View Full Version : I was wrong.....NOT!!

May 15th, 2016, 13:19
Been in BKK since Thursday evening and in the spirit of " lets see if i was wrong" , I jumped onto grindr in the search for free young good looking arse; and when I say young Im talking in the 18 to 24 range.
Now im no spring chicken, Im clearly not in my thirties but i do scrub up well.
First half dozen messages quickly descended into ,
- i'm MB
- Im student need money
- I need taxi money

Then, finally, a stunner who just wants to get fucked and not once mentions cash...yay...free booty....he arrives flashes me the most amazing smile, gets naked, wow, absolutely beautiful sculptured body, just like the pics on his insta...which by the way were all " normal" no naked or ones of him posing suggestively, even one of him in a suit at work.
Grabs my now rock hard dick...gazes into my eyes and says" you pay me 2000...OK??"
Bargained him down to 1100...
Needless to say fucked him extra hard and long (no need to go into details) to compensate for his deviousness.
Sunday now...only free sex I've had is at Babylon...only other free sex I could have on grindr is with rejects......

Maybe Im not old enough to attract the young bubble butted boys who want to engage in free sex.

May 15th, 2016, 13:31
Maybe Im not old enough to attract the young bubble butted boys who want to engage in free sex.

haha... I guess we're in the same boat. :)

I could easily grab free one-off sex if I wanted, but it would be with mediocre guys say 25 - 35, or older. If I'm looking for an actual relationship, then definitely, that's who I would go for.

If I'm just looking to get my rocks off for an hour or two, then fuck it, I'm definitely going for the cute 19 year old twink. In those cases, I'm definitely paying. They're there because their hungry and have bills to pay, and not because they're horny. They can get sex anywhere, and don't need me for it.

May 15th, 2016, 14:19
haha... I guess we're in the same boat. :)

I am on that boat too.

Mr. Fountainhall gets free sex from dating apps in BKK and I believe him. When you read his story he posted a few days ago, he makes it clear that the boys he selects need to travel some distance to his hotel. So he is not looking for boys within a 2 km radius around his hotel. He is looking far further. I think your hotel is in Silom, and most young guys within 2 km around Silom are moneyboys. What if you look for someone 10 km or further away? Please try that.

Please keep us posted. Because if you find a way of getting free boys in that age range (the same age range I look for) I would love to know that secret and try it myself next time. So try to look from 10 km or further.

Than Mr. Latin wrote "Maybe Im not old enough to attract the young bubble butted boys who want to engage in free sex.". I think he means "maybe I am not young enough"?

May 15th, 2016, 14:37
Mr. Fountainhall gets free sex from dating apps in BKK and I believe him. When you read his story he posted a few days ago, he makes it clear that the boys he selects need to travel some distance to his hotel. So he is not looking for boys within a 2 km radius around his hotel.


I could be completely wrong in saying this, but I think both you and fountainhill are right, and the actual truth lies in the middle. In other words, I bet the boys fountainhill gets are fishing. They're willing to go for free, but at the same time, are looking for a long-term farang BF.

fountainhill just wants a quick fuck, whereas they're most likely travelling quite a distance on their own dime, just to size him up with hopes he's a potential long-term BF. Same concept as what I posted here:


They're not going to fountainhill to get their rocks off, and anyone who believes that is a little delusional. They're looking for a good BF -- security, stability, peace of mind, someone who treats them properly, etc. And they're willing to get naked while searching for that. Then again, there's loads of them who are just greedy fucks, have big dollar signs in their eyes, and think a free fuck or two could lead to more money down the road. Who knows...

May 15th, 2016, 15:06
oh dear this all gets too complicated for my teeny weeny little brain...I prefer the KISS method...heres the money...assume the position(s) and let me climb on....

May 15th, 2016, 15:07
...again I'm no spring chicken and I have been around the block several (ok lotsa) times...I have travelled lots too. and as far as I can tell it is a very small minority of young guys that prefer daddies...

