View Full Version : Castro: is a poor substitute for the former Copa showbar

June 8th, 2016, 15:25
I recently visited the Castro show in the heart of Boys Town. My first time to see Castro. My last visits to that location was when the Copa show bar was performing. The dancers of Copa as I understand it were mainly from Coliseum performers: professional and well trained.The Copa dancers and performers were first rate. Some excellent routines often very funny with what seems in many instances a lot of originality and charisma. Good costumes too!
In my opinion the Castro show is 3rd rate. The performers mime badly, the dancing is at best mediocre and the whole show lacks the kind of quality previously shown by Copa.
To make matters worse most of the small audience consisted mainly of chain smoking Chinese.
The place stank of tobacco.
I and my guests finished our drinks quickly and left before the 'show' finished.
We have no intention of returning....

June 9th, 2016, 19:01
So you'd like to throw those Coliseum performers to the lions?

Boom Tish!


June 10th, 2016, 10:49
2340 last night; about twelve punters in Castro. Along the soi, Cafe,Royal offering the same deafening menu, perhaps thirteen. Is it just possible that most gay men aren't that keen on lip-syncing khatoeys, and that those that are, more than likely, will prefer BBB, behind closed doors? I hear that numbers are better there....certainly it appeared to be so last night. While the Castro ladies were wriggling their bottoms at disinterested passers-by in a desperate attempt to drum-up custom, there seemed to be some movement in and out of BBB.

By the way, Castro's old premise is still not in use; I thought that Cupidol was moving there?

June 10th, 2016, 12:19
I agree Oliver; most gay men don't like lip-syncing khatoeys. Likely that is the reason Copa show bar finished. My point being that the quality of the show & dancers in Copa miles ahead of Castro.
But Castro likely to go the way of Copa show bar.....
Incidentally I have it on good authority Cupidol will take over the old Castro premises when the renovation work completed.

June 10th, 2016, 13:40
thats a real wide generalisation...im like very gay, after trying females several times i gave up and found my true calling, but back to lip synching drag queens...love them as long as theres a big cock/fuck show to break the monotony.

June 10th, 2016, 14:56
I agree Oliver; most gay men don't like lip-syncing khatoeys. Likely that is the reason Copa show bar finished. My point being that the quality of the show & dancers in Copa miles ahead of Castro.
But Castro likely to go the way of Copa show bar.....
Incidentally I have it on good authority Cupidol will take over the old Castro premises when the renovation work completed.

The problem with shows such as Castro is that once you have seen it once or twice, you've seen it.
Unless you are really into those shows, there is no need to go back.

Caastro will need a stream of newbies to see their shows, if they are to survive.

Thais often seem more enamoured of this style of show than falangs.

June 10th, 2016, 18:52
That's true....khatoeys seem to fascinate some people but (generally) not gay falangs. Two straight friends of mine come into this category. Whenever I return home, they question me about khatoeys and are visibly disappointed by my lack of interest. One elderly neighbour swears that, once his wife has died, he'll be on the first plane to Bangkok to avail himself of their services!