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May 8th, 2016, 18:28
As many will know, Christian is leaving Bangkok to return home to Germany in a few days. Apart from his informative blog - on general matters re Thailand as well as specific and detailed info on saunas, bars and gay nightlife - he has been a fixture on the three main gay forums even when he was just visiting here as a tourist some years ago and before he had learned Thai and moved here to work. How many of the rest of us have mastered the language? Not me, alas!

At lunch 10 days ago he told me he will still be contributing from Germany and has amassed a lot more information to keep his blog going for some time. He also plans to return from time to time. I for one am very grateful for his contributions and wish him all the best in finding a new job back home.

May 8th, 2016, 22:44
Guess his blog will change language soon then into Arabic

May 9th, 2016, 00:04
Guess his blog will change language soon then into Arabic

Now just what is that supposed to mean? You sure have way with words that make no sense as in many of your posts.

May 9th, 2016, 00:21
Is it known already how a young male (Christian) from Germany who worked in his home country for only a year or 3 after graduating (he told me this one time) could from a starting salary save so much, that he could live without a job in Thailand for 5 years from the money he saved?

My calculations show:
The monthly costs of living in Thailand are about 20.000 baht (minimal). You need money also for boys. Say 3 boys every week, average 1500 per boy, so 4500 per week. This is an extra 20.000 baht per month. So 40.000 baht seems be be needed on a monthly basis. This is about 1000 EUR. On a yearly basis this is 12.000 EUR. Living 5 years in Thailand makes this 60.000 EUR.

Someone who now starts working in Germany and works for about 2, 3 years can never save 60.000 EUR in 3 years. It means saving 20.000 EUR per year. This is 1600 per month. This is obviously impossible to save this monthly if you just graduated and have your first job. In fact even people who work already for 20 years will find it hard to save this on a monthly basis considering the costs of living in Western Europe.

It has always surprised me that I am the only one apparently who wonders how he could financially do this.
1) I understand how retired people do it
2) I also understand it for expats who work in Thailand for a western company.
3) I understand also how people do it who receive social security benefits from their home country. (Because for example they have a work disability (my back hurts), so they are freed from the obligation to find a job and can live from age 30 till they die from this social security income a very good live in Thailand (paid for by tax payers)).

I understand it for all these types of expats.

However, I don't understand how a young male from Germany without a job in Thailand, without social security, can live for 5 years in Thailand on saved money. As I showed above it is impossible to save that amount (60.000 EUR) via only 3 years working. Considering his salary was a starting salary back in Germany and considering the monthly amount he needed to save.

I am a guy who thinks about this. Who wonders how it is possible. Others don't have these questions.

Brad the Impala
May 9th, 2016, 00:37
As I showed above it is impossible to save that amount (60.000 EUR) via only 3 years working.

You haven't demonstrated anything. Perhaps it's inherited wealth, perhaps he works illegally and hasn't written about it. Perhaps he's a computer programmer and does his work online wherever he exists.Certainly it's none of your business, although if you are that interested why don't you ask him privately by PM, as it's not a suitable topic for public speculation.

May 9th, 2016, 00:43
I chatted with him before. He told me he briefly had a job in Thailand, but it was Thai pay and he quit it soon. My calculations show you need for 5 years 60.000 EUR minimum. I never understood how he did it. I tried to ask in pm how he did it but it didnt become clear.
I would have loved to know his secret. Because I am sure many want to be able to live the expat live without working.

May 9th, 2016, 01:04
Btw: I think it will not be easy for him finding a job in Germany. There is a huge gap in his resume. He graduated, worked 3 years and than lived for 5 years in Thailand. If I was an employer I would think:
1) I can invest now in him, but how committed will he be?
2) He doesn't seem to be a guy who likes to work. I mean at a young age already a non-working expat in Thailand for 5 years? That is rare. How committed is he really?

That is why I think you can better do this 5 years before retiring. Or 10 years. I intend to work till age 57 and then have saved so much I can live from it 10 years in Thailand till age 67, and then legally retire at age 67. Far better strategy I think.

If you do this at a young age it will not be easy finding a good job when going back to your home country. Also your salary will again be low. While other people of your age have higher salaries because more experience. You will never catch up. I will not be easy for him I predict.

May 9th, 2016, 01:05
I don't understand how a young male from Germany without a job in Thailand, without social security, can live for 5 years in Thailand on saved money. As I showed above it is impossible to save that amount (60.000 EUR) via only 3 years working. Considering his salary was a starting salary back in Germany and considering the monthly amount he needed to save.

I am a guy who thinks about this. Who wonders how it is possible. Others don't have these questions.
You think too much! And if your facts were more accurate, you might have a better chance of finding out how it is possible! In any case, why on earth should you or any others have questions about another's way of life and living costs here?