May 15th, 2016, 15:18
I bet the boys fountainhill gets are fishing. They're willing to go for free, but at the same time, are looking for a long-term farang BF.

fountainhill just wants a quick fuck

Yes I think that too. I am inclined to think if a young Thai guy (say 20) has sex with a 55 year old Farang it can not be lust. Or Asian boys truly have a complete opposite taste than Westerns. But I do believe he gets his free sex and indeed maybe because the boy secretly hopes for more.

Also it is possible Mr. Fountainhill is not so picky when it comes to boys. I only choose the best of the best, who in my ranking are at number 1 in what I find the most attractive/beautiful. I often get messages from say 30 year old Thais in Hornet, Gayromeo, but they are not my type (they often look too manly or not twinky, just not my type). Then I not reply. I am sure if I do, I can get free sex.

But if I can get a number 1 boy for 1000 baht, than I rather have that, than a number 10 boy for free.

May 15th, 2016, 16:02
yup, couldnt have said it better. I can pick up lots of free sex at home, most of it is mediocre. My main ...ok...only reason for coming to Thailand is the availability of first class arse at rock bottom prices. so yes, rather pay 1000bht for prime beef than have to plough through free offal.
I do wish fountain was correct....but in my not so limited experience....no!!

May 15th, 2016, 16:15
In other words, I bet the boys fountainhill gets are fishing. They're willing to go for free, but at the same time, are looking for a long-term farang BF.

fountainhill just wants a quick fuck
Well, we are in the assumption business today, aren't we?! Where did I ever say I am looking for a free fuck? I didn't! Where do I collect the bet, cdnmatt?

Occasionally that may be what I desire, but generally I prefer to get to know someone as a friend - of which I have several first met on the apps. And in Bangkok I would rather spend time with someone I know and have spent time with before than someone totally new. Of course, there always has to be a first time, but unlike many others, it seems, I am not into a whole set of new experiences. Few of those I have met seek any form of long-term relationship. Two did, and we ended up with relationships for a couple of years. Certainly most students don't, though, for many I meet intend to return to their home towns after graduation. Or if they are working equally have no intention of settling down. They just like being with older guys. I know some can't accept this or simply won't be bothered to accept it. Fine! That's your prerogative. You Iive your life your way and I'll Iive mine my way. Constant harping on about not believing or thinking up reasons is pointless, in my view.

I prefer the KISS method...heres the money...assume the position(s) and let me climb on....
Great! I like to see others having a good time however they find it!

May 15th, 2016, 16:33
They just like being with older guys.

But then why has Mr. Latin such a hard time finding an Asian 20 year old who wants to have sex for free with him?
If they are out there and not that hard to find, why doesn't he find them?

Don't get me wrong: I believe 100% you have free sex. But others really have a hard time finding it in the age range 18-25.
You maybe have some highly effective seduction skills, or you work out and have a very good body.

May 15th, 2016, 16:42
You maybe have some highly effective seduction skills, or you work out and have a very good body.
Or my middle name is Sherlock! LOL

I don't know anyone personally who lives in Bangkok and who contributes to this Board. However, one poster aussie_ did find my posts about the ease of meeting guys in the 18 - 25 range in Taipei interesting. A Taiwan friend in his home town confirmed it. So he made his first visit there about 2 years or so ago. Now, as he has posted, he loves his trips there and visits a few times a year, often taking an apartment for several weeks near the main University. He has confirmed that finding young guys interested in older ones is not at all difficult in Taiwan. I'll be there in 10 days time for a 2 week visit and I know I will have lots of company, some I have known for some time, some new. It's really not THAT difficult in Asia. But then again, some just refuse to believe that!

May 15th, 2016, 17:43
I believe it. And these guys are they mediocre looking or really very hot guys?

May 15th, 2016, 18:59
I believe it. And these guys are they mediocre looking or really very hot guys?
I would have zero interest in any guy who looks mediocre! I happen to believe that in general Taiwanese are the most gorgeous and the nicest guys in Asia - but that's a personal preference. Almost all the guys I meet click on me on the various apps and I tend to stay near the main University because there are always a lot of students anxious to meet up with older westerners. Again, please do not ask me why because I don't understand the attraction. But that's what the guys tell me.

