13:45
Unfortunately I fear you are quite right as my PH BF and his family ( who all live here in the UK and should know better) think the sun shines out of BOTH those guys asses.

We had a massive row one evening when I pointed out that they were merely replacing one dictator with another etc and that the drug dealers he was shooting today would be replaced with him shooting his political enemies tomorrow / when it suited him, but was firmly told that I had NO idea what I was talking about and as I didn't live there that this guy was akin to the saviour of all poor flipinos and that he would ( and I quote) "make their country great again" ( sound familiar !)

We actually had to agree to disagree and leave it as it caused a row for about 3 days every time it came up. I still point to news quotes such as the ones you've included above and say "YOU SEE !" To which they smile and say "YES, you see, he's helping our country already". There's not much you can say to that except shake your head in pity and move on.

As we're seeing here in the UK of late I guess sometimes you really do get the politicians you deserve.

Mind you as the whole political scene in the PHS is rotten to the core anyway with masses of votes being physically bought for hard cash in the poor areas etc democracy is only something that's merely hinted at when it suits I think anyway. Note the resurgence of the Marcos clan in recent elections to show THAT fact up as I doubt older people's memories there are THAT short - or maybe they are I don't know.

Likewise re Manny the boxer who could do no wrong, thankfully his homophobic outbursts have convinced my BF he's a nasty piece of work, but his family, nooooo Manny is still just one step down from God himself still. Says a lot about what they think of their gay son I guess.

Mind you I can't talk as my own mother would probably vote for him too as he's " a good God fearing man" etc etc - I really do despair with the world sometimes :-(

September 6th, 2016, 10:49
And yet both my BF and his very religious family all think the guy is great and just what they need to turn the Philippines and their family fortunes around - I'm guessing he's their Donald Trump guy - GOD FORBID I tell them, but we'll / they'll find out soon enough I guess.

Yes, after enjoying visits to the Philippines for over 12 years, I am totally dismayed about the actions of Pres Duterte. Today he called Pres Obama "The Son of a Bitch". He is totally out of control.
SO I am rethinking my plans to visit the Philippines in February. Rather spend my US Dollars when they are not spit upon by the President!!

OH and sad to say there was a bombing in Davao this last Friday. 14 killed and over 67 injured.
And now it comes out the Mayor and Police knew of the threat two days before it happened and gave no notice to the public.

Maybe you should rethink traveling there...

Nirish guy
September 6th, 2016, 16:07
To be fair to that loud mouth Duterte whilst he certainly got carried away with his mouth ( as usual) I'm not actually sure that he DID call the President anything as I think his comment was more directed at the reporter/s after he'd told them he wasn't answering political questions at that news conference and then they went ahead and asked him one - and it was late at night and I do think he was pissed off with the reporter - not that thats any excuse of course - but say what he will it seems his people LOVE him and he can do no wrong.

When he first got voted in and started his "kill them" nonsense I said to my Flipino BF "omg what have you elected" and he launched into how I'd no idea what I was talking about and how he was a man of the people and would "save them" etc, we actually had quite a row about that and how he was disregarding the rule of law and how no good could come of that in the long term etc, but no, I'd no idea what I was talking about. I now ( with glee) point out each and every mistake the guy makes ( like calling the Pope the son of a whore too - and them SUCH a catholic country ( when it suits) - but again no, in the eyes of my BF ( and his wider family) the man can do no wrong and every bad piece of press about him is just the Flipino press ( who are owned by his enemies and are against the people accordingly to my bf ( he might have a point there ) are just pushing bad stories against their wonderful President.

So as I keep telling him "ok, whatever you think, just watch this space as my I told you so is on it's way, it's only a matter of when !"

September 6th, 2016, 16:15
No offense NIrish, but when the leader of a country calls the US President a "son of a bitch" on national / international TV, it's a little tough to defend them.

Nirish guy
September 6th, 2016, 16:41
My point ( and that of several people who speak tagalog) is that he actually DIDN'T, he was referring to the reporters - of course absolutely stupid to even come out with Obamas name in the same breath but again he actually didn't it was the reporter who brought Obama up. Don't get me wrong the guy is one loose cannon and I can see no good coming from his Presidency, but in this particular case I do think he's being misrepresented a little - which his own apology backs up - i.e. not that he called Obama that but that there was room for confusion that he might have.

September 6th, 2016, 17:49
On the flip side, you could easily argue "son of a bitch" is exactly what he meant, especially after his previous tirade the day before about how he's not an American puppet, and blah, blah, blah...

I'd say instead of the "he didn't actually mean it that way" argument, it could be much easier argued that's exactly what he meant to say, but after the fact once he realized the shit storm it caused decided to try and recant, and thought to himself, "whoops, shouldn't have said that".

It's like trying to defend Trump by saying, "well, he said some Mexicans are probably good people".