I am sure Christian will reply in due course. However, he did work for several years (in Paris I believe) before moving to Bangkok where he had a paid job for a year. He then stayed on, I believe, for roughly 2 years after quitting the job. All the time he was in Thailand, he lived far more as a Thai than an expat and his expenses were a great deal less than many of us might consider possible. I doubt if AsDaRa or most of us walk and take buses in the city and cheap trains to visit other parts of the country.

Btw: I think it will not be easy for him finding a job in Germany. There is a huge gap in his resume. He graduated, worked 3 years and than lived for 5 years in Thailand. If I was an employer I would think:
1) I can invest now in him, but how committed will he be?
2) He doesn't seem to be a guy who likes to work. I mean at a young age already a non-working expat in Thailand for 5 years? That is rare. How committed is he really?
What a load of utter bs!!! Again your facts are all wrong and you make utterly ridiculous assumptions. So what if a guy wants to experience another country before he is as old as some of us who contribute to this and other Boards? It is absolutely none of your f---ing business AsDaRa!

May 9th, 2016, 01:23
Sorry Fountainhall.

It is nothing of my business indeed. But which question you can ask a person is of your business? "What study did you do"? "It is not of your business". "What type of boys you like?" "It is not of your business" . "You like Thai food?" "It is not of your business". And I can go on and on.

The facts I based it all on was on a private conversation I once had. I got the idea he only worked 2 or 3 years after graduating. If that is wrong my story collapses totally. However I do stand with my calculation that you need 60.000 EUR for 5 years in Thailand with 3 boys average per week. And I cant believe he was able to save that with his little work experience. I do stand with that. And I do stand with the fact that employers hate huge gaps in resumes. That it will not be easy for him to find a job. A well paid job.

May 9th, 2016, 01:42
It is nothing of my business indeed.
So why harp on about it? Quit posting until you have your facts straight.

I cant believe he was able to save that with his little work experience. I do stand with that.
And do you think any of us care for what you "believe" or "can't believe"? This is a thread to thank ChristianPFC for his contributions and to wish him well. Yet your only contribution is to say you don't believe his history, you make up fairy tales and you pour iced water over what you regard as his future.

Remember what you said in one of your posts in October 2014 -

My God. I am going to quit with this forum. Your guys are sick.
You even added in the same thread -

I have a brother who is a psychologist. I will let him read this and my threads in the other forum, he will be able to come up with a psychological profile of your guys. Curious what it will be like.

Maybe you should take your own advice! Quit! Funny how you have been accused of trolling before! Your continuous harping on this thread wreaks of one thing - TROLL!

May 9th, 2016, 03:59
Sorry Fountainhall.

I do stand with my calculation that you need 60.000 EUR for 5 years in Thailand with 3 boys average per week

That's weakest point of your calculation: he is young and don't have to pay any money for to have boys in bed.

May 9th, 2016, 06:49
I for one am very grateful for his contributions and wish him all the best in finding a new job back home.

Christian, wishing you good health, good fortune and a prosperous career.

May 9th, 2016, 06:53
Sorry Fountainhall.

The facts I based it all on was on a private conversation I once had. .

A private conversation should remain private, not divulged on a public forum.

May 9th, 2016, 19:09
That's weakest point of your calculation: he is young and don't have to pay any money for to have boys in bed.

you obviously don't read his blog - he makes regular long detailed posts about his efforts per per month "to have boys in [his] bed", most of them highlighting the money, effort and time exerted for what even he admits is a usually pitiful result

it seems "being young" might not be the only requirement for a free but still satisfying sex life in Thailand


May 9th, 2016, 19:28
As for ChristianPFC's finances and how he does it, he has explained it to me. Instead of speculating, those of you who really want to know, why don't you just ask him?

May 9th, 2016, 19:33
I agree with GBs comment above. Or better still, mind your own business. Christian does not owe anyone an explanation of his finances.

May 10th, 2016, 01:51
The issue for me is how strange it is how few people wonder about how he does it.

It would be my number 1 question when hearing the story about a guy like Christian. If there is no job, if there was hardly any time for saving enough money and no social security income, then there are not many other legal options left if you ask me (inheritance? parents died early?). It really becomes almost a total mystery then. And me, only me, no one else ever, has the guts to ask this question in a forum.

When it comes to 'none of your business' that is a ridiculous answer. You can answer such a question without giving too much away. Like "I have a job" (but don't say which job). Or "I receive social security" (but don't say if it is for illness or something else, that is private indeed). But the general idea HOW it is done can't be that much a secret (unless crime is involved). Many would love to know how he did it. I am sure.