May 15th, 2016, 19:14
Well, we are in the assumption business today, aren't we?! Where did I ever say I am looking for a free fuck? I didn't! Where do I collect the bet, cdnmatt?

Occasionally that may be what I desire, but generally I prefer to get to know someone as a friend - of which I have several first met on the apps. And in Bangkok I would rather spend time with someone I know and have spent time with before than someone totally new. Of course, there always has to be a first time, but unlike many others, it seems, I am not into a whole set of new experiences. Few of those I have met seek any form of long-term relationship. Two did, and we ended up with relationships for a couple of years. Certainly most students don't, though, for many I meet intend to return to their home towns after graduation. Or if they are working equally have no intention of settling down. They just like being with older guys. I know some can't accept this or simply won't be bothered to accept it. Fine! That's your prerogative. You Iive your life your way and I'll Iive mine my way. Constant harping on about not believing or thinking up reasons is pointless, in my view.

Isn't that basically exactly what I said above? You chat with them for a while, befriend them, then they decide to come visit you, and in your eyes it's for a good, free sex session. Some are forward in that they're looking for a LTR, while others don't mention it and continue on with their lives. If you haven't realized, they're sizing you up!

Don't get me wrong, by no means is that a bad thing. I'm sure they genuinely want to be with you, but they're looking for a BF, and not just looking to get their rocks off with an older guy.

In the BEST CASE scenario, they're just looking for someone to love and be loved back by. They're tired of all the Thais who lie to them, cheat on them, take advantage of them, and so on... and just want someone they can trust, and who will be there to support them.

That's best case, but more than likely, they're also looking for someone to provide a stable future (ie. money) for them, which isn't necessarily a bad thing either. As I said in another thread, if we're going to call these guys money boys, then we have to call 80% of the women in the world gold diggers. They just want what everyone wants -- love, companionship, stability, security, etc.

You seem to be under the assumption these guys are spending all that time chatting with you, then travelling that far out of their way just for sex with an older white guy. Sorry, but no. I'm mid-30s, decent looking, not fat, no body hair, good personality, and I can definitely get free sex if wanted, but not with the cutest guys as you're implying you do. I might be decent looking, but I ain't a cute 19 year old twink any more, that's for sure. :)

Let me ask you, after meeting once or twice, how many of these guys have you stayed in long-term contact with? Or has most contacts naturally drifted apart?

May 15th, 2016, 19:32
My hornet account is flooded with dozens of Thais. 80-90% are unattractive with many deep in
their thirties and forties. Very average looking and not 'hot'.
If I were back in my home country, I'd been happy to have so many options,
but I can find my specific taste level easily, only have to pay in Pattaya.
My one 'free' experience was a threesome arranged by a gay boy I saw sometimes.
I actually felt guilty not giving the new boy some money but got over it quickly.
Easy to find free unless you like young guys with great asses and sexy bodies. Many of us are
not picky and grateful for what comes our way.

May 15th, 2016, 19:33
more than likely, they're also looking for someone to provide a stable future (ie. money) for them . . .
Let me ask you, after meeting once or twice, how many of these guys have you stayed in long-term contact with? Or has most contacts naturally drifted apart?
Sorry cdnmatt, I can understand you want to justify your conclusion - but you are wrong! Since I can't convince you, you can hold on to your own conclusions however inaccurate they may be.

As to your second point, I'm not in the same class as latin and so I'm not seeking a partner every day - in fact far from every day! I keep in touch with about a dozen guys I have met over the long term (i.e. more than a year) and a few more for a shorter time. Some guys understandably move away from Bangkok; others find boyfriends and are less interested in keeping in touch. I have known and continue to meet one 18 years after we had a fling together. Most others just wanted a quick meet up with no strings and so we'd meet once, twice, maybe three times and then bye bye.

As I have said so many times before, we are all different. It's natural that we look at life and hook-ups from our own experience and our own perspective. Mine is based on someone who has lived in Asia and got to know it well for several decades. What works for one guy does not make it the norm. I could not do as latin does any more than he would want as I do. To suggest otherwise only implies that other posters are just not telling the truth!

