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May 23rd, 2016, 00:50
I just sent a PM to Surfcrest and the system here shows I never sent anything. Just wanted to let you know, so reboot the PM system or whatever, because Sawtdee tells me I have NO sent mesages

May 23rd, 2016, 01:07

Surfcrest, if you want me to continue posting on a message forum that you and Moses provide to the world free of charge, then you better get your shit together!

Seriously oldfarang, I have the same issue to. PMs don't show up in "Sent Items" for some reason. Not exactly a life or death scenrio though.

May 23rd, 2016, 01:27
I just sent a PM to Surfcrest and the system here shows I never sent anything. Just wanted to let you know, so reboot the PM system or whatever, because Sawtdee tells me I have NO sent mesages

Your account -> General settings (left column) -> scroll down till Messaging & Notification section -> find "Sent private message" point and there switch from "Don't save a copy sent messages" to "Save a copy of sent messages" -> save settings

May 23rd, 2016, 03:30
Yeh, well it should be a standard setting.
This new software is great, well looks better and has a like button, only 2 positieve things I noticed.
Sorry was my first PM, maybe SurfCrest got it maybe not

It should be standard setting.

Who cares, nobody likes me here anyway. Sawatdee is a 10-20 max fighting club.

I guess I will have to signup with GayThailand and gayButton, maybe less hassle then here.
Guess even Smiles is done here (or not) that says a lot.

May 23rd, 2016, 16:57
It should be standard setting.

Agree. Unfortunately manufacturer of forum's software had opposite idea when programmed it.

May 23rd, 2016, 17:13
Who cares, nobody likes me here anyway. Sawatdee is a 10-20 max fighting club.

I guess I will have to signup with GayThailand and gayButton, maybe less hassle then here.
Guess even Smiles is done here (or not) that says a lot.

Reminds me of the lyrics by Eminem, Taking My Ball.

Fine nobody wants to play with me
Fuck you then bitch!
You guys are always mean to me anyways
All you ever do is rub gum in my hair and stuff
You guys are gonna make me...make me sad I'm sad
I'm gonna cry...I'm crying
I'm going' tell my mom....mom...

May 24th, 2016, 00:07
I responded to your PM, if that helps with the mystery any...

I've noticed many members have not taken the time to personalize their own settings.

Unfortunately, standard settings limit you in terms of what the membership or indeed each member wants. It takes only a matter of seconds to go into your personal settings, see what you have...see what you could have and make the necessary adjustments. I have mentioned many times that members should adjust their personal settings in various posts on how the new Board works and how each of the new features works. You can find Settings in the top right corner, right beside where you log in / log off. You can also go into Forum Actions on the black task bar below that.


May 24th, 2016, 15:57
..Sawatdee is a 10-20 max fighting club. I guess I will have to signup with GayThailand and gayButton....

Good luck with that one - it depends what you're looking for.

Gaythailand is all very genteel and respectable - until they fall out amongst themselves and then it's every bit as bitchy as here.

As for Gaybutton - well (as I think he'd admit himself) you don't get to post anything he doesn't approve of. It doesn't get very bitchy because he'd just delete your comments if it did.

Here you at least get to say what you want (within reason) and have a good old cyber punch-up now and again - which suits me down to the ground.

But, as the Thai boys say - "Up to You!"

Nirish guy
May 26th, 2016, 00:47
I am done too !!! - Editing my personal settings that is - so thanks for posting yet another reminder as per your above Surfcrest, all now complete and thanks I meant to do that ages ago).

May 27th, 2016, 01:23
Who cares, nobody likes me here anyway.
I kind of like you, you remind me of my grandmother.

June 3rd, 2016, 11:42
Grandmothers oldest sister, who died a virgin. She should've been a nun.