May 10th, 2016, 02:11
Dude, who cares? It could be one of 5000 things. To give an example... I don't even have my grade 10, let alone high school diploma, and believe it or not, I was bringing in $35k USD/month when I was 20 years old. I'm unfortunately not making anything close to that now, but I was when I started my first software company.

You're almost starting to get as anal as Christian. Actually, that's quite difficult to accomplish... after all, he did request a photograph of the knob on my washing machine.

May 10th, 2016, 02:14
Dude, who cares? It could be one of 5000 things. To give an example... I don't even have my grade 10, let alone high school diploma, and believe it or not, I was bringing in $35k USD/month when I was 20 years old. I'm unfortunately not making anything close to that now, but I was when I started my first software company.

You're almost starting to get as anal as Christian. Actually, that's quite difficult to accomplish... after all, he did request a photograph of the knob on my washing machine.

Ah company. Yes that is a way to make a lot of money if succesful.
If I had that I would save 30.000 each month and retire after 5 years working.

May 10th, 2016, 02:16
Matt, if people are asking for a pic of your knob, just be thankful - for a quarter of a century nobody's had the least interest in seeing mine!


May 10th, 2016, 02:58
And me, only me, no one else ever, has the guts to ask this question in a forum.

Many would love to know how he did it. I am sure.
I don't see it as having anything to do with 'guts.' I don't see how it's anyone's business but his own, whether many would love to know how he did it or not. Curiosity does not make it any of your business.

I don't know what you would say if anyone asked you about your personal finances and where your money comes from, especially on a public forum, but I know what I would say if anyone asked me - After I'm through responding with a long, cold, Princess Margaret style stare, the rest of my response would not be a polite one.

The only reason I can see that might legitimize asking about christianPFC's personal finances would be if you're in his age bracket and want to live in Thailand under similar circumstances. Even then, I don't know why you would ask on a public forum rather than privately on a PM or meeting with him personally.

The one part of the conversation I had with him that I will mention, publicly or privately, is his finances are perfectly legitimate. There is no involvement whatsoever with any form of lawbreaking or criminal activity.

If anything more interests you, again why don't you just ask him? Have you even tried that?

May 10th, 2016, 05:16
I agree with the previous posts that it's not right to discuss another individual's sources of funding here.

I also agree with the post that suggests it makes more sense to retire 5 or 10 years early, rather than move to Thailand early in life. However, there will be exceptions to that guidance.

May 10th, 2016, 10:08
What is so utterly ridiculous about AsDaRa's constant harping on about things which are absolutely none of his business is his total failure to understand that none of us are him - AsDaRa. We all see life from a different perspective, we all have different priorities, we don't necessarily do what conventional wisdom says we should. When I started my career decades ago, conventional wisdom dictated a graduate should spend at least four years in his first employment. That illustrated commitment, dependability and all that crap. Well, I left a highly coveted job after less than 17 months because I was just plain bored.

When I quit another job and moved to Hong Kong 37 years ago, a city and part of the world I knew virtually nothing about, conventional wisdom as showered down on me from all sides was: don't stay more than 3 or 4 years or you'll be forgotten back in the UK and find it difficult to get work when you return. That was total hogwash. Even though I never did return to live or work, through visiting business colleagues at least once each year and through a degree of success in Asia, far more people there knew about me 10 and even 20 years later than had ever known me when I left.

Several times, I have quit good jobs without another to go to. One was in an exciting business I wanted to learn more about. It paid reasonably well, gave me first class intercontinental travel and business class regional travel, 5-star hotels and meant meetings in places like Sydney, London, New York, Vancouver, Honolulu . . . Having learned what I wanted, I quit after less than 3 years. Some thought I was crazy but it was what I wanted to do. I then chilled out for a year before deciding what I wanted to do next.

Thankfully we are all in control of our own destiny. We have zero obligation to let others, apart from partners and family, know what our objectives are or how we go about financing the life we lead. Did I rob a bank? None of your business!

Take Gaybutton's advice, AsDaRa. PM Christian. If you don't and you continue your idiocy here, your troll status is proven! Or . . . . wait a moment! Is it perhaps shere jealousy on your part hitched to an almighty dose of self pity? After all, you also said this after your first ever trip to Thailand in October 2014 -

I feel an idiot for not having gone there sooner. I have missed out on a lot. All the fun I could have had in the past years.
But then I didn't see many guys younger than me. Most men I saw were 45 or up. Yet I wished I had gone there in my thirties.

May 10th, 2016, 10:40
my theory is that he is a farang MB........peddles hois blond lilly whiote ass all over BKK to wealthy HISO Asians who love blond boys....