May 15th, 2016, 20:22
But still it is a bit strange Mr. Latin, Mr. Cdnmatt and some others do not find willing Asians age 18-25 for free sex and you do. That difference is not yet explained.

So it must be in your communication skills. The way you get them into the idea.

May 15th, 2016, 22:32
My hornet account is flooded with dozens of Thais. 80-90% are unattractive with many deep in
their thirties and forties. Very average looking and not 'hot'.
Put your minimum/maximum age preferences in your profile as I do. Same on Grindr. Sure, some will not bother to read your profile but it will help to weed out a lot. Also on Jack'd you can use the filter so you only receive photos/messages from those in your specified age range. Same on gay romeo. I have noticed quite a few on Jack'd who are also on Hornet. These are all on the free versions. I am sure you can be even more selective if you pay for the pro versions, which I don't.

May 15th, 2016, 23:13
I had free sex the other day (28) and an hour ago I declined sex with a 23 year old who wasn't my type. The problem with straight Thai go go boys is they set the bar rather high and so these days I'd rather pay and get the best.

May 15th, 2016, 23:45
so these days I'd rather pay and get the best.

Same. I am very picky. With many guys who I decline, I would have sex with anytime in any other situation. But when I am in Thailand I come for the sex, I also already have the mindset to pay for it, so I just settle only for the best of the best. Because I know for a mere 25 EUR (1000 baht) I can have guys who are for me the most attractive specimens on Earth. Then I rather pay that, even if there is a free option who also looks OK and with whom I normally would always have sex, but who is not the best of the best.

May 15th, 2016, 23:54
AsDaRa: I'm not in Thailand but I'd still decline anyone who didn't float my boat. I've turned down quite a lot over the last couple of years. Certainly well into double figures.

May 16th, 2016, 00:27
Yes, I understand. But some whom I decline are OK looking, but just not 90%-100% perfect.
I only decline them because I know I can also get a 90%-100% perfect specimen for a mere 1000 baht. But in any other situation I would love to have sex with a 85% perfect specimen.

Of course boys who I really do not feel attraction for, I will decline always. Even when me and him are the only humans left alive.
(Maybe the last is a bit of an exaggeration and I would settle then for far less, but you get my point.)

May 16th, 2016, 04:28
This senior citizen circle jerk you are all having is fascinating if not a little disturbing.

Fortunately I'm not in the business of flattering myself that at 50+ there are hordes (rather than whores) of 18yo's wanting to fuck me for free.

I can happily accept the truth- that I wouldn't be hot if the house was on fire, and wouldn't get laid for free if I was an egg.


May 16th, 2016, 07:44
I have several good looking friends in their 20s here in DC who all have much older boyfriends or who are looking for such. They all want daddies. It gives me some hope. :-) I think part of it is looking for stability, and part is that the older guys are usually successful and can provide them with a certain lifestyle that they enjoy. But they are truly attracted to these guys, not just their wallets. I think it's more common than people expect.

May 16th, 2016, 12:36
I think it's more common than people expect.
. . . and some people are prepared to admit!!

May 16th, 2016, 12:44
Ok, but then how do I find these cute 19 year olds who are going to rush over to me, with hopes of taking their pants off for me?

Do I just hang out on the KKU grounds, have a coffee or five, and start winking, or???

Again, I can easily get free sex, but with some cute 19yo uni student for example? Not a chance in hell. The only scenario that would be concievable is if we chatted for a while, got to know each other, and it became more of a, "ok, let's see if this evolves into a relationship" type scenario. In that scenario, yeah, I could probably get free sex with a cute 19yo, but unless I'm actually looking for a relationship with him myself, that's a pretty shitty thing to do.

May 16th, 2016, 14:07
the older guys are usually successful and can provide them with a certain lifestyle that they enjoy.

This is revealing. So if these older men had only a moderate income, the boys would not date them? Even if they feel the attraction (as you say they really do)? It is of course a bit revealing all these older men are successful.

