View Full Version : quick reply feature crashing on Internet explorer

June 12th, 2016, 23:07
Just wondering if anyone else is having an issue with the "quick reply" option on this forum
Each time I try to do a quick reply post my browser crashes - usually at the time the "auto save" feature kicks in

On the odd time that it doesn't crash - my post ends up missing letters each time the auto save kicks in

For Moses reference I am on IE11 on Win 10
At this stage I have to write my posts in notepad and then pate them into the dialog box

June 12th, 2016, 23:11
BTW I have changed from the WYSIWYG editor to the basic editor - so will see how that goes
(so far so good- this quick reply didn't crash!)

June 13th, 2016, 00:16
Is this a PC, a laptop or a device colmx? Do you get an error message or does it simply close your IE window? Have you tries Chrome, Safari or Edge on the Quick Reply with similar results?
I still have a usable version of IE on a PC here, so let me try it out and see what happens.
Thanks for letting us know, we'll see what we can do from our end.


June 13th, 2016, 00:56
Hi Surfcrest
Its on a laptop, the message is "Internet Explorer has crashed and must be restarted"
I have tried chrome - and it seems ok
But since I changed to the basic editor (from WYSIWYG editor) all seems fine e.g. I am able to send this as a quick reply
So I guess its a bug in the WYSIWYG editor - so basic editor is perfect workaround

June 13th, 2016, 01:20
I noticed a similar message in the top right corner, but I ignored it and Explorer kept working. I know that MS has distanced itself from IE now that Edge is available with most Windows 10 Updates or conversions to Window 10. Then Edge had it's problems and there re still sites that you can browse that don't support it or don't function as they should. I had to switch over to Chrome on my PC and am using Safari on my iPad ad all seems t be working reliably now. I'll see if we can sill fully support IE here an let you know!

I also notice the Edit function doesn't work in IE.



June 13th, 2016, 01:52
Do you have any installed add-onns in IE? if so: try to switch them off...

June 13th, 2016, 02:04
Do you have any installed add-onns in IE? if so: try to switch them off...
Ad block plus - But I have it switched off for this site

June 13th, 2016, 02:37
I cant reproduce crash at my comp in IE11. It can be Ajax issue, but it work good at my comp. also designer of this theme told it should work with IE11.

What I can suggest without warranty what it can help:
1. Your Adblock: when it doesnt block that doesnt means it is not working. Try to switch it off completely. Restart browser after. Also check if you have most new version of adblock. Check QR then.
2. Logout, Install Ccleaner, clean cookie and temp.internet files, restart comp and login again. Check QR then.
3. Try to switch theme since each color has own set of files. Check QR then.

In case nothing helps - just use opera or chrome.

June 13th, 2016, 05:08
In case nothing helps - just use opera or chrome.
Or Firefox. Even though Mozilla are starting to lose it, it's way ahead of ie.