May 10th, 2016, 10:57
Is it perhaps shere jealousy on your part hitched to an almighty dose of self pity? After all, you also said this after your first ever trip to Thailand in October 2014 -

I meant with that that I wished I had discovered Thailand as gay holiday destination in my 30s. Not for living there.

Yes I am jealous about everyone who can live in Thailand and not needs to work. I am sure every Farang wants that too, who now needs to work back home and travels 2 or 3 times each year to Thailand. Most are looking forward to that moment they can retire. You can call that jealousy indeed. Someone who is about to die, is I think very jealous about people who are healthy. Someone who is poor and hardly can buy enough food to stay alive, will feel a form of jealousy every time he sees a well paid fellow citizen with an iPhone 6. I mean what is jealousy? Is a person jealous when he wants something another person has? Say you want the new iPad Pro, you plan to buy it in 2 months, and now you see someone with it on the street, are you then jealous at him? What is jealousy?

You make it sound like it is a bad emotion. But in my definition everyone is jealous all the time. All sick people in hospital must be very jealous at the healthy ones. Is it bad for them having that emotion? You make it sound like it is something to be ashamed of.

But I really am interested in how he did it. I asked him once in pm. And the answer was not very clear. I got the idea from that conversation he said "I saved money". But at the same time I also understood from this conversation he only worked for very few years after graduating and went to Thailand then. He had a job there with Thai pay (not Western pay) which he quit very soon. Then I did some calculations and couldn't believe how in such a short time of working he could save so much that he can stay for 5 years in Thailand. I think the question is warranted. Lets see if he is willing to answer. Where is he by the way? He lost his Internet connection?

May 10th, 2016, 14:18
I think the question is warranted.

So far, the only one who thinks the question is warranted is you. Everybody else, including me, apparently feels it's just none of your business, no matter how desperate you are to know. If you absolutely must know and didn't understand his PM response, ok - send him another PM, ask him for his telephone number, open your wallet and spring for a phone call, and talk to him personally about it. If that fails, I suppose you'll just have to struggle through life without knowing christianPFC's personal financial affairs.

May 10th, 2016, 15:32
I also appreciate Christian's informative blog and contributions. They save me time and money and sweating about in Thailand going to places, like saunas, which are really not my thing. I don't think anyones's finances should be a topic on a public forum unless they are accountable to the public in some way. That clearly doesn't apply here. And when many Thai people are so poor it could put someone at risk to suggest they have any kind of money. It isn't that hard to find Christian, for example, on other social media.

May 10th, 2016, 17:17
I've always found ChristianPFC interesting and entertaining, and I couldn't give a flying fuck where he gets his money from - it's none of my (or anybody else's) business.

No offence to Christian - but it seems to me that a person who analyses and records the price of a fairy cake, really doesn't need that much disposible income to survive in Thailand in the manner that fits his personality.

I wish him well in whatever he chooses to do next.


May 10th, 2016, 23:24
And for those with half a brain it isn't hard to work out how Christian might have sustained himself during his time there. I believe he worked as an ESL teacher for a while. After that...private classes or online teaching would be easy and if done correctly rather lucrative as well. A decent ESL teacher with a good reputation can easily command $60 per hour.

May 10th, 2016, 23:26
I think he started Silk Road.

(just kidding, btw... just pointing out how absurd the conversation has gotten)

May 11th, 2016, 09:21
A decent ESL teacher with a good reputation can easily command $60 per hour.
Sorry, arsenal, but the truth is slightly different. Since the secret will eventually come out, I guess now is as good a time as any to reveal all. As we know the aforesaid subject of this thread travelled expensively around the country. He wrote and posted photos of those travels on his blog and in some chat rooms. He told of some of his exploits with some of the guys he met - but, dear readers, not all. For he had a secret - ooooh!

He is a German national. The owner of some bars in Soi Twilight happens also to be German. Christianpfc was in reality what in football terms is termed a scout. He would seek out the most attractive and willing young men, obtain proof of their abilities and then recommend them for employment in the establishments of his fellow German. For this, he would not receive a fee. Instead he would have his detailed expenses reimbursed (and we know how exhaustedly detailed these were, don't we?) and could obtain a certain number of tip-free offs each month from each bar.

Of course he sometimes criticised the running of those particular bars in his writings. And he wrote a lot about how he'd be put off by tattoos, mooks, skin temperature not to his liking etc. But, I must now admit, that was all just a smoke-screen to mask the truth.

So AsDaRa, I have resisted revealing this, but your persistence has finally worn me out. Oh! and by the way, in case you had not realised it before now, pigs really do have have wings.

May 11th, 2016, 11:35
Anyone else wish the edit time was longer than a mere 15 minutes? In the second line above, "expensively" should be "extensively"! :eek:

May 11th, 2016, 11:52
I obviously don't believe Mr. Fountainhall's story. I don't think bars need scouts.