Mr. Fountainhall: your profile picture in these dating apps do they show you with an expensive business suit, golden watch? That would then explain your success a bit more. Others can not find free 18-25 year olds in the apps. Mr. Cdnmatt tried and they all wanted money.

How do you explain it that others do not find them?

May 16th, 2016, 14:20
your profile picture in these dating apps do they show you with an expensive business suit, golden watch? That would then explain your success a bit more
Oh ye of such little faith! My photos are totally casual with T-shirts, polo shirts and jeans - and my black watch cost less than $100! Ask any more questions you wish, but as I have said many times before, they are none of your business and I have answered too many already!

May 16th, 2016, 14:23
I believe 100% you get free sex. I said that before. I have that faith in you. Truly.

Just wondering what you do different. To learn your secret. Because others try actively (see Mr. Latin's opening post) and fail to encounter them. How can that be?

May 16th, 2016, 14:29
To add to this, there's an absolutely gorgeous 20yo I've been talking to for months who lives in Laos. Guaranteed, one Line message to him, and he'd be on the next bus to Khon Kaen, and would be more than happy to take his pants off for me free of charge.

He's not looking for sex though. He's looking for a long-term BF. That's why I haven't let him come here yet. Mainly because I don't want to be taken advantage of again, and I don't want to see him hurt either. If he came here, he'd come with hopes of a long-term BF, but if we just had fun for a few days and I sent him packing, he'd be quite hurt, hence why I haven't brought him here yet.

May 16th, 2016, 14:34
Like Aladdin, I have a Magic Lantern. When I rub it, lo and behold the boy of my dreams appears! If you spend time looking very closely around every square meter of Chatuchak Market you might just be lucky and find a similar one. It took me years but, boy, is it worth it!

May 16th, 2016, 14:47
I had a similar magic lantern once - but whereas Founty's can apparently summon a boy directly, all that ever emanated from mine was an elderly and unattractive fat genie of indeterminate gender who offered to GET me a boy who "do everything" for an inflated price and with a substantial "genie" tip on top.

On learning from "her" business card that the genie's name was "Mama Leila", I immediately threw the lantern away somewhere in the vicinity of Pattayaland Soi 2

May 16th, 2016, 15:04
My magic lantern is a little different. It's wallet shaped and a little gentle rubbing in it's inner pockets makes not only my dream boy appear but also make my dreams of said dream boy come true.

May 16th, 2016, 17:12
You can give my magic wand a little gentle rubbing and your worst nightmare will come true.

May 16th, 2016, 19:47
All of us have different strategies and personalities, and one would have to meet in person to compare and evaluate these, and even that would leave questions that cannot be answered.

If I were looking for free sex with boys I find attractive, I could get one every other day, but it would be a full-time job.

For a tourist, this is not an option, and at 1000 Baht for short time if arranged suitably (via apps, not in the bars!), there are better ways to spend your time than writing to and fro on the apps for hours.

My approaches for free sex work poor (see my blog), but a friend is quite successful in discos. But he has a car and speaks Thai, so that cannot be scaled up and applied to others.

My theory is that Thais are like dogs, they can sense your fear. I go into every new encounter with a feeling "Where will this turn into bullshit or into a request for money", but I have only this one boy, and he senses I have no choice. Whereas friend from above comes from a position of strength and can easily move to the next one when there are problems.

Brad the Impala
May 16th, 2016, 20:35
My theory is that Thais are like dogs, they can sense your fear.

Wow! That is an extraordinarily offensive comment to make. Especially shocked to see it come from someone who has been living in this country for some time. Comparing Thais to dogs is about as insulting as it is possible to be.

May 16th, 2016, 20:41
Wow! That is an extraordinarily offensive comment to make. Especially shocked to see it come from someone who has been living in this country for some time. Comparing Thais to dogs is about as insulting as it is possible to be.

Ohhh, come on, they're just brown skinned Thai people. It's not like they're blond, blue eyed Aryans.

EDIT: Yes, that was sarcastic.

May 16th, 2016, 22:51
Wow! That is an extraordinarily offensive comment to make.
I totally fail to understand why anyone should take any offence. It is NOT a general comparison equating dogs with Thais - merely in one very specific regard, "they can sense your fear". And if anyone can spot this it is someone who has spent several years in the country! There is zero insult in that!