Nirish guy
September 7th, 2016, 02:44
I'm not defending him, I'm repeating what he DID actually say and not what the press reported he said, which apparently in Tagalog was quite different and quite obviously aimed at the reporters than he western press reported - thats all - the man is still an egomaniac, loud mouth but is this case I think he being misquoted somewhat as to who he was aiming his comments at.

Its a bit of a moot point anyway as the damage is done internationally already, I would however add that the Flipino populace STILL think the sun shines out of his ass it seems even AFTER his little outburst, so it hasn't damaged him at home much by the looks of it - well not YET anyway.

September 7th, 2016, 09:32
Mind you as the whole political scene in the PHS is rotten to the core anyway with masses of votes being physically bought for hard cash in the poor areas etc democracy is only something that's merely hinted at when it suits I think anyway.
Right on! Virtually since independence politics and the economy there has been controlled by a handful of unbelievably-rich families. Yet there is something in the Filipino mentality that admires outward gung-ho macho strength no matter how loud-mouthed and shoot-from-the-hip. It's rather like they superimpose on to fifth-raters like Duterte the characteristics of Superman, Ironman, Spiderman and all the rest. Yet this idiot still enjoys an approval rating in the region of 90%. It really makes you think again about Churchill's comment about democracy being the worst form of government - except for all the others. I even sometimes wonder if it would be better if that quote had omitted the last 5 words!!

Nirish guy
September 7th, 2016, 16:54
Spot on there FH re the rich families and the craziest thing is my BF points out to me how it's just that it's "obviously"some of these families who are out to get Duterte and that nothing is on the media in the PHs is how it looks and that "I just don't understand PH politics" ( he's right about that part) - but when I point out how one bad guy is no better or no different from the other and that all are just getting rich on the back of the PH people and in them voting for their strongmen types all they are doing is condemning themselves to more of the same - and now a guy who believes its ok to randomly kill their own citizens all I get is an " ah but he's great as HE is doing it for the people".

I have pointed out to him that today its drugs types his President is killing but tomorrow it could just as easily be his political enemies or basically just whoever he doesn't like, but no, but again there's NO sense to be had with that idea apparently nor is there any chance of that possibility getting through either to my BF (or his wide family) as Dutertes loyalty to his people is it seems beyond question. ( yeah cause politicians are SO well known for that being all about the people and not themselves historically eh ! )

September 7th, 2016, 17:07
I have a sneaking suspicion that the Thai people felt exactly the same way about Thaksin and his war on drugs. That murdered about 2,800 people without any judicial process. The investigative committee set up after he was ousted from power found that more than half had absolutely nothing to do with drugs and the drug trade. And of course of those who were in the trade, it was the middle men and street-level peddlers who were shot whilst the major drug lords to a man escaped. And Thaksin had the gall to stand on his soapbox after the three-month killing spree and announce that the war on drugs had been won! If anything, after a lull it just got worse.

November 9th, 2016, 18:04
I see that idiot/popular President Duterte has pulled another stunt. The body of the dictator, murderer, monster thief and general thug Ferdinand Marcos which has been lying embalmed in his home state for decades, he has decided and had approved, will now be escorted to the Heroes Cemetery in Manila. How many of the families of those Marcos had tortured and killed will demonstrate? No idea! No doubt Duterte has men with guns to ward them off.

Nirish guy
November 9th, 2016, 20:02
Well if so they'll definitely not be newly bought American guns that's for sure !

Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte 'cancels' order of US rifles

Nirish guy
November 9th, 2016, 20:08
But hey it's ok, don't worry as my PH BF assures me that his president has a plan, which I as a non flipino couldn't POSSIBLY understand.

The general gist of this cunning plan seems to involve kissing up to the Chinese and Russians, whilst pissing off and insulting the USA just as much as is humanly possible ( to gain maximum traction and benefits from said Chinese and Russians) and then when he's got as much as he can get there to go back and allow the Americans to kiss his ass abs lick up to HIM and then extract a large amount of concessions from the newly elected let's make America great again Mr Trump too !!

So, yeah, good luck with that cunning plan, I think he's going to need all the luck he can muster for a guy of his political calibre to play THAT particular game of getting sucked by peter whilst also fucking Paul !!

November 13th, 2016, 06:13
No Comment...
I love my Pinoy guys but I am looking at options to change my flight there in February.
HEY, I might end up in Pattaya!!!
Leaw pob gun mai!!

May 15th, 2017, 06:11
El Duce is a thug but more than that he's proud of it.
He has boasted that he carried out killings himself to set an example for the police.
How could any foreign leader feel comfortable shaking this guy's hand?
He went through an USA-bashing period with insults and bluster UNTIL millions of the populace who get dollar submissions un-impeded from their relatives in the States told him to
Shut The Fcuk Up!
Which he quickly did.😄