But now I am having a second moment of mystery. Where is Christian? He is not online in any of the forums for some days now. I know in most planes there is no Internet, but a flight is only about 11/12 hours direct to Germany. This thread is now a few days old. And all the time Christian has not been online? In this age where everyone is online all the time (via smartphones, tablets, computers). This is a bit strange. Of course you can be online and not replying on forums for days (as I do, if there is nothing interesting going on), but not replying in this thread where people wish him well (not even saying 'thank you') makes me think that he indeed is not online at all for some days now. Removed apparently from any option to use the Internet. Isn't that strange?

I guess just like wondering how he paid for it all these years, I am most likely also the only one wondering how it is possible someone can be offline for a few days in 2016. I am very strange apparently. I am thinking about stuff others don't think about.

May 11th, 2016, 13:16
It is obvious why Christian is not online currently. He is undercover and incognito looking for a replacement for himself. As Fountainhall has so cleverly deduced, Christian is in the escort recruitment business. Now that he is hanging up his condom it befalls to him to recruit his successor. No doubt he has a 'perfect profile' and anyone not fulfilling the criteria exactly can expect short shrift. So while I doubt that any of you would be suitable candidates but if you fancy the job I suggest you get your CV posted off asap.

May 11th, 2016, 15:58
The truth is, Christian is now in Argentina taking good care of a very, very old German ex-pat who emigrated there about 70 years ago. Once the old gent passes away, Christian will be able to resume "la dolce vita" without monetary concerns.

May 11th, 2016, 16:21
... I am thinking about stuff others don't think about.

You're almost right:

You're thinking about stuff others don't care about.

May 11th, 2016, 16:31
The truth is, Christian is now in Argentina taking good care of a very, very old German ex-pat who emigrated there about 70 years ago. Once the old gent passes away, Christian will be able to resume "la dolce vita" without monetary concerns.

In that case Christian shouldn't be delayed too long - by my reckoning the very elderly person concerned turned 127 last month.


May 12th, 2016, 09:47
Christian is alive & kicking in Gay Thailand Forum.

Brad the Impala
May 12th, 2016, 19:39
Christian is alive & kicking in Gay Thailand Forum.

He surely can't be ignoring the summons from the Chairman of the Sawatdee Finance and Select Affairs Committee, Mr BaBa AsDa, to account for his financial situation.

All vistors to Sawatdee know that the price for the privilege of posting here is that they may be summonsed by said committee for scrutiny of their situation.

Perhaps the summons just got lost in the post.

May 14th, 2016, 00:46
There is a rumour that Adolf's remains are there and someone has to keep
the flame going.

May 14th, 2016, 09:15
There is a rumour that Adolf's remains are there and someone has to keep
the flame going.
Pure speculation! Recall that his dreadful doctor was in the experiments business and was rumoured to have found a way to keep his master alive. Both clearly must keep far from the public, not just for historical reasons but because the experiments have turned that famous moustache bright pink! A very queer development indeed!

May 14th, 2016, 09:30
Recall that his dreadful doctor was in the experiments business and was rumoured to have found a way to keep his master alive.

See the movie "The Boys from Brazil" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H58H_kAZZsY

May 15th, 2016, 02:09
Thanks to everyone for their nice words and well-wishing.

I am back in Germany. A long trip (Mon-Fri) shortly before my departure, a lot of sorting and packing in my room in Bangkok and settling in Germany has kept me away from this forum for a while, but regular contributions to forums and blogging will be resumed soon. I could stay online all the time, but choose not to when traveling.

AsDaRa, your numbers are wrong. I spent only two years on holiday in Thailand, at expenses of 30 kTHB per month estimated. That's a total of 720 kTHB = 18 kEUR. I would just have to save 1000 Euro per month for 18 months.

How often I pay and how often I get boys for free, see my monthly reports or accept my estimate of 50/50.

I am still working on how to display my 2 years of holiday in a positive way in my CV.

May 15th, 2016, 04:40
I am still working on how to display my 2 years of holiday in a positive way in my CV.
A long "Gap Year" Studying Thai and becoming fluent should be a good start for the CV.
Although it is excellent, I suspect you should NOT include a link to the blog.

May 15th, 2016, 10:41
I am still working on how to display my 2 years of holiday in a positive way in my CV.
I am sure some creative writing can explain it away in a very positive manner. As goji suggests, becoming fluent in an Asian language the better to absorb Asian "business" cultures sounds good and could perhaps aid your return to this part of the world quite soon. The nature of the business need not be gone into! ;)

May 15th, 2016, 14:42
I would just have to save 1000 Euro per month for 18 months.