May 16th, 2016, 23:00
Because there's better ways to put it. Thais have a good sense of empathy, Thais can pick up on emotional senses well, Thais are very perceptive when it comes to emotional well being, and so on.

And to be honest, I actually agree with that. Without question, people in this area who know me can sense my emotional well being without speaking a single word. In general, Thailand is a fairly communal society where everyone knows everyone, so they have social skills / intuition that many of us Westerners don't. That's actually one of the many reasons I'm still here. I'm work from home behind a computer, so this type of community helps quell the loneliness, even if I have to give up my privacy.

Nonetheless, I'm not going to compare my neighbors to dogs.

May 16th, 2016, 23:10
Perhaps not a good metaphor, but not offensive.

May 16th, 2016, 23:16
Shut up, nobody want to listen to a frog anyway. :)

EDIT: I'm joking. Not offensive though, right? If you need to retaliate, beaver or maybe moose would be good animals for me.

May 17th, 2016, 02:22
Hmm, I personally wouldn't want to go with an 18 year old, I'm not a babysitter.

My boyfriend is 38 and as such only 5 years younger than me. The other bloke I had an affair with was 31, young enough for me.

May 17th, 2016, 18:57
What is this fascination about free sex? Is one's fantasy further enhanced if the freebie is a young, handsome virgin? Or is it that one is so gorgeous, charming, a true Adonis, that paying for sex would be a sacrilege?
Or that one is so improvised that they cannot afford to pay for "it"?
For me there is no such thing as free sex! Even if some young, handsome, hung Thai guy wants my ass he is going to pay for it just like all the others; after all I am the most interesting man in the world. :p

May 17th, 2016, 19:18
...there is no such thing as free sex..


Except in very few cases (including random meets), we all end up paying for it one way or another, in cash or in kind, now or when we cash in our chips.

Old git
May 18th, 2016, 09:36
From long experience I can affirm that sex that starts out as free ultimately costs more than sex that starts out as paid for.

There is also a certain refreshing element, when your paid for sex partner leaves the room, borne of the fact that you have absolutely no ongoing obligation to them, unless and until you fancy picking them up again.

It's rather like the feeling you get when there's been a bit of junk in your house that you've had for years, don't use but somehow feel is too good to throw away. But when you do finally take it to the re-cycling centre and hear it crash into the skip, you get a brief buzz of relief and satisfaction - closure...

May 18th, 2016, 13:53
Old git....exactly...when I pay for sex its like I have no inhibitions, I dont have to like his personality or make banal conversation. He walks in, I take charge, fuck him/use him just the way I like...my wishes and pleasure are paramount.....when its finished he leaves...and on to the next MB. Like chewing gum...once its chewed the flavour is gone and u just replace it.
I do enjoy it when I get one who fights/argues back.....then we have a short talk about how I'm paying...he's there to provide a service which basically encompasses satisfying me and 9/10 its back to business.

May 18th, 2016, 15:05
You should go to saunas more often. Apart from travel expenses and entry, sex is free and no commitment afterwards (unless you want to meet again).

The downsides for me are low success rate and unfavorable circumstances (too dark, cold, wet, dirty).

May 18th, 2016, 17:21
I have had some surprisingly good experiences in Babylon...and some afternoons when I wish I'd bought a book. The good times are more likely to be in the low season; the fewer the falangs, the better. I could do without the large gentlemen who plant themselves in the narrow corridor that leads to the dark room, ensuring that anyone on the move has to squeeze past while being groped.

May 18th, 2016, 18:26
oh Christian...I do go to saunas...lots...but rarely do I find guys in the absolute prime of their lives willing to have sex with me...in Thailand as u well know one can find greek gods willing to bend for bht1000. Now thats heaven.

May 18th, 2016, 19:00
Shut up, nobody want to listen to a frog anyway. :)

EDIT: I'm joking. Not offensive though, right? If you need to retaliate, beaver or maybe moose would be good animals for me.

No offense taken!