Good Luck to you and I hope you find a well paid job soon.

But saving 1000 EUR a month is not easy. My working live is now 20 years. I started immediately after graduating from University. My income is good, better than average here in the Netherlands. But I can not save 1000 EUR every month. I can only do this if I really pay only mortgage, food, energy bill, internet bill and insurances. And nothing else that month. And that is from a salary with 20 year experience. (I must say I have a huge mortgage, house prices are expensive here; no partner, so all costs I have to pay myself; mortgage is 33% of my income after taxes).

Guys who start working in the Netherlands, their starting salary is maybe only 1600-1800 EUR after taxes. Impossible to save 1000 each month. Unless you live at your parents home, they pay your food, you don't need to give them money for lodgings. Yes then it is possible to save 1000 EUR every month.

You saved for 18 months 1000 EUR? From a starting salary? The huge majority in the Netherlands (no matter if you just start or not) can not save this every month from their salary. Most are already happy if after paying their fixed costs there is a few hundred EUR left. Did you live at your parents home?

May 15th, 2016, 14:57
A long "Gap Year" Studying Thai and becoming fluent should be a good start for the CV.
Although it is excellent, I suspect you should NOT include a link to the blog.

Being in Thailand as a young man for some years is looked upon with a knowing smile.
I mean each time I go to Thailand my colleagues know what I am going to do there (they even say it out loud). My friends know. My family suspects. Because a single man travelling 3 times every year to Thailand, then after 2 years they suspect the reason why you go. Thailand is the sex tourism destination. They aren't stupid.

If your resumé says you lived in Thailand for 2 years as a young male, then your employer knows what you did there. I am afraid some employers rather not hire you then. For others it won't matter. Lets see how it goes.
But prepare answers for questions like "Why Thailand, why not China or Canada"?

Better not answer: "the twinky guys there look so beautiful and it only costs 1000 baht to fuck them". I don't think it is smart to give that answer. For some left wing employers they will see this as Western abuse of poor Thai guys. You have people like that. And even if you not give this answer, some will suspect you paid for sex and if it is a left wing guy it can be an issue and you will not get the job.

Brad the Impala
May 15th, 2016, 15:12
You saved for 18 months 1000 EUR? Did you live at your parents home?

Did you notice that there is a unanimity amongst the other posters on this thread? That this is none of your fucking business, and that it is inappropriate to be asking these personal questions here. What part of that do you not get?

May 15th, 2016, 15:22
But I can not save 1000 EUR every month. I can only do this if I really pay only mortgage, food, energy bill, internet bill and insurances. And nothing else that month. ... Did you live at your parents home?
I did exactly that, without the mortgage. I did not live at my parent's home.

When working near Paris, during week, I used to study Thai language or read work related books in the evening, no expenses. On the weekend, I went to Paris for sightseeing, at a cost of less than 10 Euro per day (public transport, walking, bring sandwiches and water).

These two years in Thailand come at high cost: no health insurance, no pension, difficulty to get started again in work.

May 15th, 2016, 15:36
These two years in Thailand come at high cost: no health insurance, no pension, difficulty to get started again in work.

Thanks Christian. I understand it now more, how it was done.

You took a big risk with no health insurance. But it saved you another 4000 baht every month (I pay here 100 EUR every month for health insurance).

May 15th, 2016, 15:57
My working live is now 20 years. I started immediately after graduating from University. My income is good, better than average here in the Netherlands. But I can not save 1000 EUR every month
You really are a man of some contradictions. You say you have been working for 20 years after graduation. So presumably you are around 42 or 43.

I must say I have a huge mortgage, house prices are expensive here; no partner, so all costs I have to pay myself; mortgage is 33% of my income after taxes
So you have no partner. Yet in July 2014 before your first visit to Thailand in October, you wrote this -

My boyfriend and I are first time travellers to Pattaya.
OK, did your boyfriend not contribute to your mortgage? OK, so perhaps he did not live with you. But on the same day you then wrote this -

We will be in gogobars, massage salons, etc. Won't use the beach that much. And with hopefully some hot boys in our hotel room :-)
So you were definitely going on a holiday a deux. Not sure about the nature of your relationship, but you sure seemed to forget about him in the posts you made after your return -

Was for the first time in Pattaya (Boyztown) and it is amazing. A truly gay paradise.
Nice, cute, friendly boys who seem really to like to have sex with you.
Of course I am no idiot, they do it for the money, I know. I know not many 20 year old boys truly lust for a 50 year old man. But yet they seem to enjoy it. Or they are very good actors. Even when payment has happened, they still hug you, kiss you. A European escort would never do that. After the sex he takes his money and goes away. Thai boys are different.
Funny how your partner is never even mentioned. Did you really mean we? Did you and he engage in threesomes? Why not mention that as others would be interested? And it appears you are actually 50. OK. That means you graduated at 30. Certainly possible, but when did you go to university and how did you finance yourself before you graduated? I am merely curious! And yet again you tell us what you did - but you did it on your own, not with your partner -

I for example took one with me to diner and another to a shopping mall (all besides the sex of course; which is the prime reason to have the boy in the first place).
So where was your partner during all this time, I wonder?

You saved for 18 months 1000 EUR? From a starting salary?
As stated above MANY TIMES, this and all your other questions are absolutely none of your business! Just as the questions in this post are none of mine!

May 15th, 2016, 16:04
gee wiz fountain...what r u...a detective!!! well done.

May 15th, 2016, 16:08
I had a boyfriend but we not lived together. We had our own place. The "50 year old" was an example, I didn't state it was my age. In fact you are closer to the mark where you infer I am 43/44. You are very close even, maybe even a 100% hit. It are no secrets for me. How can it be a secret for anyone? I thought age was something only women didn't like to reveal.

May 15th, 2016, 16:58
The "50 year old" was an example, I didn't state it was my age. In fact you are closer to the mark where you infer I am 43/44. You are very close even, maybe even a 100% hit. It are no secrets for me. How can it be a secret for anyone? I thought age was something only women didn't like to reveal.
Yet in response to a comment by a447 about how it's possible to cum 2 or 3 times a day, you wrote this -

Ok, what is your age? 40s? 50s?
Maybe you are right. The only reason I haven't tried it myself is, that I am afraid the next day I can't perform. So I will give it a try next time when I am there. I will then try to get 2 orgasm a day.
I do notice that the longer the holiday lasts the more I need to invest in foreplay to get aroused and an erection.
In the start of the holiday the boy only has to undress and I get hard, but after a few days I need foreplay to get myself into it. Also maybe because in the back of my mind there is that fear I can't perform. Maybe its only psychological. Also the 5th day you get hard as easy as the first day? Or you need longer foreplay also?
For a man in his prime, the observations about not being able to "perform" are extremely curious - observations that I'd expect a 60 or 70 year old to ask, not a man in early 40s visiting an exciting place like Thailand for the first time! But then it's none of my business!!!

May 15th, 2016, 17:41
Huh? I perform quite well. 2 times sex each day in Thailand. And this means: two orgasms every day. Only at end of trip it takes longer and some times I only orgasm 1 time a day near the end. I think that is pretty normal for someone in his 40s.
More than two orgasms a day is very rare. No matter the age. Or am I wrong there too?

May 15th, 2016, 19:30
i think AsDaRa is a447

May 15th, 2016, 19:43
Doesn't that depend on how long AsDaRa can keep going? As I recall, a447 is renowned for his stamina ;)

May 15th, 2016, 19:53
If I have to believe some members of the gay Thailand forums that I know about, they have no problem having 4 times sex each day. And when I ask: "Define sex, is this always with orgasm?" then they answer: "Yes". I find that hard to believe, no matter the age of the Farang.

But for some "sex" is just jerking off together, or blowjobs, without necessarily a resulting orgasm. In that last definition I can easily have 10 times sex each day, day in day out. In my definition however ("sex" is where you get an orgasm) I can do two times each day for a few days in a row. Since my holidays rarely last longer than 1 week in Thailand, 2 times each day is normal for me. If my holidays were to last say 4 weeks, then I would not be able to do that. For 4 weeks, every day two orgasms? No, I think it would be very hard. But my consolation is it would be hard for the average 16 year old teenboy also. Not because of my age which Mr. Fountainhall so correctly guessed. That gives me some consolation. That I am far from alone. That the huge majority of males share this with me, young and old.

a447 is very exceptional, UNLESS of the 6 times sex each day he only orgasms 1 or 2 times. Then he is quite normal.

May 15th, 2016, 21:11
Doesn't that depend on how long AsDaRa can keep going? As I recall, a447 is renowned for his stamina ;)

I think my so-called "stamina" is a bit overrated. On holiday I normally only cum twice a day. That's hardly exceptional.

Granted, the two sessions are full-on and I'm exhausted every time as they tend to be quite long. But I actually stop for a rest in order to catch my breath. Some of the guys who top me don't need to take a break - they can fuck forever. Now, that's what I call stamina.

AsDaRa, where on earth did you get the idea that I have sex 6 (!!) times a day??

In my dreams!

May 15th, 2016, 21:42
The '6 times' was just a number, not to be taken seriously. But from your reports many get the idea you go from boy to boy to boy. I had estimated you to have more than 2 times sex each day in Thailand. So you are like me. In a one week holiday in Thailand I orgasm 2 times each day, but near the end it can happen there is a day where I cum only 1 time, or not at all.

'Stamina' as you describe it is phyisical condition (physical fitness). Sexual stamina is for me how often can you orgasm? Even very fit males find it very hard to orgasm 2 times day in day out for a prolonged period. Someone who can do that has sexual stamina. I can do it for about a week. Some say as a teen they could orgasm 4 times every day, day in day out, month after month. I find that hard to believe. But like some people are born taller, some smaller, it can be a matter of genetics. That the orgasm ability is in some bodies much faster restored. Some bodies just need longer time to get charged again. So DNA.

May 15th, 2016, 23:58
If I have to believe some members of the gay Thailand forums that I know about, they have no problem having 4 times sex each day. And when I ask: "Define sex, is this always with orgasm?" then they answer: "Yes". I find that hard to believe, no matter the age of the Farang.

Wrong AsDaRa;

May 16th, 2016, 00:33
Wrong AsDaRa;

I believe in 4 orgasms a day, but not day in day out, week in week out, month after month. I think there aren't many males who can do that without forcing themselves to it. But like with everything, these are always people who can. DNA has given them a body which restores very fast after orgasm, while the restoration process in other males is longer. Like some humans have 11 fingers, but the majority have only 10, so I am sure some males can every day orgasm 4 times without much hassle and effort; but the majority will not. They can do it only for short period. But maybe I am wrong. I however can't do it, I tell you that.

Brad the Impala
May 16th, 2016, 20:28
I believe in 4 orgasms a day

As an alternative to god your belief has it's attractions.

May 17th, 2016, 10:49
It has been a while since we had a survey.
How about one on orgasm?

May 17th, 2016, 11:05
It has been a while since we had a survey.
How about one on orgasm?

What do you mean? Everyone member can make survey at forum. Just create a new topic and add survey there.

May 17th, 2016, 11:38
I suspect such a poll might be difficult to draft given all the various possibilities - average number of times per week over a year, average maximum number of times per day in a year, maximum number of times ever in 24 hours, maximum number of times now in 24 hours, average number of times per week on vacation, average number of times per 24 hours on vacation, maximum number of times in 24 hours on vacation, how many times in the morning following how many the previous evening . . . Then, do you also have to factor in ages, since one of AsDaRa's points is that the number reduces as we age? And how about taking things like viagra etc. to enhance performance? Is that included? Too complicated for me! I just do what comes (sic) naturally!

May 17th, 2016, 12:19
I saw a newspaper story recently about whether men can fake orgasms. I certainly can; as soon as I'm bored by a partner I start faking the ending. Condoms help the effect as few boys are going to examine their contents. Times a day - well, at 71 I can manage at least one a day if there's the opportunity and twice a day if there's a few hours' break between and I'm sufficiently turned on. I find money boys in their early twenties who claim that they can't have an orgasm now because they had a wank many hours before unbelievable; obviously they think I was never their age (when I could happily manage 4 or 5 a day). They're never given a second chance.

May 17th, 2016, 12:55
I find money boys in their early twenties who claim that they can't have an orgasm now because they had a wank many hours before unbelievable; obviously they think I was never their age (when I could happily manage 4 or 5 a day)
In defence of the money boys, my guess is that your 4 or 5 a day were spurred by desires of a sexual nature (as with most of us around that age). But the body's key sex organ is the brain. I doubt if the average young Asian money boy finding himself with a couple of much older farang over the course of an evening is going to find his brain anywhere near as compliant as ours were, the more so if he is straight and his girlfriend is expecting a good time after work. An explanation perhaps - not an excuse!

May 18th, 2016, 13:46
I can easily come (or is that cum) 4 times/day when confronted with cheap Thai butt waiting to be used for the price of a bottle of average wine in a restaurant. By day 3 i will be popping 1/3 of a kamagra pill tp keep me motivated. i usually holiday in Thailand for 10 days and will most definitely fuck at least twice/day...sometimes a lot more...depends on who's next on the grimdr list.
When I get back home after 10 fuck filled days I dont even get night erections for the first 3 days...almost like I'm in deficit and my system needs recharging. At home I have sex probably not nore than 3 times/week.

May 18th, 2016, 14:11
Last several posts are OFF subject....and this story line is really not of interest as you can tell only a couple of posts..make a new thread and permit the original post and subject to get back on track...

May 18th, 2016, 18:31
oh go play with sharp razors not so bluesky...why dont u launch a new topic instead of hurling stones...

May 19th, 2016, 13:21
well latintop...no one really gives a rats ass how many times a day you do it.....I sure don't ...boring...and now the blog is DONE...

May 19th, 2016, 22:27
IF he does it at all